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Fantasy Blades In the Wind Roleplay [Talk to Kirby3178 to Enter]


The New Guy
In the beginning, there was a light, it spoke the world into existence. First, a race of humans was made, their names, the Jackalions (in Vienovaian that means Aura-bender). They thought the power to use a natural force called Aura. Aura is a material that makes up everything, like water, the air, the soil, etc. They controlled this power and used it to build their civilization. For 6 days the Jackalions built their Empire, then, on the 7th day a secondary race of humans was created and they were called the Jingi (meaning "powerless" in Vienovian). They met with the Jackalions and soon after they welcomed the Jingi, the Jingi raided the villages. The entire race of Jackalions was almost extinct and in modern day Vienova, this day is known as the Day of the First Sin. The Jingi built their own towns in place of the Jackalions'. But, the Creator recognized their sin and created another race but, they weren't humans. These creatures were called Titans and they were massive, destructive beasts that lingered over the Humans for a 15-year period called "Gaia's Wraith." It was called this because of Gaia, one of the most powerful Titans. After the 15 years ended, the Titans Yeah the task of creating another world and, once the creation of the other world was finished the Titans called it Oregolen (meaning Elemental-Controlled). 6 smaller worlds were made inside of the bigger one and along with those worlds were 6 Kings. Yeah

After Oregolen was created, the Titan's Creation Power was taken and a selected few were given a title known as Advent. Advents are guardians of the Afterlife, the rest were transformed into Seraphim called Iexia. Then, Savior one day realized that a powerful relic called the Liber of Eden has been taken. So Savior assumed that Lucifer took it and demanded that the book be returned, and Lucifer said that he didn't have the book. But, Savior didn't believe him and proceeded to attack him. Meanwhile, in the other 4 worlds, the same problem sparked. Soon enough a war broke out called the Six-Tiered Collision. Eventually, the lost relics were found in the hands of an Advent by the name of Inze Ill Gon. He lost his Titan and Time powers and was locked in a box called the Tainted Altar. Also, a dimension was made called the Banishment and this is where he serves a life sentence. Now, in Modern-day Vienova, a lot of things were changing...
"Got to get home, got to get home" I mumbled as I failed to run in the 2-foot deep snow of early winter in Gale Forest. My legs, hands, feet, thighs, there were all numb, almost to the point to where I felt like my feet were going to give out on me. Then, it happened, I collapsed and soon after my eyes were closed.
"BRAVEN!, BRAVEN!" exclaimed a muffled voice.
"Huh? What's going on?" I asked,
"Thank the Creator that you're awake!" out broke the familiar voice of Norman Orewood, the almost always drunk, Scottish gatekeeper.
"What in the world are you doing out here, it's dangerous"
"I was running an earned" I replied
"I guessed that; come on we need to get you out of here"
So Norman hauled me into the gate and sent me on my way. The city was just waking up, so the streets were next to empty. Dragnolia, the capital of the country of Tourem, got its name from a territory war where the Dragnolia Gaurd Branch was so outnumbered by the Ripcora Gaurd Branch, that they dragged wounded soldiers to field hospitals and those soldiers would get back up and fight again.

Lucelle Berekhart

LOCATION: Lucelle's horm

Magic Type: Physical Empowering

Armor: Light elvish armor
Weapon: Courtknight's Bastardsword

Lucelle as it turns out, had been having a far less exciting day thus far. She roused early from her half-sleep, her reverie that Elves enjoy, and taken to her light, early morning exercise. Unfortunately in the confines of her room. The weather outside was dreadfully cold. Her main desire was to avoid the outside and it's biting winds as much as possible. Until there was a task to do, a quest to take on, Lucelle would give her best impression of a hermit. Sat upon a cushioned seat in her comfortable living room.
She took in the so Human design of the place. Wood and stone, pleasantly rustic and simple. A far cry from her homelands white marble structures, gilded and glinting in the sun, sweeping, spiraling towers reaching for the skies. She often longs for home, but not enough to return. Not yet. "Wonder what work I will find today..." She muses to herself. Lucelle's rent was coming up, and she wants another job to live more comfortably.

After a while of relaxing, Lucelle goes to look out the window in her home, on to the cities main street, to see what is going on in the city.
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"Well, I better get home before Clara yells at me for being late" I moaned as I began to stroll through the awakening roads.
"BRAVERY SYNO!!" exclaimed a voice, turns out it was Clara, my sister.
"Well, looks like I was too late"
"Braven! where were you, we need to go and pick up our swords!"
"Yea, yea, I know that's why I hurried back here but, I kinda fainted"
"Umm yeah, is that a problem?"
Then, we began a conversation that lasted for at least an hour. After we realized that the town was finally filled with people, we scurried on to the blacksmith shop.
"Hey, aren't you friends or something with this blacksmith?" I asked
"Yeah, she's in my Guild" Clara replied
Clara is a member of a guild called Morning Star, a guild that specializes in community service and helping with quests, like any other guild.
Finally arriving at the blacksmith shop, a small wooden sign read 'The Harushadori Forge'.
"The Harushadori Forge?" I thought, "that name sounds familiar"
"Umm Brave?" Clara tapped me on my shoulder to break my trance.
The shop was fairly spacey, weapons of all kinds displayed proudly on two walls while a mahogany counter sat at the other end of the room from where we entered.
"Hey, Ruby are you here?" Clara called
"Clara is that you?" called back a voice, and then a girl rose above the counter, she wore a white tang top shirt and some ruffed-up dark gray pants.
"Haven't seen you in a while Clara" the girl said, "Oh and who is this?; Is this your boyfriend?!"
"RUBY!!" Clara shouted, "HE'S MY BROTHER!!"
"Anyway, can we please have our orders?" I interrupted
"Oh of course, here you are"
Ruby gave us two swords sheathed, one with a dark gray sheath and the other with a white sheath. I was the first to look at my new weapon, it was a Longsword with the blade a little wider, and the hilt (handle) was wrapped in a combination of orange, red, and brown grip and a tiny chain dangling off of the rest that connected to the handle. Next, was Clara, her weapon was a Rapier with an abundance of light blue crystals encrusted into it. It also was decorated with different shades of blue on the hilt and handle.

"Thank you so much, Ruby, these swords are truly beautiful!" Clara thanked
"Yes, thank you for giving us these," I said, sheathing my sword.

After leaving the shop, we then went to a tailor to get armor. I got a red trench coat and under that, I wore an iron breastplate, dark blue tang top, iron gauntlets, and boots. Clara got a purple skirt with a long-sleeve shirt, although this shirt was covered in light-weight plates that seem invisible and so was the skirt.
Lucelle leaves her home. She takes a visit to the city's blacksmith, Harushadori forge. A rather foreign sounding name, the sort Lucelle hadn't expected to hear in a place like this this. She came to the blacksmith, with a shoulderbag.
"Ruby." She calls, looking for the places owner. When she comes out to the shops front area, Lucelle presents the bag. "I've got some things that need to get sharpened." The elf explains. "A whole bunch of knives, and," Lucelle places her sword on the counter "I'd like to have my sword sharpened."
Ruby nods a few times, and gives the price for all the work that needs to be done. Lucelle begrudgingly pays up the coin. Money was getting tight for her.
David trudges through the knee deep snow.
How long could it have been since I've left the last town?, he think to himself. He regrets not bringing a torch with him, that way he could melt the snow and continue easily.
"Where is that blasted town?," he yells to the snow. Up ahead, he finally sees the light of the town. David tries to hurry to the town, only to fall deeper into the snow and become wet and cold.
"Just what I needed," he sarcastically pronounced. Once he reaches the town, he heads for the inn.
The next day I was up early because today was the day I joined my first Guild. I slipped on my coat and strapped on my gauntlets, boots, and sword then headed out the door. The white snow drizzled in the morning light as I made my way to a place called the Application Station. It was a place where you would apply for any job you could think of, from tailor to shopkeepers and even Knights that protect the city. Arriving at the station the door seemed to unleash a wave of papers.
"Oh no, I left the papers too close to the door again!" exclaimed a small boy rushing to retrieve the papers. I rose underneath from the mound and the boy screamed.
"Calm down, I'm just here to apply for a Guild," I said
"Oh well, if that's the case then come inside"
The small space stunk of old worn paper. At first, the place seemed like a library but, as you look around that thought is quickly drowned out.
"OH!" said the boy, "where are my manners, my name is Max Ari"
"Nice to meet you, Max, I'm Braven Syno"
"So you're here to apply for a Guild, correct?"
"Yes I am, I need the address for a Guild called KingsWolf"
"Ahh! Of course" he squealed as he slammed a large leather book with a lock on the desk. Opening the book the room was immdently filled dust.
"Let's see here; KingsWolf, KingsWolf, here it is"
Not a moment after I saw that address, rushed out of there with excitement in my face. I ran through the streets trying not to kill myself running into lamp post again.
Coming to a screeching stop, I gazed upon my new Guild Hall. The structure was about the size of Town Hall,(Town Hall is a building where the courthouse is and many offices for officials.)
and it was covered in a mixture of blue and silver pillars and silver arches.
Braven walked into the hall, banners and posters have been plastered all around the chatter of friends and guildmates echoed throughout the room. Braven walked down an ile of tables to the very back to the bar. A man with a brown vest and cream colored shirt stood there with a big smile as he approached him.
David awakes the next morning a little tired. All of last night was spent singing and dancing. He tried his voice, it sounded hoarse and terrible.
David got dressed and headed into town looking a guild. He noticed a place with a line of people. As he got into the lien, he heard them speak of joining guilds, answering his question. When he gets to the front he signs up for Kingswolf. He heads towards the specified building. Once in the colorful building, David heads towards the back seeking more information.
"Why hello there; Are you here to apply for KingsWolf?" the man asked
"Umm yes sir I am, and I take it that you're the Guild Master?"
"I am indeed, my name is Levi Takahami, but just call me Levi"
"Ok nice to meet you, Levi, I'm Braven Syno"
He then printed the Guild emblem onto my hand (the emblem is a wolf howling with a crown on his head). Then I knew that I was officially apart of a Guild.
"Well, now that you're a member of KingsWolf, you can now take jobs from our request board, or just meet some of the other members."
"I assume the same goes for me?" David says as he walks towards Levi.
"I'm David Thomas, it is a pleasure to make your aquaintance," David says.
He looks around and notices the many paintings across the wall. He wonders where all of them came from and their stories behind them.

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