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Fantasy Blade Royal

Oh no >.< coming from pretty basic rping this is intense.... Idk how I'm supposed to do this. Each post is like a paragraph. Teach me ur ways sensei!
Well... First you have to eliminate any fear and then you have to perfect what remains.
Then you end up writing something insanely long like...




"It's been quite some time, hasn't it? Ariel? Or rather, would you have me call you by that name you've chosen among living with the Kortsy family? What was it again, that inanimate ideology?" Something was wrong, it was cold, the voice was clear, but at the same time, had a hum to it, as though it was by echo in the back spaces of her mind. It was cynical, and at the same time, comforting, conforming her mind into a state of peace, completely oblivious to the pain that was slowly starting to build in her leg and back. She felt tightened, restrained by something, but it wasn't physical, it had a mental grasp on her, and it was holding tight. W-Wait, what's going on... Who are you? What am I doing here... Wait, are these my thoughts... Can't be. It's impossible. The tightening grew rather firmer until she felt a searing pain rip through her form, whatever form it was. A-AGHHHH!!! W-What is this... What're you... Doing to me?

"Ah, I remember now... Light, yes, that's what they called you... An essence of... Goodness? Purity? No, valor? No, not even that... You seem to have taken that name on for a personal preference, oh, I see now... Hope." His voice was piercing her, tearing her insides out as it uncovered all of her secrets, whatever it was, she seemed to know about it, and it about her. "Please... Do your best not to struggle, this process will be quick, and should you defy my willpower too much, I'm afraid this will be impossible and you'll become a terrible monster." She gave pause amid her secluded screaming, What could it mean by that? What does it want with me...? "I'm afraid my dear that your questions will be answered in time, just... Not yet." And as the words escaped the being's lips, she felt and ease pour over her, like water, as it grew warm and remained so, sliding down her body like a fine oil. "You've fought hard young warrior, I think it is time I gave you rest, and your answers."

Some time would pass, eons it seemed until the pain had subsided, her form grew gentler, and she could allow the smooth warmth to be the only occupation among her. It had taken some time, but after a long time of delayed absence, her icy-blue optics opened, gazing up at a marble ceiling. She was cold, though, there was light, it was hard to see, due to the mist that was hanging just above her head. It was warm, much as it had been for the elevated time that in which she had spent in the isolation of darkness, nothingness. In truth, she was adapting to the light once more, having to squint her eyes and form a protective barrier for her sensitive lenses with her eyelashes. She attempted to speak, to move her lips which had never felt so new, nor so old. There was no sound to be heard. Her throat was parched, completely dry, a well of and arid tunnel. Light took in a deep breath with her nostrils, inhaling the fresh scent of water, which, as her ears became more aware, she could sense was right next to her. No, not just beside her, all around her, there was a soothing sound of fresh water which sent a feverish chill up her spine.

There was a groan, and naturally, a sharp grunt as she sat up, raising a protective hand to her head to keep herself from going blind, it was at that moment that she gazed down and looked at her bare body, and for some queer reason, she didn't care. There was no shame in her nakedness, instead, occupying it, was a sickening feeling in her stomach. That... Can't be...? She stared as she reached her left arm down, her bandaged leg now straightened, however, there was a decent crimson stain on the white wrap. My leg? It's... Looking better. Who...? Her question was abandoned by the recklessness of curiosity as she managed to peek her eyes open, staring at the water around her. A faint blue light resonating from it reflected a golden ceiling above her, one filled with splendid lights, casting their rays down upon her and the area. She scooted her body closer to the edge of the platform that she resided on in the center of the pool and dipped her legs in the warm water. She let out a soft moan as it licked at her body and encouraged her to move the rest of her body in.

She had the temptation, however, she was caught by something fascinating, there were bandages around her torso as well, wrapping around her waist and chest, covering her back. She turned to look before her, and that's when Light saw it, or rather, she saw the absence of, there were no wings, just a back. Complete with her spine, flesh, but no wings, not even a lump of quartered wings, nothing. She looked up toward the ceiling again, her mind already buzzing in thought, Where... Are they? Come to think of it, where is here? It doesn't feel like a place in heaven, and most likely not earth, this definitely isn't hell... Where am I? A small chinking of a ceramic set on the marble platform behind her caused her to jump, but only weakly as she spun, turning to stare at a figure. A woman. She had carried a plate of food, meat, vegetables, fruit, bread, and a goblet, all on one tray as it made its peaceful reside next to her. "Master believes you should eat. It's been a long process, on you and him both."

Her voice was young, a higher pitch to it as she stared at the baffling woman, or rather, now that she was looking at it, creature. It bore similar resemblance to and elf, something in which humans had created in their minds as a sort of fantasy, her ears were pointed, jet black hair fell down in perfect lines, she wore a plain white dress, no shoes or boots to her feet. She was utterly beautiful, her jade green eyes spoke for her, and for some reason, the comfort of it made her feel a little more at ease. She began to turn herself towards the food as the elven girl gave a soft smile, her white-toothed grin providing her clearance to eat. She wouldn't question the will of this girl nor the master, for it had been several days since she'd last eaten. She ate slowly with the silverware provided as she could feel the calories pumping energy back into her body.

She then took the goblet from the girl's hands and drank, wine, whether it be a favorable choice to her or not was not up to her, but rather her body, which was craving anything it could to soothe the pain. As she felt the maroon colored liquid drag itself into her stomach, her larynx was loosened and she could finally move her tongue. "Who are you? What am I? What happened to me? I'm supposed to be dead, right? I... I'm so confused, please answer me something." The girl only occupied the time with silence as she cocked her head and stared at Light, "I would answer your questions, however, I am not at liberty to answer before my master does." She gave as pleasant nod as she stared at the bare woman, "He would speak to your first, but you need to be properly dressed and bathed." She give another small smile as she pointed towards the rushing water around the two.

Light nodded, "Of course." She turned to the water as she ran her fingers along her bandages, removing all of them, however, what she saw on her exposed flesh made no sense despite the pains and cramping she was feeling internally. All of her wounds had closed, and she only stared onward in bewilderment, No way, is this for real? Of course, it was, everything around her was real, the pain, her feathery blonde hair that ran down her back, everything was real. But, at the same time, it made no sense, she couldn't comprehend what was going on.

Amid her deep concentration, she let her body slip into the water, feeling the warmth overcome her as she floated casually. Her head just perked so she could breathe as her hair seemed to disperse in the water below. It extended like fragments of angelic feathers, hovering lifelessly for a few moments. She shut her eyes and dunked her head in. When she re-emerged, she found find fragrances in the form of bottles and a many number of oils for her choosing. Light formulated her fingers around one that soothed her liking, after taking a sample of each, she'd chosen like one that smelled of lily flowers, and fine sugar. She rubbed her body down, cleaning thoroughly as she stepped out of the massive pool. On the ground awaited a golden yellow towel, which she picked up and placed around herself, moving along a central platform that was now forming, leading to a doorway.

As she entered a hallway, she spotted a window and found herself flocking to it like a bird, her eyes baring witness to infinite nothingness that surrounded the structure, but one thing was for certain, this was definitely a house. She traced her fingers along the pane as she gazed, becoming lost in thought as stars filled the sky, this was practically an atmosphere long beyond that of Earth’s, which had led her to question, Who was it that saved me? Her pondering would only lead to more, she needed answers, and answers she was determined to find. She rubbed her hand along her shoulder softly as she went back to the bathing area, standing just outside the doorway as she began to head down the never-ending hallway until greeted by another feminine creature, this one bore a similarity to that of a nymph. A fairytale creature who looked more woodland than anything. She had hair covered in leaves, a fair face, and a rather thin form, however, unlike the elven girl from before, she had a much more mature look to her, perhaps ten human years above her.

She raised a brow as the nymph spoke, “Greetings Ariel, welcome home, I would wish you to be well? Is that the case?” She looked Light’s appearance up and down, “Wonderful! You look simply refreshed, oh so beautiful dear, I knew my husband was correct about you, a wonderful design… Yes, simply flawless!” She clapped her hands together in excitement. “Well, much to your unannounced arrival, I have been given the direct orders to take you to your room where a spare change of clothing awaits you.” She giggled as she grabbed Light’s hand, tugging her along gently. Ya know, her attitude doesn’t reflect her age, not even in the slightest… What a strange woman.

They passed through several hallways before arriving at a very distinct one with a silver frame. However, on the trip, Light had taken time to glance inside each of the rooms, creatures, some with more human appeal, and others without, there were rather bizarre beings. Nymphs, elves, dwarves, machines, little creatures that hadn’t the aptitude for a name, all of them, seeming to have some sort of a connection to one another, and to make things worse, there were dozens of them.

She stopped as the nymph turned to her, “Pleasure to be seeing you dear, this would be your room- Oh, how rude of me, I’m Melinda, pleased to meet your acquaintance.” She extended her hand in a welcome greet, which Light took reluctantly, “Please… The pleasure is all mine, though, if you don’t mind, I go by Light now.” She cast a sorrowful glance for no intentional reason as she raised a brow, “Light, huh? You really cast aside your name my hubby gave to you?” Light looked at her, “I… I have no idea what you’re talking about…” Her confusion was met by a shaking hand which resulted in a hearty laugh from Melinda, “Never you mind, he wants to meet you soon, though, we’ll give you a few hours to settle in, I’m sure the others will be more than happy to meet you.” And with that, the nymph ran off in the other direction, no, not ran, rather, she skipped off, a slightly hum to her lips as she disappeared around a corner.

Light gave pause, she was a warrior, one suited for combat, what was she doing acting so calm, and having a lighthearted conversation with a creature that didn’t even exist. She rand a hand through her hair and sighed as she turned back to the door which loomed over her like a tower. “Wow… Massive doors, you think they could’ve given me something a little less?” She took her first step towards the structure and pushed the heavy oak open, to reveal a very quaint and fine room, one fit for royalty. “This has got to be…” She walked in, shutting the door behind her with her foot, “A terrible mistake.” She took a look at the lavender, “I swear to… That’s not my color!” She grumbled, making her way to the foot of the bed where a set of clothes lay sprawled.

She could tell at first glance that these would be terribly humiliating, and once she had tried them on, she knew why. The singular white cloth wrapped around her like a dress, however, it only covered the essential parts of her body that she needed covered, wrapping around her like a coil, to which revealed much of her curved body. She let out a sigh, “What sort of pervy master do these people live with?” She ran a fingernail along the bottom of her nose, scratching an itch that had been there long before she saw the revealing clothing. However, being in its presence had only made it worse.

As far as she was concerned, she had a lot of time to kill before she went to meet this ‘master’ of everyone. And to her surprise, she found herself flopping down on her bed. “One extreme after the other… First I die, now I’m going to meet a mystery man…” She paused, “Wait a minute.” She stopped talking, letting her far more supreme thoughts take over. I died!? Yeah… I did, but wait a second, what happened, I thought there was no more after death, I literally died in the afterlife. So, let’s recap, when humans die, they either become angel or demon, and I became… No, I was born angel, I have no memory of being a human… This doesn’t make any sense! Dammit… She tightened her fist as she pursed her lips and wet them. There’s something far greater going on here, my soul should’ve been lost to the river of souls, never to be disturbed… She laid her hands on the bed behind her as she sat, legs crossed, Right, I should be resting in that river in heaven. No one, not even demons would dare disturb it, there is some bad karma that comes from that, yep, totally bad karma. My only concern is, why am I not resting in it? Why am I having a thought process? And why did I hear that voice so long ago… It sounded so familiar but there was no face to match it to. She found quick comfort in a sigh as she stared out into the empty nothingness that resided outside of her window. The single candle on her table had been lit upon entry and cast a weak glow upon her body, illuminating her form.

“What on earth is this place?” And in that moment, she heard numerous footsteps running amok outside her doorstep.

“Hurry guys! We’ll be late for dinner!”

“Yeah, yeah, we’re coming!”

“Hey, it’s not my fault, you guys were made to move faster.”

“Oh well, just keep up, it’s not like it’s that hard!”

“Maybe not for you twigs, but for an elephant of an orc like me, this is downright impossible!”

“Who cares, let’s go!”

“Wait guys!”

“What do you want now-?”

“Isn’t this the room of that new girl?”

“Yes, I think it is… She’s probably resting, we can meet her at dinner, Melinda can retrieve her later.”

“Yeah… You’re probably right.”

“Last one there has to forfeit their dessert!”

“You’re on!”

Silence. There was immediate silence following the rather uncalled for outburst as the footsteps rushed off down the hall. Her eyes were wide as she gazed at the door, “Did she say…?” She shook her head, “I’m dead… Totally dead…” She put her hand up to her head, feeling the subtle warmth that indicated her health, “No way… Not dead, but this is…” She turned her head to face a picture and immediately gasped. “That can’t be?” She gazed at it some more as she sat upright, grabbing the photo and looking at it under the candle light. No… That’s… Me? I… I remember that, it was when I graduated the academy, just after I had been promoted to guarding the Kortsy family, but… There was no one else there, just the three of us. She tried to wrap her brain around it, there were certainly the other two commanders in the military who were shaking her hand, but the picture was taken as if in perspective of another person. They were each in the photo, “But how…?” She pinched her nose with her thumb and forefinger as she shut her eyes, gingerly rubbing out onto her eyelids, “Who is this ‘master’?”

Light took her time to absorb the shock as she laid back in the bed. Her hair softly forming onto the pillow as it poured over the soft cotton with golden rays. She ran her hand along the strands, thumbing them together as she began to relax. “This… This is real, all of it, but…” She flung her legs to the side of the bed and stood abruptly, “I’m never gonna just find answers sitting down.” She strode over to her mirror as she pinned up her hair with, ironically enough, the same feathers she used to adorn herself with when she was alive. She know had a loose bun on the back of her head and gorgeous feathery blonde strands hanging on either side of her brow. She moved to the doorway where she slipped on heels, after having fought them for around a minute.

She opened her door and proceeded out into the hallway, Dinner huh? Her thoughts were once more interrupted by the rapid approaching footsteps that lead to the nymph rounding the corner the same way she had left, “Heya hun! I didn’t expect you to be up, it’s really quite interesting seeing how you’re already ready…” She looked her up and down, “My goodness, you look heavenly in that dress dear…” She giggled, “Oh, listen to me, using lesser terms again. You look magnificent darling, no words I could say would express such emotion, come now, dinner is in the main hall.” Light walked over to her, “Hold on, I have a question for you-“ The nymph cut her short, “There’ll be time for that later, for now, we’ve gotta get you to Vakhall.

“Vakhall?” She was willing to go on further with a flurry of questions, but the gently hand on her wrist and tug led her to the way the nymph had come, “No time, let’s go, the others having been waiting anxiously for you.” The two began to speed along.

“Hey, wait, why are they all waiting on me to show up?”

“Silly angel, when a creation has been recovered, everyone rejoices, you’re the guest of honor tonight.”

“Naturally, everyone is waiting on you. Especially Vakhall, my husband. He’s been most anxious for your awakening and desperately wishes to speak with you.”

“For what cause?”

“Eh, I dunno, I never ask. His business is his own, I tend to stay out of it.”

“Er… I’ve got a lot of questions…-“

“Ask him when we get there!”

She gave no further comment as she was led rather helplessly towards a seemingly massive double door room. They seemed a near two hundred stories tall, and she hadn’t she slightest clue as to why. Instead, she let out a low whistle, “Now that… Is impressive.” The nymph turned to her and smiled as she raised a finger, “I hope you’re hungry.” She raised a brow as a faint glyph appeared on the door, responding to the touch of the nymph, and with her touch, the door creaked open, revealing a massive and lengthy room. The ceiling was nonexistent as she was quickly flooded with the light of hundreds of chandeliers. She covered her eyes and heard a great mass of cheer, pounding, and whistling.

As her eyes adapted and she managed to see, the first figure to draw attention to her eyes was as a three hundred foot tall giant, a stone creature with red light underneath its stone armor. The applauding went on for quite some time as Melinda whispered in her ear, “Spotlight is all yours kiddo, knock ‘em dead.” She disappeared down the dark corridor as she was left facing the massive crowd. As the applause began to fade, it became silent as a bunch of rather dysfunctional voice exclaimed, “Let’s see them then!” And in unison, to her surprise, the masses began shouting, “Wings! Wings! Wings! Wings! Wings! Wings!” This chant continued now, lasting about as long as the applaud did, however, this chant wasn’t stifled by the gradual flow of time, rather, this was a man, who emerged from an overhanging ledge at the back of the room. “Silence to all!” And the crowd obeyed, several smiling, others looking hurt from having gotten so out of control.

“This angel has had her wings removed only to be repaired, she’s gone through much, so welcome her, not only a sister, but as a warrior. She suffered a dramatic severing and she will be unable to fly until our team of workers have finished them!” And the crowd cheered, causing a small crimson blush to spread across her face as she walked forward, she shrugged her shoulders up and lowered her head as she pursed her lips. However, much to her liking, or rather, relief, despite her being unable to fit in, she was quickly flagged down and waved at, the elven girl who had served her in the bath sat around a circular table amongst others. She was with four other beings, two male, two female. Light sat down, crossing her legs as they looked at her, the elf shared a slight smile along with another female.

“W-Wow... You look stunning tonight…” The elf remarked as she laid her hand on her fork, shaking with nervousness, the male next to her, rather tall, fine features, and skin like fire, spoke rather haughtily, “It would seem Gee has a little bit of a crush!” The elf, who now bore the name Gee in Light’s mind turned an even deeper shad of crimson as she hid her head, “Sh-Shuddup Maersk! It’s not funny!” Light looked at him rather interrogatively, “Okay… Thanks for the warm welcoming, I’m not sure what I’m doing here, there’s no one I really know, and so may I ask you all a very important question?” The other three members of the table turned to look at her, “Where the hell am I?” They gave pause as they blinked a few times, and simultaneously burst into laughter, except for Gee who seemed to take her question seriously, her young voice chiming in, “Shut up guys! We should answer her…” It was the turtle boy that spoke up, “Approximately, you’re in a dimension you’ve never before entranced, finding yourself in, which would deduce your current situation as one most dire. It would seem that you’re rather pickled as far as your deduction of this issue…” Light blinked at him, “You don’t have the slightest clue what you’re talking about… And you have no idea what a majority of those words mean, do you?” The light blue skinned male pushed his glasses up as his head began to retreat into the natural sized shell on his back.

“My name is Aegam. This here is Rochelle…” He wrapped his arm around a very unconvinced girl who slid out of his grip, two fangs appearing from the upper part of her mouth, “That there, well, that’s… We call her X. We don’t know her real name… She refused to tell any of us and continues to refuse, now she’s sworn Vakhall to secret. The brown haired girl, who seemed far too aggressive and large to be a woman shot the boy a glare, and he bowed his head into his shell until his mouth was hidden. Light sighed, “Listen, that really didn’t answer my question, yes, it’s a pleasure meeting all of you, but might I know, where I am?”

“We call this Realm Zero. Or, for short, Zero.” X turned to face Light, sticking out her meaty hand as the massive battle-axe remain strewn to her back. She extended her arm, gripping tight to the outstretched hand which possessed a far greater strength than that she could muster, nearly crushing her. “You’re weak… Your grip is line a gummy, your muscles aren’t toned, and your skin is too soft.” She receded to sitting in her rather lonesome corner of the table, leaving Light and the others rather wide eyed.

“Damn X, consideracy?”

“I’m only stating the truth…”

“Seriously X, you could’ve hurt her feelings.”

“You know what, I’ll bet it’s because of the recreation, the process must’ve taken long enough for her body to become warped out of shape, that’s happened to all of us, let’s be honest.”

“Not me…”

“Well, you’ve got lava running through you, you don’t technically count, you don’t have skin, not like the rest of us, and you’ve got that… Rocky muscle. Still too hot to touch!”

“I thank you for the compliment.”

“Not a problem.”

“Seriously X, that was rude, apologize.”


“Hey, please, I don’t mind it, really, she’s right…”

Light tensed her arm and saw a pitiful excuse for a muscle form, “She’s right, whatever happened to me after I died… It’s still affecting me.” X moved her hand to a ham that rested in front of her, and in one massive bite, munched off a massive end, “You’re not gonna get anywhere with that sorry excuse of a body.” She licked her fingers savagely, “You might think death got you out of trouble, nope, not here, here, it’s way worse. Cause, unlike dying in our realities, if you die here, you suffer the pain, and so much more, there is no instant of nothingness, no, there is pain. And your body undergoes… Reconstruction. The medical staff here restore us, consider this… A dimension for warriors. One that allows limitless combat, while keeping the pain and death all the more real, however, rebirth comes after a loss. And with that rebirth, a loss of combat power. Keep in mind new blood, you’re fresh meat here, everyone is going to want a crack at you.” She ran a finger along her nose, “And you’re gonna get killed… Over… And over… And over… And over…” The elf clamped her hands over X’s mouth as she jumped on the massive beast girl’s back, “Nevermind her… You’ll fit in just fine, I’m certain!”

Light shook her head, “So, I’m forced to fight again?” She looked around. The discouraged faces of the others around her, “Yeah…” They replied in unison, aside from X who just managed a grunt in response, halfway through the bone of her meal. She hung her head for a moment, “You’re looking at the lowest level of the social system here…” Maersk muttered as he munched down on what appeared to be a rock, a faint light coming from that as well. “Lowest level huh?” She glanced around, the elf pressing her two forefingers together nervously, “Yes, we’re ranked based off of a very simple system, defeating a certain number in the uniform that is given to us, will increase rank. We’ll take the rank of that being, in the event that we become stronger. And naturally, being defeated leaves us weaker than before. So, it’s hard for us to rise… We’re stuck in basically… A gap. The gap between anyone who is above our rank is far too large, we just keep getting beaten down as they grow in power.” Aegam groaned and thumbed his glasses to his head as he began to dig down into some disgusting looking food.

Light turned her attention back to the stone man, “We’re basically… The weakest of the weak, to make it worse, if a guild progresses as one, they could climb to the top, but most guilds are filled with beings of corresponding powers… And, well… X and I, we’re the only two fighters. Don’t get me wrong, the others try their best, but they have no natural aptitude for this sort of thing.” Maersk rubbed his brows as the stone skin collided with a soft chipping sound, “We can’t progress. Here’s how the system works, our personalized gear and armor, which we’re all wearing bears a number on it, the number is our rank, it will change with those that we defeat, and then there’s a second one that determines guild rank, naturally, we’re stuck at the very bottom. Everyone felt as though it was suddenly their duty to show her their brand, as she gazed at the marks curiously, Maersk’s: XCVI, X:XCV, Aegam: XCVII, Rochelle: XCVIII, Gee, XCIX. They all looked at her, a brand marked ‘XXII’ underneath their primary rank, “See now, that’s our guild rank. The Hammer’s Judgement. Totally bad asses? Right?” He sighed, “The top guild, “Crimson Sovereignty rule the dimension with an iron fist, taking orders from no one other than the top dog himself Vakhall.” Rochelle interrupted him, “They walk like they own the place, but really, it’s all talk. So, let me just ask what everyone else is thinking, are you gonna be a useful addition to our guild or not?”

Light looked completely puzzled, having half a spoonful of soup already on the way down as she began to choke, coughing it back up and then down the right pipe. She pumped her fist against her chest furiously, “Erhm, excuse me? What?” Her pause gave them all the right to let out a rightful sigh, “Of course… Figures she wouldn’t join us, no one is in to join the losers nowadays; we’re gonna be stuck here forever…” Aegam chimed, mimicking a silent tear. Gee raised her eyes to Light, “You know… You don’t have to fight, you could… Go join a club here, or… You could… Help me out…” Light raised a brow, “What are you going on about?” X snuffed her rather boyish self, “She is asking if you’d help out as a team medic, someone who treats the wounds of us actual warriors.” Gee went silent, “Th-That’s not what I mean, I’m sure she’s a kindhearted angel, one who would devote her life to helping others rather than hurting them, we could do something productive unlike you, all you manage to do is blow a fuse and try to kill me every time I’m treating you.” X snapped, slamming her massive fists down on the table as everyone else went silent, Light’s bowl flying into the air then falling to a crash on the ground, “That’s it punk, you an’ me, right now!” She pointed to Gee as the girl turned pale, nearly passing out. “Oh please no…” Light stood up, wiping her garments down as she went the opposite direction of all of the other rushing creatures to go witness the fight. Gee, as it turned out, was dragged out without so much as even a say in it. If Light never turned around, she’d never had to care, there was no reason to go back and deal with them.

She proceeded to the end of the massive structure, food spewed across the walls or left dormant on their tables as the beings shuffled themselves outside. She approached the man who’d spoken earlier, a silver haired man with cold grey eyes and young features, around her age. “Ah, Ariel… So good to have you back, it’s been far too long.” He raised a hand from the katana at his waist and waved them over the elevated space between them as a staircase formed. He walked down it, his heels clicking gently with each step. “No, Light, that was your name, wasn’t it? The one you wanted? The one that surpassed the one I gave you?” He had reached the center of the hallway and stood before her, nearly a head taller with thin features and a frayed beard pricking at his face. “Vakhall.” He extended his hand, “Pleasure to see you again… My daughter.”

She took his hand as her eyes widened at the mention of a family relationship, “Wait, what!?” Her superstition had been raised as she was pulled into a very amorous hug, hands stroking the back of her head, “Ariel… No, Light, my bad, you’ve grown so much…” She swallowed a lump in her throat, for some reason, she believed him, “D-Dad!? No way… I never knew my parents, you can’t be?” He touched her cheek as tears streamed down his face, “Yes… I made you.” She felt herself blush a little at the remark, “May we talk in private darling, we’ve got much catching up to do.” She nodded, and he led her up the stairs to the overhang, then out the door and along another voyage of passages before entering a rather fanciful room. However, rather than it being similar to the rest of the home in terms of gothic fashion, the room had a more human design, technology incorporated into everything, the ground, the chairs, the wall, even the television, massive as it was, that hung on the wall opposite the fireplace. He sat her down in a chair and in turn, sat across from her, rubbing his thumb on his chin, “My… You’re just as I remembered… Beautiful… Strong...” He tilted his head, “And a bit on the seductive side…” He laughed as she scowled at him, “I tease, I tease, don’t shoot.” He removed his katana and rested it on the chair as he folded his hands, “I’m certain you have questions to ask, much as Melinda told me, do feel free to shoot away.”

Her tongue had been loosened and this was just as she was waiting for, she began to speak in a quick and rather repetitive tone, “Where am I? Why am I here? On that note, who am I? Who are you? Why am I not remaining dead like I know I’m supposed to? So many… Questions, how are you my father? What sort of place is this, what are the motives behind it, please… Answer.”

Vakhall sucked in a deep bit of breath through his teeth, “Ari-Light… This is a realm beyond that in which you are familiar with, a master realm. One that has no beginning, nor end, though, I suppose, the events that you’ve undoubtedly been dragged into is one of my doing. You see. I’m God, at least, that’s what people call me in your dimension. However, your existence was a… Later project.” He licked his lips, “Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? Or at least, as far as I can remember.”

“I was around in the beginning whenever I had created time, you see, existence within itself had become and uncoordinated canvas, one that held no promise, but instead, it was the same exact chaos that I created, playing with them much like a kid plays with his toys. However, toys don’t move, and after millions of years of the constant playing and rather childish behavior, well, quite simply put, I grew bored. So, I began to create organized units, my first, was a tad bit… In short, chaotic. Not much of an improvement from the last. However, it was through various experiments that I invented by far my greatest tool yet. Free will and growth. I gave beings the right to think appropriately and to develop, naturally, with their work being done, I would take their ideas and use them as my own in the mindset of creating a personal society for myself. So, I began to make things, different worlds from that of the one you know, and I take very personal projects under wing, when they die, I bring them here, to fight eternally. A rush of excitement, now that they know there is no real consequence in death, it leaves them constantly struggling and fighting, climbing to be the best, and naturally much as it is similar in your realms; there is a sense of accomplishment, and a reward system naturally. Those of the victors make it to receive a massive amount of luxury, fame, and my overall respect. “

“However, it was amid this process of creating this personal enjoyment for myself that I formulated one final world, one that would also appease my entertainment. Earth. You three races have by far proven the most interesting, your will to drive you to do awkward things was quite intriguing. And naturally, I was moved by the beauty of this world, and I decided that with one special whim, I would create a being I would know as daughter. So, first, I crafted myself a wife, one who loved me even though often we act as a real married couple, we committed the act, and you were created. Sealed by an ancient bond that I have taken upon as a code of my own due to the simple enjoyment you have given me.”

Light blinked, “You left me… On that place, to die.”

“Much is the cycle of all things, however, in your death, you have gained eternal life.”

She ran a hand along her forehead, “I… This is a lot to take in.”

Vakhall smiled, “Darling, I love you, you know this yes? I’m sorry I never contacted you, but getting involved in my creation’s matters cannot be, so, naturally, until your death, we were never to meet.” The girl sighed a soft sigh as she looked at him with relaxed eyes, “I have two questions left.”

“Ask away dear.”

“I need you to bless someone, at least to provide comfort in my heart.”

“Yes of course, who is it?”


“The half-breed?”

“That’s the one.”

“As yes… Rather interesting coming up with a twist for him, his creation was, tricky.”


“A magician does not reveal his secrets.”

She gave a cheeky laugh, “Hehe… Shut it… Dad.”

He ran his hand across the back of his head as he looked away, “Yeah, well… Don’t oversell it, and your second question?”

“Where are my wings?”

“Ah, now those…” He paused, clearly trying to buy time as he could feel her eyes upon him. “Those… You remember how torn they were, correct?” Light nodded, “Right, well, we had them removed…” She stood up abruptly, “No-no, calm down. We’re working on fixing them for the reattaching, until then, you’ll have no aerial skill, terribly sorry, though, you’ll be happy to know we’re throwing a few upgrades in there.” His voice was very father like, and he had a very adaptable personality, one Light found favor in as she turned to him, “I want to begin fighting here.” He nodded, “That’s what I thought you’d say. I just need to let you know one thing.”

She tensed her fists, “Go ahead…” He cocked a smile as he gazed at her, “Like I said, I never get involved in my creation’s affairs. Even if you are my daughter, there’ll be no special treatment for you, you’d be entirely on your own.” A fire ignited behind her heart as her fists tensed, a smile creaking its way to her face before breaking way and coming out in a white toothed grin, “Damn Dad, figured I was special. Haha, I wouldn’t have it any other way!” Light’s eyes turned to her father’s establishing a connection as he watched her. “There’s a girl out there right now, one you feel sympathy for, and now you feel like she’s in trouble and needs a protector, so, without spoiling the details of the fight that is underway right now. We need to get you your personalized armor.” He snapped his fingers as a silver chest appeared on the table in front of her.

“You’ll find it, very homey.” He smiled as he folded his arms behind his back. She was compelled now, eager fingers opened the chest as she gazed upon it, the same armor that she had worn when she served as a guardian, only there was a far more ornate and thicker plating involved. “This is…” He muttered gently, “Look underneath.” She did as told and was more than astonished by what she found, the angelic blade, in mint condition. It was still in its scabbard, though, she could feel the power resonation from it. “Dad… I… I’m grateful.”

He laughed, “Don’t go getting soft on me, go now dear, and have fun, climb to the top, and maybe we may have another pleasant chat again.” She raised a fist as she slid on the armor overtop her clothing, only removing the heels to make room for the boots, “Fits like a charm.” She turned to him in awkward silence.


“Well what? Get going, NOW! She isn’t gonna hold out much longer.”

Light nodded and turned her heels as she kicked her blade up into her grasp, sprinting from the room and recalling her steps back to the mess hall, emerged in the overhang. She planted her hands on the ledge that overlooked everything and vaulted, landing with a roll on the ground as she sprinted toward the ruckus. The massive chain of bystanders went outside as she heard a rather repetitive cheering, but amid it all, she heard a girl, crying.

She made haste as she pushed her way through the crowd, at one point, making it outside, and to her surprise, as she looked up, she was in what seemed to be a castle, there was a sky above them and all, perhaps it was only once she was inducted into the society that she would begin to see the world form around her. She made it toward the innermost portion of the semicircle, seeing one enraged X slamming Gee against the ground as she cried and cried, wailing, practically begging for the brute to stop.

“X… I’ve almost gained enough power to unlock a new capability in my m-medicinal category… Please… Don’t kill me!” Her wailing grew progressively worse as X raised her axe, “Sorry sweetcheeks, you pissed me off good and no one gets off without it!” She pointed to the decimated body of Maersk laying on the ground, lava pouring out onto the grass. The moonlight reflected itself off of the blade, potentially blinding Gee as it came down with a very sluggish speed, but with an intense force.

Light had managed to make it through just in time as she caught the large weapon where the guard of her sword and scabbard collided. Her back was turned to X and instead, she faced Gee, “You know what, I’d like to take you up on your offer…” She cocked a smile as Gee wiped tears from her battered face, backing up slowly. “Th-Thank you…” Light nodded in her reply as she could feel the weight of X’s axe come off of her.

Gee sniffled as she backed up out of the circle and found herself a good perch to rest, sitting as she stared at one enraged X. The man-woman spat her rubbish of spit on the ground as her eyes glared up at Light, trying to pierce the armor of her mind, but to no avail. Instead, Light folded her arms as she strapped the sword to her back, “Tell you what. I’ll kick your ass. When I do, you gotta promise to leave Gee and the others alone.” Rochelle gasped from the crowd, accompanied by the nervous nail-biting Aegam, “Sh-She can’t be serious?” Rochelle held him close, “I think she is… She must actually think she can beat X, she hasn’t even had any time to train… She’s fresh out of the meat factory… There’s no way…” Aegam pushed up his glasses, “I dunno, remember that she managed to block the axe, with just standing alone, and she only flinched a bit.” Rochelle nodded, “This’ll be interesting.”

X scoffed at the offer, raising her arms in sarcastic shame, “Oh, of course madam, may I bow to your every whim just cause you’re the daughter of grandmaster… Not likely.” She raised her axe in both hands, “I’m gonna kill you, and then, I’m gonna whip the rest out of Gee.” The elf watched from her perch as she gulped, suddenly losing a little faith in her new friend. Light could see this, rather, she could predict that that’s what would happen.

“I’ll tell you what Gee, I’ll go easy on you.” She extended her hands, letting her fingers stretch out from within the white steel gauntlets, “I’m only gonna use my hands.”

X blew a fume, and charged her immediately slashing down horizontally as the blade rammed itself into the ground, Light was gone, nowhere to be seen, or rather, not to X. A soft voice carried above her head, “Yo… Who’re we looking for again?” Light was perched atop the brute’s head, upside down, balancing with her left hand as the other pretended to search for someone. X let out an infuriated scream as she slammed her head down, leading to Light letting go and landing gently on the ground next to the face planted giant.

“Wow… Dunno about you, but that really looked like that hurt… Well, did it?” She bent over to inspect the fallen brute, as she grumbled and felt her head go hot, “What’d you say…? Shrimp!?” Light cocked a brow, “I don’t think I taste that good…” And with that, X snapped, she swung from the ground at Light’s legs, giving little reaction time. Light reacted accordingly, as adrenaline took over, she hopped over the weapon, and, in turn, hopped over X. She landed on the other side as her feet planted into the ground rather firmly despite her newer found and lighter weight. Something was still definitely long, and she winced as her hand was drawn to her left leg. It, it hasn’t fully healed yet, dammit! X must’ve seen her hesitation as the warrior closed on her quick, slashing horizontally, then diagonally, both nearly connecting with Light as she was resorting to use her right leg for power pushing.

The assault continued as she fled back, further and further until she was pressed against the wall of the mansion-like castle. In an instant she could feel the axe coming down near her head. Just before she had time to react, a power voice emulated through the crowd. “Stop the fight!”

The axe stopped, inches from Light’s face. Her heart was racing, the fear of death was still all too real here, and she was caught, these warriors of this land were those of a different caliber. The voice had commanded a halt in the fight, she slowly opened her eyes as she saw a group of very powerful beings emerging from the group. A total of six, each armed to the teeth. One bore a strong resemblance to Maersk. To that, she raised a pondering question in her mind, Does he take several of his own types of creations? Her question was dimmed by the ferocity of the leader, who clearly spoke among them as the greatest, drenched in glassy black armor, four blades on him. Two shorts words on his hip and two longswords on his back.

“Now, X, you’ve know the rules, no damage to the external structure, fighting outside is against the rules.”


“Should you wish to continue your fight, may you please continue it elsewhere? In the arena perhaps?” This created a cheer from the crowds, whoever these people were, they were popular, and very well versed in knowledge. “Fight there, and you two can duke it out to your heart’s content, of course, and then, there’ll be more room for your bystanders to watch.” X hung her head as she slid her axe into the holster on her back, “You’re gonna get a quick breather shrimp, don’t expect any mercy. It’s you and me, thirty minutes in the arena. Be there.”

She sulked off through the crowd, puffing with fury and shame as she disappeared. Light had remained silent, completely frozen against the wall as the male with the glassy black armor approached her. “Ease yourself Light.” She snapped her gaze to him, “How do you know my name?” He laughed and waved his hand as to dismiss the comment, his azure blue hair swaying softly down to his shoulder, “I just know things.” He smiled as his horns on either side of his head came into view in the moonlight. “Rumor has it you’re a tough fighter, at least, in your dimension. But the people here have been training non-stop for quite some time, I doubt you’re just going to win with…” He looked her up and down, “Your bare hands you said?” He stifled a laugh as she glared at him.

With a clearing of his throat, he turned to her, “May we talk in private please?” The rest of the crowd shuffled off, either out of fear, or respect, but they obeyed the question that was only directed at the angel.

She swallowed as she crossed her arms, a trickle of sweat moving down her brow. Something about the male seemed off, he possessed a far kinder manner than most others she’d met, however, he had an aura of power about him that appeared unmatched by anyone. He extended his hand, “Ray.” She took it, “Light.” He blinked as he put his hands on his waist, “Listen… You don’t belong here, rather, you haven’t fit in just yet, and you’ve already picked a fight…” Light’s mouth gaped as she was about to protest, however, Ray extended his hand to stop her, the other going to his forehead as he looked up into the moonlight, “I know, you did it for that girl. You’re a very kindhearted person, but that sort of thing can get you killed here. Besides, she’s the second lowest ranked person here, aside from you that is.” He looked at her armor, she traced his gaze to the small symbol “C” that was carved into the shoulder guards. “Ahh, and you’re not even part of a guild yet?” He made a soft ‘tsk’ing sound with his teeth as he shuffled his feet a bit. “Listen, I don’t know how crazy you are, but even if you fight that girl, keep in mind, you’re out powered, out matched, and out… ‘weaponed’? That should be a word. Eh, I’ll think of the correct on later.” He glanced at the sword on her back.

“Most people here use two weapons, not just the singular… I’m not certain as to why you’re using that one in particular.” She reached her hand back and unsheathed it, tracing her fingers along the fine steel, “It has… Sentimental value.” He stifled another laugh as he let a soft chuckle escape, “You’re still going up against an opponent who fights with two, not just your singular blade.” This raised a point of confusion, “What are you talking about?”

Ray came closer to her, “Alright, here’s a little secret. X’s weapon is a two handed great axe. Making it seem like any other weapon, however, there is a secret to it, the double-bladed weapon can extended. A latch can either make them two shorter, single axe blades, or, she can make something like a polearm with two axes on either end. So, she’s rather versatile, and unless you think you can withstand all of that power with just that.” He pointed to her weapon, “You’re in for a treat.” He paused, “Or rather, a death.” Light squinted a bit, “Why are you so eager to help me?” He sighed, “Listen, X is a killer, there is no sort of chivalry in her dimension.” He ran his finger through his hair, his fine features becoming rather stunning in the late night air, “She won’t hesitate to kill, you however, you only fight when you have to, or if it’ll be so someone else doesn’t have so.” She moved her tongue to her cheek, he was reading her like an open book, “You’re reckless, and for that, you try your absolute best not to kill. If you were to fight her, I’m certain you wouldn’t end her life. You’d win the way a fight was meant to be one, with honor.” He bowed to her, “It’s a pleasure to be in your service, Ariel… Verashoth.” He grinned as he disappeared back into the mansion, heading on his way to the arena.

She was left along there as she gazed at her blade, “More than one weapon huh?” She sighed, “This is gonna be harder than I thought, what did I get myself into?” She went back to her room, to at least gather some sort of self-empowerment before the fight, however, it was the glint from a slightly opened closet that caught her eye. She approached it, opening it slowly. As she gazed down, she saw something along the lines of a shield, and a very sturdy looking one at that. However, it’s formation of steel and straps looked a little off, only after a few times of trying it on, did she realize that it was made to cover her entire arm. A full arm shield that stuck out just enough to where the surface area was sufficient, yet, it was light, matching her gauntlet perfectly.

She rotated her arms a few times before noticing a note stuck to it, she removed it with her right hand and read it. ‘Consider this… A welcoming gift, it’d be a great joy if you could win this for us. Also, may you consider this an invitation to Guild II, also known as, Harbingers of Justice.’ And with that, the note was signed with a poorly sketched on heart, ‘-R’. She let a subtle laugh escape her, she’d been invited by someone to join something, and if this was a higher up guild, second ranked at that, there was no way she would let them down. She moved her arm back and forth slowly, working the kinks out of it and finding the sweet spot, her elbow was exposed, the only weak point.

She let a faint smile cross her face, surely something saw small wouldn’t prove that difficult to manage. She paused amid her teased face, wriggling it as she shut her eyes and let a sneeze escape. She rubbed the bottom of her nose swiftly with her forefinger, “Someone must be talking about me…” She laughed, “Superstition, what a silly emotion.” She tightened the straps on her sword, making it hold tight to her as she exited her room, steeling herself as she prepared for the fight coming ahead.

After a few minutes of searching, she found massive doors which lead to an even more massive arena, where several of the folk, and some that didn’t even reside in the manner, sat. Folk in rich clothing, poor, some in armor, some not. Infants even. They wore themselves like a fine embodiment in the stone stands. All watching with judging eyes, then there was of course, the stone giant, taking up an entire section to himself.

The stadium within itself looked as though it was made for gladiators, having man-made rivers running on either end, two cages opposite each other in between them. Blood and bones stained the marble, burn marks, scratches, fissures even. It was a well torn field, leaving her to wonder what sort of battles had taken place there. She cocked a smile and tightened her hand. “Let’s kick some ass…” She made her way down to the underground area for the fighters and was directed opposite the direction of X. Who, upon arrival, glared at her coldly.

Light was taken down quite some stairs as a heavy door was opened by a man-servant who’d remained by her side. “We wish you luck, that you may die with honor, or live with valor.” She nodded to him, as she entered. And upon her entry, she could feel the door latched behind her, No backing out now it seems. She moved into the basic room where weapons and armor littered the wall. However, it was the central stand that held interest, food and drink. She approached the mug and sniffed up the scent, “Water…” She let a coy smile cross her as she brought the cup to her lips and tilted her head back, feeling the relaxation of a cool drink going down her throat. If she was going to die, she’d prefer it wasn’t of hydration.

She took a small nibble of bread before she heard the announcer’s voice, who, must’ve been a being made by her father, because no other person she had met could yell quite that loud, it echoed around the arena and underneath, giving her pause as she looked up, dust falling from the ceiling.

“LADIES, AND GENTLEMEN! AND OTHER ASSORTED CREATURES! WELCOME BACK TO THE ARENA, TODAY, WE’VE GOT A SPECIAL MATCH UP THAT IS FOUGHT WITH SOME PRETTY LOW RANKED FIGHTERS, EXPECT KITTY PUNCHES!” Everyone burst into laughter, “ALRIGHT, ALL JOKES ASIDE, LET’S WELCOME OUR FIRST CONTESTANT, THE CHALLENGER, X!” Everyone began to cheer as she was certain the brute-like woman made her entrance, and she did so in a very show-like manner, making sure everyone knew who she was, and apparently they did. “NEXT UP, THE CHALLENGED, I WOULD LIKE TO PRESENT, FOR HER FIRST MATCH, LIGHT! SHOW HER SOME GOOD OLD DIMENSION ZERO LOVE PEOPLE!” And they did, they were applauding as she skimmed her way up to the chambers that held her back. X rested in hers, a couple hundred meters away from her, clearly this place was made for some grand scale battles, and they’d have plenty of room. She moved herself out on the marble as the gates came down, getting a good view of everything. The style was very roman, her father, and in apparent, her mother, resided in a booth that seemed to overlook everything, much like at dinner, they had their special place.

Her mother, the nymph, waved her hand rigorously as Light’s eyes fell on her, and for that, it gave the angel a reason to blush. “Jeez… Don’t embarrass me too much, and almost as if on cue with her oblivious personality, she shouted out, “Atta’ girl! Make us proud!” Light winced, So, this is what parents are like? Damn, I miss being dead. She let out a slight chuckle as she hopped from one foot back to the other, stretching her legs, and then her arms. X just stared, unmoving as her shoulders moved up and down with each heavy breath that the angel was certain the brute was capable of.

“FIGHTERS! SALUTE YOUR CREATOR!” The announcer exclaimed, however, to little avail as X raised her axe to her chest, Light simple unsheathed her blade, letting the angelic steel gleam, “Dad… I need not salute you, you know how I feel deep inside; my respects will be shown to you through victory…” Her voice was a hush now, barely loud enough for the angel herself to hear it. But, for some odd reason, she felt as though her creator understood, and with a nod, the announcer gave one rather excited and enthusiastic statement, “LET’S BEGIN!”

The crowd roared as X approached Light rather quickly, the steely grizzled eyes still flashing in rage as she raised her axe, leaving light on defensive again she held firm to her sword in her right hand, “Listen…” She sidestepped the first slash which ended up being an overhand vertical, “Can’t we just…?” She bent backwards as the next nearly grazed her face clean off, coming at a horizontal angle. “Talk about it!?” X let out a fierce grunt as she spun the handle of the axe, colliding with the arm shield Light had recently received, and much to her astonishment, held up very well against the blow. Being forced to move a few feet, she kept with the momentum of the blow, obviously being unable to completely swap it around on a dime and risk having herself knocked off her feet, leaving her much more vulnerable.

“There was enough time for talk at dinner, now… I’m gonna kill you!” She came down once more with her axe, and Light repeated her reaction with the shield, taking the shock of the strike and transferring it into her right arm as she spun her blade around and rammed the hilt into the gut of her opponent. X staggered back a bit, she could feel the tension in the air as there was complete silence. X stumbled for a moment and then raised her now blood-red eyes, changing from the usual brown, “You bitch! You’re really dead now!” She spun out her weapon as it formed into the even deadlier polearm, something Ray had warned her against.

The assault began at X began to use a very momentous strike to keep Light on the defensive, moving back as the extensive range kept her from escaping on either end, one end of the pole coming down, and then the other, almost as if she was paddling a canoe. The impact was becoming stronger as her rage turned into a rather fearful ally. A single bit of sweat trickled down Light’s brow as the impacts grew stronger, leaving her teetering on the edge of the river, inches away from being knocked in. “What’s wrong Light, cat got your tongue, why don’t you hit back!? Huh!? Huh!?” Light raised her gauntlet as she swung her bladed pole like a blunt object and rammed her into the wall just above the water, she could feel herself sinking into it, the crackling of stone falling into the roaring stream below.

She coughed a bit as blood came from her mouth and she twitched her fingers to make sure she could still move them, her sword remained firm in her grip, at least that had happened. Rather, she saw X back up and dismantle her weapon into two smaller axes, laying one of them down. “Let’s get some target practice in… Don’t go anywhere little shrimp, this’ll be over quick enough.” Light tried to move herself, but despite not yet having recovered from the previous injuries from when she was still alive, her body wouldn’t have it. Instead, she began to aim most of her concentration into her left arm, twitching her fingers as she made a tight fist. She muttered under her breath, “Give it your best shot… Bitch.” The weapon took course as it landed right above her head in the stone, however, it went forward with blinding speed, leaving hesitation in the angel’s mind. “Whoopsie… I missed, next time, I’ll give that weak little neck of yours a trim!” She picked up the other one, raising it to her shoulder. She reeled back and flung it forward, releasing it with all her might, the deadly edge coming right towards her head.

She reacted quickly enough, despite the numbing pain, her arm outstretched and halted the blow. Instead of the shield blocking it, it remained, mid motion, caught in air almost, and with a more careful glance, it was indeed caught in the air. Her left fingers wrapped tight around the edge as she had halted the force with just the tips, giving her body more hope for actually winning that fight. Time to move you useless hunk, c’mon… She groaned as she dropped that axe into the stream and climbed out of the indent she had made in the wall, landing softly on the ground as she groaned, rubbing her hand over her armored thigh softly, Atta’ girl. She straightened her back out and rotated both her right and left shoulders, hearing a resounding popping. “Phew, that was a close one… You could’ve done some real damage there…”

X looked on in bewilderment that the girl had even been able to catch the strike. She backed up slowly as the angel readied her blade, “So… Where were we at?” X swallowed a lump of what appeared to be fear, but quickly masked it by her twisted frown, “Your death.” Light paused, “Ah, yeah, there’d be a slight change in those plans.” X readied her fists and Light sighed at the pitiful attempt, “I refuse to fight and unarmed opponent, gather your weapon.” She pointed behind her, “The one up there.” She walked past X and planted her blade in the ground, looking on in anticipation. The crowd cheered, practically roaring now. I think… I think maybe it’s time to take the gloves off, to kill this girl… She’ll just come back… It’ll come down to either her or I at some point… Might as well let it be one or the other. Light readied her sword. “Bring it.” X gritted her teeth as she readied her axe after retrieving it from the wall.

Her eyes flashed crimson optics as she charged, blood being the only thing driving her now, there was nothing pure any longer in this girl’s fighting. The first strike came, as fast as lightning and with as much rumbling as the thunder following shortly after, the impact creating a shock wave that spread throughout the stadium. Light felt a sliver of sweat run down her neck as her blade clashed with that of the mightier girl’s, no aftermath, just the two colliding, over and over again. The sparks flying as steel clanged, her shield made its way to defend her on occasion until she saw it, her advantage.

She’d begun to notice a pattern in the striking of X, she curved her right knee each time, leaving her susceptible to a leg strike, though, the idea seemed rather harsh, she’d prefer it if she didn’t die again. The process was long for her awakening and if this girl got ahold of her, she wasn’t sure how long the rebirthing process would take, weeks… Months perhaps. This was an all or nothing gamble, she had to take her senses up on the offer that they had presented. She dove as soon as the next strike came around, rolling underneath the massive legs and slashing twice on her way through, feeling her blade tap the bone on each. She spun herself out and back up to her feet as she readied her sword to a falling X. The giant hit the ground with a thud and the crowd roared.

Light looked upon her with a steel gaze, the grip on her blade even firmer as she raised it above her head, X shut her eyes and bowed her head. Just before the weapon came down, she snapped to her senses, seeing the weakened Deux before her. Her eyes softened and she backed up, letting her blade find its way back into its sheath.

She rubbed her face with her left hand, her shield covering her eyes as X let out a shaky scream, “C’mon, kill me! Just do it!” She began to crawl toward the angel. “Kill me!” Light looked at her and shook her head, “No, there’s no point in trying to convince me. I will not fight someone who cannot stand, nor defend themselves…” She pointed to the weapon on the ground several meters away. “No, I’m not going to continue this fight any longer.” X groaned as she placed her hands on the ground and began to push up, “Y-You… No… You’ll fight me! ‘Till the death! That’s the code my people live by!” Light turned her sharp gaze as she pierced the now brown eyes, causing them to go still as her lips pursed, “You shut your mouth! I refuse to fight! I don’t care what sort of code you live by, I have a code of my own, and it’s different from yours!”

X paused, hanging her head as she let her body slowly slump back down to the ground, “That’s… That’s what killed you, didn’t it?” Her eyelids began to close as she let out a final sigh, “You win, I forfeit.” The crowd burst into a roar and the announcer spread his cheery voice throughout the stadium, “THAT’S IT FOLKS, THE EPIC CONCLUSION TO THIS RATHER UNEVENTFUL BATTLE; THE WINNER! LIGHT!” Everyone cheered as the crowd began to die down and a group of males and females in white robes emerged from the entrance that X had had at her back at the beginning of the fight.

Light, understanding that it was probably best if she left, did so as she went to go find and meet up with Gee. However, as she emerged from the arena, she was greeted by two males, both in which she recognized. One was rather battered looking, and covered in a lava rock, with gentle eyes that looked far too cracked. “Heya Light… It’s Maersk.” And supporting him was a very kind looking male with two horns emerging from his azure hair. “Yo.” They approached, and as such, she met them halfway.

The tension it had seemed, had dropped, she could trust either of them, and they could trust her as she smiled towards the blue-haired male that cast her a quickened glance, “So… Light, offer still stands, your victory right there proves that.” He nodded his head in the direction of her shoulder. And, much to her surprise, as she followed his gaze, she looked upon a new insignia burning itself over the “C” That had been there before. Instead, the now simmering in its place was the rank she had seen burned into X’s armor. “XCV” He through a hearty laugh, “Well done, you’re making a name for yourself.” Maersk groaned as he leaned a little more on Ray, “Hey, leave her alone, she’s had a hard fight today.” Though, he did raise one stone brow as he looked at her, “What does he mean, ‘offer’?”

Light rubbed the back of her head, “I’ve uh… Been invited, rather formally to the Harbingers of Justice.” She extended her armor, “This was a… Gift.” Maersk’s mouth dropped, “W-Wait… We extended that off first!-“ Light interrupted him, “I know! I know… So, with that being said, Ray, it’s not fair if I were to take your up on your offer when I made a promise earlier. I promised Gee that I would join The Hammer’s Judgement.” Ray bowed his head respectfully, “Of course, I respect your wishes.” Light’s right hand went to her arm as she attempted to remove the shield, “Don’t bother… It was a gift, one that we especially designed to remain attached to your armor unless you remove the entire set. “Consider it… A welcoming gift, and one of friendship.” He groaned as he readjusted his shoulder to support Maersk, leading Light to move towards him and help with the other side, “Thank you… Ray.” He clicked his tongue as he spoke rather briefly, “Let’s get him to the infirmary, he’s lost a lot of his life-source. And dammit man! You’re heating up fast- Ow! Chill out!” Maersk laughed and nodded, “Right, sorry, lava blood, sucks sometimes.”

They all laughed as Ray lead from the other side of him, Light supporting a bit as she held up his right side.
All of that was a mini project. I have not yet perfected it but do intend to in time.

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