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Fantasy Blade Royal - Mechanics


New Member
??? Races ???

Humans- A race which can be DPS, or support, which is chosen when a person first joins and chooses the race. They do not hold any specific skill, but can train themselves to be better easier than the other races (Any added stats from that of items or other such things is also increased by +2. Starting health is 100).

They like: Pixies, and Beasts.

They do not like: Trons

There isn't much needed to be explained about them. You know what a human is, right? I would hope so...

Pixies- A race known for their magic, and speed. They can only be that of support. They are weak, but can usually outrun any danger (All Pixies start out with 10+ speed. Starting health is 80).

Fairy like creatures, that stand at a much shorter stature than all of the other races. They are very delicate, and can't take damage well, but usually have many choices of magical defense for attacks. They are known to be very attune with nature, and more gentle, in personality, than the other races.

They like: Humans

They do not like: Beasts or Trons

Beast- A race known for their strength.. They can only be DPS. They are quite strong, and quicker on their feet than most other races, besides that of the Pixies (All Beasts start out with 10+ attack. Starting health is 100).

A race of animal-like people, from birds, to wolves, and everything in between. They are usually quite a bit more flexible and strong than that of humans or pixies, but find the use of magic pathetic compared to their brute strength, to which they pride themselves on. Even so, magic can make things a little difficult for them, just like that of their Tron neighbors. They are usually known to be feisty, and always itching for a fight.

They like: Humans and Trons

They do not like: Pixies

Tron- A race known for their defense, and strength, They can only be Tank. They are slow, but have a great defense to make up for that (All Trons start with 10+ defense. Starting health is 120).

A race of machines and robotics, they are the largest of the races; standing taller, and bulkier, than the rest. Though, to not much surprise. Although they don't hold the same reasoning behind their desires, the Trons love to battle as much as the Beasts. Though, for them, it is more for sport, than pride; something which is just a side of entertainment, while the Beasts lay more on the line with their competitions and battles. They aren't known for holding a lot of emotion or care for others, and can sometimes be considered cold or emotionless.

They like: Beasts

They do not like: Humans, or Pixies.

??? Known Game Items ???


- Basic Attack Ring -

Allows players to only use basic attacks with that of their chosen weapons.


- Basic Sword -

+10 Attack

Comes with basic attack ring.


- Basic Duel Blades -

+5 Attack

+5 Speed

Comes with basic attack ring.


- Basic Dagger -

+2 Attack

+10 Speed

Comes with basic attack ring.

See Main Thread: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/blade-royal.140600/
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