Blackwall Academy

Rules of the Rp!

1: Minimum of one paragraph posts!

2: Don't be a jerk to other Rpers! That will cause you to get kicked out of the Rp so behave!

3: When you are having a romance do not make a descriptive post about a sex scene!

4: General RpN rules

5: Please don't post in the actual Rp thread! First offense you'll get a warning, second offense I'll ban you for a couple of days, third offense will be an entire week, and a fourth offense will get you banned from this Rp forever! [emoji35]

6: Have Fun! [emoji39]

The types of classes in the Academy!

Science- Mrs. Scarlet

Math- Mr. Blake

Music- Mr. Flare

Gym- Ms. Shard

English- Mr. Mcguffin

World History- Mrs. Drace

Royal behavior- Mr and Mrs. Duke

Cooking- Mr. Apple

Health- Mr. Rusty

Foreign languages- Mr. Moon

Chemistry- Mrs. Chem

Biology- Mr. Flash

Theatre/Acting- Ms. Shroud

Detention- Mr. Harvey

Principle: Mr. Haggard

Chief of security: Mr. Booker

Assistant: Ms. Ausser


Ahern and Shoin

Cody and Jaxon

Clarissa and Cerabella

Amelia and Aveline

Ada and Derek

Alexandria and Merri
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