Mind Over Metal, Metal Over Flesh
BlackRock Academy
The information here is subject to some change, and a lot of additions as the RP progresses.
It was a long ride. The dark black bus pulled up in front of you this morning, dozens of students already milling about, talking amongst themselves or otherwise dozing off in their seats. It's strange really, the moment you stepped onto the buses floor, the outside world looked completely different from when you got on, if you looked back, you wouldn't see your home. If you looked at the road ahead, you'd see nothing but a muddy, dirt road in a gloomy forest, blackened trees reaching overhead like jagged tendrils. It's hard to even tell when more people get on the bus, you don't see anyone walk through the bus doors, but everytime you blink or look away, it feels like another seat fills.
Excitement? Anxiousness? Worry? Perhaps a myriad of thoughts and emotions flood through you, or perhaps you're indifferent and uncaring for it all. Either way, today is your first day at Blackrock Academy; whether you enrolled yourself or were sent here against your will, the same sight awaits you all as the bus grinds to a halt. The windows seem to flash for a moment as the door creaks and groans open.
You didn't see the driver before, but as he cranes his head back to tell you all to get off the bus, it's a ghoulish site, the skin of the man's hand is withered, grey and extremely slender, almost to the bone, as if most of the flesh in his body has drained away. His face doesn't betray this idea either, the skin of his face is greying too, mottled and saggy, as if the skin is too big for the skull it's wrapped around; his eyes might look like empty sockets at a glance as well, though the slight hint of light reflecting off them proves his eyes to be a solid black, like coals.
You're marched off the bus along with the rest of the students, the dirt road slowly turns to stone cobbles. A stone bridge rises ever so slightly up in front of you, the rapid rushing of water can be heard beneath it. But what catches the average eye the most is the towering cathedral that rises just ahead of you, old, dark stone topped by unmanned parapets along the roof, with a tower rising from the back of the cathedral. The gargantuan, 12-foot high door to the building creaks open sharply. You hear the spinning of tires behind you as the bus door closes as the last of the students depart, the vehicle now darting off into the darkness from where it came.
Your first day starts now.
Excitement? Anxiousness? Worry? Perhaps a myriad of thoughts and emotions flood through you, or perhaps you're indifferent and uncaring for it all. Either way, today is your first day at Blackrock Academy; whether you enrolled yourself or were sent here against your will, the same sight awaits you all as the bus grinds to a halt. The windows seem to flash for a moment as the door creaks and groans open.
You didn't see the driver before, but as he cranes his head back to tell you all to get off the bus, it's a ghoulish site, the skin of the man's hand is withered, grey and extremely slender, almost to the bone, as if most of the flesh in his body has drained away. His face doesn't betray this idea either, the skin of his face is greying too, mottled and saggy, as if the skin is too big for the skull it's wrapped around; his eyes might look like empty sockets at a glance as well, though the slight hint of light reflecting off them proves his eyes to be a solid black, like coals.
You're marched off the bus along with the rest of the students, the dirt road slowly turns to stone cobbles. A stone bridge rises ever so slightly up in front of you, the rapid rushing of water can be heard beneath it. But what catches the average eye the most is the towering cathedral that rises just ahead of you, old, dark stone topped by unmanned parapets along the roof, with a tower rising from the back of the cathedral. The gargantuan, 12-foot high door to the building creaks open sharply. You hear the spinning of tires behind you as the bus door closes as the last of the students depart, the vehicle now darting off into the darkness from where it came.
Your first day starts now.
The Akashi (also known as hybrids and half-breeds) are generally looked down on by members of noble, pure-blooded races. The Akashi are children of a monster and a human, there abilities can vary (though most have the ability to change a section of their body). Many of them harbour a distinct hate for Vampires in particular. Compared to most pure-blood races, they are weaker on average. The akashi visually represent one form of animal, and they're attributes are closely related to them; however not a single Akashi has and ever will exist with the ability of flight.- Humans are simply humans, many of them have no idea of the existence of monsters, they have no distinct abilities and short life spans, However they show a distinct ability that no other races possess, the ability to become Ghouls.
- Ghouls are the result of Vampire blood beginning to consume a human being, Ghouls can only be created from virgin humans and possess abilities similar to the host vampire, however they're abilities only activate when in severe danger or when they desperately need those abilities, they possess miraculous strength, reflexes and stamina that far surpass a humans. At a price. As a Ghoul continues to use the vampire blood to fight, the vampire blood consumes the human part and destroys there rational thinking, then eventually, there bodies.
- Vampires are extremely powerful creatures that possess immense strength and speed; aswell as immortality, they stop aging one they reach maturity (Eighteen) unlike common belief, vampires are born in the traditional fashion, not created. Most households consider breeding with a human or other races as a sin, so it rarely happens. however, if it does, they are not like Akashi, they are still vampires. There blood has extreme regenerative powers, and they are able to inject it into others through their fangs, and drink another's blood the same way, there blood only heals humans and over vampires, at the cost of making hunans into ghouls. Giving blood is considered extremely intimate to vampires and is not done with another unless they truly care.
- These creatures are born from the sins of living beings and are many in number, there are two kinds of Daemon: Greater and Lesser. Greater Daemons are humanoid in form with a slight reddish tint to their skin, with horns as well, some have bat-like wings that are commonly impractical and of no use. Greater Daemons are born from grand sins: Murder, Rape, Suicide etc. Whilst Lesser Daemons are born from minor sins: Robbery, Assault, Profanity, Lustful thoughts etc. Lesser Daemons have bestial forms and act as familiars (similar to pets) for Greater Daemons. In terms of combat abilities, the Greater Daemons are known for their ability to summon flames and transforming there familiars into weapons of their liking (no guns etc.). They are also akin to vampires in terms of aging.
- Angels were supposedly sent to earth as infants by god, instantly put into adoption, they live in the human world until they reach maturity, then that are called back to heaven to serve by the side of god. They are unable to fly at a young age, and those that can are only able to do so for short periods of time. They are also immortal and stop aging at 18. Unlike common belief, they are not kind-hearted by nature, and vary in personality just like any other race. They are also strong, but weaken at night.
- Fallen Angels are those that are cast out by god and presumed to be evil from birth, most angels despise them, vampires think of them as lower beings, Daemons think of them as cheap knockoffs of them; they are known by two names: Winged Destruction, Outcasts. They are the most hated race by far, most living in solitude, many developing a cruel disposition to the other races, as well as each other. They are more often than not violent. There wings are black and glass-like. They possess ridiculous strength compared to others, too much, so much that they are unable to use it properly. Enough power to level an entire city resides in them, but using even half of that is enough to kill them ten times over. They are alike to ticking time bombs.
- The Kabaal, are a creature that originated in Egypt, originally they were known as Lizard men, however over the long period of time in which they have existed, they have grown accustomed to human society, meaning that they have also changed physically. They all have blonde hair and green eyes, the reason for this physical difference is unknown and often considered irrational, they've developed a unique resistance to the heat and have developed scales and retractable claws, they now also retain a humanoid shape as well. The Kabaal also have thick tails that they can hide easily. they're acute sense of hearing and smell is something that still aids them now, they are by far one of the species that integrated into human society the most efficiently.
- The Deminala are truly immortal, no matter what they cannot die. Of course something odd accompanies this; they possess no other notable abilities, no affinities to magics, no supernatural strength; they can be harmed like a normal human, and are biologically indifferent from humans save the fact that once they die, no matter what condition they're in, they return to life in perfect and healthy condition, they can starve, dehydrate, drown, be beheaded, but in the end, they rise again in tip top condition, they can die of cancer and be fine in a matter of seconds. Naturally there are plenty of ways to beat them since they lack any other exceptional abilities.
- Magi are a genetic ancestor of modern day Humans. A split off from the normal Homo Sapiens Sapiens, Magi are physically very similar to Humans. The main notable difference exists in the vibrancy and general appearance of the eyes. Magi can have a wider range of eye colors than Humans, and the patterns of the iris dance about like tiny glowing wisps. This is understandably easy for Humans to either ignore altogether, or explain away as a trick of the light. The other main physical difference is the potency of their blood. Clearly not visible to Humans, this doesn't tend to cause most Magi problems in their day to day lives. That said, their blood has throughout history made for a much higher rate of kidnappings and murders, especially from Vampires or any other supernatural race that may have a use for such mana-rich blood.
They have the ability to cast many different spells through a wand or similar focus. Many have small familiars like a ferret, cat, or a bird to aid in their potency. The most common type of casting involves circles. These are brightly glowing circles that spread out from a central point, be that their focus or their feet/hands. They are incredibly powerful, versatile spell-casters who have a variety of uses, but they are notoriously difficult to teach. Magi students are like ants to lions when comparing them to their elders.
Magi live long lives, and while there is technically no limit to how long the mana in their blood may keep them youthful and healthy, many Magi pass away after the 1,500 year mark due to a lack of will to go on. This is not always the case, however, and some of the most well respected Magi, though extremely youthful in appearance, are thousands upon thousands of years old and scarily powerful.
School Map (Rough Draft)
Important Characters
Referring to NPC characters
Rules & Regulations
1. No god modding
2. In regards to rule 2, racial superiority is not god modding.
3. Feel free to have a romance... Just fade to black if it gets to an 'intense' scene.
4. No bunnying
5. Have fun you fools!
6. No character can possess weapons, due to this still being a school after all.
7. No racial hybrids.
8. If you would like to implement another race, DM me with the details
As always, remember standard RPNation rules apply

Important Characters
Referring to NPC characters
Gardena Eversaga
Age: 37
Race: Magi
Affiliated Faction: Blackrock Academy
Occupation: Blackrock Academy Headmistress
Much of Gardena Eversaga's youth remains a mystery, though she became a superstar among the supernatural after taking the position of Headmaster at Blackrock Academy from the former headmaster at the young age of 28; the mage has spent her time as headmaster at Blackrock trying to teach and educate ideas of racial equality and understanding in her students. This has made her a number of powerful allies that follow her beliefs. And just as many enemies that don't believe in her ideals.
Age: 957
Race: Lesser Daemon
Affiliated Faction: Blackrock Academy
Occupation: Blackrock Academy Deputy Head
A Lesser Daemon that killed his unkind peers, Groznakz has spent almost 300 years of his life on the run from those that would see him meet fates far worse than torture or death. When the little Daemon was caught in an extremely tight spot a decade ago, his life was saved by Gardena, and he has been her right hand man ever since. Now, as the deputy head of Blackrock, he has found himself with some semblance of immunity from penance for his crimes and is loyal to the person, and school, that saved him from a life of skulking, running and hiding.
Harlock Whitefang
Age: 51
Race: Akashi (Tiger)
Affiliated Faction: Blackrock Academy
Occupation: Blackrock Academy 'Dungeon Master' & Physical Education Teacher
One of the few staff employed at Blackrock Academy that openly opposes Eversaga's ideals of the many races intermingling openly with humanity, it is often assumed that Harlock is only a second away from being fired, though his 20-year-long employment at Blackrock Academy and his dedication to caring for and training Blackrock's students say otherwise. In truth, Gardena keeps Harlock on staff as the Whitefang family name instills fear in those that may wish to cross her, a prestigious clan of Akashi warriors that to this very day still operate in mercenary groups across the world. However, the headmistress also sees that Harlock's distaste for her ideals would never lead the man to attack her students, or her. Much to Groznakz dismay, he is seen as a valuable member of staff by Gardena.
Violet Von Vitai
Age: 113
Race: Vampire
Affiliated Faction: Blackrock Academy
Occupation: Blackrock Academy English Teacher
A renowned vampire for her rather unconventional and massive presence in the human 'mainstream' as an art streamer, Violet Von Vitai comes from a family of somehwat unknown vampire purebloods, her real name is barely known, but her online handle, V³, is well known amongst humans and supernatural beings alike. Violet wants to earn some respect for her dwindling family name by rising up through the ranks of Blackrock and hopefully taking Gardena's place as headmistress.
Rules & Regulations
1. No god modding
2. In regards to rule 2, racial superiority is not god modding.
3. Feel free to have a romance... Just fade to black if it gets to an 'intense' scene.
4. No bunnying
5. Have fun you fools!
6. No character can possess weapons, due to this still being a school after all.
7. No racial hybrids.
8. If you would like to implement another race, DM me with the details
As always, remember standard RPNation rules apply
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