Eternity Calls

Sincerely Me

Senior Member
I hope you will find this idea as engaging as I do =D This RP is a combination of various elements from different RPs throughout my RP-ing experience, hopefully it will turn out well! Behold!

~Eternity Calls~​

Humans... such.. pitiful beings. Left alone they will surely degenerate into the depths of darkness that dwells ever within. But yet... there are some who possess the will and the spirit! A fathomless capacity to hope for all that is good. A fire that burns brighter than any angelic being... Yes.. it surely is something worth protecting. Let them ascend!
Dux`Atherius Soneras

~Heaven's Touch echoes the Call of Eternity~

EVER since the world was created, God and his heavenly hosts had always looked over the earth. Their presence was everywhere, influencing and correcting the world and its people for good. The angels carried out God's commands, appearing as ordinary people to dwell amongst them. Sometimes, a chosen individual would receive a Touch of Heaven as it was called. These gifted people were called Anari (Children of the Earth in Old Language.) and their souls were as old as the heavenly hosts.

The Anari were gifted with a very special bond with an appointed celestial. These guardian angels or Valar (Exalted one in Old Language), were destined to be with their Anari before they were born and even after death. Together, they formed the Valaranari ('Heaven on Earth' in Old Language). Such bonds were so intimate that it was not uncommon for a Valar-Anari pair to fall in love. Some become the closest of friends or sometimes siblings. Alone, an Anari was like any normal human; conversely Valari were weaker than their common counterparts, the angels. But together, their powers can far surpass the rest. Whatever the type of bond, one thing was for certain... the Valaranari that attained the Iugum Aeternus, or Eternal Bond, had untold power. Such bonds were so complete that both Valar and Anari could know what the other was thinking as though it were their own mind. They were inseparable, two beings but extensions of each other. It was the epitome of what they can become... and to them, were given the charge of protecting earth. The only celestials allowed to influence the earth directly, protecting it from the forces of darkness.

The Valaranari were given special abilities, usually related to the element of power the associated Valar wielded. Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Life, Death and Materia. In very rare cases, the Valaranari pair consisted of opposite/differing elements; usually resulting in some interesting effects (both good and bad) of their powers.


As time drew on, the Concilium de Archatherius (Council of Archangels) began to notice a worrying trend. Valaranari associated with the element of Materia were prone to corruption of the world and seemed to develop a hunger for more power. They used their gifts without regard and did more harm than good. Concerned, the Concilium issued a decree to all Materia Valar to give up their powers or be banished from heaven. Though some heeded the Concilium, including their most powerful Valaranari pair (they became known as the Astarias), the vast majority of Materia Valar rebelled. They called the Concilium cowards, fearing the Materia as a threat to their power.

After a bitter war, the Concilium and other Valar overpowered the rebellion (who became known as the Wretched) and cast them out of heaven. Cut off from Heaven, the Banished grew even more susceptible to corruption. There was no one to judge their actions and thus they could roam free on Earth. Despite that, they could not act openly without the interference of the other Valar... and so, they plotted.


This will be the setting we will RP in ^^!


It has been many eons since the bitter war between the celestial beings. Humanity now an advanced race with their own perceptions of morality. The thousands of years of relative peace and humanity's growing disregard for the heavens have all but convinced the angels that humanity no longer wanted their protection. Recent reports on captured Materia Valar have shown that they barely retained a fraction of their powers. Cut out from heaven and the Light, they could no longer sustain themselves. Thus, The Concilium shut the gates of heaven and turned a blind eye away from the affairs of earth. Valaranari pairs who used to watch over the world now rare and few. The handful of Valar that still heeded their call were new to the role, and without proper guidance from experienced mentors. It was the perfect time for the Wretched to strike.

Only a few angels volunteered to stay back in the intermediate realms. But they were mellowed by time, blinded to the warning signs of danger. Dux'Atherius Arktavris, a former member of the Concilium de Archatherius, was their leader and he had a daughter named Eliea. Together, they lived with the other Valar and Angels at a place simply known as The House. It was in times of relative peace, where the Humans warred amongst themselves and not with the Demons or renegade Wretched; so there was no need to find bondmates.


One fateful day, Eliea and a few of her friends were sent on a small task, away from The House. Little did they know, the course of their lives were about to be changed forever. They came home to a House in ruins and aflame. The Wretched had launched a surprise attack, desecrating the Valar's oldest stronghold on Earth. The Angels were unprepared, and they paid the price. It was a massacre, outnumbered and caught by surprise, they were slaughtered. Appalled by the carnage, and with tears of anguish rolling down her cheeks, Eliea and her friends searched for survivors but found none.

Finally, right in the center of the House, they found the Dux'Atherius. Scattered around where he lay kneeling, a bloodied sword in his hand, were his foes; both Wretched and demon. The attack did not come without a price. Sacrificing the last of his ancient power, Arktavris had avenged his fallen kin by annihilating their murderers to the last man. As Eliea ran sobbing to her father, he mustered his strength to open his eyes a sad smile crossing his lips as he looked upon his child.

"My E-Eliea... The Wretched have returned... I wish I had time to explain everything, but my body.. it's too weak... we were all weak." He chuckled wryly even as he coughed out blood. Despite his injuries, Armonde's voice was firm.

"NO! FATHER! Y-You're going to be f-fine! L-Let me heal you!"

Eliea sobbed, weeping uncontrollably even as her hands began to give off a warm glow. Try as she might, she could not heal her father fast enough.

"Hush child... there's nothing you can do, not now, not to me. Soon, I will go to meet the Maker, but you..." Arktavis reached into his bloodied robes, pulled out a small leather bound book, closed Eliea's hands over it and placed his trembling hands over hers. "Eliea sil'Astarelle Marain del'Arktavris na dulac.."

"It is now bound to you, a portion of my memories. We must fight back, or the Humans will have no way to defend themselves. But lie low for now, when the time is right you will k-know..." Armonde's voice became ragged as he struggled to breathe. Then as if he were made of stone, a sudden crack crossed his pallid features followed by more and more twisted fissures. His skin began to flake off as he seemed to turn into ash right before his daughter's stricken eyes. "Your friends... find the Anari... protect..."

And thus, the mighty Archangel passed away. His body fading into the wind, leaving behind the choked sobs of a girl in despair...

. , ; ' ` ~ * ~ ` ' ; , .

Confident that there won't be any resistance, the Wretched had taken their time. They were also careful about prematurely revealing their powers, lest there was a Watcher at the gates of heaven. There was one more thing they had to do - track down all known Anari and eliminate them. Their arrogance bought Eliea and her friends enough time to await the coming of their soulbound. Their search brought them to a city, and there they watched over their Anari. From the minute they were born till the time when the inherent power in their blood called out for the joining of the two souls..

~Elements and Weapons~

Depending on what you choose to RP as, Valar (Angel) or Anari (Human), you will have a limited set of abilities. Anari can choose to either wield weapons associated with their element and use minor magic or to have increased spellpower but be unable to use weapons skillfully (spell prodigies). Valar can use both weapons and magic.

Take note that Anari cannot use magic/weapons when they are separated from their Valar. In the case of weapons, they lose the skill to wield it and even become total flops (absolute failures even with practice). Valar can always use magic, but can only summon weapons when close to their Anari. As the Light grows weak on Earth, the Valar lose a portion of their original power and as such do not have their wings; but this can be reversed as the story progresses.

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Air -Valar wielding the element of air are known for their swiftness. Air is associated with throwing weapons (e.g. daggers), the rapier, longsword and any form of wind magic.

Water - Valar of the water element are known for their fluidity and grace. Water is associated with the katana, bow and any form of water magic, including ice.

Fire - Fire Valar are known for their passion and spontaneity. Fire is associated with dual scimitars, the whip and pyromagic.

Earth - These Valar are known for their down-to-earth nature... (Just kidding ^o^ ;) Earth Valar are a very stoic presence. Their stalwart forms are a firm comfort to anybody. Associated weapons are the warhammer or the bomb shelter.. (Just kidding again ^.^; ;) . blunt weapons, naginata (glaive) or the battle axe. Earth magic manipulates the ground (on a relatively small scale) and nature (like plants.)

Life - Life Valar are the most caring of the lot.. awwww.. Their selfless kindness can encourage even the most depressed of souls. They are associated with the shield or two handed sword and any form of healing, blessing and light magic.

Death - Solemn and blunt in nature, death Valar are among the wisest of the rest; with their insights into the realities of living. Death is associated with the scythe, polearms and crossbow. Their magic allows them to curse and hex the enemy, sapping away strength and other similar spells.


In addition to the above, all Valaranari gain the ability to armor themselves when fighting together. Being in close proximity to his/her bond allows the Valar to appear in his true form depending on their bondstrength (instead of looking like a normal human), as well as use his power to protect his anari in armor should she wish for it.

*Note that element descriptions here are for most Valar of that certain element. Being a Death Valar does not mean that you must play a blunt, morbid and straight forward personality.*

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~Extra Notes~

-We will be starting in a high school/college setting. So appropriate character ages will be from 17 to 19. For Valari this applies to your appearance. You may look 17 but could be 300 years old. Ideally, I would like everyone to be in the same class. So everyone would at least be acquaintances if not friends. You may play the new kid in town (although fellow Valar know who u are), but I don't want everyone playing the new kid...

-Act your age? Valar obviously mature at different rates compared to humans (mentally), especially in times of peace. Put it this way, if you could stop aging at the age of twenty and live for nearly as long as you want, and circumstances do not demand excessive wisdom, we would all be acting like twenty year olds. So do not worry about trying to act like an old lady (assuming you intended to), maturity comes from experience, not always age.

-When together with their Anari on top of the aforementioned powers, both members of the bond gain a slight increase in strength and agility.

-As explained before, Anari cannot use magic/weapons when not in close proximity to their Valar. Depending on the closeness of the bond, this can vary from within a stone's throw to a couple of blocks away. For starters, we'll keep the maximum to slightly further than a stone's throw =]

-Most of the time, the weapons are conjured up (magicked) into existence by the wielder.

-Valar cannot be distinguished between normal people when in human form, at least by normal means.

-Conversely, Valar know who their fellow angels are. They also know all the significant events in their appointed Anari's life, depending on how close you are. Think of them as guardian angels... well, they are ^o^;

-Banished (materia element Valar) have their own Anari. They are much like us. They can't tell who the Valar are but can sense their power, this goes both ways. Wretched can use any form of weapon and their power is not bound to any element. e.g. They can shoot bolts of dark magic or form blades of darkness. Most use their magic to animate nightmarish creatures out of dark matter (these are called Silhouettes) ^^! More detail on Materia magic in the lore tab (when it comes up, you're not required to read those stuff. It's optional).

-Also, weapon strength depends on the strength of the Valaranari bond. e.g. If the pair had only just met, even if they can summon a weapon into existence, it would most likely break upon contact.

-All anari have a birthmark (like a tattoo) on one of their wrists known as the summoning rune (if you've watched Fate/Stay night you'll know what I'm talking about). For only three times throughout their lifetime, they can use it to immediately summon their Valar from wherever they are on earth. The rune design is entirely up to you.

-It is up to the pair whether they want to start the story with the Anari aware that he/she has a guardian angel or not. You may be friends but unaware of the bond.

That's all I can think off for now, if you have any questions, DON'T hesitate to ASK =D!

**If you have read everything up till here, answer this question any way u want in at least 4 words "Kirby who art thou =O?" and add it to your character application +].**
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