Black Jewels Trilogy RP Idea


New Member

The days in the three realms after the purge slowly returned to peaceful. With everything settling, it seemed as though life were somewhat perfect. It slowly became that people were too relaxed in the Blood, though, and no on really respected or understood their abilities anymore.

Then, anyone who was in the Dark Court or had once aided them vanished. The world went from peaceful to chaotic without a second thought. Without Jaenelle, Kaeleer had no heart. It needed a new one.

Everyone jumped at the chance for such power and influence. No one entered the political battle for the almost completely deserted realm and all of its territories without personal gain. There was not only betrayal and intrigue, but murder. Some used rumors and gossip to wear away their opponents, others used blunt violence. In the end, the only thing that kept Kaeleer safe was a spell that was cast on the land by Lorn and Draca, who had isolated the Keep from everyone. The pretty poison of Briarwood was now the only thing keeping Kaeleer clean and protected.

In the background, one little landen girl had suffered something worse than politics, though. Her family had been killed by a man who had thought her mother was too pretty to let another man have. While she was the only one to live, she was still in danger too. So she ran. She ran and lost her way and stumbled into Ebon Askavi, hoping for protection from the mountains and the kindred who still roamed there. There, she also stumbled upon one of the kindred. An arcerian cat named Raala, who dropped a Jewel in front of the landen girl.

Twilight's Dawn was made for the heart of Kaeleer.

The landen girl was the only person who only sought protection and safety in Kaeleer, so she would be the one who would make a new court to keep Kaeleer safe again, and to protect the Realms from further corruption.

Unfortunately, that is easier said than done. No one is completely honest, and "absolute power corrupts absolutely"
*. The landen girl must also learn about powers she's never had before, and use the blood laws to the fullest to save the realms before corruption sets in once again.

[[And blah blah blah... I'm working on it still. I'll probably shorten it a little and keep it clearer, but that's the basic of it. In other words, no one's really 100% innocent. Everyone is going to have a hard time now that there's dangerous political influence and a landen girl who suddenly gets powers she's never had before and all that jazz. Of course, I would hope that most of the people who join would be corrupted so not everyone is "the one true person who is meant to save the realms with the landen girl and then fall in love with her like a horrible romance movie cliche" or anything. :3 Thanks for showing interest too.]]

*Quoted from John Emeric Edward Dalberg Acton... I dare you to say that name five times fast. :3

PS: Also, if you want to suggest a twist or something, go for it. I like those. :3
I like the idea of playing a corrupt character, and I understand the basic plot concept well enough, but I've never read the series. I'd join if I had, but as it stands, I have no knowledge of it. In other words, I'm simply not eligible to enter.

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