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One x One Korvagrad's Divide


Maid Of Doom
Too keep it simple, I'll just through in the background info here.

A lone falcon soars over a boundless desert, sweeping the land with his staring eyes. He glides on and continues searching. Nothing. Just like every hunt so far. He is about to turn back to the pile of dust and rock used as his nest, but a sudden gleam on the horizon catches his eye. The falcon flaps his wings quickly, and flies toward the gleam. He ended up flying for two whole days, never resting once. Just as the falcon was about to land and give up his quest, a giant tree came into view. He flapped his wings, and he, with a sudden burst of speed born out of excitement, came upon the islands in the midst of a war in the skies. The flying islands of Korvagrad.

Korvagrad is in a state of civil war, with the two rivaling islands of Arkeum and Federad battling for control of the smaller islands in between the two. These islands have not yet been inhabited, and both islands desire extending their islands. One is powered by magic and life, the other by steam and steel. This civil war has lasted fifteen years. Fifteen years of savage conflict so vile and horrid that people wish they had left themselves in the deserts below. It is not truly known why the war was started, only that neither side started it. Federad fights for oil and power, Arkeum fights for rights, and both sides fight for land. There is no "changing sides" in Korvagrad. Once on one side, you're on it for life. And life here? Doesn't last long. In fact, if these islands condradict peace between the two... They may both come crashing toward the sands below. If that were the case... Korvagrad would fade into inexistence.


Arkeum is nothing more than a massive oak atop one of the two inhabited floating islands. Its branches are very wide, providing people with the opportunity to build upon these branches. There are numerous settlements, most of which built in the canopy of Arkeum. The canopy of Arkeum guarantees safety and security, which is why not many humans live on the lower branches, although those are much more stable and wide.

Branches are connected by bridges, ladders, and the like. With these lifestyles comes magic, and the magic is what keeps the oak alive. If all magic were to dissolve, Arkeum would be no more than a desolate island that supported no growth.


In combat, Arkeum uses the following:


The Kryllion has a very large beak that is alarming long and reasonably sharp. It has a poison gland on the roof of it's mouth, which it uses to poison it's prey after skewering it with it's beak. It has sharp, orange eyes, and a leathery spike, which it vibrates at high frequencies to communicate with other Kryllion. It has 4 legs, each pair serving a specific purpose. The front legs are tipped with large talons, made for gripping and tearing, and it often hooks into it's prey to drag it to the ground. It's back legs are made for running on land at high speeds, making take off easier. It has a long, sinewy tail, tipped with several long feathers. The feathers can be drawn back, revealing a long spike, tipped in the same poison as the beak. It's entire body is covered in feathers, and are often primary colours, although it's very dull and almost always multi coloured. They are often mostly red, with streaks of blue in the back and front, and smaller streaks of yellow throughout.


The bird's body is comparable to a reptile's. It has very dry skin, and sometimes rough. It's wings are like a dragon's. Most of them have green wings, but some have a red color to it. It has four skinny legs, with talons. The legs are green. It's head is more like an Eagle's. A white hairy top part, the na brown lower. It does not have a beak though, pretty much like any reptiles mouth, it does have teeth, their very sharp. It has a long tail, slimey tail, but it actually helps it fly.


Tarons are big, lizardy reptiles. They have long necks like snakes, and short, grumpy heads. They are big enough for people to ride on. They have huge, birdlike wings on their backs. The tip of their tales have feathers. Their feet are like the talons of a bird. They are usually coloured grey, beige, or pale green. They have the ability to climb upside down, and they're fast on land, but they're clumsy and weak in the air, making them more of a mount for invasions. Tarons can also carry vehicles, such as jeeps or small tanks, using their back legs aswell as their front legs as hands.


The Kurna looks like a huge, awkward bird. An ugly, flying thing that resembles a pterodactyl with wide leathery wings and a bony triangular head. Its mouth is full of serrated shark teeth, row upon row of them, and its claws glint like straight razors. It has no eyes, only indentations on each side of its skull. The wings end in blade-sharp ridges of bone. It bursts apart when it dies, leaving a wisp of black smoke behind. The Kurna are genially used as mounts although the certain females are much smaller than the males.


The Gargoyle has taloned fingers and is at least 9 feet tall. It has empty eye sockets, smells bad and has 2 rows of jagged glass-sharp teeth. Its hide is grey with a texture like old stone. It has leathery grey wings, rarely suitable for agile flight, and gripping, tearing talons. It's face is a picture of a grotesque example of the vile imagination used to create this creature. It can produce a high pitched, annoying, loud laugh that can give creatures headaches if exposed for too long.


The Ciroc is a relative of the Pheonix. It has sharp claws for gripping things, a long beak, and is about 5 feet tall. It's wingspan is roughly 2 feet. It's plumage is fiery red in colour, and it's eyes are either red, yellow, or orange. When in combat, the Ciroc can light itself on fire. Any melee weapons used against a burning Ciroc will have no effect, and the meleer will be left with a burnt hand. So, only ranged weapons can kill the Ciroc. If the Ciroc is dieing or captured, it will turn into a large fireball, leaving no trace of the Ciroc... or it's captors.


The Oxbaren is a winged serpent, about 9 meters in length. It has breath that can eat away and corrode metal, making it a great creature in Arkeum's fight against the machines of Federad. It has a feathery tuft on the end of it's tail, like the Taron. It's eyes are always yellow and staring. It has two arms, but they are weak and rarely used. It cannot be ridden due to how it flies, and how it is shaped. It has sharp fangs, used for tearing it's prey, usually Federad troopers..

Arkeum also uses ravens, crows, and pigeons as messanger birds, and hawks, eagles, and falcons for combat.



Federad is the only "Artificial" Korvagrad island. On the outside, it is rock, dirt, and stone, like the other islands. But on the inside is a power hungry machine, holding Federad afloat with huge steam engines. The surface of Federad is a toxic, uninhabitable marsh. All citizens live inside caves and underground cities, with hangars in the island's sides. The smoke and steam of Federad's underground factories leak out through cracks on the surface, giving the island a volcanic look. The Federadians do not believe in magic, and consider the bird creatures of Arkeum "abominations". In times of conflict, they release zeppelins, airships, and reptilian monsters out of the island to destroy their foe.

Of corse we'll also put up our CSes here. I don't care how you do it, or the formate. I'm sure it'll be good. ^_^

May I be informed of your full name?


Alexandria Jacobson

Forgive me for asking, but what gender are you? I swear I left my glasses right here...


I am a female

Hmm... I presume you are a young adult, or older? Specify your age, please.

-- I am 21

My, my! You certainly are adorable! Your appearance is rather breathtaking!

--<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Screenshot_2015-05-02-21-56-22.png.e9bd96bf5123b613e86dc501927cd648.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71570" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Screenshot_2015-05-02-21-56-22.png.e9bd96bf5123b613e86dc501927cd648.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Describe yourself - Are you easygoing, grouchy, easily provoked, or what?

-- I can be very easygoing but my moods can change quickly. If you try to harm my friends or my family, you wil have to face my wrath. I do not stand for rudeness or disrespect. She may look innocent, but she is far from it

My word... Look at that stunning weapon! [if any]

-- Bow and arrow is my dominant weapon, I have two daggers with me, hidden in case I need them

Where do you come from? [Federad/Arkeum]

-- I am from Arkeum

Tell me a story, child. I want to learn of your history.

-- If I trust you enough, I might tell you(I'm still thinking on this)

Have I missed anything?


Hope this is okay



  • Screenshot_2015-05-02-21-56-22.png
    525.1 KB · Views: 5

May I be informed of your full name?

Galen Blackburn

Forgive me for asking, but what gender are you? I swear I left my glasses right here...


Hmm... I presume you are a young adult, or older? Specify your age, please.


My, my! You certainly are adorable! Your appearance is rather breathtaking!


Describe yourself - Are you easygoing, grouchy, easily provoked, or what?

Calm, and self reliant are the words I'd use

My word... Look at that stunning weapon! [if any]

Just an old dagger, I'm a doctor not a warrior

Where do you come from? [Federad/Arkeum]


Tell me a story, child. I want to learn of your history.

It's not particularly of any interest

Have I missed anything?

I don't believe so
It's not that I do or don't like it, I just don't watch it or other shows like it. I don't watch fandoms
Oh xD

I'm like that too! I just watched Doctor Who before it became very popular.

There are a ton of shows people try and get me to watch, but I won't because of the fandoms.
Ah, okay. And also, I may or may not still be on my computer when you post the starter and so I can't say how long my reply will be. When I'm on my phone it's harder to tell how long my reply is

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