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Fandom Black Clover: Warring States CS


Neuro Vampire

Senior Member
This is the bare minimum feel free to go above and beyond.
A like from me is an accept.
Expect some character development over time, so updating your CS will be necessary

[Appearance Image]










Magic Attribute:

Magic Capabilities:

Grimoire Type:



Plans for Development:


This character sheet is a bare minimum feel free to add more or go above and beyond

Name: Sicarius Knightwalker

Alias(es): The Lightning Swordman

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Affiliation: The Grand Order

Personality: Sicarius on a personal level is a common core magic enthusiast. Instead of fanning over the specific of one’s magic attribute he is more fond of what common core things one does with magic. That includes the blending of magic and non magic skills, magic tool creation, the strong magic regions, spirits, magic beasts, demons, and mana techniques.

Beyond that he believes in fostering potential in others and building a better world. That’s why he chose to join the Grand Order not to rule over all but to bring peace and stability to a world ripe with chaos. He is not naive to the cost and collateral but it’s all to create a better world in the end.

History: Sicarius’ family were nobles in a now desolate city that was merely caught in the collateral of a dispute between warlords. He was born with large mana reserves but lacked the ability to do anything other simple bolt attack spells. His family brought in a magic instructor with a mediocre mana reserves to teach him skills to better utilize and focus his magic. Hence, he was taught swordsmanship and mana skin which helped him gin the ability to do more with his magic than simple attack spells. It was that same instructor that instilled in him much knowledge about magic in general not just helping him learn to cast magic.

However, shortly after he turned 17 his city was collateral in a war between two warlords. He witnessed first hand how the continuation of an era of dozens of competing warlords is only going to leave the world in ruin. Members of the Grand Order found him amongst the survivors clinging to life and sanity in the ruins of the city. At first he saw the Grand Order as a means for revenge but over the years he realized it’s a chance to end this era of warring warlords.

Magic Attribute: Lightning

Magic Capabilities:
  • Mana Skin
  • Attack Magic
  • Creation Magic - Swords
  • Reinforcement Magic
  • Enhancement Magic

Grimoire Type: Heart

Equipment: He wields Wand Swords which a magic tools in the form of swords that functions as a wand for him. Although his skill with magic has improved to where it’s not necessary he chooses to continue to utilize a sword.

Current Wand Sword

  • Fighting Style revolves around Swordsmanship
  • Large amounts of Water is a natural counter
  • No Defensive, Barrier, or Restraint Magic

Plans for Development:
  • Barrier or Defensive Magic
  • Mana Zone
  • New Wand Swords

Other: He’s exceptionally skilled at swordsmanship and predominantly fights behind his swordsmanship with his magic.
"Unleash Yourself! Find that fire deep inside you and let it burn brighter than ever before! HAAAHH!"


Name: Lancelot

Alias: none yet

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Human

Affiliation: The Grand Order

Personality: Quiet and kind, with a wild side to him. Gives great inspirational speeches, and will always be there to give a hand

History: Lance was born to a humble family of royals. Realizing that their boy had no magic power though, they were disgusted and tossed him to the forest, bribing even the doctors to keep quiet of his existence as he barely even looked like them. Grey and blue hair instead of silver and orange? A disgrace to the Silva million family! He lived in the forest with the animals and grew, finding a friend in a salamander. He trained to become the pinnacle of humanity. Training his body to its strongest and mastering his mind. His technique in close combat was second to none. After seeing a village saved by some sort of warlord, he was invited into a group known as the grand order. And now their sending him on a mission, great.

Magic Attribute: Black fire magic is a type of Magic Burning Flames as in flames that can only burn magic and they make contact with people they burn their mana reserves so he is capable of shaving away the internal mana reserves with time. Created after salamander went into a corrupted grimoire

Magic Capabilities: none

Grimoire Type: 5 leaf clover

Equipment: nothing

Weaknesses: Swimming and admitting defeat. He kind of has no magic, or natural tolerance to it, so it will always do more damage to him than a normal person. He knows dipshit about most things except the war that's going on from locals.

Plans for Development: Maybe turn him into someone who is willing to risk it all for his own benefit, looking more qt his own destiny. After some mistakes, he works hard to correct them, eventually becoming someone who created a legacy as a monster slayer, and one of the first major leaders of the kingdoms. Have him master/meet salamander demon and gain control over his corrupted fire grimoire

Other: he's a good cook, and can make basically anything from whatever he finds in his environment

This character sheet is a bare minimum feel free to add more or go above and beyond
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Name: Albie


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Human

Affiliation:The Grand Order

While Albie is willing to experiment with his magic, he is isn't that active when it comes to physical activity. In fact while not to the point of ignoring his duties he prefers to do as little as possible. He can overcome his laziness if the situaution is important enough but his low stamina will still limit him.

Albie is pretty smart but he does better when he has a clear plan and can freeze when caught by surprise or when having to improvise. He has a sarcastic but not mean spirited sense of humor and tends to make bad jokes when nervous.

History: Albie was born to commoners and mostly lived a normal life, until his village got attacked. While plenty of the adult men tried to defend their homes, most of their food supplies got taken and many of the defenders died. Albie was lucky that his father survived but he and his family still weren't that well off due to the lack of food. Since he honestly had no interest in taking over the farm and it was hard for his parents to support him, Albie along with several other village youths left home to try and make a living somewhere else. His first goal was the nearest city only to find it destroyed in a war between the same group that attacked his village and another warlord. Sick and tired of the constant fighting plaguing the land he heard about the Grand Order and decided to join it.

Magic Attribute: Arrow

Magic Capabilities:

Grimoire Type: Three leaf clover
met clover.png

Known spells (1 out of 8)
  • Magic Arrow: Allows for the creation of an arrow made of mana that launches itself towards the target.

Nothing yet

  • No close range or defensive magic
  • Needs time to aim
  • Low Stamina
  • Can be indecisive
  • Physically weak

Plans for Development:

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[Appearance Image]

Name: Mortorva


Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: bisexual

Race: human? (Thinking about elf)


Personality: Mortorva is soft spoken man, rarely showing his true emotions as he often employs emotional manipulation to distract and confuse those around him. His tone in voice noticeably shifts to a near monotonous voice when revealing his true self. He is a somewhat paranoid man and not very trusting of others thus prone to leave out seemingly unimportant details out of descriptions.

Despite his many flaws, he's not a malicious person nor greedy or without compassion, but he often keeps these thoughts to himself unless he truly feels the need to act.

History: Mortorva grew up in a religious Cult known as The Holy light whom worship life itself and death itself is a curse given to humanity when the first man yo walk the earth sinned.

The Holy Light believe that there is a relic known as the life ember and that it has burnt out. By reigniting it, they would undo creation itself and create a new world of prosper. Though that's just something some people believe. Some believe the life ember is fake, and some think it's a powerful magical weapon. There is no proof whatsoever of any of this.

death is frowned upon in the holy light. They have special rituals burn and destroy bodies so that in death their ashes may create life. Mortorva was a quiet member. Loyal but not blindly so. He left the group after a falling out with the cult's higher ups and during this time he found his grimoire.

Magic Attribute: necrotic damage

Magic Capabilities:

Grimoire Type: Diamond



Plans for Development:

Other: (Larin: Morte = Death. Torva = grim)
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Memoriae “Riae” Lacrimare

Stained Glass Saintess





The Grand Order

Stoic to the point of introversion, she is more often a silent observer to most social events that happen than an active participant. She has fully accepted her role to be the support behind the scenes that assists people silently in the shadows they cast from their grand actions. For the most part she does not mind being the person whom everyone depends on to be there to tend to their wounds or have faith in them, but the responsibility of it all weighs heavily on her shoulders in a burden she cannot bring herself to share with others. Though with all that said, she isn’t a cold person. Rather she is more akin to the gentle warmth from the sun that seeps through the leaves, someone who is deeply nostalgic of a time she can no longer reclaim but is striving to make the most of her time now. Riae treats everyone with kindness and a seemingly endless amount of patience which has contributed to her reputation as a saintess since she spends a lot of her time doing charity. Outside of her work for the Grand Order member that specializes in healing, she volunteers to assist in hospitals, orphanages, and even schools of the places they go by.

Traveling is something she is no stranger to, and gives her rather fond memories to reflect on, as she has a book that she has continiously been filling with her travel. A well-worn and taken care of journal filled with pages upon pages spanning her life up till now and with many more pages to spare for the future written in the evolving script of her handwriting. Every thought or question she has ever had is within that book, right next to her observations and retelling of fond memories. In the more recent years she has been using it as a means to organize her ongoing research into magic attributes and strategies to expand upon them, mostly for medical treatment purposes but she has also been dabbling into theories involving items changing uses based on the magic attribute being attuned to it.

Fresh fruit, Butterflies, Gardening, Writing, Reading

Sour foods, Burnt bread, Watery tea or coffee, Smoke

The daughter of a couple who dedicated their lives to healing others both magically and medically, it was to no surprise that her mana reserves were rather large. However, it was her affinity to light based magic that raised brows due to its rarity. It should have been something to be celebrated, but instead it lead to a lot of terrible things in her life. Such as multiple kidnapping attempts and even a few assassination attempts on her parents just so they could get to her, even when her magical abilities were nothing much to look at.

So it was her parents choice to pack up what was important and take to the road, leaving their practice behind, in favor of staying with their daughter and their own safety. They couldn’t stay in one place too long, or lest the people after Riae would find them, going from village to village helping when they could. A new identity in each town based on what they could get their hands on to disguise themselves. This continued on for most of her childhood until in her mid-teens they had settled into a simple life within a beloved chapel in a city known for its strong and noble guards. It was there that she could be herself and even learn a thing or to under the tutelate of the priestess that headed the church. The lovely elder woman was someone who also had affinity with light, and she was all to pleased to teach her successor as she never thought she would see someone within her lifetime who shared her magic attribute.

Riae blossomed under the mentorship as she was finally allowed to ask all the questions and thoughts she had been keeping to herself all that time she was hiding her magic. Though she struggled to use her magic offensively, she excelled in supportive magic whether it was healing, defensive barriers, reinforcement, or even enhancement. Helping and bolstering others came easily for her, and made her feel part of the community that quickly grew fond of this shy girl when ultimately she began to assist the guards to help further her magic capabilities. She healed their wounds, reinforced their armor, enhanced their stamina, and shielded them from attacks with barriers. Her involvement with the guards made the city more secure, but it also made them more known. To be known, especially for something rare like having two people with light attributes, made them a target to those who were thirsty for power.

Just as they had when she was a child, those same types of people were back and they wanted to take more than her childhood away. They should have seen it coming with the increase of attacks but it wasn’t until the warlords got involved that the city suffered its greatest loss. She was supposed to be with the guards that day, but her mentor and parents had taken over for her so she could look after the children the church cared for. She was safe in the heart of the city when two warlords had decided to lay siege and take what valuables the city had. The news did not travel fast because those that could fight, did. They kept them at bay for a long time, long enough for the people on the outer fringes of the city to pack up what was important to them and flee to the church spreading the word of the battles taking place on the borders of the city. Around that time, with the sun high in sky, did it become impossible to not see. Smoke billowed in the distance and the ground trembled from the powers being used in the ongoing fight. Buildings began to crumble as more and more people fled to the church that she was in charge of, that she had prioritize because it was no longer a ground battle. There were arrows being lobbed into the town and stray spells that started to pierce buildings. Because at dawn it had only been one warlord, but now it was two, one on either side of the city fighting their way in. Realistically she knew that the guards were stretched thin, most going to the active battle with one of her parents and her mentor while the other was on the less defended side just in case.

And all she could do was form the barrier over the church housing the young, old, and injured. There was no time to flee by the time she was aware of what was going on, and she desperately wanted to believe that the people she cared for would come back, that they hadn’t fallen Just yet… But the line had broken. Where? She didn’t know, and it was hard to tell because by the time her barrier was the last line of defense they were streaming in from all sides fighting eachother more than trying to take down her barrier. All she had was the people depending on her to keep them safe and the mass of soldiers fighting outside, thankfully too busy trying to kill each other to aim directly for her. That however meant that her barrier was collateral damage in it all, tanking all the spells that didn’t land on their intended targets, some had even used it like a wall to back their opponent into. It was like this for hours, the sun ticking down the sky as more and more bodies littered the ground as she stayed standing outside the church to hold her barrier up, not once losing focus. A tall task for someone who is barely considered an adult.

The Grand Order finally arrived around dusk, to smoking ruins littered with corpses and the last fighters of the dispute hitting away at a dome of stained glass at where their reports had said would have been the church at the city’s heart. Only when they got closer to subdue the last of the invaders, did they see that the dome was not made of stained glass, but a cracking barrier of light covered in all types of liquids and materials that dissolved into particles of light that dimmed to nothing when they were at its edge. The nineteen-year-old who had exhausted herself nearly to death collapsing onto her knees and then the ground at their feet before them.

A pristine church filled with the surviving citizens of the town that was leveled around them just yards behind her.

When she awoke a week later in the Grand Order’s care, still weak from using up nearly all of her mana, she had no home or family to go back to. It was the member’s actions of staying to assist the survivors in laying all of the dead from the city to rest and helping send those that survived onward to somewhere hopefully safer, that made the decision to join that much easier. She has been there ever since, her moniker being from the day they had found her.

Magic Attribute:

Magic Capabilities:
Healing Magic
Barrier Magic
Reinforcement Magic
Enhancement Magic
Mana Skin

Grimoire Type:

Sending Stone—
it’s an enchanted item made for her to keep in contact with other Grand Order members in case they need healing or she is under attack.
Keepsake Journal— it’s an old but well-taken care of journal given to her by her mother. It was made by someone whose magic attribute was paper based. It’s one of many of its kind, though she only has the one that is book that never runs out of pages to write in, so long as the person writing in it has the mana to spare to attune to it for more pages. Attuning can also allow the person who owns the book to move pages around as they wish to rearranged its contents to their liking.

Large amounts of Dark Magic
No Offensive Abilities
Physically Average
Places Others Over Herself
High Priority Target

Plans For Development:
Mana Method
Weapon Training of some kind
Rune Arrays
Sealing Magic

She is rarely sent out on her own, even for humanitarian missions, often with another member or two that is meant to be her bodyguard due to her lack of offensive abilities and her rare magic attribute.

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