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Fandom Black Butler Inspired: The Queen's Guilds [Updated 5/12/2018]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Victorian Aesthetics

  • "You can't move forward without the pain."

    Here is my Black Butler inspired thread listing, and basically, I want to play with the Faustian relationship between a demon and a Noble, and play with the mystery and revenge motifs in Black Butler, leading up to the pair finding out the truth. I'm totally up to work with doubling in this, by including others from another guild, a criminal duo who assists the Noble, or something else entirely, but for this I will say that I do want to play the Noble in the Demon and Noble pairings. This is partially selfishness, and partially because when I've tried playing as the demon in the past, by partner was unable to drive the story as the noble.

    So! With that said - if you can drive the story as the Noble, by all means, approach me with some proof (read: plotting and considerations of your role and goals, as well as some ideas for the villain and motives) and I will happily play the demon in this pairing! I have no problem at all with demons, it's just been some bad experiences that have led me to prefer the human.

    With that said, I do expect we'll be talking over the villain and motives together so we can both drop hints at it, and their motives.

    In this thread you'll find the outline of the plot idea, and the other major organizations. Please read my rules, they have a code!

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