Bitter Blood (Nori and Fluorescent) [Inactive]


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Fluorescent submitted a new role play:

Bitter Blood (Nori and Fluorescent) - Revenge from those presumed dead and gone.

An underground medicine company, behind many labels, but never showing it's face. It's workers and employees are dedicated by requirement, but none signed up for what they received. When unsure of the product, the company would test it on its employees, unbeknownst to those consuming them. Pills were dropped in glasses, prescriptions were tweaked, and serums were injected. Horrible deformities and pain ensued, leaving those who survived to be hunted down to bury all evidence. However, a small...
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Kimberly sighed, not bothering with the time it took to shape her hair, tucking it into a loose bun. Scattered beneath her feet, newspaper clippings, magazines and a single dusty knife piled, appearing far less organized than it was in reality. Everything had it's place. Every person had their time. The memories of what'd happened in that place didn't weaken her knees, it steeled them. If she could survive that, she could survive anything, any challenge, or at least, it was that mindset that allowed her to do what she did. Slipping the worn jacket that she'd favored since her breakout over her shoulders, she flipped her phone from her pocket.

For her, it was an immunization, a standard booster five months into her new job. After that, she was in the hospital for six. Her body had stopped absorbing the nutrients it needed to function, every vitamin level empty as the office a month further. She still didn't understand how the medicine nearly killed her, but it didn't matter at this point, as so many weren't alive to complain.

"Any news?" She typed shortly, the message arriving at seven different inboxes. It was a simple question, but the answer decided whether she'd have a slow, average, disgustingly normal day, or one that would leave the sting of satisfaction. Lining her lids with ebony liner as she waited for a reply, Kim read the headline again, soaking in the information. "Medicine callback on cold medicine, three found dead." Could be them. She hoped it was them. It'd been a month since their last hit, and she was ready by now.
A girl with long brown hair and reading glasses types swiftly at her computer. When she is finished, she clicks 'send'. Just another day in the accounting department. Running her fingers through her hair, she leans back in her chair and closes her eyes.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Talice Rourkenson?"

Sitting up, the young woman replies, "Yes, did Dr. Abbott send my package?"

"He did. Here are your eye drops, strongest he could get ahold of."

"Thank you, Parks. Send the doctor my gratitude." With a nod, the black-haired young man leaves. Dr. Abbott had prescribed her these to help with her eyes, which had started deteriorating in vision. While they couldn't relieve the need for her reading glasses (much to her dismay), they were supposed to prevent it from getting worse than it was currently.

That night, she unwrapped the package. She reads the notes on the label. Dosage is two drops per eye, taken two times daily. She drops two in her left eye, and two in her right. She walks up the stairs to put them in her bathroom cupboard. Before she is even halfway up the stairs, the burning starts. It only gets worse, as if someone stuck her eyes in boiling, on the surface of the sun.

Amidst the screams of pain, a beeping noise gets louder and louder.

Tally rolled out of bed after her alarm went off for the third time that morning. The snooze button had at least bought her 30 more minutes of sleep. She put on her contacts. These were at least 3 times stronger than the glasses she had before. The incident had taken over 5 months of constant in-and-out surgery to save her vision, had nearly taken her eyes with them, and had permanently damaged her stomach, due to all the medication she took while in the hospital, 85% of which had nasty side effects that were mostly vomiting. She should be thankful it didn't do worse than what it did, but still hated having to wear those annoying contacts all the same.

Popping a bagel in the toaster, she went to get dressed. She threw on some grey pants, black lace-up boots, a white button-up collar shirt, which she left the top 4 buttons unbuttoned, and pulled on her long navy-blue jacket. Her hair was simply brushed and left down. She cleared the military tactical manuals and a bio-warfare book off the table. She grabbed her bagel and put some cream cheese on it, and was about to start eating.

Her phone buzzed joyfully, signalling the arrival of a new message. Tally read the screen, which always indicated whether she answered right away or waited until she had a few minutes of free time. 'New Message from: Kim' Definitely a right now reply.

"Any news?"

Talice typed happily her news. Today, today was to rejoice.

"It's them. Got it from a connection, he went by and confirmed it."
This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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