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Multiple Settings bitsy's search thread (original/oc/oc)!


professional yapper
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My Interest Check
hello and welcome to...
Bitsy's Search Thread!
exciting! i am very excited to get to post a search thread. truthfully, i'm not new to the site
but i've been gone long enough that i absolutely forgot my password... turns out 3-4 years
without signing in makes you forget, who knew? (´゚з゚)
anyways, moving on from that, here's a little about me! i'm bitsy, boo, whatever you really
wanna call me. i'm in my mid-twenties, an oc hoarder and lover, and a general nuisance.
i'm always down to make friends, so even if nothing tickles your fancy or you don't feel
like rping, feel free to hit me up anyway. i tend to write between 500-1k words per
, with a chance to go higher. i try to match my partners but i don't expect you
to fully match me, especially if i go overboard and write a lot. : p also, 'doubling' or even
'tripling' is a necessity for me-- i love having multiple characters, and i love making worlds
we can write in! so if you're someone who isn't down to write multiple characters, i am not
the partner for you, sorry friend. and despite my way of writing here, i will write with capitals
and good grammar/punctuation. this is for aesthetics. (´ω`*) all ship types allowed, so m//,
f//, m/f, nb/m, nb/f, nb/nb, ect. go brazy. dark romance fan, but it doesn't need to be dark
romance for me to want to do it! also not sure why it got deleted last time but ;;w;; hopefully
this works now...

okay, now for the real stuff!
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about you
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- over 18 at least, preferably 20+
- ooc chatter! it's not a deal breaker, but i like chatting and fangirling over our characters
- willing to play multiple characters. doubling, tripling, whatever! we don't have to be doing
the same plot for the characters, either. poly, love triangles, all that stuff is fine with me too. with
this being said, please be fair to both sides. i promise you i WILL be loving on your character and
side as if it is my own.
- tell me your triggers. a lot of my plots can feature darker themes and i am a fan of exploring them
but i'm totally fine leaving things out too. this being said, i have no triggers, so we'll be going off
your triggers.
- patience please. i work full-time and struggle with mental stuff, not mentioning that life is a bit
rough right now, so i just ask for patience. i will communicate if i am unable to respond for a minute.
if i forget something, or you feel like i forgot something, feel free to message me, i won't be mad. as long
as you're not spamming me every 20 minutes for a reply, i don't mind anything really! and when i say
spamming, i mean with stuff like 'are you gonna reply? when's the reply? are you there?' and stuff like
that. if you wanna spam me with youtube shorts, music, whatever, be my guest! i will not mind that stuff.
- faceclaims of some kind. mostly just because i like knowing what our characters look like. not 100%
a deal-beaker by any means.
- with this being a double/triple/whatever thing, please feel free to ask for stuff for your side. want a character
who's the quiet silent type? word! want me to use jensen ackles as the faceclaim? okay! seriously, let me know.
and i ask for the same! i won't ask for ridiculous things, but a general trope or two for my side would be nice. 人´∀`)
i think that's it, but if not, i'll add stuff here!
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- song for a guilty sadist
; tw : toxic relationship, violence
extra : differs from the song it's named after! this would be an in-depth look at the relationship surrounding a
couple that truly shouldn't be together, but they are. i imagine it's a small town romance, maybe they're both
stuck in that town and seek each other out? bad home lives? looking for someone in the other person? lots of
fun stuff do with this one!

love is a hard thing, especially when your love is like a firecracker. loud, explosive, painful to be near. it's scary,
really. what someone can do to you with just words, what they can do to you with a look, it's like the whole world
revolves around them. muse a is a firecracker of a lover-- painful. loud. burning. they want to do better, do right,
become a person who deserves love. but muse b makes it hard. despite their soft exterior, gentle and sweet,
they push every button just right. know what to say, what to do, everything to rile a up. they talk to the right people,
they say the right thing, they make is so fucking hard. and despite this, despite the anger and the volatile responses,
despite the way the get shoved into a wall and yelled at, b continues. they're both trapped in a cycle with one another,
making things harder for themselves. will they leave? will they finally get away?

- my hero
; tw : toxic relationship, stalking (not necessary, but a possibility), 'star crossed lover'-esque
extra : i don't know much about many hero pieces of media, so this is mostly based off the bnha universe.
that being said, it doesn't need to be in it, and we can create our own universe, it's mostly just for reference.

death's cold hands gripped muse a's neck. that last fight had been a doozy, had sent them tumbling through
alleyways, grasping onto the walls covered in graffiti. their vision doubles, their legs are numb and their breath
is quickening, yet they don't stop. they run as far as their legs let them, crashing into a person. this is when
their legs finally give out, falling to the floor as they hear a drowned out voice. unlike the nauseating bitterness
of their colleagues, or the sickeningly sweet, fake voice of other heroes, there's a gentle cadence behind the person
who speaks. they wake up hours later, on a small couch with the smell of food permeating. they sit up, exhausted but
fine... fine? they're bewildered, almost terrified. 'oh, you're awake! are you okay? how'd you sleep? you were really hurt,
you should lay back down'. the words are so sincere, so soft and kind and gentle that a doesn't even feel the annoying
patches on their skin, protecting injured that don't even hurt anymore. no, instead they look at muse b... at someone who was
taking care of them, not wincing away in fear at their appearance or making snap judgements. and in that moment,
in the warmth of that little apartment, a realizes they will never be able to unhook their claws from b.

- the archduke's new spouse is a bit odd
; tw : familial abuse
extras : this one would just be soft, lots of learning to trust and being cute. very fluffy. (´ ∀ ` *)
muse a is a formidable person, an archduke/dutchess who has risen the ranks through their strength. they're not
stupid, they see the envy the other nobles have as they rub elbows with the king and queen, but they don't put much
thought into it. they thought they were friends, truly, as they had saved the king many-a-time. yet, one day, they are called
in for a meeting with his majesty. it's there they learn that the kingdom's political force is weakening, they're losing allies left
and right, and with the heir to the throne already betrothed, there's only so much they can offer... and so their best friend asks
them for the favor of a lifetime. get engaged and marry the heir to the throne from the kingdom to the [north, south, east, west], become
a tool for the political affairs. the archduke wants to be offended, wants to turn their nose up and say no, but with the threats of
foreign invasions and the kingdom at stake, they say yes. they don't think there will be any marriage with saving, so at first, when muse
arrives, they pay them no mind. ignoring them, even! b doesn't seem to mind nor hold a grudge, in fact... they seem quiet
happy to be ignored? a is confused, concerned even, and it isn't until they question a maid that b brought with them that they find out.
b's family was terrible, and while they wanted to have a happy, loving marriage, they were more than happy to be ignored. feeling guilty
and wanting to at least offer b a new life that wasn't awful, they decide to at least try and be friendly. this slowly pushes open a's
heart, earning b wiggling right in.

- and so the lion fell in love with the lamb...
; tw : n/a? violence and gore, maybe, but not necessary
extra : twilight reboot but with our characters! i'm a sucker for twilight, what can i say. we can play around and
add tons of fun stuff, or we can simply keep it close to the original! sincerely, i will get on my hands and knees for
this. (つ╥﹏╥)つ sincerely willing to do like, any form of plot like this lol ;;
the heat, the desert, the long, hot days and short, cold nights. it's all things muse a has been around since they were a
child, having moved during their parent's divorce. it's all they know, yet they know they want something different. with the
years slowly moving forward, they find themselves at a stand still. and now that their mother has been thinking about traveling,
they see it as an opportunity to try out the new. moving back to their hometown with their father, they find the little town has grown,
just as they had. and it wasn't just the town; their father sported wrinkles in places they didn't remember seeing them, grey hair sprouting
from the sides of his head and slowly going towards the top. their childhood friend, muse b, had grown significantly in the time they'd been gone.
once smaller, more shy, they now easily towered over a, something they'd not been prepared for. it's not unwelcome, they think it's cute and
seeing their childhood friend grow makes them happy, but there was still a nagging feeling. going back to school meant new people, too, and this
is where they meet muse c. a mysterious person, whispered about and wanted. while a does understand the whispering, c is incredibly attractive
and apparently smarter than all hell, they don't seem to fixate on c like the other's do. more than that, c seems to actively being avoiding a. things grow
weirder when b seems to grow agitated over c, snapping at a and having moments of genuine agitation. it feels like there's something in the air, like
electricity before a lightning strike. it's all odd, and a is trying their best to understand what the hell is going on.

and more tba!
that's it, thank you for reading and having a good day. 。.:☆*:・'(*⌒―⌒*)))
Hey there! I'm not new either, but since I've unexpectedly newly found myself in search for a roleplay to pour my creativity into, I decided to give this website another shot. Would you be interested in doing fantasy roleplays, more specifically ones with weres or lycans?
Hey there! I'm not new either, but since I've unexpectedly newly found myself in search for a roleplay to pour my creativity into, I decided to give this website another shot. Would you be interested in doing fantasy roleplays, more specifically ones with weres or lycans?
i absolutely would! if you want to message me i definitely think we can set something up! ^ ^ /

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