Birth Right


The Overseer
​History -

War has never ceased in the lands of Congeria. It's always one unending war; never faltering, never easing the amount of death. The three factions that inhabit this ruined word remain to be the self-righteous Lenilacum, the rebellious Cicatrix, and the forsaken Morslabe. This war torn world of Congeria only embodies a single risen city, where the "holy" Lenilacum seek to purge all evil from the world. In their mighty castle, their knights are nearly
indestructible. In this mighty city of Luxregnum, the Lenilacum people live in peace inside of their formidable walls. Although they strongly partake in the war, battle is hardly a concept the civilians can even imagine. Their lords have desensitized them to the point of innocence; forcing them to know nothing but peace and safety.

However, this mighty kingdom holds a terrible, terrible secret, beneath the very houses and walls that the people have learned to love so well. Far beneath the surface of the land, the great dungeon of Randai spirals throughout the once profitable mining district. Now completely sucked dry of resources and brimming with the smell of death, the forsaken Morslabe find themselves chained and forgotten in the dreary land of darkness. Imprisoned until their dying day, the forgotten Morslabe people have been long forgotten and silent, silently dying within the fetid dungeon complex. Although some find themselves unchained, their limbs free to move about, the twisting and dreary complex is nearly impossible to navigate. If you don't kill yourself from an unknown fall in the dark, you will surely grow insane before you finally see light.

Some people wish not to be forgotten, however. Forever attempting to show the Lenilacum people what the real world is like, they constantly attack the walls and guardians defending the massive city. Although all attempts have failed, the Cicatrix rebels always seem to melt back into the forests, without a mere trace. Nearly impossible to find, Knights of Luxregnum often return from the woods days later, or, never return at all. And so, each side remains at a stalemate, waiting for one faction to make a mistake; waiting for one to triumph, and for another to fail. Each nation has their prerogatives; the Lenilacum wish to see all of the other inferior beings perish, so that they may live in peace at last. Most of the Morslabe wish to escape the cruelty of the Randai dungeon, however, no task has ever seemed more impossible. And the Cicatrix wish to show the Lenilacum the true light; that all may work together, and live together. Each with their own goal, each trying to achieve it. But at what cost?

Kingdom of Luxregnum (Lux-rehg-nuhm)-

View attachment 8797

Dungeon of Randai (Rahn-die)-

View attachment 8795

The Refuge -

View attachment 8796

Rules -

1) You cannot reach your people's goal unless the story line (IE; Me) allows it to happen. If you're a Morslabe, you cannot escape immediately, although you can try. As a Cicatrix, you can try to enter the city, but you may not enter it without my consent. And if you're a member of the Lenilacum people, you cannot randomly "figure out" that you've been deceived all this time. With this rule, I'm not trying to railroad you, I'm just trying to keep the story well-oiled. Trust me; the story will go on well.

2) No god-modding or doing things that you shouldn't.

3) Keep to your character; If you're a Morslabe, you should be quite depressed, and possibly insane. Cicatrix, and you should be an adventurous equality seeker. Lenilacum, and you should either be a desensitized citizen.

4) All of your posts should be literate (readable), and at least two paragraphs long.

5) If I notice that something is wrong with your character sheet, don't bicker with me about it. I cannot tell you how many times I've had to argue with someone about something simple, like the color of their skin, or the color of their boots. Yeah, that has actually happened.

Character Creation -

This is a wee bit different from what you're used to, I assure you. How this works; in this forum, you're going to ask to join the role-play. I will then use Sui's Dice system ( To randomly supply you with a number. Note that this number will be completely random, and it will describe which of the three factions you will be from;

1 - Lenilacum (Lehn-ill-ah-sum); The self-richteous holy civilians of Luxregnum are known for their accepting, but spirited ways. The people of this great nation are continuously deceived; believing that this one kingdom is one of many, and that death and war don't even exist.

View attachment 8804

2 - Cicatrix (Sihs-ah-trix); Cursed to living in their humble refuge, and normal man would give up hope and die in the woods. Low on food and courage, the Cicatrix barely fight on, and only a few really strike out to show the Lenilacum the truth. However, their shortage of food and safe homes is becoming a problem.

View attachment 8817

3 - Morslabe (More-slah-bay); The cursed and evil members of a doomed race, forced to live and imprison themselves in the dungeon of Randai. Unable to escape, they remain in the treacherous darkness, either half-insane or hopeless in the dark, or stumbling around in shadows, hoping to see light that will never be seen.

View attachment 8799

You will then create a character from that faction using this skeleton;

Name: (Lenilacum names are usually light and peacful, Cicatrix are usually neutral and common, and Morslabe people always choose their own names; however, they're usually morbid)

Race: (The race given to you)

Age: (Any normal age)

Gender: (Simple question; which gender are you?)

Appearance: (A picture would be best)

History: (Any back-story that your character may have)

Horrible Memory: (Morslabe only)

Motivation: (Cicatrix only)

Occupation: (Lenilacum only)

Silenced Memory: (Lenilacum only)

Game System -

It's quite simple. Just role-play! However, there is one minor catch;

When you're doing a great feat (such as climbing a wall, running quickly, etc), attacking someone, trying to negotiate out of something, you're going to have to roll for it. Using Sui's Dice system, you're going to roll an eight-sided die.


Joshua, a Cicatrix rebel, is running from a small team of Lenilacum guards. Before him appears to be a large wall, which he need to get over. So, using this system, you're going to write out the simple code for rolling the die. It looks like this;

["roll"]"1d8"["/roll"] (When you make the roll, remove the quotation marks)

The higher you get, the better. If you get an 8, you did splendidly! Joshua can climb over the wall and escape with ease. If you received a 1, this are looking dim. Paying too attention the wall, you might trip over an unseen branch, falling straight to the ground. No only is your nose broken; but you're captured.

After typing it in, do not reply directly after your post, or edit your post. This will change the score of the roll to 0.

After you write out the premise of your post and write out the roll, I will then reply with what happens to your character. From there, you will then pick up the reigns once more, and describe what you do from the climatic result.

Note; There are not any...




Deranged (besides Morslabe)



Bad Boys/Girls


... Characters in this role-play. If you are apart of the Cicatrix, you are literally fighting to survive; your lack of food concerns you. You're not just some washed up character that doesn't care about the fact that they need to eat or sleep or live in a decent place. The Refuge is just that; a Refuge. Not an Oasis.

The Lenilacum people should be
obviously deceived; simple things like What happened to my dad? should nag at your mind, although the guards/mother in your house hold will always say He's working in another town! that doesn't exist.

The Morslabe... yeah this is self explanatory. Morslabe should be
very depressed and possibly insane, and all of them are hideous shadow/monstrous beasts. None of them are pretty boys that sparkle in the sunlight, or hot-anime dudes. None.
​This sounds like it has a really good plot and I'm interested in joining.
Got a 1! Alrighty.

Name: Tryda Jorgana

Race: Lenilacum

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 8816

History: Born and raised in the Merchant's district, Tryda has held a hammer ever since he can remember. Building houses with his father was always his favorite activity, and he loved his father so very much. His two brothers; Grora and Hyrus, however, did not enjoy being a Carpenter nearly as much. So, with his father, Tryda built many houses; from big to little, wood, carpet, tile... anything that anyone desired. One day, however, his father had mysteriously appeared. When he went to ask his mother, she appeared completely normal; unmoved by anything. When Tryda asked, the answer was simple -- his father had been relocated to a different city. Not matter, Tryda thought. Good for their father. However, the business at home had to be taken care of, so, Tryda had taken up the reigns of the shop.

Two years ago, Tryda had met an unlikely girl named Patricia, heading towards the wall. Gently stopped by one of the guards; she refused. Tryda, never seeing such an act before, went to stop her; however, it appeared too late. The guards had already rounded her up, and forced her away, just as it should be. However, the mere thought of not listening to the guards has hinged on Tryda's understanding ever since. The mere thought of it seems almost maddening, truly. But every day, it almost grows on Tryda, pushing him to realize the events going on around him. Focusing on what is true, and what is not.

Occupation: Carpenter

Silenced Memory: Both his mother and himself witness the eerie death of their father, as he made an attempt to escape. As soon as the guard's blade met his stomach, the others were already pushing their will upon us, forcing us to forget. The next day, neither of us ever remembered that night happening.

Alright @Tea , here's your roll! :laugh:

Bear with me, the roll kind of messed up.


^ Got it, *phew*
Awesome. I was wanting the Cicatrix. I'll get working on the character sheet right away.
Name: Hanna Gage

Race: Cicatrix

Age: Twenty-three. Born on November third.

Gender: Female.


Hanna had a mother who was born of the origin of the Natives, who had a dark skin, generally they're stereotype. His mother had married a white man and gave birth to Hanna. Her hair-color is black, put in a messy bun, and hidden with the hood of her robe. She has a sharp face and full lips. Her eye color is brown and she wears a necklace given to a group member on her birthing. The necklace had long wooden beads, threaded with a line of string. The beads were originated from cherry oak, which is a darker-colored form of wood. Amongst the center or middle of the necklace was a natural resource emitted from the earth by an ancient miner's workshop. It was called emerald. It was in fact a darker green than from the images people placed in your heads of being light and beautiful. It was dark and reminding of a sea amongst a storm. The emerald was formed in a circle, small enough to be placed as a run amongst the the index finger of your hand if a hole were to be cut in the middle. Around the circle was a golden outlining which glittered in the fairest amount of light. Her robe was a maroon color, draped at her ankles and flowing outward. She usually wears moccasins and the hood is always up, concealing her hair.

History: Hanna was born into the world on November third. Her mother had died minutes after Hanna's birthing and her father was forced to have a burden of taking care of a child. He was already stressed with the hunting of game, the scavenging of plants or fruit, and the traveling of being the origin of nomads. She was carried amongst his back most of the time, fed red berries and mint leaves, apples in the summer, and hare in the fall. If they were to become lucky enough they'd cross a deer once a month. Hanna grew up learning the scent of the forest, the twisting pathways of the labyrinth-like forest that had canopies massed together to become an intermingle of leaves and brush, and the breath of the forest. The forest had a notorious way of making a person who ventured amongst the dark pathways gain heavy, stressed breathing, limbs which restricted to the bending of knees every step taken, and the clenching of fists. The people of the forest had a way of showing their respect, whether it was to let the people unknown to the forest die amongst its path to give back the life they steal, or to kill the men and women themselves. They are mean, and they are annoying in Hanna's perspective.

After her sixth birthday she was given a spear. It was heavy to a six year old of no experience of such an odd weaponry but as she watched the men and women track the scent of the animal, follow the animals path, and bring the spear-head down amongst the deers stomach made her learn. At the age of eleven she killed her first deer, although being a male weak with illness they were forced to return the carcass into nearby brush. When she was twelve her father had died of a disease that had been expected by others. Being heartbroken, she returned to her bedroom for three days until they had started to move towards another location. Although she attempted to converse with others her heart always wanted the man she loved next to her. Now she walked alone, no one to carry her spear for if her arms were tired. It was so depressing.

Then the group split up over arguments of the scarcity of food and what to do now that the main man of the group was gone. It had been six years since the group had split up and Hanna had lived a nomad life of natural ways, except when she came across a hill which flourished with high, green grass, flowers, and a rabbit that ultimately threw itself forward to get away from the being of large. Amongst the two nights of a sleepless travel, she came across a hill. It was a kingdom spoke of before amongst there group, a familiar place in fact.

The people had smiles plastered amongst their faces most of the time, socialization of others, carrying plentiful amounts of food amongst their hands, and to stare at the sunsets in love of the sky. The guards outside the walls were hidden in the shadows, concealed by the playing of light as the candles created corners to become darker as the moon rose over the sky and the stars took place of the blue sky. The knights had sharp-tipped swords, as the smirks on their faces told obvious tales of how the blood stained amongst their swords gave a devious pleasure to their devious minds. They practiced the dances of battle with others, seeing as how trained they were in the step forth, the step back, a flourish of the sword, and then their opponent had been gutted and now lay at their feet. It was hilarious to watch them as they were so devious that hilarity was created out of their rage to kill, yet sad to see they people of this fake town only wanted prosperity and happiness.

Motivation: Her father. He was a man of determination and skill, where she learns that if people of every age had determination and skill as they'd have more access to things than the grace of hunt, but the grace of socialization, and to never give up.
Accepted, however, two minor faults were spotted in that history of yours.

1) The Cicatrix are legion, firstly, and they already know that the Kingdom exists. It is not a town, but a fortress, that the Cicatrix are avidly trying to invade.

2) You would not be able to come so close to the kings quarters; be it that it's heavily fortified and in the middle of the giant fortress.

And as a side note, that is not what the king appears to be. Not a food-stuffing glutton, but rather an old, "wise" man. Although the king of Lexregnum appears peaceful and just, his reign is truly devious as he poisons his people with lies of life and happiness. Imagine "President Snow" from the Hunger Games if you have to, although I wouldn't completely align the two.
Name: Maronette Luree

Race: Lenilacum

Age: 21

Gender: Female


History: Maronette grew up in a poor, but very close family with her parents and her older brother. She was taught, with much support from her mother, to be a painter. She grew to love the art and spent most of her time immersed in it, becoming very shy. She soon became famous, as she was quite young and still creating masterful work. The attention overwhelmed her, and she pulled back, choosing to accredit most of her work to her mother. No one really believed her, but they did pull back a bit.

Years later, her family disappeared, never to be heard from again, and she was assigned to join a new family. She wasn't at all pleased with this change. When she demanded answers, she was told that her family had to move somewhere far away and that they thought it would be best for her to stay where she was. This answer, although disappointing, seemed satisfactory. Surely her family would come back for her one day. The thought never really crossed her mind that she may have been lied to. Sometimes she wonders about her family, but she never suspects anything.

Occupation: Painter

Silenced Memory: Her family tried to escape, leaving her unsuspecting at home. They never made it out, instead being caught at the wall and killed on the spot. She didn't witness the event, but she heard about it. Soon after, her memories were repressed, causing the dreadful night to sink into nothingness.
Alright. You've both been accepted. I'll wait a bit longer to see if anyone else jumps in, but if not, I'll start it up.
Still reading the history, and yet it sounds like fun. Shall we roll the dice and see what I get? *Feeling Lucky*
Alrighty then *Squints eyes*

*Breathes into hands, and throws dice*

Here we go


Stupid dice system decided to not work. Yay...

Lesh try again


^ There we go. It finally worked, dang it.

Not sure what the "post roll" message is all about, but it appears to have worked.
Name: Stayne Red-Fist

Race: Morslabe

Age: 19 He was born January 15

Gender: Male


History: Stayne was born into the Red-Fist family. The Red-Fist is known for being a sadistic family. If ever challenged, they never stopped until their opponent was covered in blood. When he turned, Stayne fought his father for the 5th time, and killed him.

Horrible Memory: Stayne always remember the times he had to fight his father. To him, it was like a war for him.

The picture you have for him looks like a normal guy. Morslabe look like corrupted, mutated humans. They're dark, they're hideous, and they're forsaken. Also, they don't have families.

I really don't think that you understand the concept that I'm trying to make. The Morslabe people are depressed, cynical, and half-mad. They are in no way normal, hopeful, or happy. They look like monsters; corrupted and bleak.

Currently they are chained and forgotten in the Dungeon of Randai, lost both physically and mentally. Most have already lost hope, rolling on the ground, waiting for their lives to end. Unlike the other two factions, the Morslabe are another race all together. They don't eat, and they don't sleep. Long ago, the Lenilacum, seeking to purge all evils from the world, locked them in a rather depleted coal mind and left them to rot. Later expanding the cave system, they later called it the Dungeon of Randai after the builder, Xigerot Randai. It has been centuries, and no one really remembers the Morslabe ever even existing. None have lived old enough. Those that still believe in the "legends" usually believe that the Morslabe are already extinct. Also, note; the reason why the Morslabe have been so long forgotten is because none can escape the dungeon. It is a labyrinth that no one can solve.

Now, suggesting that you read all of this, you have a good idea who the Morslabe are. Please modify your character accordingly :D
(First, I would like to say "Thank You" for that because while I read it the second time, something was not sticking together. Then again, this will be new for me since I have never played a character like this before, and the last time I tried he ended up becoming completely insane.)

Name: Raftelus

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: He appears to be a little kid with short white hair and blood red eyes. Raftelus has two left arms. One is normal, while the other is large and claw-like. He also has long tentacles, each with a face sprouting from his right His legs are wrapped in bandages, and he wears a black tattered robe.

History: Spawned in the darkness, Raftelus laid sad and lonely. Days went on as he walked on awaiting his inevitable date with Death. Until one day a girl covered in tentacles, as if she was wearing a blood-soaked dress. For a moment, they stared at one another, Raftelus viewing the girl's dress. The girl was examining his second giant claw-like left arm. When she touched his second left arm, it scratched her legs. He never forget the first thing she said, "Whoa. That is one feral arm." He was shocked that he scratched her, but she paid no attention to it and decided to venture in their new home together. As the years went by, the girl taught him Common (English), he examining the many dress designs her many tentacles formed. They were talking and playing for several years, wasting time as it seemed. Then one day, Raftelus and the girl were visited by a man who wanted the girl's house. She sneered at the selfish man and turned him away. Enraged by her refusal, he grew blades from his arms and tore the poor girl's house to shreds. "Why would he do that?," Raftelus thought to himself. "How cruel. How heartless. He" Enraged by his rudeness, five faced tentacles sprouted from Raftelus' right arm, and with no hesitation tore the man limb from limb. He then went to pick up his friend and face the overpowering darkness together.

Horrible Memory: Stayne regrets killing that greedy man. He only did it protect his friend, but murder is not justified, whatever the case may be.
Okay! You seem to have missed the concept again. I'll try to make this simple.

The Morslabe are not fighters. I'll try to word this so that it's easily understandable, no offense to you;

Imagine a large group of emo kids. Now imagine that these emo kids are chained, hungry, and look like mutated demons. They're HIDEOUS! Your character looks like a purple man at this point. They should look awful. Now, imagine these twisted looking emo-demons are locked in a dungeon where they can't leave, and NO ONE can enter. There cannot be any orphans in the dungeon, because that's impossible! Also; why the heck would they want to fight each other? If anything, they see each other as brothers, either searching or dying together.

Here is an example of a Morslabe character;

Name: Scales

Race: Morslabe

Age: 25

Gender: Female


View attachment 8858

History: When she spawned in the darkness, she laid there cold, alone. For several years she waited until she had the courage to leave her small dirt hut, which she slowly built throughout those years. Placing one foot in front of the other, the darkness was nearly overwhelming. Days past as she simply walked forward, looking about. Until her foot caught on to what appeared to be another one of her kin. Surprisingly; it was an old Morslabe man, possibly eighty-some years old. He breathed coldly as she gently nudged him, trying to get him awake. When he finally awoke, he shot his head upright, looking about. She will never forget what she said to him; "Gah! Your finger like scales!" Naturally, she had no idea what he said, but she found it funny, nonetheless.

Together they spent the years together, he teaching her what Common (English) he could, she making jokes about the odd talons popping out of his back. And there they spent their years, talking to each other, wasting away, it seemed. Until suddenly, a small group of travelers came by. A small group; three boys, each one of them no more than ten years of age. The same age as Scales at that point. They knew only little Common, which aggravated Scales thoroughly. For hours, they argued; Scales and the old man only getting little across. In the end, one of the boys became furious, and simply lifted his hand. In a flash, his fingers extended, cutting straight through the old man's head. He, so quickly dead, fell to the dirt floor, no longer moving. Scales, so enraged by their carelessness, their ignorance, their... their... she could not help but kill them all. Tentacles flying, talons erupting from hands and feet. When they were all dead, she only sat by the old man's body, crying for her perished mentor and friend.

Horrible Memory: The death of the old man hurts her to this day. Her only thoughts of his passing.

At this point, you probably think that the Morslabe are boring. Truthfully, their story is. However, I have my story laid out for the Morslabe just like the other two factions, and they have quite a story to tell.

Also, just because I really like how the character turned out, I'll throw in Scales if we don't find anyone else to play as a Morslabe as well. Just a note.

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