Binary: Reclaiming Earth


Senior Member
The Story So Far:

In the year 2037 humanity discovered a beacon of unknown origin hidden beneath the sands of Egypt. It's discoverers, in an act that resulted in their demise, activated it... opening a gateway which allowed a hostile race, whose name lies forgotten, to swarm through. This invasion quickly caught the attention of E.G.D.T. (Eurasian Global Defensive Task-force), a coalition of Europe and Asia's major nations who sent a veritable armada of combined forces to halt the hostile attack on their planet. After a long and brutal battle, E.G.D.T. Officials came to the realization that this foe was not something they could fight alone. Calling in assistance from their (then-foe) The United American Armed Forces and the three major Private Military Contractors of the time, E.G.D.T. did it's finest to hold the line until they could get backup. When all hope seemed lost, and their efforts in vain, one of the PMCs responded by rushing aid to the battlefield. The sudden arrival of TitanWorx forces proved enough to drive back the invasion... if only for a moment. Now with a sizable ally at their side for the duration, E.G.D.T. regrouped and began to plan for a retaliatory attack on the unknown aggressors.

Now interested in why the incredibly powerful, Antarctic-Based TitanWorx had assisted an alliance they had no part in, U.A.A.F. investigated what had happened in the war-torn country of Egypt. What they found was enough to appall the man in-charge; millions of human soldiers lying across blood-red sand. Immediately reporting this to his fellow military personnel, General Edward Slagg questioned the politicians who had refused to send aid and that had censored reports from the front line. Angered at the actions of their corrupt leaders, the military of the U.A.A.F. immediately relieved them of power and took up arms to assist E.G.D.T. and TitanWorx. With the information now public knowledge many more nations joined the fight, forming the United Earth Military Pact. Standing united, the forces of Earth easily managed to push back a second wave of the alien invaders and stormed through the open Gateway to the species' homeworld. This action took their foes by surprise and left them too little time to act before their very species was exterminated. In a last act of defiance before they were destroyed for good, however, the race unleashed a biological weapon upon the humans: The Corruption. Those who survived the initial stages of infection were rendered incredibly resilient, while those who fell were transformed into horrible monsters intent only upon the consumption of their fellow beings. The E.G.D.T. section of The U.E.M.P. quickly developed a counter-measure to combat the threat while the U.A.A.F. worked to utilize The Corruption as their own weapon. TitanWorx, meanwhile, quietly slipped through the Gateway and took over the new world, naming it "Terra Sigma". After the remnants of Earth's military were thoroughly destroyed by The Corruption, their efforts wasted, TitanWorx sent a retrieval force to collect what they could of the planet's technology. Discovering the projects set in motion by the two major entities, the PMC-turned-Nation quickly worked off the prototype data and produced the first set of Edge Powered Armor and Slagg Gene-Boosters.

Their success in production was short-lived, however, as the Edge PAs lacked a sufficient power source and the Slagg Boosters relied upon the very weapon that had destroyed Earth to grant them power. Investigating the "Native's" technology, TitanWorx found a way in which one could draw energy directly from a being's soul. This was quickly incorporated into the Edge PAs and inserted into those who would undergo the Slagg process as a form of remote bomb, ensuring that they would be killed instead of being turned into insane monsters. Now with technology capable of causing notable damage to the creatures on Earth, TitanWorx has begun the training of young recruits to use these weapons in the inevitable invasion of Earth... this is where you come in, newbie.

tl;dr: Earth is dead, we live on another planet.

Xenthriss' Foreword:

This project, Binary, began as a project between yours truly and The Dark Wizard. Unfortunately, due to TDW's schedule I have been force to take up the RP by my self. This is a very much work in progress and isn't quite flight-worthy yet. Your input is valued and will shape how this is finished. Below are the basic rules and the character sheet, any inquiries that you have please make as I will be working on an FAQ section. Also, assistance from somebody who knows their way around a plot would be much appreciated.


*sigh* Yes, I have to list these. Just use your brain for the most part.

1: No Godmodding. Do not insta-hit anything but non-critical NPCs, even then attempt to do so in a way which is not an anticlimax (I.E.: Killing a Slagg Supersoldier with a single bullet to the head).

2: No Powerplaying. Do not try to control another player or a non-hostile NPC. If you try to control another player then I will, no questions asked, remove you from the RP and bar you from rejoining. This is a one-chance situation.

3: Keep it Clean. Sex is not allowed beyond cut-to-black. If you wish to ERP then preform the actions elsewhere. The Inn's User Guidelines do not permit this behavior on-site. Personally, I don't mind. Sex is just part of life to me, but other people might get offended.

4: At Ease Soldier! Although the main personnel will be military, they come from a PMC which as much more lax standards than an official military. Still, piss off the CO bad enough and you will be scrubbing toilets with a toothbrush.

5: Posting Format. It is requested that you post in nice, tidy, easy-to-read posts not succeeding five paragraphs and lacking any unneeded prose. Dialogue is requested to be colored, but that is optional. If you do something wrong, don't worry, I'll tell you what happened and let you edit it.

6: Xenthriss is God. Remember, I'm the one pulling the shots here. If I say something happens it does. You abuse the system I have bad things happen to your character. Don't worry, I'm not evil like most people, though. I want to see you succeed.

7: OOC is OOC. If I catch you letting things that happen outside of the RP bleed into the RP itself I will give you one warning before severely handicapping your character. If it happens a third time you will be removed and barred from rejoining.

8: Hehe, he said "Ass"! You're human. You can play a prude if you want, but nobody is restricted in their language. Note, however, that if you do or say anything blatantly racist I'll be keeping an eye on you to make sure the character doesn't become some sort of outlet for your hatred of Frenchmen or something.

9: Ooh, me accent's slipping! If your character has a visible (written) grammatical tic or something try to keep it unless some massive character development moment happens that would logically make them stop.

10: Railroading. While I will try to avoid this, if you ass around too much and delay the plot for a long enough period I will take minor steps towards setting you on the right track for the story.

Character Sheet:

Identification Information






Professional Information

Subfaction: (Slagg-Boosted Soldier or Edge-Jockey)

Class: (Specialization for Slagg, weight-class for Edge)

Rank: (Below Captain to start with)

Personality: (Try to work in your stats)

History: (Were you born before or after the war? Where? Describe everything from birth to adulthood... that is, within reason. We don’t need to know about every breathe they took. Try to make it more than three paragraphs but less than six.)

(Optional) Theme:


Weapons: (Edge PA built-ins go here as well as personal weapons)

Armor: (This is your Edge PA or Slagg biological armor)

Other: (Lockets? Car keys?)


(You have 1,000 points to distribute, minimum of 100 for each stat; 200 is considered a normal human. Delete this sentence inside the parentheses after you’ve applied your stats. Note that this is designed to prevent the “Who’s Better” quarrels from happening and to prevent Godmode Sues.)





Corruption: 0% (If you are a Slagger change this to a percentile between 25% and 75% to begin with)

Soul: 100%

Sanity: 100% (if you are a Slagger change this to a percentile between 75% and 50%)



Honor: 100%

Reliability: 100%

Missions Won: 0

Missions Lost: 0

Academy Grade: 0

Optional Edge Schematic Sheet:

Operational Data:


Serial: XXX-XX-XX-X




Weight Class:

Primary Armaments:

Secondary Armaments:

Armor Type:

Tactical Package:

Sensor Suite:

Edge Armory:


Light: Scout class, designates Edge units with Infantry-Grade armor and incredible speed.

Medium: Guerilla class, designates Edge units with Aircraft-Grade armor and capable of anti-aircraft duties.

Heavy: Command class, designates Edge units with APC-Grade armor and capable of anti-materiel duties.

Ultra-Heavy: Stronghold class, designates Edge units with Tank-Grade armor and capable of mass destruction.

Assault/Leviathan: Titan class, designates Edge units with Naval-Grade armor and capable of housing multiple pilots.

Weapons: (Heavier Classes can mount Lighter Class Weapons.)

Light: Uses Infantry Weapons and Light Laser Weapons.

Medium: Uses Heavy Laser Weapons and Light Rail Weapons.

Heavy: Uses Heavy Rail Weapons and Light Artillery Weapons.

Ultra-Heavy: Uses Heavy Artillery Weapons and Light Naval Weapons.

Assault/Leviathan: Uses Heavy Naval Weapons and Plasma Weaponry.

Armor Types: (Armor is given in the following format; Lighter and Faster armor, or Slower and More Protective Armor|Type.)

Light: Kevlar Mesh, or Titanium|Point-Defense

Medium: Alluminium/Steel Alloy, or Reactive Ceramic|Carapace

Heavy: Titanium/Steel Alloy, or Combination-K|Shell

Ultra-Heavy: MEXAS/RHA, or Kontakt-5|Carapace

Assault/Leviathan: STS, or Krupp|Belted Armor

Tactical Packages: (Pick one in your weight class, cannot use lighter class TacPacs.)

Light: Cloaking Device, Aircraft Docking Clamps

Medium: Jumpjets, Anti-Materiel Bayonette

Heavy: Deployable Turret, Plasma Shields

Ultra-Heavy: Redundant Generator, Anti-Missile Chaff

Assault/Leviathan: Underwater Propulsion, Personnel Bays

Sensor Suites: (Pick two, any class can use any Sensor)

Thermal: Cannot penetrate walls, detects heat. Signal scrambles if Edge builds up too much heat.

SONAR: Can penetrate thin walls, detects sound. Useless in an area with high sound polution.

L-AMP: Amplifies light taken in by external cameras. Risks temporary blindness if bright lights are shined at the camera.

EFD: Can penetrate any walls, detects electrical signals. Signal scrambles if used at the same time as other sensors.
Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Was the U.A.A.F. The United States of America?

A: No, the U.A.A.F. was the result of the countries in both northern and southern America uniting much in the vein as the U.S.S.R.... albeit less red.

Q: Why was there animosity between The U.A.A.F. and E.G.D.T.?

A: Not all countries are exactly "loving" of the Americans, first of all. Second, I didn't say that they were all on bad terms. Just as a great partition were they sharing a mutual dislike.

Q: What are all of the Pre-Corruption factions?

A: *sigh* I do not like doing entire worlds of information until the players would encounter or require it. However, because I was asked nicely I will list the main alliances/corporations in addition to their capital city locations. If it is an alliance I will list major facts such as primary religions and such. For companies I will give the main Headquarters in addition to major nationalities and approximate headcount. Later I might ask Uziel to do a map or something, he likes making maps.

E.G.D.T. (Eurasian Global Defensive Task-force): Moskau, Russia. Christianity. Key alliance players; Russia, Poland, France, Britain, Germany.

U.A.A.F. (United American Armed Forces): Mexico City Mexico. Christianity. Key alliance players; Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, U.S.A..

A.C.M.A. (African Continental Military Alliance): Cairo, Egypt. Muslim. Key alliance players; Egypt, Sudan, Iraq.

G.I.D.F. (Gestalt Indochinese Defensive Forces): Islamabad, Pakistan. Buddhism. Key alliance players; Pakistan, China, India.

TitanWorx: Leviathan Training Facility, Antarctica. Germanic, Slavic, Norse. 2.5 Million Personnel.

Flagstone: Hachinohe, Japan. Japanese, Indian, Australian. 1.3 Million Personnel.

I.M.N.W. (International Mercenary Naval Warfare): Tallahassee, U.S.A.. American, Mexican, Canadian. 732,000 Personnel.
I am defenitly interested, and I will be working on my character sheet until it is time to post it. :)
Okay, I can see the EGDT being made, but how did Western Europe make a foe out of its greatest ally (The United States well United Americans.) I can see Russia, Eastern Europe, a bit of the Middle East, Asia defiantly, but Western Europe?

Dose the EGDT have Western Europe? I am just asking a bit of back story thats all, you can have Europe hate the Americans but as seeing the deeply rooted ties between the United States and Europe it just makes a pause for a question.


But nonetheless it is interesting. Also one last thing too, so as a character were coming in form Terra though the portal to invade a toxic Earth; is that right?
We live on Terra Sigma, and are currently trying to train and build up a large enough force to retake Earth.

E.G.D.T. Comprises of most of Europe and most of Asia.

By the way, feel free to post your work-in-progress characters here. Helps if I can view them and help you out. Also prevents epic failures like writing five paragraphs about things that really couldn't happen in-universe.

NOTICE: If you want to see this RP go up then you MUST post that you are interested. We need at the very least six players to begin.

Edit: Edge Powered Armor schematics added
I know it's been a while, but were you still planning on running this Xenthriss? I'd be interested in playing :)
Yes, I still intend to run this. I put too much work in to just let it die.

So we're up to three players, if you all tell one friend then we could totally do this.
I am in your debt, TWIF. Good to have somebody who's actually good with background helping me out. Hope you don't have too hard a time.
I'll see what I can do about other players Xenthriss. If you need any any help with anything just let me know.
You're all saints, rarely have I encountered people actually willing to help me with RP-related issues. Thank you.
I'll try to get some people to join too, and, like Grem said, if you need any help, just ask.
I'll be interested in this, will be willing to post a character sheet this weekend too. :)


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