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Fandom Big Brother - The Reality TV Roleplay

Hi, how are you? I did my sheet but I'm not sure if it's as detailed as you wanted. If not just let me know and I'll fix it up. Also, are we going to role play in first person as well or is it just for the CS?
@snakeyem12 @NessieAlways

Hey! I'd like if the CS's would be in first person, but, yours was good enough anyway- so I didn't mind the fact that it was in third person. And, the roleplay can be whatever you want it. If you feel more comfortable RP-ing in first person, then roleplay in first person. If you prefer to roleplay in third person, then do that instead. I don't mind! Whatever suits you and your play style!
Maybe you should tag the people who were interested in the rp so they'd know the thread is up? I can do it if you want

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