Biarritz has Arrived!


Future Ultra
Hey everyone! My name's Biarritz, and I'm not a new roleplayer, although this is my first time venturing out of the shallow pond that is Feralfront and into the big Roleplay Ocean!

I like to put a lot of effort and detail into my roleplays, sometimes 5 or more paragraphs per post. The main reason I quit Feralfront, besides that, was that I seemed to be the only football (soccer) fan in the entire site! I'm hoping to find someone to do football roleplay with on RP Nation.

That's the dream anyway! But I'm aware that it's pretty unlikely. I also enjoy realistic modern and historical roleplays, and the occasional fantasy or sci-fi roleplay (zombie apocalypse!)

Any other football fans out here?
Hello and welcome to RPN!

It's a great place with great people, don't be afraid to reach out. A great place to look when looking for new RPs to join is the interest check section of the type of RP you want to join. The rules are rather simple, and the staff really do see all. I got to admit two things, I don't know if you mean American Football (where foot hardly touch balls, and lots of shoulder padding is worn) or soccer-type football (the one where lots of foot touch balls, and they fall down for no reason). That's the issue with an international site, but well. I'd suggest looking in the General Discussion, here, for a thread about the sport, or starting one if there isn't already. As for a RP about it, I have to admit I have no idea. How about you start one?

To aid with the jumping in I'd advice the following threads. For any and all questions you may have here is a good place. It's likely that your question has been asked before, and if not, you can always create a new thread. With your questions answered, and the rules carefully studied, you can go join any RP. Like I said, the interest check section of the genre you're looking for is the best place to look, whether for a RP to join or people that want to join your RP. Now that you want to make your posts all fancy to impress everyone, explanations about bbcode can be found here, or if you want to dive right into the depths of bbcode, here. Like everything in life though, don't overdo it.

So that's about everything I think you might need to know to get started. If you still have some questions, don't be afraid to ask, me or someone else. Everyone here was new sometime after all.

Welcome to the best site for RPing, have fun!
Hey there, welcome to the site :D

This certainly is an ocean! I'd recommend putting up a thread in the Interest Check section of the boards to see if anyone wants to write what you're interested in with you~
I certainly hope this isn't an ocean. I can't swim. Either way, welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want.

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