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Fandom Beyond the Black Curtain: A 40k Rogue Trader Story


Mystery Man
Roleplay Type(s)
I am thinking of doing a Warhammer 40k RP where people will be playing as a Rogue Trader exploring the Milky Way Galaxy in the Warhammer 40k universe. Not sure what time period we should go with. Maybe Great Crusade era or a bit after the Horus Heresy? I also like the idea of exploring the Galactic Core but that can always change. You will be given a Conquest Class Star Galleon though. It's basically like an upgunned Armed Merchantman. Just like how the Spanish Treasure Galleons were eventually replaced by dedicated warships. I know my interest checks aren't always as detailed as others but I always use mine to gauge the popularity of an idea or concept of an RP before I work on it in earnest. So if you think a game where you play as a Rogue Trader and his/her crew is pretty neat be sure to leave a comment and I'll get right on it.
Tentatively interested as part of the crew. I have a Battle Sister I could adapt to this setting.
Tentatively interested as part of the crew. I have a Battle Sister I could adapt to this setting.
Awesome! So I guess that at least somewhat settles the question of timeline. It's after the Age of Apostasy.
Awesome! So I guess that at least somewhat settles the question of timeline. It's after the Age of Apostasy.
if you want to do it in some other timeline, you still can. Her background is one where she got stuck in the warp for an undisclosed amount of time. when the ship was finally brought back, she is in a yet-to-be-determined time/place. I wrote her like this on purpose so as to make her easily adaptable to any era in 40K (it also opens up the possibility of an alt. universe, and therefore excuses any lore I'm not familiar with. lol)
This is HER, as is. But like I said... totally mutable to whatever setting you wanna drop her into. I can re-write events and such after she emerges from the warp. For instance, not being drafted into the Inquisitorial ranks.
if you want to do it in some other timeline, you still can. Her background is one where she got stuck in the warp for an undisclosed amount of time. when the ship was finally brought back, she is in a yet-to-be-determined time/place. I wrote her like this on purpose so as to make her easily adaptable to any era in 40K (it also opens up the possibility of an alt. universe, and therefore excuses any lore I'm not familiar with. lol)
Oh nice, sounds good to me. It'd be pretty awkward for her to be sent back to near the Horus Heresy era though because not everyone was worshipping the God-Emperor at the time and she'd be viewed as a kind of loony person. Especially since the Sisters of Battle of the 41st millennium are considered by most "Sunday Christians" to be a bit crazy anyways.
This is HER, as is. But like I said... totally mutable to whatever setting you wanna drop her into. I can re-write events and such after she emerges from the warp. For instance, not being drafted into the Inquisitorial ranks.
Nice, sounds fun. I'm sure that whatever timeline we do (I usually stick pretty close to canon though) she'll be an awesome addition to the Crew.
Personally I absolutely hate the Primaris Marines and just about everything that came from that piece of garbage moneygrabbing rape of Canon. Maybe in a few years once they clean it all up I can accept it, but it's going to take a lot of work for that to happen. So we are definitely not doing anything around the time that Games Workshop decided they needed to sell Models of Girlyman and his new fake marines. However we could easily refluff psychic awakening causing the crash to just be a regular warpstorm. Murdergurl Murdergurl
Personally I absolutely hate the Primaris Marines and just about everything that came from that piece of garbage moneygrabbing rape of Canon. Maybe in a few years once they clean it all up I can accept it, but it's going to take a lot of work for that to happen. So we are definitely not doing anything around the time that Games Workshop decided they needed to sell Models of Girlyman and his new fake marines. However we could easily refluff psychic awakening causing the crash to just be a regular warpstorm. Murdergurl Murdergurl
tbh, my main interlope into WH40k is the miniature painting. I started in the early 90s when everything was still mostly pewter blisters. Some of the box sets were plastic. But just some. I've never played a tabletop game, nor a video game of 40k. I just paint and collect (along with a variety of minis from other product lines) Though, I have read a few books. I have some very old codices and supplements as well. I think they are 3rd edition. I pretty much just bought them for the read. My SoB codex is the one with "Veridyan" on the cover. Though, at the time it was printed, no such model existed. lol

Anyhow, I'm not a fan of the primaris event. It totally threw off the scale. I don't really give a damn about their lore, as I generally dislike the smurfs (much less their patron). If I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm not even a big fan of space marines in general. They are kind of boring to paint, so they never really appealed to me. Hence, I never looked much into them to know more than some basics on their lore. But there is a wiki, and I can read as needed whenever anything comes up.
will the crew be purely human or will the rouge trader be more flexible with their morals?
tbh, my main interlope into WH40k is the miniature painting. I started in the early 90s when everything was still mostly pewter blisters. Some of the box sets were plastic. But just some. I've never played a tabletop game, nor a video game of 40k. I just paint and collect (along with a variety of minis from other product lines) Though, I have read a few books. I have some very old codices and supplements as well. I think they are 3rd edition. I pretty much just bought them for the read. My SoB codex is the one with "Veridyan" on the cover. Though, at the time it was printed, no such model existed. lol

Anyhow, I'm not a fan of the primaris event. It totally threw off the scale. I don't really give a damn about their lore, as I generally dislike the smurfs (much less their patron). If I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm not even a big fan of space marines in general. They are kind of boring to paint, so they never really appealed to me. Hence, I never looked much into them to know more than some basics on their lore. But there is a wiki, and I can read as needed whenever anything comes up.
I started off painting Space Marines because it just seemed the easiest to get into but my true passion are Orkz.
I started off painting Space Marines because it just seemed the easiest to get into but my true passion are Orkz.
I LOVE ORKS! Well, tbh, what I actually really like are the grots. I've always had a thing for goblins in any and every setting. The issue with 40k is that they Orks are all "Boyz". No "Gurlz". lol

But yeah, Ork army is pretty rad, especially since they basically just ramshackle everything together and loot the fuck out of other models. I'm really big into kit-bashing and customizing the hell out of my figures, so Orks speak to me as a a painter/modeler.
I LOVE ORKS! Well, tbh, what I actually really like are the grots. I've always had a thing for goblins in any and every setting. The issue with 40k is that they Orks are all "Boyz". No "Gurlz". lol

But yeah, Ork army is pretty rad, especially since they basically just ramshackle everything together and loot the fuck out of other models. I'm really big into kit-bashing and customizing the hell out of my figures, so Orks speak to me as a a painter/modeler.
No way my friend. You won't believe what I am painting my Army as. It's called WAAAAGH TEEFANY and it's themed as "Da Gurlz" I'm painting them all pink and stuff and as I get better at kitbashing and Greenstuff I'm going to put dresses and ponytails and stuff on the Orkz. See that's what I love about 40k. It's all about your dudes.
We should probably make an OOC chat for this so people can actually ask questions about the Rogue Trader RP
No way my friend. You won't believe what I am painting my Army as. It's called WAAAAGH TEEFANY and it's themed as "Da Gurlz" I'm painting them all pink and stuff and as I get better at kitbashing and Greenstuff I'm going to put dresses and ponytails and stuff on the Orkz. See that's what I love about 40k. It's all about your dudes.
I converted some Khorne Berserkers to a squad including a couple gals back in my teens. lol

But yeah, an OOC would be cool.
... been a bit. Gonna withdraw my interest. Good luck to the rest of ya.

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