Beyond the Barrier


One Thousand Club
The mystery of Stonehenge has finally been solved. The mysterious stone formations marked the ancient barrier between two immensely different worlds. The barrier came into appearance over a month ago and now a wide variety of creatures have been spilling out from one world into the next.

Fearing the creatures coming forth from the barrier an elite team was assembled and they were launched forth as a force to determine what effect the meeting of this worlds would have and to determine how to react to this new world. Should they coexist? Should Earth invade for resources? Or is this new world a threat that should be taken out immediately before it is too late? The reaction to the world beyond the portal will be decided by the group that is sent based on their experiences.


I have a sign-up thread posted in the character sheets spread.

I hope to see you all. :)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Alice tugged at the sleeve of her jacket as she waited for the rest of her team to arrive. In a dizzyingly fast manner, the goals of the mission had been relayed to her and she was passed a backpack full of food, water, some medical supplies, and a gun equipped with some ammo and brought to the edge of the structure called Stonehenge. It felt like it had only been yesterday when she had thought the structure to be a complete mystery. She had held this view until this morning when it was revealed to her astonishment that there was a barrier to another world and it was falling into disarray. Her job was to help assess what they would do with this world before the barrier completely crumbled.

She paced around the edge waiting for her other teammates to appear so that they could cross into a world that was largely unknown. Waiting made her nervous, she couldn't shake her suspicions that this was a hoax. If it wasn't some elaborate joke that someone was pulling on her then she should be frightened. All she saw was Stonehenge before her. She had been told that she should enter the marked area when her teammates had arrived, but she felt frightened for the first time in her life. If this wasn't a joke, she was about to entire a place that she knew nothing about and that she could very well lose her life in.

"Hello?" she called out masking her fears behind the confident arrogant exterior she had so adeptly constructed for herself. Nobody would know her fear and she certainly wouldn't let her team show any fear that they had. As far as she was aware, if everything went well then they would be back out into this world within a week with their report. She hoped to herself that the world would be accomodating to her and anyone else who entered the barrier with her.
"Oh hello," Charltan said as he came up behind Alice. He was grinning wide as always, still trying to get himself ready. He stumbled a bit and his gun fell to the ground with a bunch of notebooks and a pen. He shook his head, leaning down to collect his items. He was still in a good, if nervous, mood and he nodded at Alice.

"Sorry. A bit jittery. I am just ecstatic to be here," he commented. He closed his mouth before he could start to ramble as he finished picking everything back up. He smiled again at Alice. "I am Charltan Gates," he told her, holding out a hand for Alice to shake. "It is a pleasure to meet you."
Zea stepped out of her car. She looked at the massive stones that stood on the ground. She couldn't believe that they were a portal to another world. She straighted her white sweater and walked towards the others. She smiled at them all "I'm Zea Crosswinds. I'll be studying life in the other world." she said and tossed her hair over her shoulder.
Nova Scar slowly made her way to where she saw three people already. She seemed to be the youngest so far which made her uncomfortable. Would she get treated like a kid? She hoped not. She was a year away from drinking. She could vote and smoke and enlist. She was an adult as much as she didn't look or sometimes act like.

"Um...hey," she said softly, though a bit uncaring. "I am Nova Scar."
"I'm Alice Vespucci." she smiled warmly and she accepted Charltan's hand that he had extended to shake. She glanced around at their surroundings. There were a number of backpacks still remaining but a quick glance at her watch revealed that they were ten minutes late on when they were supposed to enter the portal. The person who had debriefed her mentioned that the barrier was only responsive enough to travel through at certain times of the day. Time was a luxury that they did not currently have. Anybody who would be on their team would just have to leave later. Maybe they were the only people on the team? This idea worried Alice because she looked at the three other people around her feeling generally unimpressed.

"I guess we should go." she immediately said. Her tone was both suggestive and aggressive. This was an idea that these people could disagree with, but not if they wanted to stick together. She was leaving and they could decide if they wanted to stay behind and wait.

Alice had only travelled a few steps when she noticed a small table. On the top of the table were a number of dark bricks. She walked over to the table and picked up one of the bricks. She only rolled it over in her hands once when Alice realized with a jolt of relief that they were GPS monitors. She wondered how effective they would work in the other world, if at all, but she smiled knowing that late arrivals to their team could hopefully find them.

With the discovery of the GPS she hastily waved to the three people nearby and she closed her eyes as she stepped into the marked area. At first she felt nothing and this lack of sensation caused her to open her eyes. She still saw the surroundings that she had seen a mere second ago and she blinked looking at the other three people on her team. Of course it was a hoax. She opened her mouth to speak before her surroundings rapidly began to twist and she fell to the ground.

Alice shrieked and she immediately jumped to her feet before she realized that she was no longer standing in a marked circle in Stonehenge. All she could see was an endless expanse of green forest. With a start she realized that she was no longer in her own world.

Chris Andd

Chris hurried up to Stonehenge, his backpack slung over one arm as he struggled to get the other strap on. He'd overslept on this morning, of all mornings! He couldn't believe the alarm clock's obnoxious blaring hadn't woken him... Well, he could, actually. Chris had spent half the night tossing and turning in equal parts excitement and nerves. He'd only managed to get a few hours even though he was late. Chris stepped into the stones and glanced around. For a split second he saw a group of four crowded inside the markers and a rush of disappointment flooded him. A hoax, of course. Then they disappeared. Chris stared, wide eyed and slack jawed, but only for a minute.

"YES!" Chris shouted, pumping a fist into the air in a rare show of extreme excitement, He started forward, nearly tripping in his eagerness, and grabbed one of the GPS's. Things like the paranormal were among the only things that could get Chris to display any major emotions. He eagerly stepped into the markers and waited. A second ticked by, the another. Chris felt a sick feeling grip his stomach. Was it a one time thing? No, no it couldn't- And then the world twisted and swirled around him. Chris stumbled and fell. When finally everything came to a standstill, Chris jumped to his feet and stared around him. There were the four people he had seen before, of course, but they were in an entirely different place.

"Cool," Chris muttered softly.

Ally Dolus

Ally stood in her clearing, a brisk fire crackling in front of her with some sort of bird on a spit roasting. She stared down at her meal and grinned eagerly. Her stomach was growling with anticipation and she just wanted to sink her teeth into the meat.

"See, this place isn't too bad!" Ally commented.

"We're alone here. It's driving us nuts," Ally responded.

"Oh, don't be like that. We have food!" Ally said cheerily.

"We're insane," Ally commented dryly. A sudden squawk sounded behind her and Ally turned to see a raven staring at her inquisitively. She sighed and shook her head.

"I've been alone for way too long. Even the birds think I'm crazy," Ally joked with a little giggle. Just as she was returning her attention to the fire Ally felt a sudden gust of wind burst through the forest. It slammed into her and Ally lifted her arms and face towards the sky. She listened as the wind whistled around her, blowing out her fire, before dissipating. It was not a natural wind, that Ally knew for sure. As a Witch she had the uncanny ability to sense magic, and even pinpoint where it came from. There had just been a huge burst of it, basically a beacon, not far from where she was. Ally hesitated for a moment, staring longingly at the bird, before sighing and heading into the woods. She might as well see what was up, as her fire was now gone and she wasn't about to light another one if there was something potentially dangerous and extremely powerful lurking nearby.

((I'll post now if that's okay, I really want my character to join right off the bat..))

Willow sat in the passenger seat of the humvee, stonefaced and pissed. She still wasn't happy about being assigned to the rag-tag team of paranormal weirdos and asocial scientific snobs. The man driving her sighed and patted her shoulder.

"It's alright Willow, you'll be back before you know it."

"Yeah, that's not what the Big Hoss said up in the office. I heard him. He said he wouldn't be bothered if I died on the mission." The man sighed.

"Stop it. You're overreacting. Your punishment is completely understandable, besides, you blew up an entire compound!" He said, exasperated. Willow's lips flattened into a thin line of anger.

"It was a rebel compound, why will no one believe me?!" She snarled. He just sighed.

"We're here." He said, pulling off the gravel road when the rock formation came into view. Willow looked at the simple structure and had a hard time believing that it was a gateway into another world. As soon as the Humvee stopped, Willow had the door opened and was out of the vehicle in seconds.

"Willow-" She shut the door in his face. Childish, but true. She did not want to hear anymore excuses and reassurances. She'd had enough. Some people came into view and she watched as one by one, they grabbed their equipment and walked through to the other side.

"Impatient little scientists aren't they?" She jogged over, grabbed her pack, readjusting her M-16 on her back to go over the pack. She had a double-shoulder holster with .45 magnums and a side, hip holster with a .38 magnum. She grabbed a GPS and stepped though, not giving herself time to hesitate.

She experienced a brief moment of vertigo and then she was standing on the forest floor of a dense forest. She looked around and saw the other members of her group. With a sigh she trotted over. "Could have waited a minute." She said mostly to herself. She was here to protect these people and they leave without their protection. For smart people they were kinda stupid. She looked around, pulling her M-16 off her back, in a defensive stance. This wasn't the world she knew, there were creatures of myth and legend here and they had no doubt felt the entrance of her group. More than likely, they would show up to investigate. Willow was just hoping whoever, or whatever, investigated, wasn't hostile. A girl could only hope.

Chris Andd

Chris took a couple steps away from the group of people. He didn't like that many of them crowded together and besides, he really wanted to take this in alone. After all it was an entirely new place that had never been seen before. Who could blame him if he just wanted to drink it all in? He felt happiness bubble inside of him, although you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at his face. It had gone back to it's usual laid back expression after his out burst before. Now he simply gazed around, hungrily drinking in the sights. Chris glanced over as a voice disturbed the peace, talking quietly. A woman with a gun, clearly a soldier.

"Sorry," Chris offered. He kept his eyes on her for a second longer before turning away. He had to admit, he was the tiniest bit biased against soldiers. From what he'd seen of them they were all too eager to shoot first and ask questions later. Chris was a learner, a scientist... Basically, he was a nerd and preferred when trigger happy people kept away from his potential information sources. Still, he knew she was just there to protect them. Besides, he had no way of knowing if she was like the soldiers he'd met before in his life. Chris shook his head of these thoughts, and instead decided that maybe he shouldn't be standing there while a group of strangers milled about behind him. It seemed introductions were in order, so Chris turned to the little group.

"I'm Chris." Not a lengthy greeting, but fitting for his character. Not a lot of chatter and not a lot of emotion. Not that he was a robot or something. Chris just didn't really express himself a lot. Nothing wrong with that.

Ally Dolus

Ally started out of her clearing, only stopping by the tree on which her cloak was hung. She swept it up onto her back and pulled up the hood. It shadowed her face, hiding her features and the tattoo that marred them. Ally grinned happily, wondering what exciting new creatures she might get to meet today as she headed off for the source of the magical explosion. She also hoped she would arrive there first. Ally knew she wouldn't have been the only one to sense that and some of the things in these woods weren't nearly as nice as she was. If the new arrivals seemed decent she'd lend them what help she could, including protection. Ally knew a few defensive spells she could call upon if needed. Either against the residents of the forest or the newcomers it didn't matter. All that mattered was that something exciting was happening!

"Finally! Finally!" Ally sang to herself as quietly as she could. She'd been stuck alone in the forest for too long. It was so boring! Rarely did things happen here. Everything was peaceful and quiet... Not that Ally minded peace and quiet but every once in a while she wished for the teeny tiniest bit of chaos and noise, just to mix things up. Looked like her fairy godmother had finally gotten around to it.

Ally slowed her steps as she neared the source of the magic. Automatically she stepped carefully, gliding over the ground with barely a sound. Although Ally often complained, to herself, about the long years in the forest it had provided her with a rather valuable skill set. Hunting, fighting, and, most importantly, moving unseen and unheard. Ally peered around a tree to see a group of six people standing in the woods. One had a metal thingy slung around her shoulder and seemed a little defensive. The rest just looked curious. Ally stared, drinking in the sight happily. Oh, she loved her fairy godmother sometimes... Ally did her best to resist but the moment she saw the group she knew she wouldn't be able to stay away. Hiding and sneaking was rude anyway! So Ally bounded forwards, first heading for the girl with the shiny thing.

"Hi! I'm Ally! Well, that's my name anyway. Ally Dolus. What's your name? Where are you from? What's that thing? It's super duper shiny. It looks really heavy too. You must be strong. Are you strong? Can I hold the shiny thing? Why is it so shiny? What does it do? Can you show me how to use it?"

Kage was hideing out in a strange looking tree spying down at a rather large creature. "Well, Well, Well looks like i found lunch." he said to himself as he took care in sneaking up on the creature that looked like a cross between a turtle and alligator. he then jumped onto the back of the beast causeing it to start rampageing through the forest. "Well this could have gone better, YeeHaw!" he said hanging on to the beast, struggling not the fall off, determined to make this his lunch. as he wresselled the beast a strange noice caught his attintion, a sort of startled scream. this was enough to loosen his grip and allow the beast to knock him off. "Dang, almost had it to..." the beast then charged at him. kage ran, the way he ran was more beast like than human but he ran all the same. "Well if im gonna be chased so is the new sound!" he turned and ran toward the scream he heard, the beast following quickly after.
Isis was faning herself lightly from the heat and she looked up groaning."I like the cool sky's better how dose one live here?"Clawdine turned to where the scream was and looked at Isis who had paused as well."Yay more people to boss around!" Isis said happily and walked over to where it came from.Clawdine growled under her breath but followed close behind."Hey Isis aren't you here to help not boss them around?" Clawdine asked slightly worried this wasnt gonna go as planed.Isis was silent for a moment and walked faster."Uh...Well.." Isis didnt say anything more and the two walked in silence.
((I just realized that I named my characters Alice and Jasper. I'm so unhappy that I made a Twilight fan's day.))


The heat was stifling to him as he laid crouched in the crevice of a tree. It was certainly uncomfortable, but he had known that he would not have made it back to his home before the sun rose. What time was it? He had no idea. He couldn't exactly use the sun as a gauge unless he wanted the rays to scorch through him. He was stuck in this tree until the sun set and his flesh wasn't at risk of being burned through by the rays. Not for the first time he wished that he was a stronger vampire, more durable in all ways. Those vampires who could walk unafraid in the sun. They were one of the few things in this world that frightened him.

Humans, he supposed should frighten him. The only time he had encountered them, his brother James had been killed. He had been weakened by the sun, but their gleaming weaponry could pierce through their skin with the same ease that the sun managed to do. But he was not afraid of them. He only had room for hatred for them. He wanted to find his way back into their world and tear as many of them apart as he could. This hatred was the reason that he was now nestled in a crevice in a tree. He had been searching for that accursed portal again. His quest for the barrier drove him deeper into the forest daily. He was going to find his way out. He was going to appease his sense of guilt for letting James die... with their blood.

Their scent hit him suddenly as strong as it had been when he and James had accidentally found the barrier. He could never forget such an intoxicating scent. Jasper felt himself salivate breathing in their scent deeply and he nearly launched himself from his hiding spot before he remembered that he was likely to set himself on fire if he had.

"I have your scent now. You better be looking for a hiding spot because you're in my my world now." Jasper's sharp nails dug into the soft wood of the tree he was taking shelter in.
((if its any consolation alice and jasper are also characters in an very interesting novel. i wont release the name because i dont want any spoilers from people who know it))

kage burst out from the dence trees like a wild beast himself his eyes showing an equal amout of fear and intrest as he ran right by the group who came through the portal. "run if you wish to live!" he said dashing up a tree and jumping from branch to branch. a horrid roar was then heard before the beast that was chaseing him burst out of the forest and toward the group. meanwhile kage had already found a place to observe what the beast would do with this new development. "i feel sorry for these creatures. a turax is never good to meet in a bad mood" he said to himself with a smile as he watched the beast and the group. makeing sure he had ample room to to view without being seen. "lets see how he likes the new blood..."
Willow swung around, pointing the M-16 at a girl that burst through the trees, saying her name and asking a bunch of questions. This pushed Willow beyond her patience limit.

"Stand back!" she snarled, jabbing the weapon at the girl. Just then a guy came crashing through, screaming, "Run if you wish to live!" She turned, pointed the gun at him, but he was gone, up a tree. Willow had enough time to be exasperated before a large creature came tearing through the underbrush at him. It looked to be a mixture of a turle and an aligator. Willow didn't need anyone to tell her this thing was going to kill them. She began to shoot in short, automated bursts at the creature. It didn't seem to do any good. Backing up, she aimed for the head and held down the trigger, emptying an entire clip into the head ebfore it finally fell to the ground, its ponderous wieght landing with a thud as the legs gave out. Immediately, Willow fished through a pouch on her thigh and grabbed a full clip. She popped out the empty one and jammed the new one into the magazine slot.

"Would someone tell me what that
thing was?!" she barked, angry that she had been caught off-guard. They'd been there not even five minutes and already things were attacking them. How she wished she had bigger guns with her. She'd probably feel safer. Looking at the creature on the ground, Willow frowned. Then again, probably not.

Alice barely had time to react to the situation before it was resolved. She felt panicked and she spared a glance at her watch. The hour of travel was up and she knew that the barrier was most likely now closed for the day and she didn't know what time it would open next. When the monster burst through the foliage all she had time to do was drop her pack to the ground and she had still not found her gun by the time Willow had emptied the contents of her gun into the creature and it had fallen practically at their feet.

She glanced quizzically at the creature trying to identify if she had ever even heard of the creature before. Its presence frightened her because she had compiled a list of everything several nights ago of what they could encounter. She had scoured books and the internet listing and defining every creature in myth and legend. Alice had never even considered the possibility that some of the creatures in this world might not have passed through the barrier and that they were undiscovered. She thought that she would be able to know what she was facing and perhaps their weaknesses if the legend was true.

And while Alice was grateful for Willow's intervention, she couldn't help but to think Willow was volatile and trigger-happy. Maybe that was what they needed when faced with the creatures, but Alice was admittedly frightened to have Willow in her group. She fumbled in her pack for a few minutes and finally located the gun that had been provided. It probably wasn't a bad idea to have this out.

"My name is Alice Vespucci." she replied to the enthusiastic girl who had identified herself as Ally, "Do NOT give her a gun!" she shouted to her team eyeing the girl curiously. This was a creature she was sure had come up in her research but she failed to recall the name for. The mission... "What can you tell me about this place? Do you... feel safe in your world?" she asked Ally while keeping some attention while she waited for the answer to Willow's question. She wanted to know what the monster at their feet was.... and if it could be cooked maybe.
kage leaped from the place he was veiwing from and landed on top of the now dead creature. he glanced around at the group as if wondering what they were. "well to answer your first question this is a turax. nasty litte buggers, they taste good though." he said as he slammed his fist into the shell causeing it to crack. "just have to get the shell off before cooking it." kage seemed oblivious to the all newcomers exept the girl who shot down the turax. as he kept glanceing toward her as if observeing her. "i could cook it if you want." he said with a goofy yet cocky looking smile on his face. he continued to smash at the shell makeing more and more cracks in it.
Charltan and Nova followed suit. Charltan was a bit disorientrated when he came through and it took a while for him to focus. He heard voices around him but he could not he sure what was being said. He tried to focus so that he could join in on the discussion if there was one. He was feeling nervous and excited still. He was finally able to experience something abnormal. He was ready to experience more.

Nova on the other hand was tempted just to walk off. She had a feeling she would not be useful to the group. She was young and inexperienced but she was smart as well. Besides she felt a little nausuous. Like a part of her didn't want to be here but another part knew it was better here. Nova didn't understand the mixed feelings and she squeezed her eyes shut. If she threw up now she would definitely mark herself as weak to the others.
"Royalty is here!" Isis called when her and Clawdine reached the others.Clawdine hid her ears and tail so she looked nomal other than the fact she is furry and has fangs.Isis looked like a normal person in a lot of gold colored clothing with white and blue added."so what did i miss?" Isis pointed to Alice demanding she tell her.Clawdine looked slightly shy around all these people she didnt know.

Ally Dolus

As soon as the boy had burst from the foliage yelling, Ally had muttered a single word under her breath and disappeared. A moment later she was on a branch several feet above the head of the girl with the shiny thing. A Turlax then followed the boy through the foliage and landed rallying in the clearing. Ally had begun to murmur another spell before the girl with the shiny thing had proceeded to use the shiny thing. Ally watched, impressed, as it sprayed... something at the Turlax. When the creature had fallen, Ally leaped lightly from her position on the branch and landed squarely in front of the girl with the shiny thing again. She whirled to face the girl who spoke now and bounded towards her happily.

"Hey Alice! It's super duper nice to meet'cha. Our names are kinda alike, don't you think? Ally and Alice. Alice and Ally. Cool! Ohhhh, gun? Is that what the shiny thing is called? It's a weapon, right? How does it work? I've never seen something like that before. Why can't I have one? I pinkie promise I won't use it! I just like it 'cause it's shiny. Do you have any other shiny things I could play with?" Ally asked. She paused for a breath, taking the moment to consider Alice's questions. Did she feel safe here? Well, Ally didn't feel safe anywhere. After all, the coven could find her anywhere. Automatically a hand went to the hood of her cape and made sure it was still in place. She was pretty sure no one here would know what the tattoo meant; they weren't witches and this was the witch mark of a criminal. Still, it was better safe then sorry. In this respect, at least.

"Whaddya mean do I feel safe here? This is my home, isn't it? Well, I think it is. Do you think it's my home? I guess home is kinda not a good word to use. It's my place of residence. Anyways, one can never feel too safe here. I mean, I know I can handle just about anything in this place but if I don't pay attention then I'm just someone else's yummy nummy snack instead of the other way around. Do you feel safe where you're from?" Ally glanced around as someone new spoke. Royalty. That was interesting!

Christopher Andd

Chris watched, silently, as things happened. His mind was still a little busy with taking in... Well, everything. He barely had time to react as a creature charged and a gun exploded into life. Shooting first, asking questions later. Still, he couldn't fault the soldier girl. She had just saved their lives. Chris hung back as people began to talk, listening in on all the conversations. Information was precious and he was prepared to gather as much as possible.

Willow pointed the M-16 at the guy that had the Turlax, or whatever it was called, charge at them. She was downright pissed.

"Well thanks a lot. You could've gotten us killed." She snapped. She watched as he punched a hole in the shell of the creature. It looked pretty tough so she figured he had a some sort of super strength or whatever. Two more people, well sort of, came up, one shouting, "Royalty is here!" This made Willow snort. "So what did I miss?" Willow remained silent, but took some steps back away from everyone so that she had a clear and unobstructed view of any potential threats. She looked back to the guy on the aligator thing and then to the chick with the gold, the fuzzy girl, the hyper girl who she thought might be a clepto, and of course everyone in the group. If one more person showed up she was going to start shooting. Willow didn't care if the science nerds got mad, this was ridiculous.

"Would everyone just shut the hell up for a moment so we can get things sorted out?!" Time to take charge, though Willow had a feeling nothing was going to go the way she expected. At this rate, her superiors might get what they wished for.

((Ahh, I love Willow and her sarcastic personality xP ))

((willow would hate me in real life X3))

kage just sat there smashing away at the shell until it finally broke open. "alright now all we need is a fire... hey miss, got anything that can make a fire?" he asked looking toward willow, his face still holding onto the goofy yet cocky smile. he begain to rip apart the creatures insides and useing parts of the shell he made bowls. "once we get a fire we will have lunch!" the joy in his voice was obvious with that statement, and as usual he stayed focused on the girl who shot the beast down. he used bits of the shell that were to small or to large for bowls to make a mini table and sat the bowls on it. he then placed wood underneath the table as he was planing to use it as a grill. it was at this point he noticed the other new people. "oh guess im gonna need more than two bowls huh?" he quickly started to make more bowls out of the shell and filled them all with the beasts meat he also found a large shell piece that he was able to use as a larger bowl to hold it all while it cooked and so he poured all the other bowls into it and sat it on his makeshift grill.
Isis held her nose giving Kage a death stare."that smells like........well i have no idea but its bad!!" Isis growled."im to royal to eat that i need fresh grapes."Isis talked and acted like royalty with her grape only diet and fansy looking clothes..Clawdine really hated how Isis was acting and stomped on her foot.Isis screamed she really wasnt the type to withstand pain very well.Clawdine smiled."i'll just eat hers." being a werewolf she not only loved its smell and looks but its taste."um please dont cook mine to long i like when its hot and raw." Clawdine blushed a bit after saying that as Isis looked at her.
after some time kage finally managed to get the fire started and soon after that made two bowls for clawdine since her friend didnt want any. "here ya go. the rest will be ready soon people." he found it astonishing that he has been sitting here cooking for a group of people who don't even know his name. quite honestly he liked the whole mystrious guy kind of image. after a while of cooking he handed everyone a bowl of the food that looked like stew. while he himself ate a bunch raw. "never a good idea to leave leftovers." he joked as he ate the meat.
"What are you feeding us," Nova asked. She was still tempted to leave the group. So far she did not like what was going on. Still she was not able to go off without a clue what was around them. As much as she didn't like the people she was with, she had to deal with it. But she didn't have to be nice though. So far the group seemed to not be...harmonious.
Alice was surprised as she watched everything around her dissolve into chaos. There were so many people around her that she felt as if their group had been expected and now they were being mobbed. Aside from the monster now lying dead at their feet none of them seemed hostile towards their group. In fact, everyone seemed surprisingly warm and this unnerved her more than if they had been met with hostility and threats. That, she had prepared for. People in this world to be friendly, she did not.

It almost seemed surreal as one of them seemed to be psychic and immediately started cooking them a meal when she had wondered if it was edible. At least this would save some of their rations for later, but she couldn't help but to wonder what their goals were. Why were they being so cordial and welcoming?

She accepted the bowl hesitantly. She hoped that it would be okay for them to consume... unless it was toxic and Kage had some immunity that she didn't know about. This would be an easier way to hunt she supposed...

"Here goes nothing..." she muttered out loud as she took a wary sip of the stew-like mixture. She immediately cringed, it didn't taste like anything she had expected. It was in actuality pretty bad, but she kept eating it. Who knew when food would come around if she wasted all of her rations immediately.

Once Alice was done with her bowl, and quite happily so because she didn't know if she could take another bite of that meal, she tried to catch the eye of any of their new... friends? Would that be the accurate term?

"So are there any... bloodthirsty creatures out there?" she asked motioning into the woods. She didn't like that the sun was beginning to crawl under towards the horizon and it was taking on a dark orange hue. She had always been taught to be in a house at nightfall. All sorts of creatures came out at dark.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((The team members have gone through the portal and pretty much all that's been happening is that we've been interacting and some... creature-thing has been shot.))

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