What if i told you that what you thought know about human limitations was dead wrong, that truly incredibly people do exist in this world, and that those in power will do everything they can to keep that fact hidden. Fact is thats the truth and it all started 200 years ago with a mysterious rock the size of France narrowly missing outlr planet. Comet Cruicible, a hunk of matter not found on our periodic table with a radiation signature that has to this day defied quantification. It started off simple, people effected found they could do strange things, like run for hours on end without growing tired, or being able to see in the dark. It wasnt until the next generation that it became a noticeable problem, abilities took a jump, the kids of the first generation came with more powerful varuations of their parents abilities and in 1877 the organization known as Hand of Man was founded with the sole intent of finding and eliminating this group. World war one was actually kicoed off by this organization forcing the nations that wouldnt submit to their ideals to fight amongst each other so that the organization would be free to wage covert war against these superhumans using kill squads and an infectious hateful ideology that painted the metahumans as the children of devils and demons. As the first world war ended nearly a hundred thousand people met their end in this way.

The efforts of the Hand of man seemed to fail however as despite their best efforts new metahumans were born and they continued to grow more and more powerful. The second world war kicked off with the Hand of Man finally finding a place where it could gain a seat of governmental power. The nazi regime was built around this group and with their new found power millions of metahumans around the world perished. It finally ended with the Manhatten project where the united states put together a team of metahumans whose abilities and temperament complimented one another. This group was able to strike down the nazi leadership. They were so successful that the united states gave them free reign in japan to end the conflict. A decision that cost two cities and close to a million innocent lives. After this the United nations was formed to prevent such war from occuring again. Their method of prevention was the development of the BHA or the Beyond Human Agency. This is a group of well trained metahumans who are outfitted with the best gear money can buy and whose purpose is to seek and destroy any remnants of the Hand of Man and similar organizations, in addition to removing the threat from any metahuman via capture, depowerment, or if all else fails execution. For nearly seventy years this has been the case, however in the modern age things have begun to change. The creation of social media and the age of everyone having a camera has made it almost impossible to hide metahuman existance from the world. As the eyes of the world are opened tye the reality of superpowers many have begun to come out of hiding amd the world stands on the edge of what may be a deep dark hole. Can the world handle its paradigm being shattered or will it decend into chaos as history seems to suggest will happen?

{Hi everyone. Ive got a strange story in mind for you here. No superheroes or supervillains just people living with superpowers in secret in an era where thats becoming harder and harder to do. You wanna be a person who uses their powers for good that's fine, you wanna be a person who uses their powers to be a serial killer also fine. Bear in mind the consequences of your actions will eventually catch up with you for better or worse. Its s bit of s sandbox though i do have some big events planned. There will be adventures under the sea, in deep space, in the polar circles, in cities around the world, and even perhaps into the subconscious of people. The only rule i have pertaining to powers is that there is always a bigger fish and i wont be allowing what i Call weakness poachers. Meaning if someone puts that their weakness is ice i dont want to see the very next person having ice based powers. Thats just rude and the goal of the story is not to one up each other so if i do see that i will shut it down. I also dont like abilities that let people control other peoples characters reactions to things, such as a power that just causes people to feel pain, or mind control, or manipulation of blood or bones. No fights in this series should end in one blow, if you do see that happen then odds are that person doing the one hitting is a plot tied character needed for future. Characters can die though i would prefer if it is discussed ahead of time between the involved parties. It is very important that you understand your character MUST keep their powers a secret, anti metahuman groups exist and even if they didnt the BHA does and will pay you a visit if your powers are revealed. Granted there are a multitude of ways a visit from th BHA can go but most people tend to want to avoid them as one of those ways to go is in a pine box. Due to the sandbox nature of this rp the lore will be rather bare bones, metahumans exist in secret and the rest of the world is basically the same as ours with a few points in history being driven by metahumans, Like martin luther king, the legend of bigfoot, elvis persley, Jack the Ripper, Abraham Lincoln, Nikolai Tesla, and many many others. Any questions and suggestions can be dropped below and ill get to them in due time.​
I'd be up for this
Awesome your in the 3k club so you clearly have experience. Any pointers? I will be joining in on the rp myself since it is not really a GM-Guided story. I was gonna make a family of 4 all male who work for the BHA in a variety of departments. 3 of the 4 will be NPC's though.
That actually brings me to my next point. Availible roles. Im super unpicky about this and you can honestly be whatever you want as long as its a human of some variation.

Metahuman criminal or hero
Agents of BHA, Normal humans, Members of Anti-meta groups, even just a parent or friend to a metahuman who is tightly knit into the situations at hand. I only ask that your characters are at least 16 years of age or at most 86 years of age.
The Heinrich family

A family whose abilities are physically focused. Founded by the Patriarch Walon Heinrich who inspired the bigfoot myth due to his mutation imbuing him with more ape DNA. The family was relatively unimportant until Belion Heinrich took home his medals after the second world war. Belion's son, who he named Tank against his wifes advice, went on to be one of the first recruited agents of the BHA. Dedicating a little more than fifty years of his life to the organization has allowed him to take his position at the head of the organization. However the Heinrich family's expoits didnt end there. Several failed marriages under Tank Heinrich's belt each with an empowered child being the result have ensured the Heinrich name will remain relevant.

(Open to other members if you want to be a part of this family.)

Tank Hienrich (NPC)
Power: Superhuman strength & Stamina
Age: 77yrs
Occupation: BHA Director
Sean Heinrich (NPC)
power: Superhuman Strength based on Focus
Age: 29yrs
Occupation: BHA R&D scientist.
Kyle Heinrich (NPC)
Power: Weight/Density shifting between .01 grams to 100tons.
Age: 27yrs
Occupation: BHA Rublic Relations & Discression Caseworker
Alex Heinrich
Powers: Matter Manipulation/Absorption (Self)
Age: 23yrs
Occupation: BHA Field Agent.
(Cs's will go up tomorrow with the other threads this is just the family i had in mind...tank is a known promiscuous homewrecker and cheating husband galore hence his current divorcee status so he can have more than just these three kids if you would like. Also all of his sons have different mothers so if you want to be one of their brothers that also works just let me know and make their last name Heinrich.)​

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