Story Beta Reader wanted!

Hey, Bucket here! I'm new to rpnation. I was recommended by a friend to look here for beta reader(s). It's a modern fantasy book that, in it's most basal terms, can be summed up as what if our world had magic. It follows a Necromancer named Wyatt, who's just trying to make it through life. We see him for a few chapters in high school and then the rest of the book he's in college. There also something much bigger happening behind the scenes. So now he has to deal with all while he's dealing with his emotions, mental health, and the people around him.

I'll consider anyone who's willing but there's a few warnings and preferences.

Homophobia: Lgbtq+ themes are heavy although there's very few scenes where homophobia is relevant. The F slur is said once or twice
Transphobia: Again not relevant often but it is there once in a while.
Fantasy Bigotry: The big thing is that there's a LOT of magical bigotry(towards necromancers and other dark magic users). It's based on homophobia although I've noticed that racism can also be seen in it. There are several hate crimes/ micro aggressions of this variety.
Mental health: Mental disabilities specifically ptsd, depression and anxiety are prevalent through out the book. There's also other MDs but they don't take center stage often.
Racism: There is also mentions and one minor instance of real world racism although it's only/mostly at the beginning.
Gore: He's a necromancer... it goes with the territory.
Death: This should go without saying, but there is character death.
Long Book: Right now the book is "complete" at around 130000 words... so it's a commitment

Preferences for Reader:
Required Queer: My target demographic is Queer 18-30 so young adult although I will not turn away older queers.

Not required but bonus points, POC: Most of the characters are various ethnicities, races and identities. While (to varying degrees) most of the identities aren't a big part of the story and I've done months of research into properly writing everyone, self checking can only go so far. Identities include (from most to least concern): A Jewish Israeli (the main character and his family), A Miami Two-spirit, African-American, Japanese-American(Adopted), Mexican, Korean-American.
Special look out for Jewish (specifically Mizrahi) reader: The main character is a Mizrahi Jew and the person I was hoping to beta read for me on this part couldn't do to irl stuff.

If you're interested lemme know! I'll try and answer any questions pertaining to the story and I can even send a excerpt or two if you want a demo of sorts.

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