Best Scenes/Favorite Villians


The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
What's the coolest scene you've ever seen played out in an Exalted game?

Who has been your favorite villian?

Stillborn said:
What's the coolest scene you've ever seen played out in an Exalted game?
The time the characters, on a field trip from Greyfalls Academy, had to face Cap'n Morgan and his river pirates. Oh, what a grand time that was.

Stillborn said:
Who has been your favorite villian?

Cap'n Morgan. Best Exalted NPC I ever created. He wasn't really a villian so much as a worthy foe. Some of the PCs even came to admire him a bit.
Here's my favorite scene:

The players, a mix of Solars and DBs, were travelling in a fleet of ships that had defected from the Realm's navy under Peleps Tazokai (PC). The flagship was attacked by a sea dragon, and Tazokai, without hesitation, jumped overboard in full armor and single-handedly slew it. He climbed back aboard, out of the boiling waters created by his Anima, with one of it's huge fangs, which he had hacked off of it as it sank into the deep, as his prize. From that point onward, the rest of the PCs were afraid of him, Solars included.

Of course, it was ultimately a bad move, as the sea dragon was a pet of a capricious sea god who later sank the entire fleet as punishment, but it did cement Tazokai's baddassery into the psyche of the group, and despite the fact that he was only a Terrestrial, it cemented his role as undisputed leader of the group.

My favorite villian was from the same game: Peleps Ru (NPC), a younger cousin to Tazokai. It's not so much that he was malicious, or particularly powerful, but he was excessively politically ambitious and well connected, which made him not just an untrustworthy sleazeball and a thorn in their side, but one that needed to be tolerated to avoid unpleasant consequences.

The group eventually gave him the heave-ho, but that allowed me to bring him back in at a later date, older, more powerful, and with a new chip on his shoulder.

That's it? Just myself and TSJ?

You people are lame.

Well, I dont know if its my favorite, but its defining -

For whatever reason, my solar circle got found(when previously this was impossible) while we were on the Blessed Isle.  The Bronze Sidereal who found us was pretty much invincible, so we ran, and managed to  find a way to stall her.

We were advised by an intervening Gold Sidereal to enter a nearby portal to Yu-Shan, otherwise, theres no way we'd get off the Island alive.  So we ran towards this temple, which was in a nearby city, of whose name I forgot.  The nearby temple was alerted to our presence by the time we entered, prompting a long rooftop chase as we fled to the center of the city.  There, a massive pagoda temple stood - Ashwind Temple - presumably the site of the portal.  Weathering the assault that poured down on us as we jumped roof to roof, we finally reached the temple walls, and together lept over, DragonBloods right on our ass.

When we hit the ground and looked around us, we discovered what this temple was currently being used for - A temple for those seeking to master 5 Dragons Fight As One style.  And encircling us in OBSCENE numbers were Dragon Bloods in their black training robes, utterly prepared for us.  And atop the entrance stairway on his throne was the withered, long beareded master of the temple looking down at us imperiously, flanked by two senior students beside him.  With a brief pause we commenced our Kung Fu bluster, taunts, and ultimatums.  And then they charge, and even send sorcery flying at us.

We barely survived the assualt by charging through them, past the master, into the temple, where we swung the doors shut, and barred it.  In front of us was the portal, but it would take time to enter.  Meanwhile, the Dynasts were breaking down the door quickly, and starting to enter, held back by our Dawn caste.  Unsure of wether we would make it, he began his ploy to block the entrance - Pull down the pillars supporting the ceiling!

But of course, this would send the entire temple down on top of us in a few seconds, and thats exactly what happened.  Nonetheless, we made it through the gate just before the entire thing crashed down on us.

And so it was, we pulled down our first temple.  That was cool.

Unfortunately, now the entire temple of students has sworn veangence against us, and has intercepted us as deep into the threshold as the Nexus area.  In our last session, the site of our conflict with the Ashwind disciples was in the middle of a small city.  It got destroyed in a carpet of fireballs when an artifact went boom in the conflict.   =o(  

I fear for our reputation.
MOK said:
For whatever reason, my solar circle got found(when previously this was impossible) while we were on the Blessed Isle.  The Bronze Sidereal who found us was pretty much invincible, so we ran, and managed to  find a way to stall her.
I sense a resentment toward ST cheeziness, no?

MOK said:
Unfortunately, now the entire temple of students has sworn veangence against us, and has intercepted us as deep into the threshold as the Nexus area.
I'm not surprised. That Gold Faction Sid is probably going to get his ass kicked when he returns to Yu-Shan. I doubt the Celestial Bureaucracy would have taken kindly to him instigating the destruction of one of the gates to the Blessed Isle.

But that does sound like a blast ;)

No, no resentment to the the ST... I actually applaud him for making a viable opponent to our dawn caste, who is an impossible to hit munchkin.  

Plus, we were given an illustration for the first time that there are, indeed, things that are more powerful than us.  And then another powerful thing came along and singlehandedly beat up the more-powerful-than-us-thing, and saved our piddly asses.

Pfft destruction of a gate?  no way.  That sucker's First Age.  It's just chillin in the rubble.

Pretty much what made that session sweet was the big kung fu brawl.  

I can see it in my mind - on grainy film, focusing on the determined face of a young dragon blood.  As he screams in rage and charges, the camera does that distinctive quick zoomout that they so overused in the early 70s, as 20 more just like him run at us...  And then the imperious old man with the long beard and deep frown, dripping with superioriority as he watches.. Heeh!  I love Exalted...
TheScreenJockey said:
Stillborn said:
What's the coolest scene you've ever seen played out in an Exalted game?
The time the characters, on a field trip from Greyfalls Academy, had to face Cap'n Morgan and his river pirates. Oh, what a grand time that was.

Stillborn said:
Who has been your favorite villian?

Cap'n Morgan. Best Exalted NPC I ever created. He wasn't really a villian so much as a worthy foe. Some of the PCs even came to admire him a bit.
Yeah. That was great. Barel swings to the left- bam. Guy goes through the railing of the ship. Barel swings to the right- bam, another guy goes through the railing. Joseph says "I hope there's no security deposit on this ship."
Stillborn said:
What's the coolest scene you've ever seen played out in an Exalted game?
Once, I ST'ed a story that involved the PCs (all Solars) working to help a village that was having trouble with representatives of the Scarlet Empire demanding unfair tribute.  The guardian "gods" of the village (actually a small tribe of Lunar Exalted, all of whom shared the same Totem - common household cat - and resided with certain of the village's residents) had refused to step in with this particular problem, not seeing how the tribute paid to the Empire would eventually come to destroy the village they had vowed to protect.  The story climaxed with an onslaught led by seven Dragon-Blooded, with the villagers (intimidated by the DBs' show of power) forming a lynch party against the Solar group.  The Solars were chased to the middle of town, where they were forced to face down the entire village; however, the Lunars - finally stepping in so that they may protect the people of the village - got caught in the fray and helped take out the Terrestrials.  They then turned on the Solars who had tried to kill those who were under their protection (no matter that it was self-defense), and a grand battle of Solars and Lunars erupted.

Stillborn said:
Who has been your favorite villian?
Not so much a villian as an anti-hero (like Boba Fett or the Punisher), the Solar PC I created for the first game I played - Arcanus Dicere - stands out in my mind as my favorite "villian."  Ever since I first created him, I've developed his background, history, and personality greatly and have made him a recurring character in many of the games I run.

His basic story is that he was raised by his father, a mercenary very defiant of the Realm.  The Wyld Hunt, given information that Arcanus's father was to become an Exalted, hunted him down and murdered him in front of his own son.  However, at that instant, Arcanus experienced the Exaltation and took up his father's blades, then single-handedly killed three Dragon-Blooded, one an Immaculate monk.  A year later, after spending much time travelling and training both his body and his mind, he returned to his home of Nexus, where he opened up a business as a mercenary, spy, and assassin.  He eventually came to hook up with a First Age Lunar claiming to be his former mate, and the two have formed a very mentor/student relationship, giving Arcanus a great edge over those he is hired to destroy.

In many games I've run, he's served as both a pawn and a wild card, usually having been hired to spy on or kill some member of the party (or all of them).  Styling himself a Bladeslinger (as a side note, remind me to finish and submit my short story "The Bladeslingers' Code" to the site), he typically serves the purpose of Jango/Boba Fett in "Star Wars": he's hired by the larger threat to destroy the Circle.  It doesn't make him evil or a villain by nature, just disturbed, vengeful, and highly amoral.  In other words, a perfect enigmatic anti-hero who the PCs must face before fighting the real "big bad."
(as a side note' date=' remind me to finish and submit my short story "The Bladeslingers' Code" to the site)[/quote']
Consider yourself so reminded.

It doesn't make him evil or a villain by nature' date=' just disturbed, vengeful, and highly amoral.[/quote']
Reminds me of the bounty hunter from one of the last few episodes of Firefly. Of course, "batshit insane" would have to be added to the list of adjectives in his case.

For me a favorite scene would have to spring from my brothers Abyssals game, in which I played a Moonshadow Abyssal called The Echoing Words From the Darkness.  He was an asshole.  Smart, but still an asshole.  The basic idea behind the campaign was that the First and Forsaken Lion had, for whatever reason, suddenly gone nuts and invaded the whole of the Underworld.  With his monstrous armies and godly tactics not even the combined armies of the remaining DLs could hope to win against him.  However, they had to try.  Thus the DLs ordered a congress of the Abyssal Exalted, so they could combine their most potent resources and use them more effectively for the whole.  Several Abyssal circles were made of members from different DLs (I served the Bodhissatva) and off they went, trying to fight the Lion, or perhaps just gain some more intelligence as to his plans...and his motivation for launching his apocalyptic invasion.

Well my circle ended up getting pretty much mangled all to shit by our own petty differences...managed to piss of our Dusk caste enough to effectively make him join a "neutral" DL. (Some crazy strong young DL named Profane Footfalls in the Resplendent Silken Ash of Hessiah's Pyre)

It ended up being just me and our Daybreak (my only friend left at this point) heading to the Silver Princes capital, Felharbor.  We had about 500 standing troops behind us thanks to my characters impressive negotiating skills...and the ineptitude of the commander on the other end.  So off we went to secure Felharbor...only to find to our dismay that it was being sieged by over 100,000 soldiers.  The Legion Sanguinary had emptied...and much of their forces were assaulting the Silver Princes "Indomimable stronghold".  Using a nifty trick called "Lotus Fire" they managed to breach many of Felharbors walls, though the inner city walls remained untouched.  (Lotus Fire is an alchemists dream come true.  Using certain necromanctic magics and a mutltitude of underworldly ingredients a single zombie can basically turn into a suicide bomber)

Now, 250 zombies and 250 war ghosts weren't going to stop that army.  So I ordered our Day caste (A new ally sent by the Bodhissatva) to scout the Legion.  Meanwhile I ordered the Daybreak to begin construction of naval vessels...transports, specifically.  Sabotaged ones.  Off I went to meet with the Abyssal general of this monstrous army, Walking On Laughter.  After almost being killed a dozen times just trying to get to him (as a peaceful ambassador no less) I managed to talk him into allowing me to join the FFL.  Basically I said I wanted to gain fame and power, regardless of who my Liege was.  I said to prove my loyalty, I wanted to stage the most amazing offense.  I said I had been building transports for Laughters army, so he could make a naval attack on Felharbors undefended ports, ending the battle almost instantly.  He was impressed with my honesty and granted me 10,000 of his elite soldiers (Thank you high manipulation).

However, he had captured my Day caste...and had shackled her with some kind of crazy strong torture artifact.  He made me sign a pact specifically stating that I would lead his soldiers on their attack on Felharbor, or else he would see to it that my Day caste would have her essence burned from her body.  I agreed.

After the construction of the vessels was finished, we set sail with my loyal forces and my Circle on the forefront.  Our only opposition was an empty battleship belonging to the Silver Prince, plus some exceedingly carnivorous sealife.  We boarded the vessel and allowed the rest of the transports to continue on towards Felharbor.  Almost instantly the Daybreak triggered the cataclysmic sabotage.  Each of the troop laden transports was shattered by Lotus Fire, its hulls burning and collapsing under the weight of the magical onslaught.  Those ships not destroyed outright quickly sank, taking their heavily armored war ghosts down with them...down into the black, monster swarmed depths.  The only survivors were a few Uber automatons sent by Laughter to slay the Bodhissatva.  

Enraged, Walking On Laughter activated the device and attempted to kill my Day Caste.  I succeeded on a damned compassion roll and with my Daybreak tried to help her...and although she survived, I was nearly killed in the process, and she was scarred, physically and mentally.

The irony being that it was Laughter who broke the pact.  For I did lead his forces to Felharbor.  However, they never made it.  I had never stipulated that the forces would survive the assault.  So in his anger he broke the deal by attacking the Day caste with his tortue device.

He would get his a matter of months later when his army would engage Profane Footfalls in open battle...the Malfeans saw to that.
My favorite villain thus far has been a Mortal con man and thief who hires DB Sorcerers to do his dirty work. He's smart, he plans things out, and he has enough cash to buy the best, and our group has met him, and while we've thwarted a few of his plans, he's set things up so that he's able to get away, and leave us all holding the bag each and every time.

He's not the main villain by any means, and in some ways, he's a speed bump in our path to take on the Mask of Winters, but this fella is always fun for a session or two when we meet.  We all have some respect for the fella, and while he's sent goons out to keep us busy while he slips away--and mind you, never his own because he plays the Dragon Bloods as well as he plays us--we've never wanted to take him down for the full count.  If anything, it only makes us want to hire him to work for us...
Best Battle Scenes

I have introduced some long term villians for PC's to fight, but really wouldn't call any of them my favourite. I think I need to flesh out a few more. :lol:

The best battle scenes... There have been a few. I run a game with all solars.

In one battle scene, the PC's had to fight off an undead expeditionary force from a custom deathlord I found someowhere on the net. (name doesn't come to mind.) It was being led by some DK's whom the PC's had to fight.

The night caste in my group picks out one of the Abyssals, and wins the initiative roll. He rolled so well, that he basically leapt up on to the DK's horse and in one blow cut the guy from shoulder to groin and then leapt off gracefully just before the giant fan of blood came spurting out. (The player rolled... I think 15 successes with 12 dice, and the abyssal didn't have a perfect defense, and the PC used a grand daiklaive.)

The eclipse in our group was duking it out with the moonshadow abyssal and managed to botch his attack roll. The scene went like this:

"You see an opening to take tha Abyssal out for good. With a mighty over head double handed blow you strike at him... and miss. You're left overextended, and just as you come up to block him... The Abyssal chops off both your arms." The PC had used a charm that turn that wasn't a combo, and had couldn't get a perfect defense in. The abyssal was using that handy limb removing charm. :twisted:

Another good battle scene was during a hiest. The PC's were stealing Greyfalls annual tribute boat. The second dawn caste was the distraction. He had a scene long parry and auto dodge charm, along with a manse hearthstone that let him walk on water.

So basically, he walks up to the river boat (while the rest of the PC's are sneaking onto the boat) and is deflecting a hail of arrows from the mortal archers... And then in one round manages to spear a fish in the river and cook it on the fireball that a DB sorceror threw at him just to show his contempt for the DB's. Later on, once he's on the boat, he's fighting a pretty tough earth aspect follow to the Earth Dragon martial arts style, who's all toughed up. The PC's fend of the DB's in time for the group sorceror to cast the spell that summons a spirit to carry the boat. The rest of the group are fighting off one of the remaining guards on the boat.

So the Dawn caste finally wears down the DB and gets in the killing blow. And this had taken a while. (I made the DB hard to kill) and so the player tells me "I spear him such a way that my spear gets stuck in some bones and I hoist the guy on the end of my spear until he's overhead of me and start shaking him like crazy and getting blood and guts all over the place while screaming my head off in a glorious roar of victory."

I rolled for the surviving non combatent crew, 3 fainted on the site of this and the last one barfed.
Best Scene--

the Sidreal game a friend of mine was running, we were all gold frachion so had been gathering Solars and hiding them away, well evenchuly we got noticed (mostly because my char a chosen of endings forgot to hide the fact the threads wernt cut) and the bronze found out we were hiding all these Solars in one place and so sicked the wyld hunt on the place... a wyld hunt consisiting of 4 warstriders and about 40 dragonblooded, not to menchion about 400 mortal troops, well the bronze use their powers to hide the armys movments as they approch the camp, once they get there..... we noticed, one of the war striders grabs a bolder and hurls it into our camp, almost killing our Chosen of senerity who was using the rest rooom, so us and our solar charges all take on the wyld hunt and bearly kill most of the dragon blooded so that everyone ealse just runs away (thank you march of charcole spider...), so while we are walking though the wreckage of the war striders, our senerity wakes back up having received a blow to the head and runs to the group, his quote is what made it all worthwhile....  "HOLY HELL MAN! Im just sittin there takin a shit when the frickin sky falls down and hits me!! i think were under attack!! that or the unconjured sun saw our camp and descided to try what i was doing" (not the wittyst quote, but the man had a intellgence of 1)

Best Villan....

Count Morphine, a twisted Fae Xia, who had warped his ideals so that others fighting for his amusment was how he lived, provoked war between city states and countries, outside of that, likeable guy, witch made it really hard for the Lunar Pc's to fight him, the Changling Moon even turned on his pack over the subject of trying to kill the Count.
I can't think of many Exalted Scenes I'd peg as favorite. Quite a few that I'd say are memorable...

A good one would be from a game really early on in my Exalted experiene. In a small game of 2 dawn castes I was playing the more motherly one (a kick-ass momma bear type) going along with the insensitive kung-fu prick. We exalted at the same time, and have been traveling the entirety of the threshold since. When we went up north to search out an friend, this 'friend' had a manse that was connected or on the shores of an in-land sea. When we swam into this sea for a delightful swim my character was scuked down. The other guy latched on to me and tried to get be to the surface but we were both sucked down in the process. We hit the bottom somehow not dying and that's were we found my former encarnation's manse. So we spend the afternoon exploring my old manse where we find we have a whole in-land sea of allies, (a Shark Lunar soul bound to my exalt and a sea of shark-beastmen) and some nifty artifacts, including a royal warstider just for me. (wee) When we resurface we find that a group of DB's have located our friend's manse, and have arrived to off us. We dispatch them easily and flee back to my manse to get our stuff. Meanwhile my character's familiar, an owl, is staying above land as a look out. One of the particularly nasty DB's sees the owl and shots it down. Underwater my exalt feels the loss and instantly goes into her limit break (Heart of Tears) which sends my companion into his limit break (Deliberate Cruelty). And we are forced by our natures, or rather by our lack of natures at that point to stay in my small underwater manse for 3-4 days! me crying and him being as cruel as possible to me and my lunar lover, and his beastmen...

I don't remember how we survived those days...

My favorite villian on the other hand is simple. As I have only 3 that I really love to hate, one for Werewolf : The Apocolypse and the others for Exalted.

(Small backstory) I have been playing Exalted for roughly 4 years with the same ST. And this ST is really good at bringing around the same NPC's to make the gaming experience somewhat familiar and friendly. One such reacuring NPC would be Sesus Lehor from the Time of Tummult mod book. Man my group hated that guy. And what pissed us off was he was so untouchable (I don't know if that's the ST or really his stats but it was annoying)

But my favorite guy to hate would be the reacurring NPC "White Feather". One of the most annoying guys to ever come across. He's the kind of person that shows up at just the right time at just the right bar to run into you when the stress level is pretty high. HE gets all the information he needs out of you then sells it off to the highest bidder, in our experience this is usually the Wyld Hunt. My ST however is reluctant (or has yet to descide) what kind of Exalted he is. I think he's a Sidereal, others believe him to be Infernal since our ST was recently fascinated by the material. And what would piss me off is if he's some kind of mortal doing all this.
Favorate Scene:

My first Exalted character was a Ebon Shadow Martial Artist (think stereotypicial ninja) trying to teach another Exalt (Solar, Night was pretty dark :P ) the Ebon Shadow style.  We were at Halta, so with the training- the next logical step would be tree walking (the character already learned the 1st charm).  Of course, the Protege wasn't very willing, so I tied up my apprintice and tied her up on a tree several hundread feet high, and tell her to climb the tree...or keep dangling there.  The Protege, after several days of not trying to learn the charm (and several strikes and a clinche from my Claws of Distance Strike later), relented and spent the xp for the charm.

All while V'neef Aliset (our "hostage") watched.

Favorate Villian:

In my current game, it was an Abyssal Sorcerer (couldn't get caste, but...) and he was very dodgey.  Unfortunately, a few Zenith blasts later (Essence 5), he wasn't so happy about trying to take away an artifact we were digging up (airship), so he let loose a necromancy spell, and high-tailed it out of there.  He was crawling on his horse to get out of there (ie at his -4 HL).  If the attack didn't incap my Zenith, it would've killed the Abyssal.
My favourite moment had the players (team 1) heroic ghosts fighting the Walker in darkness' nephwrack champion grey whisperer of shadows to retrieve the all important fetter of General Subodai.  They defeat him after a glorious close won fight to discover that the walker has outflanked them and corrupted the general to become the new fourteenth deathlord, at which point two of them lost there primary fetter, the love for the first age general they had died for.  The last sacrificed himself obliterating the generals fetter and himself, severely weakening the new deathlord.  The dragon bloods (player team 2), assisted by the Bull of the north and the icewalkers, in creation were then able tor repel Walkers army for the time being.

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