BESM 3rd Edition: Ad Astra Per Aspera

Thorn Darkblade

I know lots of things. Lots of things...
Anybody up for an anime style space opera? Here's the specifics:

-System: BESM 3rd Ed, 250 pt characters. Dynamic Sorcery, Dimensional Portal, and other such potent abilities won't be allowed.

-Semi-Troupe-Style Game. What does this mean? I will be running the majority of the plot line, but between major arcs, other players may run 'episodes' in the series. Everyone involved is both player and GM (although, you don't -have- to GM if you don't want to). Just make sure not to break the metaplot, :D

-Setting: Soft/Medium Sci-Fi. Series like Cowboy Bebop or Babylon 5 are good benchmarks for about how serious the tech is. In other words, a bunch of fancy words for stuff that probably would never work in the real world. Don't question it, or argue quantum physics. Have fun with it!

-Each player must come up with 3 ideas to play in this game: One piece of tech, one organization, and one location. This way, everyone's built a little bit of the world, and co-GMing will be a little easier. You do not have to post them until you're actually chosen for the game, so you don't feel like you wrote something for someone else's game (if you want to donate ideas ahead of time, I won't complain as long as you don't :tongue: )

-Looking for a minimum of 4 players, maximum of 6 to begin (including myself). Submit a basic concept of what you want to be. Purchasing a large scale ship will not be required...the troupe will attain one in the course of the story. Smaller, personal craft are allowed.

#1: Thorn Darkblade

#2: Maus

#3: Millershipper


(#5) :

(#6) :

Gonna post a bit of the timeline here for basic setting, plus a couple bits of my world

2038- World War 3/Foundation of the UEC- Rising tensions between various nations in the Middle East flared beyond control. Israel fired the first of an all out nuclear war with Iran, with numerous allies and mercenaries on both sides joining the conflict. Mass destruction reigns on the neighboring nations of Jordan, Egypt, and Syria. Pakistan fires upon India, and tensions between U.S. and China heighten. India attempts to return fire upon Pakistan, but is intercepted by the sudden unveiling of anti-missile technology by Japan. Japan demands the rest of the nations cease firing, and is met by nuclear fire from the U.S. and China. These attacks are also struck down, and, with anti missile technology and new laser satellites, Japan cripples the major offensive capabilities of all nations involved in the war. At a peace summit, Japan, China, and the U.S. become the forefront of the United Earth Confederation, with many other nations joining under their banner within 2 years. By the end of the next decade, beyond a few scattered holdouts, most nations have joined.

2088- K-E Meteorite Crashes- In the summer of 2088, a large meteor crashed into the side of the Alpamayo Mountain in Peru. A geological science team retrieved the meteor to study, but the original expedition team died of radiation poisoning a mere 3 days after recovering it. Two theoretical physicists, Edward Kaminsky and Anthony Evrett, acquired the meteor afterwards and ran many tests on it, discovering a highly radioactive isotope, the Kaminsky-Evrett Particle. This was later stabilized into the K-E Colloid, an incredibly potent fuel source, but, the only engines capable of handling the energy output were currently the size of a naval aircraft carrier. The power output, however, was incredible.

2091- K-E Engine Vanishes and Reappears- A mere year after the K-E engine went into operation, it vanished without a trace. The massive area it occupied was just empty, no signs of any sabotage. A week later, it reappeared, on top of an unfortunate investigation site which was destroyed in the process. Scientists researched it quickly learned that running the K-E Colloidal Engine at high outputs caused it to slip into a subdimensional space.

2097- Karkof Engine Designed- Russian scientist Sven Karkof took the design of the K-E Engine and streamlined it, creating a smaller and more efficient version of the original K-E Engine, with the ability to intentionally shift into subspace, now scientifically classified as Aetherial space. Test runs on oceanic ships prove that subaether travel is massively faster than normal travel, and plans to test in orbit prove equally as successful. Plans for an interplanetary vessel are made.

2105- Ares Launched- The UEC launches the first interplanetary colonization vessel, with Mars as the destination. The large space freighter is outfitted with a Subaether Karkof Drive, and makes the trip in a mere 12 days. Everything continues to go as planned, as an outpost is established. Within 5 years it grows into the first colony off of Earth. The ship itself was eventually scavenged as resources to build more of the colony.

2112- Luna Shipyards Built- After the success of the Ares expedition, another such expedition is set much closer to home, on the moon, but, an industrial outpost is built instead of a mere research facility. Mass production of interplanetary ships are built, as well as smaller ships for easier transportation back and forth from the earth. These smaller craft do not carry the Karkof Subaether drive, but instead have smaller K-E Particle engines incapable of reaching the output needed to slip into the subaether stream, able to reach Mars in 4 months of normal flight.

2142- Subaether Gates Built- The rapidly growing status of the Mars colony of Ares drove the UEC to develop less expensive means of interplanetary transit. Dr. Philip VanHook developed these means. A pair of gates, both an entrance and an exit, sustaining a very slightly opened subaether entrance at all times, no larger than a pinhole, only expending the energy to open it wider for entering and exiting ships, which could travel through the subaether stream using a regular energy output rather than the massive amounts needed to sustain subaether travel. Construction of the Luna and Phobos Gates were both completed in a mere 10 months, and smaller craft, including private craft owned by civilians, were able to travel freely to and from Mars, albeit not without paying a hefty toll.

2149- First Contact Made- Radio signals transmitted in the Subaether Stream are picked up by the Gilesian race. First contact is made on the moon of Deimos, and a interspecies embassy is set up on the moon. The race proves to be hospitable, and the advanced race shared much technology with humanity, in exchange for cultural items that they found simply fascinating. In particular, the race found a love for cane sugar, which was apparently native only to Earth with no similar plant on their world. Through connections, contact is made with several other alien races, although, none are nearly as prevalent as Gilesians within the Solar System.

2152- Terraforming of Mars Begins- With help from the Gilesians, the UEC began mass terraforming of Mars, starting with warming the icecaps, and introducing Gilesian plants, combined with gasses mined from space brought in by Gilesian ships. The massive project took a mere 30 years to give the planet a breathable, if somewhat thin, atmosphere.

2167- First Colony on Venus- The colonization ship Aphrodite reaches Venus without problem, although orbit decays quickly. The ship is cannibalized to make expansions to the colony, and terraforming plants are moved in, and although the toxic environment will take far longer to become breathable, the caustic environment is reduced in 5 years, requiring only minor life support and breathing apparatus for traveling outdoors.

2190- Longbow Gate Built- Longbow, the first inter-system Subaether Gate, is completed near a newly built outpost on Pluto, connecting the Gilese System with the Solar System. For the first time, private ships are able to travel to the Gilesian system, which serves as a hub to other galaxies. A secondary gate, nicknamed the Hades Gate, is built for military purposes only.

2249- Luna Gate Explodes- The most heavily used gate, the Luna Gate, becomes the subject of an anonymous terrorist attack. The resulting explosion rips a temporary tear into subaether space. The explosion is so massive, the moon itself begins to break apart, causing widespread destruction on Earth. The space near the moon remains forbidden space to this day, due to fluctuations of real and subaether realities.

2250- UEC Enforces Martial Law- In response to the terrorist attacks, the UEC declares martial law in effect within the Solar System. Accused 'terrorists' are tortured and executed quickly, and many military outposts take advantage of the declaration to become ruthless tyrannies with the backing of the UEC to overrule smaller outposts throughout the system. In reaction, many small resistance groups are formed. Most of these are crushed quickly, but, the UEC military bases underground on Mercury are overthrown with an almost complete and well organized mutiny, only a handful of officers being killed, giving the varying rebel factions a major staging point for freedom fighting.

2272- Mercury Bases Wiped Out- An unknown biological weapon is unleashed on the rebel fortresses on Mercury. Leaked video data shows a horrible sight, the entire population dying in less than a quarter hour, most in nearly a minute of exposure. While not linked directly to it, suspicion rests on the UEC, whom quickly moved in and cleaned up the base for their own personal use.

2282- Current Year

Organization: The Black Sun Dragons

A well organized 'guild' of pirates, the Black Sun Dragons (also, Black Suns or Black Dragons) are a renowned and feared organization. While their influence near Earth and Mars is limited, in the major shipping lanes to Pluto, and in other systems, they are a major threat. Local security forces are paid off, and even a few entire colonies owe homage to them. The leaders are enigmatic beings, some rumored to be human, but none confirmed. Beyond mere piracy, some of their endeavors include advanced weapons research and recovering artifacts from long dead worlds, although the latter isn't used as an avenue of profit, but for some other purpose.

Location: Corus-4

An odd planet located by accident when a subaether jump failed, this out-of-the-way place is mostly a scientific curiosity, a nearly dead world with only sparse vegetation lit by the dim glow of a dying sun. Scattered about, however, are the remains of an ancient civilization that is not record in Gilesian or any of their allies' history. Constant geological disturbances have made it difficult for any long term archaeological research, and so it sits, most likely to crumble into nothingness. Those who have visited though claim to have vivid recurring dreams, urging them to return to the world, but accompanied with a feeling of unease. So far, all have avoided any return trips.

Tech: Magnetic Coil Rifle (MCR)

The issue of using combustibles to propel projectiles became somewhat problematic in space. As fusion power become easier, with safer materials and smaller builds, it wasn't long before stronger electromagnets could be developed. MCRs, often nicknamed 'rail guns' after the eponymous tech in many a sci-fi story, were large affairs at first, only suitable for attachment to military vessels. Technology progresses, however, and personal MCRs are standard issue to any UEC personal expected to fight in strange or no atmosphere. These weapons are incredibly dangerous, able to puncture through thick armors, and thus are not available for general civilian purchase, and even local law enforcement tend not to have them. Black markets, however, have recently been acquiring them and selling them to high bidding criminal organizations.

Questions? Comments? Concepts? Post away!!!
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Definitely curious about this one, plus it will get the dust of my BESM book. Will have to think about some nifty concepts.
I'll toss my hat in the ring. I've had the BESM3 book for a long time now. I'll come up with an idea or three. Any particular flavor to the troupe you'd prefer to see, Thorn?
The character I'm rolling is a former space pirate gone rogue. The initial plotline will involve the players either helping or inadvertently being part of a heist to steal a prototype ship financed by multiple criminal organizations (and possibly military). So, someone who is either legally gray (I still prefer a little good, if only slightly, on the moral scale though), or someone who can handle being in a situation like that and not just quit.

Another friend who may be joining is going to be one of the chief scientists who worked on that bad boy, focusing in medicine and hacking areas. My character's focus is ranged combat, infiltration, and piloting. In the last incarnation of this game, we had some cool ideas... a deep cyberspace hacker that had a VR system that let her literally navigate the net as a physical plane, a rich boy from a mega corporation with a monoedge sword, and even someone who played an artificial intelligence with no actual body (it IS doable, almost all his points went into Resurrection though...his backup files)
Well, as promised, I'm here. Lack of employment has given me much free time. Thorn knows my character from the last time we tried this hell-beast...speaking of, Thorn, any luck finding that old Character Sheet? Becuase I LIKED how I built him last time, and I hate re-hashing old ground. Tl;dr, a delightful cross between Mordin Solus, Kevin Mitnick, and that one uncle who was in the Army...the one that gets that far-away look in his eyes and changes the subject when you ask him what he did. With a shotgun. A very large, very automatic shotgun.

Organization: UEC Marshall Service

Law enforcement in the modern age requires more than just the usual legwork and investigative procedure. With the advent of practical spaceflight and reliable FTL travel, many criminals find that fleeing the world they committed their crimes on is a quick and easy way to avoid the law. The Marshall Service is the answer to the Byzantine extradition treaties of various colonies and independent habitats that live alongside UEC territory. Empowered to investigate, pursue, and confront all criminals in the UEC sphere of influence, the Marshall Service is oftentimes the only reliable way of bringing criminals to justice in the era of Subaether Gates and spaceflight. Highly trained, heavily armed, and relentless (some would say insanely so), a Marshall will pursue his quarry to the ends of existence if that's what it takes. Their only failing is that there are only so many of these lawmen to go around, and space is a very big place.

Location: Cydonia Shipyards

After the destruction of the Luna Gate and its namesake, the UEC found itself having to rebuild a great deal of its space-based infrastructure, in particular its shipyards. At the time, Mars supported what was best described as 'hobbyist' shipwrights; loose coalitions of specialist personnel and facilities. As the Moon began to drift and die within the gravity well of Earth, the UEC began a massive overhaul of the Martian industrial base. These efforts centered around the Cydonia Plateau and the many driveworks that set up there in the early years. In the thirty or so years since then, the once cottage industry on the red planet has become one of the mainstays of the Martian economy, producing an estimated 44% of all keels in UEC space.

Tech: FastFire Neural Relay System

A marvel of modern cyberware, FastFire systems are designed to bypass the 'slow' CNS of the host-body, feeding neural impulses from the brain directly to their associated physiology. Not merely individual upgrades, a true FastFire upgrade is a combination of enhancements to optics, brain, spinal cord, skeletal muscles and other organs, creating a fast-response circuit between perception and trigger finger or sword arm that responds at a near-constant ratio of .96:1. It is no exaggeration to say that a well trained combatant with a good FastFire system can respond at the speed of thought during a firefight with no real effort on the part of the operator. Known side-effects of the enhancement include restlessness, excitability, paranoia, irrational threat reflex (drawing a gun on a non-hostile target for an imaginary threat, for example), sensory overload, and in rare cases, homicidal mania and/or suicidal tendencies. While risky, many professional soldiers, mercenaries, and other fighting men and women are more than happy to chance permanent nerve damage or worse for 'the fastest draw in the spiral arm', or so the promotional literature promises.
Curious, would you be willing to take me on as a player? I even have the rule book... sort of.
Character Name: Marcus Legraneer, internal security officer on LOPS 42

Place: Large Orbital Platform Ship 42 (LOPS 42)

LOPS 42 is more like a drifting mess of smaller ships cobbled together on a sizable asteroid with a big engine at the end. She is governed by a council, who controls LOPS's food, water, and trade. The council is lead currently by Mistress Mercedes.

Populated with drifters, LOPS is a mess of lawful and lawless districts. Because of the laid back nature of LOPS, she has been used for more shadier business practices. The council does not seem to mind such activities, only slamming down on it when they feel it would endanger the welfare of LOPS.

UEC has little enforcement on LOPS, when UEC declared Martial Law, LOPS ignored it and carried on with life. The events on Mercury did not go unnoticed by LOPS, Mistress Mercedes ordered all UEC personnel off LOPS, allowing only a handful to stay. To date UEC has shown no interest in LOPS.

Such a large floating target of wealth would be prize for pirates to take, LOPS does support a small slew of warships, usually seen in orbit around LOPS as she moves about space. These warships are staffed with skilled crews and carry on them a dazzling array of weaponry. It's suspected that the pirates don't touch LOPS out of respect of Mistress Mercedes.
Technology: QECA

Channel Wood Technology QECA (Quantum Entanglement Communications Array)

QECA is a more recent invention. It allows for instantaneous communication between ships and their home base. The advantage is that the communication is fast, but also secure. The downside: QECA cards are not tunable, they are forever locked into one entanglement. Meaning for fleet style communications, one ship or home base must have all the of the cards. (The cards are about the size of an SNES cartridge.)
Organization: Artifacts Ship Retrieval Corp

Artifact's got its start shortly after 2250. The recluse founder saw there was a profit to be made from both the military and civilian sectors in retrieving lost or otherwise dead ships, and holding the ships in legal hostage until the original owner steps forward and pays the 'modest' reclamation fee. Failing that, the ship is auctioned off to the highest bidder.

This has lead to some embarrassment from both sides and sensitive data, once thought safe in a wrecked ship, comes to light from Artifacts. Artifacts has been accused of being a front for piracy, as ships auctioned off have fallen into the hands of pirates. The company denies such accusations, stating, “We do not cater to pirates nor do we take their ill gotten money.”

To counter pirates, Artifacts employs a large independent fleet of warships to ensure and enforce their salvage rights on a wreck. This has also lead to ire as Artifacts is known to steal wreaks from other salvage companies by destroying the salvage ship. (And creating more profit.)
How'd I do?
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Nice techs but I need a char concept first. Don't need techs til after acceptance unless required for your backstory
FATE-like co-creation of the world, eh? This has some possibilities. Is this going to be play by post or play by chat?

If by post, what measures are you taking to make sure this game won't be abandoned within a few months, or at least to signal an automatic end if something causes you to stop posting?

If by chat, by what medium, and when would you be scheduling the sessions?
Play by post. Players must be able to post at least once every two days or I will drone them until such time they return. Extended absence without prior notice risks me writing missing players out of the story. If a guest GM disappears, I will take over the current plot line to make sure the game conitnues
Concept: Freelance detective with cyber-enhancements who is tracking down elements of the criminals behind the new starship. He's willing to do anything he can to steal the ship from the syndicates involved and make sure they don't get their hands on the new tech.
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Play by post. Players must be able to post at least once every two days or I will drone them until such time they return. Extended absence without prior notice risks me writing missing players out of the story. If a guest GM disappears, I will take over the current plot line to make sure the game conitnues

Good, but I meant "what happens if you disappear/what measures are you taking to make sure you won't disappear"?
Admittedly I've vanished from games before due to life, but most GMs have one time or another, but I've informed my players of such, so it's mostly honor system. If something comes up where I will be unable to run, such as exam cramming or such another can do an extended side story, or permanently handing it over should circumstances require. If it is something unexpected that removes me from RPdom entirely, it would most likely be something so sudden I wouldn't have a contingency.
I have allowed psuedo-scientific abilities before, such as psionics and even magic originating from subaether energies to a degree. Just make em sound sci-fi-y, :)
Millershipper said:
Concept: Freelance detective with cyber-enhancements who is tracking down elements of the criminals behind the new starship. He's willing to do anything he can to steal the ship from the syndicates involved and make sure they don't get their hands on the new tech.
I like, :D . would like to see further developed and then you've got a spot for sure
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I have the stats done. Basic history:

Pat Hennesy works for (law agency) as a special agent in the field. He was working to bring the heads of (criminal organization) to justice. The day after he submitted his reports on the activities of the bosses of (criminal organization) to his superiors the entire leadership pulled up stakes and disappeared. Less than a month later Pat's house exploded while he and his family was inside. Though he himself survived (he'd stepped outside to smoke a cigar, a habit his wife hated), his wife and 6 year-old son were killed in the blast. Pat himself was severely injured and spent several months in the hospital. He persuaded the doctors who restored him to health to do more than return him to normal. He now has enhanced sight and hearing, the ability to climb walls in much the same way as a gecko (thanks to the implantation of fine hairs on hands and feet, and yes he needs to be barefoot to fully move around). He also has a computer implant that allows him to take in large amounts of data and remember it (Features: direction sense, eidetic memory, lightning calculator, and speed reading).

Now he lives to visit his revenge on (criminal organization). He'd prefer legal means, but if it comes to brass tacks he'll turn in his badge and do what needs doing. The nightmares he has of his wife and son won't allow any other choice.
I know that's a bit on the dark side. I can lighten the tone if you're not going for a noir feel to this game. :)
Also, unwritten rule, so not -required-, but in every incarnation of this game everyone has had a bird related name or nickname. Don't need to force it, but would be fun to see again

miller, not too dark. You should click on the link I gave Maus earlier and read some of his backstory. I like yours a lot.
Works. I figure to come up with the criminal organization, the implant Pat's got in his head, and the place the organization's moved to if I get a spot. :)

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