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Fandom Berserk Fall of Fantasia CS


Neuro Vampire

Senior Member
View attachment 1172145
Name: Drake Knightwalker

Alias: The Dragon Emperor

Age: Ancient

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Dragoon (Human Dragon Hybrid)

Affiliation: Dragon Astrals

Personality: He is part dragon that makes him wise, prideful, and wrathful. He does not hold his tongue often and will say what comes to his mind. He does not subscribe to usual moral alignments hovering between Chaotic Good and Neutral Evil. He does have a sadistic side to him when it comes to his enemies. He has perseverance when it comes to allies and third parties.

History: He is the offspring of a human and dragon that was born during the ancient occurrence of Fantasia. The dragon nor human were anyone worthy of note. It was through his own efforts and hard work that he even rose to become someone of renown among dragon kind. He slew some dragons, subdued other dragons, and even amassed followers amongst fellow dragons and even some dragon slaying humans. When the original ancient Fantasia ended he was locked in the Astral realm with rest of dragon kind.

His hatred of the God Hand started with the end of the original Fantasia. The God Hand made their way to the physical realm over and over. Their Apostles wreaked havoc and dominion over the mortal plane mocking him. Even within the Astral realm he has come into conflict with the Apostle more than once.

Abilities: Dragon Arts

Equipment: He doesn’t carry any actual equipment. He just conjures armaments when necessary.

  • Dragon Slaying Attribute
  • Anti Magic
  • Anti Astral
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Name: Laliel

Alias: none

Age: n/a

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Race: angelic astral

Affiliation: heavenly astrals

Personality: dramatic and passionate Laliel is the flames that seeks to burn away the evil of the God hand and all other creatures. She sees humans as child in need of guidance to grow beyond the darkness they wallow in. Laliel is however not fully a being of compassion and feels no guilt in ending humans as if they were just a monster.

History: The angels and heaven itself are products of the human mind, namely in the post fantasia world. The holy See spread and despite it's origin its word of angels and heavens created the idea that became reality in the astral planes. Thus would Laliel created from light and though a creature of purifying fire to burn away the evil of the world. That was what an angel should be, but the world and her home were separated until the second fantasia started and the angels were loosed to seek evil to destroy.


Flight: exactly what you expect Laliel can soar in the skies.

Purifying flames: created by the beilf of humanity and their view of fire angels weild a holy fire that they can shape that is highly effective aginst evil creatures.

Beacon of faith: laliel being a being created by the beilf of humanity is empowered by the faithful around her and she in turn empowers them. This makes her stronger faster her fire burn hotter. The truer and purer the faith the moan power she gains.

Heaven forged sword: an angelic armament made from the positive energies of humanity abd crafted from light. The blade is powerful aginst dark forces abd can channel the purifying flames.


Anti magic
Anti angel weapons
None beilivers: the opposite of being the beacon of faith if those that beilive in other gods or have sold their souls gather around Laliel she will weaken.

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