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Futuristic Beneath the Cosmos we Call Home [Character Sheets]



Kitsune of the North
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
For those of you who are wondering what the four roles for expeditions are about, here's the info you need:
  • Security Guard: The closest thing to SWAT that exists in the current day, they're essentially seen acting as police would inside of the bunker; deterring crime and apprehending criminals among other things. It's when they're outside of the bunker on an expedition where they truly shine, as a variety of threats tend to pop up while on expeditions. They primarily carry a Plasma-Rifle on them at all times during expeditions, with a laser pistol as a backup in case their rifle breaks or needs to recharge. Due to their rigorous training they're the strongest out of the group and can take quite a few hits before going down, though they're somewhat sluggish compared to the rest of their group.
  • Medic: As the name implies, they excel at treating wounds alongside saving people from the brink of death, and as such they're a must-have during expeditions. Although it doesn't seem practical to have a medic heal you in combat, it works out flawlessly thanks to the medic's Medi-gun. It fires a low intensity laser that encourages nanobots within all of the bunkers civilians to start repairing any wounds the target has, though it takes time to heal and it can't revive someone who's dead. On top of healing, the Medi-gun can also project a protective field five meters in front of her, where any plasma or laser based weapon is deflected or reflected away from the group; but it only lasts for 30 seconds and requires 3 hours before it can be used again. The only weapon medics carry are two laser pistols, though they only use them in self defense.
  • Explorer: The expert with navigating the terrain of the frozen wastelands alongside searching the ruins of old humanity, they're the easiest role to do mediocre in but the hardest to master. They're very well versed in flanking and ambushing, and have a deeply engrained knowledge of the terrain; thus they're the only member of the expedition teams that are allowed to drive the rovers under normal circumstances. In addition they're also very good at parkour, and so they can more easily evade enemies or climb up to normally unreachable areas. The weapons they typically carry are a shotgun and an electrified baseball bat, the ladder to stun enemies.
  • Scientist: The primary brains of the group, they're more adept with research than anything else. It's the primary reason they're needed on expeditions, as the world outside of the bunker is still ever changing and requires constant surveillance to keep expedition maps up to date and genetic variations of whatever still lives on the surface. Aside from that they play a more supportive role, using their automated turrets and holographic decoys to aid the others in fights. With all said and done though, they're the only ones who know how to operate the massive observatories that are remotely powered across the globe, so gathering information from them about potential dangers is vital.



Name: Vienna
Age: 25
Role: Works in livestock. Cares mostly for cows, sheep, and horses. Occasionally helps with pigs and fish.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan

Looks: Vienna looks very scruffy, due to how much she's bitten, kicked, and chewed upon. She has curly brown hair that falls to her shoulders and one green eye, with the other being gray. She's mostly deaf in her right ear- the gray eye side.
Attire: She wears general work clothes, with a toolbelt strapped around her waist. She usually has brushes and treats for the animals, as well as halters and lead ropes in case of an escapee
Equipment: Animal supplies- riding attire and harnesses for the horses, shears for the sheep, milking equipment for the cows, whatever needed.

Personality: She's a touch lonely, and will follow anyone who gives her attention like a puppy. However, Vienna has a steel core- she works with thousand pound animals, she has to.
Backstory: Her parents called her Vienna after the past cities and she had a happy childhood. She works tirelessly on the livestock, and misses being around her parents, who've passed, sorely.
Interests: Her job. She loves it, and has her own private draft horse called Tango. She also loves strawberries, and bakes on her day off.
Dislikes: Vienna hates people who would ever put an animal into long agony for fun. She understands that she raises some of the animals for slaughter, but horses aren't eaten, her cows are mostly dairy, and the sheep are sheared every year for their wool.
Fears: Being left with no friends, no family, and no animals to help her through it.
Goals: She wants to one day retire and own a farm of just horses to ride. Vienna doesn't know if that's realistic, but she'd like to anyways.
Dreams: Making the farm a public place where children can learn to interact safely with animals and how to care for them.
Name: Aaron Nalianie (Nay-lee-on-e)
Age: 30
Role: Mob Boss for the Nalianie family (Godfather)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Looks: Raven black hair that is combed and parted to the left. Lean-Muscular Caucasian with a height of 5'7. His ice blue eyes pierce take notice away from the scar he has on his cheek. A bar fight turned sour and left him with a horizontal scar, stopping about 5 inches from his eye.
Attire: Often seen in a black suit with a white under shirt and red tie. If not dressed in formal attire he is dressed in dress pants and a button up shirt a long with an overcoat.
Equipment: A pistol (Don't know if laser weapons are the only weapon so we will just say it's a lead thrower instead of an energy pistol.) A custom knife with the family name engraved in gold a long the handle, this however is an heirloom of countless generations. A mobile communicator to contact other members when needed. An old leather wallet containing the currency used in the bunker.

Personality: Cold, methodical, inpatient, quick to anger, has a soft spot for women as his mother and father taught him to respect the family and women. Social when he trusts you and will shower you in gold if you are among his friends and family.
Backstory: "I may be a Nalianie by blood but you guys are Nalianie because you chose to be loyal. The Nalianie's always take care of their own, blood has fuck all to do with that." From a young age Aaron was involved in his father's business. His mother and father were the Bonnie and Clyde of this bunker. While his mother had more compassion his father had a passion to make sure his family was taken care of. Aaron's father always complained about the lack of order. He always preached about everyone working together and strived to connect business, even if that meant using force to achieve what he wanted. Aarons mother died first at the age of 45 when Aaron was 20 from a severe aneurysm that was not caught on med scans. Aarons father passed the mantle to his son ten years after his wife's death and instead stepped down to become an advisor and handle setting up appointments for his son. Almost a year later and Aaron has fit into the role well. His 31st birthday is coming up and with that, it will make a year since he had been made the godfather of the family.
Interests: Hosting gatherings and parties to meet and bribe new people. He loves reading and music. His office is filled with books and various media players as well as speakers for music.
Dislikes: Loud and annoying people. In fighting amongst the family. Abuse towards women and animals.
Fears: He fears he will fail and plummet the family into the ground, even with his father as an advisor. He strives to be as good of a godfather as his father was and even though he is reassured by his father that he is better already, he still has the constant worry looming.
Goals: Order and control. Everyone working together to build a better life underground and eventually above ground if research and science can truly advance that far in his lifetime.
Dreams: Finding a wife to share the same love and goals like his mother and father. A true ride or die women who would do anything for him as he would do for her.
Name: Aaron Nalianie (Nay-lee-on-e)
Age: 30
Role: Mob Boss for the Nalianie family (Godfather)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Looks: Raven black hair that is combed and parted to the left. Lean-Muscular Caucasian with a height of 5'7. His ice blue eyes pierce take notice away from the scar he has on his cheek. A bar fight turned sour and left him with a horizontal scar, stopping about 5 inches from his eye.
Attire: Often seen in a black suit with a white under shirt and red tie. If not dressed in formal attire he is dressed in dress pants and a button up shirt a long with an overcoat.
Equipment: A pistol (Don't know if laser weapons are the only weapon so we will just say it's a lead thrower instead of an energy pistol.) A custom knife with the family name engraved in gold a long the handle, this however is an heirloom of countless generations. A mobile communicator to contact other members when needed. An old leather wallet containing the currency used in the bunker.

Personality: Cold, methodical, inpatient, quick to anger, has a soft spot for women as his mother and father taught him to respect the family and women. Social when he trusts you and will shower you in gold if you are among his friends and family.
Backstory: "I may be a Nalianie by blood but you guys are Nalianie because you chose to be loyal. The Nalianie's always take care of their own, blood has fuck all to do with that." From a young age Aaron was involved in his father's business. His mother and father were the Bonnie and Clyde of this bunker. While his mother had more compassion his father had a passion to make sure his family was taken care of. Aaron's father always complained about the lack of order. He always preached about everyone working together and strived to connect business, even if that meant using force to achieve what he wanted. Aarons mother died first at the age of 45 when Aaron was 20 from a severe aneurysm that was not caught on med scans. Aarons father passed the mantle to his son ten years after his wife's death and instead stepped down to become an advisor and handle setting up appointments for his son. Almost a year later and Aaron has fit into the role well. His 31st birthday is coming up and with that, it will make a year since he had been made the godfather of the family.
Interests: Hosting gatherings and parties to meet and bribe new people. He loves reading and music. His office is filled with books and various media players as well as speakers for music.
Dislikes: Loud and annoying people. In fighting amongst the family. Abuse towards women and animals.
Fears: He fears he will fail and plummet the family into the ground, even with his father as an advisor. He strives to be as good of a godfather as his father was and even though he is reassured by his father that he is better already, he still has the constant worry looming.
Goals: Order and control. Everyone working together to build a better life underground and eventually above ground if research and science can truly advance that far in his lifetime.
Dreams: Finding a wife to share the same love and goals like his mother and father. A true ride or die women who would do anything for him as he would do for her.
yay a new friend :>
Name: Arthur Kray
Age: 30
Role: Security Guard
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Looks: Arthur stands at 6,2 weighing in around 145lbs with most of that being muscle due to rigorous training. His eye colour is dark hazel and he is Caucasian. His hair colour is light blonde
set into a short and spiky style with the front part spiked up. His body had numerous scars upon it, the most noticeable being one running along his left hand and arm. A very narrow escape from bear.
Attire: Arthur tends to be dressed in his Security Guard detail. When on expeditions he tends to wears clothing suited to the much colder and harsher conditions
Equipment: He carries a modified tactical Plasma Rifle with two firing modes, Single and full auto. Accompanying that he carries with him a laser pistol and a combat knife as well in case all else fails. A few extra plasma cell cartridges, two grenades and a water canteen.

Personality: Arthur may sometimes come across as a tad bit harsh sometimes but under the tough exterior he's actually quite the nice guy. A little rough around the edges and sometimes pretty blunt he can a good friend once you get to know him better.
Backstory: Arthur was born into a rather large family, slap bang in the middle of the city. It was there that he learned of the outside world from his mother and father. His mother was an explorer and his father was a security guard, often telling him stories of the outside world. When he was about 16 Arthur applied to join the security detail within the bunker to follow in the footsteps of his father. Years later and Arthur is now a valued member of the community.
Interests: Keeping the peace inside the bunker, going on expeditions outside, reading a good book, cats and dogs.
Dislikes: Lawlessness, liars, crime, rude people, spicy food.
Fears: For the city to descend into chaos and anarchy.
Goals: To better the city and protect it's people and those he goes exploring with.
Dreams: To one day be able to live upon the surface once more.

It would help to get a better grasp of what characters look like, but as far as I'm concerned it's not required.
2021_04_26_0u1_Kleki.pngok so i drew vienna on paper and tried to trace over it on here but i drew on the wrong layer kill me hggwhjherih-

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