Bending the Body


Hit Me!
Cost: 4 m

Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3

Type: Supplemental

Duration: Instant

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Prerequisites: Drunken Fist Form

Follow-ups: Undefeated Liquor Prana

The body of a Drunken Fist master reaches a superhuman level of flexibility. This makes his attacks almost impossible to predict.

This Charm supplements a Martial Arts attack. The target must roll Perception + Awareness against a difficulty equal to the Exalted’s Essence rating. If the roll fails, the attack will be considered an unexpected attack and will render both DVs unapplicable. If the target succeeds detecting the attack, it will be treated as a normal attack and the target will suffer doubled onslaugth penalties.

This Charm requires the Exalted to have drank at least one dose of alcohol within the last hour.

Style: Drunken Fist
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