

Ten Thousand Club





Home Universe:

Ah My Goddess


Moral Alignment:




Warm, cheerful, and exceptionally kindhearted, Belldandy is incredibly courteous and friendly towards everyone around her, even those who have caused harm to her in. Having obtained the position of a First Class Goddess, she is unable to lie, nor does she ever show the inclination to do so, and as a result she is very open and caring. Above all else, Belldandy values the lives and happiness of the people around her much more than her own, and always desires to make everybody happy no matter what the cost is to herself. While many see this part of her personality as being one of her more endearing qualities, it has also driven her to disregard her own feelings, thus making it difficult for her to voice her own thoughts when she believes it would cause strife for other people. As a result of this, she is easily upset and incredibly fragile when experiencing negative emotions. Belldandy always looks for the good in every person she meets, naturally expecting the best from those around her regardless of the situation. She greatly admires those who are genuine, honest, and kind-hearted. Due to her tendency to hold in her negative feelings, she is prone to lose control of her powers during times of emotional instability. Belldandy is shows disdain for herself during these times. A times like these she is often unable to voice her own feelings, her uncontrolled powers causing objects to break, electronics to malfunction, and even bizarre changes in the weather. Despite her trusting and giving nature, she will stand up to anyone who belittles her friends and family, and fight back against even the most powerful enemies to protect the people around her.

Due to her initial lack of knowledge about everyday life on Earth, she would often ask questions or misinterpret situations.



She was born as the middle daughter of the Tyr and the first daughter of Ansuz, her father being the Almighty One of Heaven, and her mother serving as CEO of the Goddess Collective. Like many Goddesses, Belldandy was trained in the art of magic at a young age alongside her half-sister Urd. Although Urd was the older sibling, she looked up to her younger sister as the ideal towards which to aspire. Through her training, Belldandy was eventually able to summon her Angel, Holy Bell. Urd greatly admired the divine being's appearance, but was horrified by the half-demonic appearance of her own Angel, and in a moment of fear and anguish, ordered it to never appear before her again.

Belldandy eventually mastered the use of wind-based magic and earned her qualification as a First Class Goddess. Over time, she became known as one of the best employees of the Goddess Assistance Agency, her work as a wish-granter warning her admiration from many of her fellow deities. She also obtained a Valkyrie license qualifying her to serve as a member of Heaven's elite fighting unit, but she only earned this honor for the sake of personal accomplishment, and had no genuine interest in the job, possibly due to her dislike of violence. Belldandy's beauty, powers, and impressive merits also earned the admiration of her younger sister Skuld, who grew to idolize her.

Her job as a wish-granter and First Class Deity eventually led Belldandy and Urd into conflict with the Demon Marller, a childhood friend of her elder sister. During the ensuing struggle, the two Goddesses defeated and sealed Marller away, dooming the demon to wandering in an endless limbo until the day someone would release her from bondage.



As a divine goddess, Belldandy has an affinity for wind or air, and as such is the base for the majority of her spells. She can summon winds at will, from small gusts to tornadoes, and can alter the weather, Like all goddesses, Belldandy is able to cast spells quickly by singing, and often restores life to ruined areas during recreational singing. In fact, Belldandy is deemed the best songstress in Heaven, performing the extremely difficult lullaby Rarihozen(a lullaby so potent it could tire the most powerful of beasts, but had the effect of drowsing it's performer as well). While typically preferring to resolve matters civilly and avoiding conflicts altogether–or any form of violence whatsoever–Belldandy is able to hold her own in combat against a variety of foes. Belldandy has many seals on her that she doesn't know about she has at least three, one ring and two earrings put on her when she was a young child.



One ring and two earrings. They keep the seal on her powers.



Being Kindhearted

Never lies




Powers(Her uncontrolled powers can lead her into trouble)

Never lies



Two Sisters




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