Behind the Mask


Ace Character - Final 4
We are all characters that have taken our masks off. The majority of the world is going to frown on that but not everyone has to and I don't want to see a ton of 'woe is me' characters... make them interesting and different. Everyone has flaws but they're not something to dwell on.

Character Skeleton/Sheet:

Name: (First, Middle-if has one, Last)

Nickname: (If they don't have one, don't have this in your character sheet)

Gender: (Male, Female, Trans, Androgynous, etc)

Age: (15-18)

Sexuality: (Hetero, Homo, Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual, Demisexual, etc.. don't have to know for sure, might be something your character is figuring out)

Image: (Photo or Anime or Drawing- whatever you're comfortable with)

History: (How long have you been going to school at Canton, Family life, Anything important from the character's history we should know)

Friend/Family: (Everyone has someone, seriously. This is just a brief description of the people your character knows, what their family members are like and their friends and what they think of your character not having a mask)

Personality: (Can be filled out after roleplaying for a little while and you have a better grasp on your character, or how you plan your character to be etc)

What Broke Your Mask: (What is it that caused your character to actually take their mask off?)

Your Mask: (What did your mask look like? What do different aspects of your mask stand for?)

Hobbies: (What does your character like to do in their spare time? Sports? Art? Music? Etc... any talents your character might have or skills... )

Likes: (Things that make your character smile)

Dislikes: (Things that can ruin your character's day) 
Name: Quinn Adriana Duskivill

Gender: 'Female' (Androgynous)

Age: 18

Sexuality: Asexual, PanRomantic

Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/1965006_10203378417529357_1799695929_n.jpg.54a5fc26551cca2f62b82a525644d96b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/1965006_10203378417529357_1799695929_n.jpg.54a5fc26551cca2f62b82a525644d96b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Quinn has had a fairly decent life, nothing to truly complain about. She's lost family members but no one truly close to her and for the longest time was quite content with the way people saw her. She was middle class, Academically intelligent, her family was proud of her- for the most part. Her life was mostly run by her family, though. Every real decision in her life was made by them and after awhile she was beginning to feel like a caged bird, never truly able to stretch out her wings and see if she could do things on her own... not that she minded. It was nice in it's own way, safe and cared for. It wasn't until her best friend (a girl she had been close with since middle school) started to point out flaws in their society did she even begin to consider that there might be a problem with the way things worked.

Friends/Family: Quinn's family consists of both sets of grandparents, parents, and 3 younger siblings. One set of grandparents lives next door and are the ones who are always pointing out the flaws with her mask- or they did until she took it off. They are the least pleased and the least supportive of this, every day telling her she should put the mask back on because she was making their family look bad otherwise. It hurts Quinn to know that she'll never be quite good enough for them. Her mother is probably the most supportive of Quinn even though she really isn't sure about her decision, she is still willing to speak to her and they spend a lot of their time discussing just ordinary day things. Her father, at first, took it extremely hard. He wouldn't even stay in the same room as Quinn for the first month, much less speak to her. Quinn isn't sure what changed her father's mind in the end but he now puts up with her lack of the mask, though it's obvious in the way he speaks to her he wished she'd just put it back on. Quinn's three siblings have differing views. The second oldest, Kellen, is quiet about his opinions -as far as Quinn taking off her mask goes- and seems to be pondering following Quinn if only to further his rebellious streak. The two youngest, Elizabeth and Ethan, tend to mock Quinn but it seems they behave that way more because they think that's what they're supposed to be doing.

Quinn has had friends come and go but one friend has stuck with her from middle school and into high school. She's someone Quinn has always been able to depend on and is highly responsible for Quinn being open minded and daring. Adela and Quinn were really unlikely friends at first just because they had never really given it a chance but when both of their previous best friends left them to be friends with one another Quinn and Adela began to hang out and found they had common ground enough to be friends. They didn't really become best friends until their Sophomore year in high school. Adela is sensible, sensitive, and yet bottles up most of her feelings and emotions when not around someone she trusts. She's someone that Quinn believes she can always depend on, even if she doesn't see eye to eye with Quinn all the time.

Personality: Quinn is Easily Impressed and tends to be over enthusiastic about things she finds interesting. A lot of people tend to find her a bit foolish but for the most part she's actually fairly intelligent- being pretty good at problem solving and creative thinking. She takes pride in being the center of attention and for doing things right but her pride is easily hurt when she messes something up. She's impulsive and a lot of the time doesn't see the flaws in what she's done until after they've been done... But once she's noticed she becomes extremely heavy with guilt.

What Broke Your Mask: Adela. Even though Adela hasn't removed her own mask (just yet?) Quinn would never have removed it if it weren't for what Adela had been saying about Society. Quinn wanted to break free from the bonds that seemed to be holding her back and hey, a little bit of extra attention wouldn't be so bad, right? Quinn didn't realize just how negative the attention would be and how disappointed her family would be with her. There are so many days where Quinn wants to put the mask back on and go back to the way things were but something always holds her back...

Your Mask:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Hiphop-boy-font-b-mask-b-font-full-butterfly-font-b-mask-b-font-plastic-black.jpg.7f66f9d405957052e65d64ddf20fb6a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Hiphop-boy-font-b-mask-b-font-full-butterfly-font-b-mask-b-font-plastic-black.jpg.7f66f9d405957052e65d64ddf20fb6a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Quinn used to see the world in black and white. There was a right way, and there was a wrong way... no in-between. There was beauty in the balance of the world and something amazing about being able to see someone else's eyes but even that had it's good and bad side, limited to the views of society. Even while her ideas blossomed and she worked to fit herself into what everyone wanted her to be, she saw things in a way others hadn't and her mind was open to new possibilities... so as beautiful as the mask was, once Quinn realized the truth of it she realized that that's not what she wanted others to see anymore...

Hobbies: Quinn loves to try and recreate what she sees of the world for others- Painting, Writing, Drawing, Music... anything that gives others a chance to see the world the way she does. She also plays in every sport that she can in Canton, finding sports as a good way to not only keep in shape but to express part of herself.

Likes: Making people laugh, Coming up with a Creative Solution for something, When a drawing comes close to what she imagined, Doing something right, The sound of rain on water, Playing for an audience (musically or athletically) and having a main part/spot light point somewhere.

Dislikes: Messing up, being lectured, being criticized, When someone kills a Spider, Too much of anything, People who judge her solely on not wearing a mask.



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Name: Contessa Elise Harrington

Nickname: Tessa

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual


History: Contessa was placed into the school the middle of her sophomore year. Of course she didn't say anything. She didn't let something so trivial as having to make new friends, and being the new girl bother her. She knows she'll see Brady(her best friend since the age of 7) again soon. She often wonders if he misses her since her mother thought a clean slate was best for the whole family. To Contessa a clean slate is what her mother needed after the passing of Contessa Grandfather. New school,new town, new friends, and a Step-Father. Nothing she wanted, but being the oldest of five she's more than use to taking it in silence. Contessa's mother packed up everyone's life at the drop of a pin. The obedient oldest, that was her role in the family. She never questioned her mother's actions or challenged them, until the day she took her mask off that is..

Friend/Family: She grew with her mother, who she calls by her first name Glo, her Grandfather who recently passed, Glo's husband Carl, and her four younger siblings. Obe is the second oldest at 16. He wasn't happy about his sister taking off her mask. They share the normal sibling relationship he does something silly she gets on to him how he shouldn't. They fight and bicker and at the end of the day would kill for each other, but Obe lost his mind when he saw his sister with out her mask. He couldn't believe his big sister had done the one thing they both knew never to do. He now hardly speaks to her. He'll say good morning, good night and I love you. Even though he doesn't approve he still loves his sister. Corey is next after Obe making him the third child in the family at 14 he's still trying to fill his shoes and get use to being a teenager. Corey is nonchalant towards everything, but is rather disobedient trying to stand out in family where it's easy to get lost in the daily confusion. He was actually really surprised about Tessa taking her mask off. He didn't shun her nor did he say he was happy for her and support her. Everything to him is very neutral. Next is Deborah,Deb for short, she's the only other girl in the family. She has always been close to her sister Contessa and looking at the world through the eyes of a 7 year old is easy when all you know to be right is what you are told. She didn't mind her sister removing her mask she thinks Contessa is quite beautiful with out her mask and won't hesitate to remind her big sis of this when she gets the feeling that Contessa is losing her confidence in her choice. The youngest of the five is sweet little Benji. He's only 2 and couldn't tell you right from wrong even if he wanted to. He didn't understand his mothers reaction as to why she was so mad Contessa took her mask off. He actually finds a lot of comfort in his big sis now that he sees her real face. Glodeine, Glo as Tessa calls her mother, was upset, with her daughter for doing the one thing she forbade above all things. The first week and a half Glo was incredibly Hostile towards her daughter, and slowly the hostility gave way to resentment and now nothing but disappointment, and a shred of hope she'll put her mask back on one day soon. Finally theres Carl. He's Glo's husband and tries to make everyone happy but with a rebellious stepdaughter who puts his image at risk isn't what he was wanting in his new family. Carl sells computer programs to all sorts of powerful people. He doesn't want Contessa to be rebellious and goes as far to remind her that she needs one to be a functioning member of society. He holds no love for his step-daughter, and only wants obedience from her.

Personality: (Can be filled out after roleplaying for a little while and you have a better grasp on your character, or how you plan your character to be etc) (I'm a little tired so I'll go back and fill this one in)

What Broke Your Mask: It was one night coming home from a family even Carl had been invited to. The children had been so rowdy and caused a bit of a scene when Obe and Corey started arguing, turning into a fight. Contessa had tried to break it up but just got pulled into it and the three ended up destroying the buffet table. The had a good tongue lashing on the way home, and once they got there. Contessa was so confused about her punishment of school, and no social interaction. Carl said it was for being disobedient. At first she took her mask off just to make him angry, but when she saw everyone with her own eyes she didn't put it back on the next day. How could she when she saw how warped everyones view were about their reasoning for wearing their mask.

Your Mask:

(What did your mask look like? What do different aspects of your mask stand for?)

Contessa's mask was quite simple black with sparkles and peacock feathers on the side. She only saw the word in a few different ways. The first being that making her mother happy by doing as she asked was the most important and then taking care of his siblings was next, and going with the flow of nature. She didn't need to think to much about what she wanted because it would come sooner or later. It didn't matter if it never came to her. Tessa didn't see a reason to stir the pot,so to speak. Her life was fine the way it was. Why change anything when things would come as they naturally should?

Hobbies: Even with her mask it was no secret Contessa has the voice of a caged song bird. She loves to sing. Music to her is just as important as breathing. Where words fail, Music speaks. That never rang more true than for her. Tessa also loves to cook. It's her second favorite form of expression. She finds it amazing how one can translate their emotions and feelings into a something delicious to be eaten

Likes: Sharing her smile with everyone, feeding people, collecting Vinyl records and listening to the them, listening to music and sharing her new favorite songs with anyone willing to listen, writing down ideas for tattoos since she is not yet old enough to get one.

Dislikes: Being told she will not amount to anything, finding out someone messed with her records, getting caught in the rain, seeing the people she loves hurt by someone else, Being tol to put her mask back on by Carl.
Name: Edgar Allan Brooks

Nickname: Poe

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Pansexual

Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/nn.jpg.16509a653a14021ed6632e002b121d28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/nn.jpg.16509a653a14021ed6632e002b121d28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Edgar entered the school his sophomore year. Though named after the famous English author Edgar Allan Poe, he knew very little English at that time recently having moved to the U.S. from Norway with his father. He grew up with a normal family, a mother step father and step sister. But it began to fall apart when Edgars step sister began to drive, she was a natural understanding each function of a car until she had her drivers test. As she was driving she had crashed the car trying to save a cat which had run in front of them, she died instantly on impact her passenger surviving with fatal injuries. Edgars step father rather then being sad was infuriated placing blame on his wife that she had caused the death of her daughter. It went on like that even after the funeral, until he laid a hand on Edgars mother. Edgar had been away when this occured, he wasn't there to see his father lay a hand on his mother and wasn't there to see her pack up her items and leave. Leaving him with his now abusive step father, a note from his mother telling him to not leave him and to stay with him until eighteen. And so he's doing that, and it has led him to America, but he still doesn't know the language. So at school one of his electives is to learn English, so far only knowing how to write some words.

Friend/Family: Edgar though his natural silence and problems has a couple friends who he communicates with by writing, they try to teach him English but it turns into a weird mess of words. But he knows that they care about him. While him and his step father aren't as close as they should be.

Personality: Edgar is very sweet and loves to have an input in things though his silence, he is very caring about those who have chosen to stay by his side. At first glance his silence to most makes it seem as if he believes he's better then them, but it's the complete opposite. Edgar is very self conscious, hating mirrors because when he looks in them he only finds flaws. He isn't quite trusting of others, feeling that they would leave him in a snap if he opened up to them. Other then his negatives Edgar is sweet, caring about others like an older brother when he wants. He always tries his hardest, wanting to reach the level of expectation.

What Broke Your Mask: The stress of reality, the stress of his life broke Edgar down. His father never being pleased to see him as his son, and not being able to truly communicate with anyone other then his step father just sort've got to him. Life just got to him, the stress of the future past and present broke him down.

Your Mask: Edgars mask holds no color, it holding the illusion of shattering. Its plain white surface has the features molded onto it no other color on it other then white. But then there are thin grey cracks spreading a crossed it's surface, it showing the breaking of his mental state. It's features are delicate, no sharp edges.


-Playing the Ukulele





-Any type of music

-Doing new things

-Any animal



-Quiet places


-Not reaching expectations

-His family

-Selfish or loud people

-The sun

-Seeing people hurt



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Name: Cordelia Adelaide Lebenz

Nickname: Delia

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual, questioning bisexuality

Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/dress.png.243bf3f75ed2e62b26aa9a492943e27a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/dress.png.243bf3f75ed2e62b26aa9a492943e27a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/dress2.png.da5db5d9b83bbcdcd2648a962ad3a28e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/dress2.png.da5db5d9b83bbcdcd2648a962ad3a28e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> and yes, she dresses like that often

History: Delia comes from a family as old as her first name would imply, a bloodline of rich folk dating back to the early ages of literature. She has four younger sisters and one brother who is 3 years of glorious age, the prince of the family, and a brat, using the few words he knows to insult and offend. As the eldest, it is still conflicted whether the estate will go to her or her brother, as the age difference is quite significant. She has been going to Canton ever since her father had a row with her private tutor, about 4 years ago. She entered Canton as a freshman, and is now just beginning her senior year. She was junior class president and will be running again, with or without her mask. She is a cheerleader, and made the team her sophomore year, but was forced to take junior year off because of a broken ankle. She is returning this year as co-captain and a flyer. However, no matter how preppy Delia seems, she does keep many secrets to herself. She suffers from Celiac disease, meaning that wheat based products and gluten is dangerous for her to consume.

Friend/Family: Most everyone knows of Delia, but few people truly know her. Her tightest friends are fellow student council members, with the cheer squad coming in a close second. She also gets along quite well with the male population, and is familiar with behaviors deemed risque be her family. Unfortunately, this is a double edged sword, as there is a chance that she has... known... either you or your friend if you happen to be male.

Personality: Delia has a small bit of a celebrity complex, and she does expect people to know her name, and the weight it carries. However, once she gets over herself, she is quite a nice girl. If you can get close to her, you can make an amazing friend who will stick by you through thick and thin.

What Broke Your Mask: Delia, quite simply, got curious. Her family has always cleaned up her messes, so she assumed no harm when she took it off. She assumed wrong.

Your Mask:
Delia's mask is showy in an understated way, made to balance her over the top dresses and not interfere with her extravagant hairdos. The many intricate details are meant to represent the many people in her bloodline who made her who she is, and the pearls down the center are meant to represent the beauty she is and embodies. As you can see, the left half of her mask is a swan, meant to represent grace and lifelong bonds.

Hobbies: As mentioned in her history, Delia is quite active within the school, and outside of school she is a tap dancer.

Likes: People respecting her, leading, learning (though not schoolwise), looking her very best

Dislikes: People who don't respect her authority, people who force her to read, bad hair days

Other: Delia has a nervous tick, when she is under stress, she tends to do a diminutive version of her tap dance without realizing it. (IE, she will be tapping out the rhythm and flapping her feet (yes that is the technical term) around, not even noticeable unless you're looking at her feet. Anyone who has a dancer friend has seen this xD )



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Name: Conoll Smithen Berry

Nickname: The Satan of Canton South High school

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Hetero

Image: Tall with pale Irish skin, dark brown eyes, medium length dark hair. Wears a dirty leather jacket.

History: Conoll grew up on a farm, in the countryside of America. He was taught all his parents thought he would need to know as an adult, which was admittedly not much. He always had a fondness for breaking things, specifically by blowing them up. He learned how to make cherry bombs by age seven, and used them to scare away crows in the fields. Naturally, he got bored with the tiny explosions, and set his sights for something... Bigger. By the time he reached the age he would have gone to high school, he had developed a much stronger explosive, and used it to clear out fallen logs in the forest. His parents decided that he needed to be around more people his age, so they sent him to live with his aunt in the city. She enrolled him in Canton, where he quickly grew infamous for vandalism and violence. (Think Bender from the breakfast club, but with explosions.)

Friend/Family: Conoll of course failed to make many friends in Canton, finding everyone too bland for his taste. His parents were like simple farm folk, only wanting the best for him. No real negative feelings towards them. His aunt is almost never at the apartment he stays with her, so he doesn't know much about her.

Personality: Easy to piss off, but not too hard to win over. Loves to tinker with anything around him, so his hands are almost never still. He prefers to be alone, but also craves friendship. This unbalance makes him so violent, and breaks things to cool down. Has almost a superiority complex, and loves being the center of attention.

What Broke Your Mask: Boredom. He just decided one day to take it off to spice things up a little. ((Yeah, kinda lazy. Probably will rectify this later.))

Your Mask: Broken and eerie to almost shout out "Be afraid!" to the world. It used to have a nose until he broke it off by accident.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Explosions!.jpg.05668d85a87c079673c1c79e36b26745.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Explosions!.jpg.05668d85a87c079673c1c79e36b26745.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hobbies: Well, blowing things up of course, but he also enjoys tinkering and building things. He needs his hands to be occupied at all times, or they might stray to more destructive things.

Likes: The crackling of a fire. It calms him down and helps him think.

Being the center of attention

Dislikes: People ignoring him

People who think themselves better than everyone else




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Name: Charlotte Rose Lane

Nickname: Charlie

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual



History: Charlie grew up with her parents until the age of 12. She had a somewhat normal life her mother and father lived in a small house and were happy. She went to school and had friends and got good grades. Yet all that changed one night on there way home from the movies. At twelve years old her and her parents got in a car accident and sadly they died, and she was badly injured. She never really talks about that day and only a few rare people know about it. Soon after she moved with her uncle, he wasn't to fond of the idea of watching, and parenting her so he enrolled her in Canton.

Friend/Family: Open!!!

Personality: She is nice to most that she meets, you have to really piss her off to be on her bad side and trust me you don't want to be on her bad side. She can be a bit quiet to people that doesn't know her but once you get to know her she is a totally different person. She is pretty loud and isn't afraid to take risks. Charlie will do anything to make the people she cares for most happy. (I will expand her personality once the rp gets going if that is alright?)

What Broke Your Mask: Charlie has always been a curious soul, but ever since the accident she hasn't seen things the same way and that pushed her to take of her mask.

Your Mask:

Charlies mask isn't very colorful, but still shows her ability to be creative . The definitions on her mask show that one word can have more than one meaning. As well as actions of people, there is always something behined why people do what they do you just have to dig a little deeper to find it. It also shows that words have the power to lift a person up or bring them down to there knees.

Hobbies: Writing and she also loves to play guitar



- Rainy days




Being stuck in small spaces

- when people lie
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.f72479f67fdfe3f53b6ea2cae87aac54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15825" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.f72479f67fdfe3f53b6ea2cae87aac54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ellie Carmichael



: 15




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Six different schools, poverty, homelessness, death, etc. Ellie understood that she had endured a lot for her age, but still managed to keep a smile on her face and a bubbly aura. (WIP)


She has quite a large family. Many cousins, a divorced mother and father, and grandparents.

What Broke Your Mask:

Opening up. She learned that "it is impossible to cage a waterfall".

Your Mask:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.8dbb105cf1a919c2e2f0b6ca9780c3a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.8dbb105cf1a919c2e2f0b6ca9780c3a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extremely simple and pleasant. Ellie was always known to just be happy 24/7, but then again, no one really knew what was going on.





Based on facts

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I'm sorry it's taking so long to make my character, I've been working really hard and don't get a lot of computer time right now but I'm so close!!! This is almost kind of similar to some feelings I got going on for me in real life so I'm working really hard on it.

Name: Ruth Wright

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Unsure, but assuming hetro




She's been going to Canton since she was old enough, and fell into a bad crowd. She drank and smoked and had sex, whatever she could to fit in. At home was the only place she ever did anything she really enjoyed; singing and making music. No one in her "group" thought she was any good and encouraged her do go out and party. She dated a guy for years, just so people would think she was cool, but finally broke it off when she saw how disgusting he was behind his mask.

Her family ignore her through all of this. She was nothing to them.


Her friends obviously were shocked and weirded out when she took off the mask, and her family didn't care.


She is she and wants to blend in, fade to the background. All she wants is to get by in one piece.

What Broke Your Mask:

Laying puking in a parking lot, she didn't want to be this person anymore

Your Mask:


She wanted to blend into the background, not stand out, be one with the group.


Music, singing, DJ'ing, listening to music, musicmusicmusic




Being called out, standing out, making fun of, being different

I really wanna jump in as well!!!!!!!!!!! I'll jump in after I finish my final!!!! 
Name: Lai Ziying

Nickname: Suzy, because she knows most of her non Taiwanese friends can’t pronounce her name clearly.

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual



History: Ziying has attended Canton Highschool from her freshman year until now, her senior year. She has spent most of her highschool time unattached to other students on the basis that her parents don’t approve of activities outside of studying and earning the highest marks possible so that she can get into a prestigious university, graduate, and become a good wife. Because of this, Ziying, although intelligent, does not have exceptional inter-personal skills, but in reality Ziying desires human interatction.

Friend/Family: As far as Ziying’s parents are concerned, taking off her mask has brought her family great shame and much embarrassment as their eldest daughter does not stand in line with what they consider traditional Chinese. However, Ziying’s best friend Xuewen supports her decision even though he himself still wears his mask. Ziying’s relationship with Xuewen is a difficult one—at one point she secretly loved him and held in him a great hope that he could help her escape this world of double tradition—both the world of the masks as well as the crushing tradition of her Taiwanese family. However, after removing her mask, Ziying now only confides in Xuewen because he is all she has left who is willing to talk to her now that the mask is gone.

Personality: Ziying is a fiercely intelligent and prideful girl, if not soft spoken and withdrawn (traits that have been groomed by her over-bearing Taiwanese parents). However, after removing the mask Ziying has begun become more open and expressive—though she still struggles to truly maintain positive conversations with those around her. She will need some encouragement, but if you speak with Ziying, and have the patience to develop a conversation with her, you’d find that beneath the tradition is a wonderful girl.

What Broke Your Mask: Ziying’s mask broke when she was self studying early modern Chinese authors of the turn of the century, specifically Lu Xun and Zhang Ailing. After reading Lu Xun’s poem 1927, she finally realized that despite the differences in the world around them, it was basically the small people, the regular people who suffer the most in society. From this, she began to question what living meant to her and how she would approach to define that concept. After that, she took off her mask and embraced her own face.

Your Mask:

Hobbies: When Ziying has time, she enjoys going out for tea or other small delicacies. Not being a very complicated person, Ziying enjoys simple interactions with other people and enjoys small and precious moments of intimacy. She is however, extremely talented at analyzing literature, translating Chinese texts, and understanding the lives of other people—a skill she has obtained from her extensive reading of Lu Xun and Zhang Ailing.

Likes: Ziying enjoys simple life and is really looking to meet new people and experience a new life free from the mask.

Dislikes: Ziying extremely dislikes arguing and confrontation, she also dislikes discussing religious and political matters. Even more than this, Ziying hates being let down or forgotten.
Name: (First, Middle-if has one, Last) Caroline Forbes (No middle name)

Nickname: (If they don't have one, don't have this in your character sheet) Carrie

Gender: (Male, Female, Trans, Androgynous, etc) Female

Age: (15-18) Turning seventeen pretty soon.

Sexuality: (Hetero, Homo, Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual, Demisexual, etc.. don't have to know for sure, might be something your character is figuring out) Heterosexual, but still exploring

Image: (Photo or Anime or Drawing- whatever you're comfortable with) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Alison_DiLaurentis.jpg.f266ea7525d7e9e40ab61449b37e28ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Alison_DiLaurentis.jpg.f266ea7525d7e9e40ab61449b37e28ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Sasha-Alison-Pretty-Liars_400.jpg.ebfacece7b91249a0525b8f11a05bc8a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Sasha-Alison-Pretty-Liars_400.jpg.ebfacece7b91249a0525b8f11a05bc8a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_mjxiay8Upm1qmom57o1_500.gif.43452d3fb8e97d694189a063a763df71.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17698" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_mjxiay8Upm1qmom57o1_500.gif.43452d3fb8e97d694189a063a763df71.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-2.jpg.d4ae428eede045e5416c70f1e8fcb225.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-2.jpg.d4ae428eede045e5416c70f1e8fcb225.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: (How long have you been going to school at Canton, Family life, Anything important from the character's history we should know) First year there, very average life. Parents own a bait shop.

Friend/Family: (Everyone has someone, seriously. This is just a brief description of the people your character knows, what their family members are like and their friends and what they think of your character not having a mask) Has two best friends named Allison and Candice. Adores her family.

Personality: (Can be filled out after roleplaying for a little while and you have a better grasp on your character, or how you plan your character to be etc) Clever, sarcastic, cute, smart, curious, naive, materialistic, humorous.

What Broke Your Mask: (What is it that caused your character to actually take their mask off?) Supportive friends and family members. Not just them, but a boy she met when she was around seven who told her she was the best thing that ever happened to him and he'd always remember her, just before he leaved to live in South Carolina.

Your Mask: (What did your mask look like? What do different aspects of your mask stand for?)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-3.jpg.13233fb6000e12f3ef0001dc0d90e581.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-3.jpg.13233fb6000e12f3ef0001dc0d90e581.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hobbies: (What does your character like to do in their spare time? Sports? Art? Music? Etc... any talents your character might have or skills... ) Play lacrosse, read, cheer, sing, hang with friends, meet new people, occasionally sketch.

Likes: (Things that make your character smile) Rainbows, reassuring compliments, holidays, the sun, random acts of kindness, anything that shines.

Dislikes: (Things that can ruin your character's day) The cold, difficult tasks, insults, stress, anxiety




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