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Beginning of A New Era


New Member
Two men were in the center of a circular room. One was hunched over panting and the other was cleaning his sword.

"I seem...to be catching...up to you." Lucifer says between his pants. Michael nodded.

"Yeah you've come a lot further than I was expecting in such a short amount of time," Michael says while smirking, "but you're still a pretty good ways from taking me on one on one."


"Yes, but don't worry, each day you are improving faster than the day before. I have seen very few people who handle the ax as well as you do."

Lucifer smiled a bit at the recognition.

"It's so true," A new voice sounded, "I love to watch you both train. It's so exciting. Better than what twilight has me doing." She finished with a pout.

"Learning twilight's Magic takes time and effort Seren, just like combat. The difference lies in what muscles you exercise." Michael said.

"Yeah I know it's just not that easy." She said sullenly.

"Some lessons can only be learned the hard way." Lucifer interjected into their conversation.

"And on that note I'm done for the day." Michael started walking out of the room.

"But I'm not done yet!" Lucifer hunched over gasping for breath as he finished the sentence.

"Yes you are." Michael said whilst walking out the door. A smirk on his face and a hammer in his fist.

Whistling as he walked through the hallway, his phone vibrated. It read

Twilight: Come to the command room. Meredith is on the line.

'Ugh, gotta go talk to the boss.' He thought. Michael arrived to the command room within a few minutes. On the screen above the console was an image of a middle aged woman with dirty blonde hair down past her shoulders. She was in a black overcoat with a red shirt underneath.

"Michael, have you captured the target yet?" Meredith questioned.

"I have secured the P.O.I, yes. He is currently under sedation in the medical ward." Michael answered quickly.

"Then why haven't you returned to base to turn him over?"

"About that...I have two new possible recruits for the organization. I was hoping to run them by you first to see if you approve." Michael said hesitantly.

She was quiet and leaned out of frame for a minute. When she leaned back in she said "Bring them in and I'll see if they're up to the task of joining."

"Roger. We are inbound eta 4 hours." Michael said and closed the transmission.

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