Becoming Dauntless


Professional Fangirl

Story Line/Info

Sigh-Up here


Today you have officially chosen Dauntless as the family you would like to be a part of. However, just because you want to be Dauntless, doesn't mean you can be Dauntless. Here, there are three stages of initiation. The first stage is tests your physical strength, the second stage tests your emotional strength, and the third, and final stage tests your mental strength. Also, here at Dauntless, we only take in ten new members a year. That means some of you will be cut, and forced to live factionless lives.You are sixteen and you are inside the Dauntless Compound. The first stage of initiation starts tomorrow. So, for now, relax. Because you won't be able to once training begins.


~What I say goes

~I'm fine with cussing, just make sure to star out one letter so you don't get a warning from one of the admins (like what happened to me)

~Make sure to read the info

~I'm only allowing like three or five divergent characters, depending on how many people actually join.

~I want drama! So go as far as you need to.

~Keep this RP alive!!!!

~if you read all the rules put the name of your favorite character from the books in other


Kaylen Simmens / WolfsbaneRain

Ryan Bount / WolfsbaneRain / Divergent

Eimin Craw / GoddessOfGod

Rain Call / GoddessOfGod

Elliot "Sparkplug" Renovan / Paradox / Divergent

Andrew "Wolfbane" Jackson / Paradox

John "J.D." Durksworth / Paradox

Kody / WasBroken77

Vanessa "Nessie" Larramore / KrisiStar

Bella Manabell / JOLENE<3

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((Hope its okay to start first and hope my post isn't so long it bores anyone))

Hazel eyes would stare around the room as each sixteen year old girl and boy took their turn to cut their hand and spill their blood into a faction jar. Vanessa never moved an inch until her name was called about halfway through the ceremony. She did not understand how some of the other teens hesitated to choose another faction over their own because she was moving so effortlessly to the jar that held the symbol where she had grown up. Dauntless. Looking into the jar she'd easily lift her hand which held the blade and slice the left one to let scarlet fluid drain into the glass container making a sweet sizzle as it would hit the lit coals. Not even a brow would move out of its place. Her long blonde hair would be down for this ceremonial event and pulled back with a black headband. Nessie had already been marked twice with the needle and could not wait to return home and get her first facial tattoo. The train ride wouldn't come fast enough. Nessie would move to stand with her new/old faction and get a look at her father who nodded to congratulate her. The next name was her brothers. Standing where she was supposed to she would watch him go to the five jars and notice a flutter in his brown eyes ~No Sebastian...what are you doing? DON'T.....Abnegation? SERIOUSLY~ her pale skin would burn red hot as she watched her brother walk away from everything they had been trained for. Biting her lip she would not meet his eyes as he walked past to his spot. Nothing else mattered for the rest of the ceremony.

Vanessa would feel everyone else moving and shuffling around her and would turn in suit to follow the others. Those hazel eyes would watch the superiors that she knew and follow closely behind the leads down the stairs. Perhaps other dauntless born would be around her, maybe a friend, well as close as friends are in initiation anyway. Nessie knew better, she'd make her real friends after they made it in for sure. There was no way in hell she would be left with the faction-less. She took each stair two at a time with steady breathing and an almost dried left hand. She had cut her hand of choice being left handed as it seemed to be a dauntless thing to do. Left hand would rise with right leg and vice versa until they were at the bottom of the stairs and that was when she'd turn around to glance at the transfers. Not a very interesting group really but it was still too early to tell who'd die before they got to dauntless territory.

After a moment of standing still she'd hear the train and immediately run towards the usual jump spot puilling her long hair into a tight ponytail. She would assume that Kaylen was somewhere near her, she had seen her choose her faction but at that moment Nessie was still thinking about how she no longer had a brother. Faction before blood right? Twins were no exception. Looking down the railway tracks she'd see the train and begin running a few moments before the instructors would announce the order. Step-two-three-step-step-two-three-LEAP! Her feet would lift effortlessly from the ground as she through herself into the train car high-jump style. She'd roll gracefully and flip up to her feet to watch the others board. The train ride was a little long, seeing how dauntless guarded the gates, but it was nice to get a look at who was in the first car with her.

All the others would begin to stand as Vanessa lifted herself from the spot she had been sitting and face out of the train car. They were almost there. Home. The building rooftop awaited them and Vanessa could not want anything more but to be home. Running from the car she'd leap once more into the air and bend her knees to brace the impact with the concrete. A solid 'thud' that sounded with a light "hmpf" would come from the muscled girl and she'd continue running until told to stop by the Dauntless in charge. She'd stand up front and off to the right checking the faces of those she had grown around and those she had never seen.

"Not impressive at all" she'd shake her head and "One,two,three?" She would say to herself in an almost shocked whisper "interesting" tilting her head to the side she would stand where she was and twirl her ponytail around her thin fingers that were painted black and silver. Rolling her head around her neck would pop in several places, the game had almost begun.

I can't believe I did it. I can't believe I'm here. Ryan was in a sort of trance. She just make the most important decition on her life. To leave her home. To leave her family. To leave her faction, Candor. She made this desition, all to have a new home, a new family, and a new faction. Dauntless.

She was running down the sairs with her fellow iniciouts. Not even bothering to focus on what she was doing at the moment. All she knew, was that she was submerged in a sea of black, and soon, she would also be in a part of that black sea. All she needed to do was survive. Esay enough. That's what she thought.

At lease until she was what she was in for. As the people around her exited the building, they didn't stop running. They didn't even slow down, not for a second. So, Ryan did the same. She kept running, not slowing down. Whatever. But that thought instantly changed to [What the hell![/i] when she saw a train speeding towards the Dauntless. But when she saw some Dauntless-born start to jump on the train, was when she couldn't keep her thoughts to herself. "Holy sh*t!"

But Ryan didn't slow down. In fact, she sped up. She was determined. She started counting the rhythm of her step, and timing it with the speeding train. And with a nice little jump. She flung her felt towards the open door of the train. When she landed, she found herself spread out on her stomach. Her entire body safely in the moving train. A huge smile made its was on Ryan's lips as she stood up. "Ok, I got this."

But again, Ryan was surprised when she was people start to jump out of the moving train, ON TO A ROOF! "Ok, I'm fine with jumping onto and off a train, but onto a roof? Seriously!" Ryan was ranting to herself. Like usual. But quickly, she got over it and with a deep breath of air, she was jumping off the moving train. She landed with a "hmuf" as she scrapped her knee on the hard concrete. She got up, with a little difficulty, and rubbed off her knee. "Ok, now what?" she said to on one really.


"Woohoo!" Kaylen was shouting and yelling with all her friends. Her friends that she grew up with, and her friends that she would die with. She was in the middle up the pack. Yelling and jumping and running down all the stairs. This was her home.

Now all I have to do is get through initiation. Kaylen felt a wave of uncertanty rush through her mind. But also something else, excitment? What ever is was, it was a contradiction. On one hand she was nervous about the initiation. She's not stupid. She's herad all the stories. She heard all about how intensce it is. Almost every year someone commits suicide. Those idiots. In her opinoin, suicide is one of the most cowardly things you can do. If you have a problem, the least you can do is know when give up, and go live factionless. But no, those idiots are too full of sh*t to even do that. They have to go kill themselves.

Kaylen felt an entirly wave of enotions wash over her. A wave of pain and betrayal. The pain she felt when she found her brother at the bottom of the casm. But soon after the pain, came anger. Anger so strong, all she wanted to do was punch somebody. But instead, she just kept running with the crowd. Back to her home.

Kylen was pulled from her thoughts when she was the train making its was down the stretch. She began to speed up, counting her steps and timing the train. Within ten seconds, Kaylen was standing tall, looking over the city as she hung from the handle of the train. Safely riding with the rest of the Dauntless.

Then again came the time when she had to jump off the train. She jumped without hesitation. In fact, she was one of the first to jump. Kaylen landed with a nice tuck and roll. She hated landing on her feet after all. The impact always hurt her knees.

She got up, brushing off her jacket, and started to look around. After a little bit, her eyes landed on a fellow Dauntless born, Nessie. Kaylen walked over, her leather boots giving off a little "click, clack" as she walked. "Hey, Nessie. What do you think about the group?"
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Belle jumped off the train and the roof as if she had done it thousands of times, she was not the first to jump but the last. She felt like she was missing out, not having any friends and all that, she followed the group which someone was leading to the rooms and when she finally got into her room she smiled and looked around.

Bella sat in her new room and thought, Was it worth it to leave my family and live my dream? Maybe, but i guess i should just do what i want and i hope I'll make new friends and survive the initiate. I hope i wont become fractionless. Bella changed her dirty clothes into new ones and she thought of her life ahead of her, and visiting day. She wondered if her parents would come or if her mom would hate her all of her life.

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