Become a main character! (Real World HPish type Magic).


New Member
I'm looking to do a particular type of RP. Your character will be the main character of the story and I'll write to your character as the world/story is introduced and then we can go from there.

I don't want to give too much away, as I believe that will ruin some excitement for you in the actual roleplaying of the story. It's somewhat similiar to Harry Potter in the way that there are magic users in todays world who remain hidden from 'muggles'. However that's about it.

Basically though, there are magic users in this world who remain secretive. There are different types of magic users who don't always agree. Druids (who use nature magic), Warlocks (who use dark magic), Wizards (who use arcane magic) and Clerics (Who use light magic). Those new to studying magic go through a 'test' to see which type of magic they will learn and what Magi will take them on as an apprentice.

Think of it as reading a novel where your character is the main character and you can change the story as you go :-)

If you're interested, let me know! (Happy to do this with more than one person. 6 characters maximum though. Will mostly be ran on an individual basis). 
Hopefully going into more detail will spark some interest..

The plot would start off with your character (who can be a Mary Sue, after all, they'll be a main character) discovering/being introduced to the fact there are those who practice magic in the world. After some introduction and other stuff, the next super interesting part would be the test.

The Test

The test can be likened to the sorting in Harry Potter, or the Test in Dragonlance. You go into a circular room and there are around 12 Magi who watch you do the test. They are the magi that may choose you to be an apprentice. When the test starts, the world around you vanishes and you go through some different scenarios. After the test you are back in the room as if that scenario was just a dream. If you have shown aptitude in certain areas then a Magi may be willing to take you on to teach you. Not all people who sit the test find a willing teacher, but most people have 1-3 Magi who are interested in taking them on as a first year apprentice.


There are different type of Magi:

Druids are adept at using nature magic. Some druids specialise in animals, others plants, etc.

Warlocks use dark magic.. necromancy, demonology, and other dark arts.

Wizards are gifted in the arcane arts.. the elements, space, etc.

And clerics are strong in light magic.. Healing, etc.

Playing the story

When you sit the test however, there is something unusual. Whilst most soon-to-be-apprentices only have around 1-3 magi willing to teach them, you had all 12 volunteer.. wait.. 11.. There is one magi who was not too keen to take you on it seems... DUN DUN PLOT STUFF.


If you're interested in playing this out, please let me know. Let me know what type of character you'll be using and if there's anything in particular that's interesting about your character and what type of future you want your character to have. (Finding romance, becoming evil, becoming the hero etc.. also in regards to them being interested, let me know if you want some sort of unique power.. eg. If you character loves singing then singing can be brought into the story as a uniqueish power, if they love animals perhaps they can have telepathic connections with animals, or able to transform.)

Reply here or PM me :)
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I like this but I haven't seen or read Harry Potter and I don't know what the Test in Dragonlace is can you include twilight or something else please like the City of Bones movie maybe cause I really want to join.
It's a unique story. Has nothing to actually do with Dragonlance or Harry Potter. There's just similarities. :-) (In Harry Potter the sorting hat puts you into a house. In Dragonlance the test gives you your alignment. In this roleplay the test chooses which field of magic you will be accepted into). The type of field you're accepted into changes the type of story. Each of the fields somewhat dislike each other as they see the other ways of doing magic 'wrong'. They stay diplomatic towards each other to aid in keeping magic a secret from the real world, as the real world would fear them and their magic isn't strong enough to stop a nuke basically xD )

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