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Fandom Become a LEGEND - Only In N I G H T C I T Y [Cyberpunk 2077 rp]


Roleplay Type(s)
Rewriting this properly now that I've had some time to sit down.

Hi, I'm Weaver, long time lurker, longer time roleplayer. I've been replaying Cyberpunk 2077 and it has become my new brain worm. As a result, I am really eager to find someone who'd be interested in roleplaying a 1x1 in the game universe. I would definitely consider adopting the show as well, though I'm going to let you know straight off the bat that I have a mighty Need to write for Male V, so I will find some way to interject this mfker into that universe.

Before we get to the deetz, here's some info about me :)

  • I've been roleplaying on and off for over 15 years (Any of ya out there remember Neopets?). I'm in my 30's and as such, I will not roleplay with anyone under 20.
    Not that I have any intereset in getting graphic, but the game has adult themes and I'd like to write with an adult person.

  • I can reply 1-3 times a week. Good weeks, it can be an every day thing. Bad weeks, I'll let you know. I promise to keep you in the loop if RL things prevent me from being online.

  • I ship Male V/Panam, though I'm open to other pairings (Male V/So Mi anyone???). I don't rp smut.

  • I'm a Talkative Terry and nothing makes me happier than geeking out about my dumb special interests, so if you also like to talk about plots and scenes and things that could happen, we'll get along great!

  • I don't mind rping with canon characters or OC characters.

Sooooo, I really loved the Phantom Liberty DLC and I'd love to do some sort of plot in that vein. The whole game is just a gold mind for neat ideas, so here's some random plots that have been bouncing around my head. Feel free to pick one, or we can chat more about ideas.

1- Phantom Liberty (IMEAN COME ON, SO MI)

2- I love the idea of a competing Merc. Maybe your character and V are in competition for something and then circumstances force them to work together >8)
This can honestly be adapted to any kind of character (Corpo, ganger, netwatch, you get it)

3- I want to do something with the whole AI concept that the game just introduces and never does a whole lot with, because the whole concept of the Blackwall and the AI's of this world are AMAZING. I dunno what the deal with this one can be. Cue the "I just think it's neat" Marge meme.

4- Street Kid V is really fascinating to me, as there has to be a whole host of people that V knows that are just not in the game. Another 'I just think it's neat' idea.

I know this is a super narrow interest, but I'm hoping someone out there has the same hankering to explore this world as I do. If any of the above sounds appealing, feel free to reply here or DM me

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk,
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Johnny: "Who're you expecting will show up? Reptilians or techno-necromancers?"

V: "The Spanish Inquisition."

Johnny: "I admit, I didn't expect that"
Today's bump is brought to you by the letter H,
Have some V headcacons

  • V's not a particularly imposing individual. He's a twig-assed little shit who barely clears 5'5", blending in the background even when he's right in front of you. As a kid, he was always the smallest, the scrawniest and the one who had the most to prove. But being tiny can sometimes have its perks. V is particularly adept at finding those out of the way cracks and inconvenient corners that no one ever thinks to fortify. Even as a kid, he could rob a place in 15 minutes flat without so much as raising an alarm, and that skill only improved the older he got.

  • V never knew his father. His mother was a Heywood junkie who often sent her young son out to klept whatever wasn't nailed down to fuel her addiction. V's relationship with his mother was...complicated. She disappeared when he was 8 or 9, though the quality of his life didn't change much. The gutters of Heywood did a better job of teaching and providing than she ever did.

  • V can't cook and has what the kids would call an iron gullet. Poverty is a bitch in Night City, but one thing you'd never do is starve. Food can be found anywhere so long as you aren't picky. V can eat the worst, synth-processed crap without so much as batting an eye (and somehow avoiding the gut-wrenching food poisoning that comes with it). 'Home-Cooked' is a fairy tale he wasn't quite sure existed until he sat down for Mama Welle's famous chili.

  • Unlike most gonks, V stays clear of street drugs and has a particular hatred for dealers.

  • V would say he's a tried and true local son, but the truth of the matter is, V only made it to adulthood by pure dumb luck. There was no denying that V had potential even as a kid, getting away with thefts that grown men would trip over; The problem was that V didn't quite always have the street smarts to know who to rob from, and who to steer clear from- A lesson the Padre kindly made clear after V stripped one of his bars clean of all their eddies.
    V was 12 and unceremoniously plucked from the street like so much trash. In any other part of town, it probably would have ended badly for him.
    Instead, he was brought to the fixer himself, who bought him a meal and sat him down to discuss the Do's and Don'ts of Night City. Of course, compassion doesn't come free, even to children. V was made to work off the debt, doing odd jobs for the old priest until he 'paid off' his 'sin'. V figured it was the Padre's own way of looking out for him- he taught V the importance of knowing the details, and keeping an eye out for conflicting interests- And most importantly, that it didn't hurt to have the backing of a fixer when the smoke cleared.

Cyberware loadout
Kiroshi "Sentry" Optics
Basic Mantis Arms
Ballistic Compressor
Bionic Joints
Fortified ankles
Rippler MK 3 cyberdeck (Ping, Short Circuit, Contagion, Weapon Glitch + Car Hacks)


Oh yeah, and bump
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God the amount of foreshadowing in the early game about how shit the konpeki plaza job is going to go is vEry spot on, once you start to notice it.

Spoilers in case

  • When talking to Jackie at the food stop, if you are pessimistic about Dex' job, v literally mentions something about dying and ending up in a landfill
  • Judi's BD, for obvious reasons.
  • Cats. Cat at the beginning of the game. And a cat will always pop up at a major turning point (the first moment V gets his kiroshi's, the parade, and I'm sure there's a few more I might have missed)
  • V meets Jackie in the Embers parking lot. V's endgame is Embers, meeting up with Hanako.
  • If you piss Misty off by suggesting there is something wrong with her tarot deck, she will tell V they "brought this fate upon yourself" which - FAIR, considering the overwhelming evidence that it was a bad gig from the beginning.[/Spoiler]

Thank you for coming to today's Bump talk
V: Where are you right now?
Kirk: At the Coyote. Sittin' at a table.
V: Okay, now take your head and bang it against the table. Hard. Maybe that'll help you with all your gonk ideas.
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V: So... you'll save my life but flatline me along the way?

Alt: Your consciousness, neural engrams, will be recorded as data. The rest will cease to exist.

V: The rest?

Alt: The soul. I did not grant the program its name, but Soulkiller does precisely what it promises to do.

Johnny: Christ, I don't wanna listen to this bullshit. V just hops back into his body, right? Nothin' changes.

Alt: Everything changes. You know this well.
FROM: Gansuckh Myagmarsurengiiin


My name is Gansuckh Myagmarsürengiin and I am Mongol technoshaman. I come from Ulaanbaatar where I give help with people's cybernetics and spirits I help many people corrupt with evil spirits that live in old cyberimplants. Many commit suicide. I write to you because I have been kidnap by SovOil agents who make experiments on me to learn my abilities and make money. I break into their network to send this one message before they notice me. I ask you to send money to attached account so my family can pay SovOil to free me.
Please save my life. I will return the money and more when I am free.

Thank you,
Gansuckh Myagmarsürengiin

Bump it like it's hot
V: "Goro? Remind me why Dex's fat, backstabbing ass is currently indisposed?"
Takemura: "He is deceased."
V: 'Butchered and dumped in a landfill by some Aarasaka goon. Real shame, that."
Alex: You? What about your first?
V: Knifed a junkie who tried to knife one of my chooms. We were about 13, this guy was old, skin n bone with a borked cyberarm. A vet of some war we thought, beggin on the streets every day. Always liked the guy actually

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