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Multiple Settings BeckonCall's Nation Builder ideas and reboots interest check!


World-Weaver and servant to the most-holy PC
Here are some ideas for Nation Building RPs, to gauge interest on any specific ones or to narrow it down to a smaller number -- hopefully emerging with a favorite. Most of these I've already run in some form on RPN (to various levels of success) I'd like to see if I could get interested people (Veterans and New Blood who I haven't played with before) to revive one of these themes and carry it forward.
The games will be Forum AND discord Based, with "orders" being posted and processed on RPN so players say what they're doing on the forum and I process the orders and post results on RPN as well, but player discussion, interactions and special events take place in discord as well as resource/details tracking.

Here are my concepts, most are refreshes of old RPs I've run, but at least one idea is new.

Kingdom Death mk 3 -- King of Monsters?

In a world of perpetual darkness, filled with horrible monsters and weird flora, fauna and landscapes -- people awaken on the stone floor with only lanterns and sharp rocks to pave a way to survival. This is the story of groups of people who joined together in the Dark, their lanterns united pushing back the darkness enough to eke out a brutal, miserable and often short existence. Death is around every corner and always just out of view, with each player
controlling a dynastic line of tribal leaders, each succeeding the last when their brutal lives are done.

In this Chapter, each tribe in the darkness starts with a patron creature, be it an egg or infant, or an otherwise mysterious entity that grows with the regard, worship, or nurturance of your people. The Tribe's monster must grow and rise in power to keep the rest of the predators in Kingdom Death at bay, and eventually compete for dominance with the Monsters of other tribes and the wilds to emerge as the true king of monsters, and it's tribe the chosen people.

NATIONS OF BLACKNESS: This is a true nation builder where players start with finite manpower and resources, special perks and drawbacks and heroic and wicked personality traits, and take what little they have and attempt to survive in the cruel and terrifying darkness. Wealth and materials are there to be found, for those brave enough to seek them and lucky enough to see them. Keep your monster satisfied, your people protected, and your prospects improving as slowly your line of chiefs and heroes become a dynasty...

Can you ultimately somehow escape or even perhasps make a sustainable life in the kingdom death? Time will tell, but the darkness keeps it's secrets...

Setting Video:


Fragile Hearts/Fragile Kingdoms --

Part romance RP, Part Nation Builder, this exotic fare as RPs go tell the stories of various neighboring and foreign nations, all precariously teetering between power and loss, wealth and ruin. Each player has one or more Princesses or Princes, all of marrying age... and standing to inherit rule of various nations that have their unique set of troubles and treasures, boons and threats.

Entertain suitors/partners to forge alliances with other players or powerful NPC nations -- separate the grain from the chaff from all who compete for your highnesses hands -- who will make your future lords and ladies truly happy -- and more importantly, will the alliances and unions with other nations you forge be enough to save and secure your Dynasty into the next era? Unions that fail will cause terrible drama and hardship for your kingdom, while loving and advantageous unions will strengthen and secure the growth and power of nations.

Do you have what it takes to protect the fragile heart? Do you have what it takes to build a kingdom to stand the tests of time?


Dawn of Man: Monuments

In this Nation builder every player must lead a until recently nomadic tribe towards a stable and mighty existence that is capable of settling down and rising as from settlement to city in a stone age world of magic and mystery.

The First age has ended, when the Terrible SCRAOL ruled the valley and were steadily hunting the new and infant race of humanity into extinction. The Nomads of the first age knew only fire and constant movement would protect them from the vicious scraol, and the tolerance of the elves and tenuous friendship with the dwarves the only promises and inspirations for a better life. In the end of the first age, humanity finally took a stand against the Scraol, asserting they were no longer afraid by building what were called THE GREAT WORKS...

Each great work is a symbol of your fledgling culture/tribe's courage and strength of culture in the face of a primitive and uncompromising world. Hunt and grow your population. Develop tools and culture and standards of living -- either stolen from your neighbors or forged from your own leader/tribes ideas, resources, and ways of survival.

Can you prove to the elves that humanity has a right to exist into a new era? Can you prove to the dwarves that your new cultures and strange ways are worth aiding, even saving? Can you build your Great work into a monument to rival all other cultures -- Shining symbols of the power of humanity that will kneel and cower to the Scraol no more?

Your people need you, civilization awaits...


AGE OF CATS: (version two)

It is the Dawn of the 18th age -- the age of man has ended, torn apart by the power vacuum of the previous pantokrator leaving creation and brought almost completely to heel by the warring races left behind before the new gods shall get around to remaking the world in their own vision. The war of the pretender gods is long past, like the end of any age the world is unchecked wilds and quiet ruins. Perhaps foreseeing this though perhaps also by pure happenstance, the Cats of the world escaped through fortune and guile from the great city of Bastion, to the Heavens of Nirvana to wait out the apocalypse. The divine work of the god Pasha, the shaping of the heavens by the great angel Batthiel, and the obsession of the mortal Bavan the Rich lead to the cats of Planet Avecury to be passed over by the end of the world -- invading a tiny corner of heaven in Nirvana, the feline races and clans developed in sophistication, culture, and stature and otherwise lounged while the ruins of the prime material plane remade themselves. Some of the cats, given divine names, were uplifted into sentience and ruled over the clans of their animal brethren... in as much as cats could ever be ruled, one would suppose. The great Pashite Holdfast, a floating island in the heavens, nurtured the feline beings and while the rest of the races hid or crumbled to nothing, the cats themselves saw their opportunity... There was infinite space for cats in Nirvana, but not infinite lands and territories to possess. Clans quarreled between each other and among themselves for a forgotten era as cat fought against cat for what property was to be owned, made, or claimed. Cat civilization rose and fell at least three times in the struggle for sentience, cohesion, and finally purpose -- with the fourth culture of the felines coming up with a brilliant and brazen plan...

The Cat peoples and other factions of Nirvana learned that by claiming lands in the prime material, they could create reflections of new territories in the firmament of heaven.

These new lands were called WORLD SHARDS, and all connected like spokes to the central hub of Pasha's holdfast -- the great floating island known as the Allod.

The time for fruitless bickering is behind the Feline races and the other factions of Nirvana. From heaven new Cat pioneers would explore and exploit the dying world below before the gods had a chance to remake it all anew....

From chaos and infighting great feline houses, and even the factions of some other creatures -- took it upon themselves this great new undertaking, the heist of the old reality before the onset of the new -- Beside, and sometimes at ends with the cats were the Custodes -- Humans sent to heaven in feline societies infancy to care for and guide them in their new home in Nirvana. No longer needed, they eagerly sought to create a world shard of their own and let the Cats uplift themselves further by themselves. In addition to these humans, Rogue Angels, forgotten in the war of the gods and no longer needed to guide the felines towards a new destiny, sought to make their own world shard apart as well. Transient Devils, hiding in Nirvana after the hells consumed themselves at the end of creation, also sought their own world shard.... and perhaps strangest of all were the Dragonnewt Refugees -- A race that reigned supreme in the second age they too sought to finally remake a place for their very own in the heavens, though perhaps more quietly and carefully than the cat peoples....

Great Feline Leaders and their rivals united forces within their clans and formed bands of explorers, pirates, conquerors, and thieves. Will YOU be one of the great leaders to organize your people to scavenge the old world and build a world shard of your own in the heavens? Dare you face the threats and mysteries of the prime material world left behind to make a better day, a better world, for your felines, celestials or infernals? Step forward and be Brave, and DARE!


So those are my teasers for my next RP concept. If you like one or more of the ideas and are interested in playing, please post and make yourself known! Looking forward to playing with old friends AND new!

PS -- if you're normally not familiar with group nation builders, don't let that intimidate you -- put your hat in the ring and myself (your GM) and the rest of the nation building community will be happy to help and welcome you!!!
I'm interested in:
1. Dawn of Man (Monuments) - I need to redeem myself with the drama caused by my Great Work!
2. Fragile Hearts - NEW RP SERIES! Breath of fresh air!
Dawn of Man: Monuments and King of Monsters sound most intriguing to me, but I'd be interested in the others as well 🫶
You have opened the box… and I came.

Nonetheless, I am certainly excited to be back in a game being gmed by you, thinking the Kingdom Death one is the most interesting to me so far!
I'm hoping we can bring back characters from past RPs Beckoncall Beckoncall ?
Other wise, I do like King of Monsters and Fragile Hearts of the Kingdom.

EDIT: Probably leaning towards Fragile or Monuments more at the moment.
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Quite interested, mainly in Kingdom Death.
Dawn of Man: Monuments sounds like a good concept aswell and I like Age of cats, although I wouldn't choose to play as a cat
I'm mostly interested in the naked and afraid style Kingdom Death, but the other concepts for the setting look cool too.

My second favorite is the Fragile Hearts thing, now that I think about it.
They all look good to me. If I were to choose, though, it would have to be the Cat people roleplay. Tribal, stone age style roleplays aren't the most compelling for me. I prefer a great deal more established civilisation in the world, to be honest. And the Cat people roleplay seems the most advanced. But I've always enjoyed your roleplays, Beck, and I'm sure this shall be no different, tribes or no. 😁

Good to see you back, Beck! I said you'd be back, they all called me crazy, THEY ALL DID, but I knew. The void spoke to me in a dream, and I knew the truth of the universe. That Beck would return heralding a new RP. :xFwhat:

King of monsters sounds really cool, reminds me of the Black and White God Games and that is just coolio. Fragile Hearts also sounds really unique, and sounds super new, which I think was mentioned! And I'd love to try out something new with ya.

So my votes are for the two ones I've never seen! King of Monsters and Fragile Hearts!​

What's up you meme loving fucks.

I have been released from the place known as the "insane asylum". Such weak beings cannot control my IDEAS.

As the priestess of the lords of chaos, they bid me to continue the great Kingdom Death saga as their everlasting blessings have offered miracles.

I have come.


Memes aside (such things cannot truly be contained), Down for anything. But, Kingdom Death first preferably.

As always, its an honor Becky.

Beckoncall Beckoncall
Actually are the three Kingdom Death ideas, separate RPs or the same one but with added elements?
Fragile Hearts and Monuments get my vote, but I'd honestly play in any of them.
Actually are the three Kingdom Death ideas, separate RPs or the same one but with added elements?

They're all separate ideas.
KD is dark/nightmare world
Fragile Hearts is medieval high fantasy
Monuments is primitive high fantasy

Then again there could be elements of any of them overlapping any of them. :P
They're all separate ideas.
KD is dark/nightmare world
Fragile Hearts is medieval high fantasy
Monuments is primitive high fantasy

Then again there could be elements of any of them overlapping any of them. :P
I believe they were asking about for Kingdom Death of its separated into: World of Darkness, Kingdom of Monsters, Nations of Blackness
I believe they were asking about for Kingdom Death of its separated into: World of Darkness, Kingdom of Monsters, Nations of Blackness
I think it would play like earlier iterations of kingdom death, but everyone starts with either an egg to raise (which is decided by player input and what food/resources you give it) or everyone starts with a Kaiju they have to keep happy in addition to everything else you must do to survive. :D
I think it would play like earlier iterations of kingdom death, but everyone starts with either an egg to raise (which is decided by player input and what food/resources you give it) or everyone starts with a Kaiju they have to keep happy in addition to everything else you must do to survive. :D
Think the egg idea would be a wonderful idea.

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