Story be gone, be faraway -

alex danvers

5 bears in a trenchcoat

where the towers grow, gone to be faraway

alex's prompts; a collection of written drabbles and oneshots


i. thump thump / 1,341w / max / t / aug 29
warmth / 1,330w / naomi / t / nov 23
iii. please / 842w / naomi / t / june 2
iv. _______________________________________
v. _______________________________________
vi. _______________________________________
vii. ______________________________________
viii. ______________________________________
ix. _______________________________________
x. ________________________________________
Last edited:

thump thump

prompt #: i
prompt title: jogging au
ocs: max (mine), carmen (witness')
word count: 1,341
rated: g
music: n/a
other: n/a

Every time she told someone she was an avid jogger, most first reactions were “why would you ever…?” She’d grown accustomed to the gapes and the impressed looks when she told anyone she jogged seven times a week, without pause. Four to six miles a day, every morning, rain or shine. Her routine was easy: wake up, morning coffee, get dressed and go for a run through the city or through the park – depending on what she was feeling – before breakfast. It cleared her mind, woke her up, made her ready to take on the day and every hiccup that being a homicide officer provided. Issues always arose and it was most important for her to keep her mind in place, without having excess energy on the side.

After Nacho became a part of her family, she usually took the large German Shepherd with her on her runs, and he trotted after her; staying nearby when they moved through the streets, and taking his time to sniff around and run to catch up when they were in any of the nearby parks. Even though the miles had never been too daunting for her, it was a relief to have company on her way through the – usually largely empty – city at the early hours of her morning runs.

There was something soothing about the rhythmical thuds of her feet across the asphalt, the clicking of dog nails behind her as Nacho followed her through the streets, and it was easy for her to just clear her mind and focus on her breathing and the quickened thump-thump-thump of her heart within her chest.

After taking a new, earlier shift, and therefore having less time than usual to run her miles every morning, she had to adapt and create a shorter route – one that she quickly found didn’t wear her out as much anymore. She was able to fasten her pace (of course, keeping an eye on Nacho to make sure he would keep up) take twenty minutes for four-and-a-half miles, before showering and showing up at work just on time.

Her new route took her alongside a house near the park; and no matter how distracted she was, there was always something about it that caught her eye. It took her a few more morning runs before she realized someone was looking back from behind the windows. A young woman who couldn’t be much older than her, dark eyes and dark hair, seemed to anticipate Max’s daily pass-by and they started a faraway connection that consisted of not much more than crossing gazes every now and then. But even if Max didn’t look in the morning, she could still feel the other woman’s eyes on her as she passed her street, over the crosswalk and through the large gates of the park on the other side of the busy three-lane street.

If the mornings weren’t as chilly as they used to be, now that winter passed, the brunette sometimes sat in the bench swing on the patio, in front of the house, with her morning coffee. Max would nod a greeting to her as she passed the house, and the broad, genuine smile she received back had her insides tingling and fueled her with new energy to propel her forward. Her speed and the time it took to run her route suddenly improved a lot on these days.

She wasn’t outside that day, as Max could see the patio from the corner where she turned onto the brunette’s street, so she focused on her breathing again and disregarded her surroundings for a brief moment – which turned out to be a mistake. “Remi!” There was a shout from the brunette’s house, and simultaneously something white and hairy flashed in front of Max’s feet, causing her to misstep as she attempted to avoid stepping on the furry animal that sprinted in front of her. Her ankle twisted, and the world faded briefly around her before she was smacking into the rough-tiled sidewalk, scraping both her knees across the surface as she screeched to a stop.

Max barely had the chance to pull her earplugs out of her ears and call Nacho back – who’d obviously chased the cat, and caused the animal to sprint back through the door – before a pair of hands were on her arm, helping her up. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. He never goes outside, I don’t know what came over him. Are you okay?

She pushed herself off the ground, leaning on her palms as she sat up, brushing some dirt off her shirt and getting ready to brush the woman off until she looked up, and realized it was that very same brunette that she’d inadvertently flirted with the past couple months. “Oh… Yeah, I’m fine. Just a couple scrapes.” The brunette’s eyes were big, and they moved down Max’s scarcely clothed form – who would bother overheating themselves and running in more than shorts and a sports bra? – assessing her injuries. “Let me help you with those.” She held out a hand, one that Max grabbed tightly as she allowed the other woman to pull her back onto her feet. “Oh, no, that’s not necessary-” The look that she received from the brunette was enough to silence her, and on shaky, bleeding legs, she followed her into the house.

Here, sit down.” The brunette pulled out a chair from the dining table and gestured for Max to take the spot, Nacho trailing after her, curious about their new, unknown surroundings. The other woman disappeared through a doorway before reappearing with what seemed to be an entire medical cabinet worth of bottles and wraps in her arms, and Max failed to restrain a short laugh. “I haven’t lost a leg, you know. It’s just a scrape.” The brunette huffed as she dropped the armful of supplies on the table, but there was a smile around her lips. “I don’t do this often.

Max watched as she put some alcohol on a cotton ball and dabbed it around the slightly torn skin on Max’s knee, causing her to wince. “Sorry, sorry. None of this would’ve happened if Remi just stayed inside instead of sprinting out like a nut.” One of Max’s hands had become clenched until her knuckles were white, and in an attempt to distract herself from the stinging, she attempted to make conversation. “How long have you had him?” She didn’t care for cats, at all. But anything was better than having to feel like her skin was being ripped off once again. “Oh, he’s not mine. I’m housesitting for a friend who went to France for six months. I’m kind of jealous.” Max relaxed at her words, her mind now working fast to realize what that meant. “So there’s gonna be a time when I won’t see you on my morning runs?” Her voice sounded obviously disappointed and the brunette paused, her dark eyes moving up hesitantly to meet with Max’s. “Would… would that be a loss?” “Well, yeah. I mean…” Her voice trailed off, and a tense silence formed between them, not dissipating as the brunette quickly plastered some band-aids on Max’s knees in order to have the physical contact over with as quickly as possible.

She disappeared in what Max assumed to be the bathroom, then, and when she reappeared, Max was getting ready to continue on her – now needing to be shortened – run. “Can I do anything else for you? Once again, I’m sorry-” This time, Max didn’t let her finish. “Yeah. You can meet me for coffee after work. Four pm? I’ll pick you up.” She didn’t doubt the brunette liked girls on motorcycles. She hesitated for a moment, before eventually agreeing. “Yeah, that sounds good.” A broad grin settled on Max’s lips, and she gestured for the brunette to lead the way to the front door. “See you at four.” The same grin remained on Max’s face as she called Nacho back, waved briefly at the other woman, and disappeared around the corner.

prompt #: ii
prompt title: warmth
ocs: naomi (mine), eve & dani (witness')
word count: 1,330
rated: f for feels
music: n/a
other: srsly.... all the feels

They won the custody battle; the chances of her having to return to Mom and Dad were negative now, and everything should’ve gone back to normal.

The thing about life, and especially Naomi’s life, was that nothing ever did what it had to do. So far, she had been able to wriggle her way out of whatever situation had been thrown in her direction, but even that had to come to an end.

She just hadn’t expected it to go the way it did.

The lightheadedness had been there all day, pushing its way forward to be more prominent in the worst moments, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t deal with. Assuming it was just a temporary thing, she hadn’t informed Eve.

Her sister became aware of the situation when Naomi set foot in the kitchen, managed to respond properly to Eve’s words, pick an apple off the fruit bowl and mutter something incomprehensible that sounded a lot like “what the...” before promptly fainting and collapsing on the ground.

Eve had the phone at her ear immediately and she was in the ambulance before she knew it: her sister’s hand tight around her own as she attempted to calm Naomi down when she regained her consciousness.

The hospital was a haze of tests, nurses and doctors, questions about her medical history and a lot of prodding at her – before they were eventually being sent home with the notice of receiving a call when the tests results came in.

The call came a week later, and from the way Eve’s face turned pale, the news was anything but good. The doctor didn’t mention anything before they arrived at the hospital, but his tone of voice had been somber and something gnawed at her as they walked through the bleached, sterile halls. Eve’s hand was still clasped tight around her own and she felt like she was five again, except that it looked like Eve needed her support more than the other way around.

Eve’s hand remained on hers even as they sat down in the doctor’s office. That same somberness was carved into his face and with every word that he spoke she could feel Eve tightening her grip.

The blood sample was sent to our lab and examined under a microscope. There were certain abnormalities found in regard to your red blood cells.” He paused for a moment, and Naomi knew that whatever news he was preparing them for, it wasn’t good. “These abnormalities are commonly caused by acute myeloid leukemia.

Blood cancer.

Nothing prepared her for the way she felt; as if the doctor had directly applied a blow to her chest, and her blank stare connected with Eve’s and found much the same in her sister’s eyes.

The disease is already in a late stadium-

Eve cut in before he could finish, her voice shaky and quiet. “What is the prognosis?

The doctor sighed, shifting in his chair as if he had wanted to put this off for longer. “This type of leukemia in this stage of development has a fifteen percent survival rate.” Eve’s hand instantly shot up to cover her mouth, the other clenching harder around Naomi’s, who felt like she had been turned to stone. “There are treatments available, but at this stage, they might no longer catch on.

Eve’s voice faded in the loud ringing that settled in her ears and she lost her focus, still staring at the wall with that same empty look in her eyes. Fifteen percent. Fifteen. Fif-


She shook herself out of the trance, only to find both the doctor and her sister looking at her with a worried expression in their eyes. “Take your time coming to terms with this. Everyone responds to news like this differently. It’s important not to do anything rash.

They were back at the house in no time and the visit to the hospital almost felt like a dream, but the way Eve was still staring at her like she was made out of glass told her that it was very much real.

The initial shock passed after a number of weeks, and she found her thoughts drifting off to places she’d never thought she’d be thinking about this early on. What would happen to Eve – to Dani, who had taken the news like a trooper and was dead-intent on making her smile again no matter what – when... If it would hurt. How long she had left.

They tried chemo. They tried immunotherapy. They tried the holistic “bullshit” that Naomi didn’t believe in. And as the months passed and her symptoms worsened, that hopelessness that they’d both experienced that one day in the doctor’s office returned in waves.

She started sleeping in Eve’s bed. She stopped going to school altogether; Dani skipped more classes than she attended, always hanging around the apartment with her.

The morning when she ran her hand through her hair and pulled out multiple thick locks was the moment the severity of the situation really, truly hit her. She lost more weight than she could count, got severe anemia and various infections that required a hospital stay, and grew weaker and weaker despite the aggressive treatments.

Eve was there through all of it, including the two seizures, and Naomi couldn’t help but feel grateful and proud of the way her sister was handling it all. If it had been Eve, she would’ve been in a puddle on the ground, but somehow, Eve always seemed put together.

She could no longer walk, and the decision was finally made to keep her in the hospital: what felt like for the last time, she wrapped her arms around Eve’s neck as her sister lifted her from the car seat with relative ease now that she weighed next to nothing, and carried her inside.

Round-the-clock care made little difference, but she found herself oddly at peace with where she was headed.

The doctor’s face became grimmer every time he entered the room, and it took her a few moments of gathering her courage before she found the confidence to say what everyone had been thinking. “How long?

He pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers, and made eye contact with each of them before he spoke. “Two weeks, at best.

Every day, she became weaker, and every day she watched Eve wipe her tears away and put on a smile before she came in the room, but she didn’t have the heart to tell her that she didn’t need to pretend. She kept her own smile plastered on her face, too, despite how she saw Eve’s waning every time she showed signs of weakness.

Waking up knowing she wasn’t going to see the sun go down that night was odd, at best. Eve seemed to sense it and spent most of the early morning at her bedside while she tried to get more rest.

Eve...” A hand instantly found her forearm and curled gently around it. “I’m right here, Nomes.

Her voice was croaky and she could barely focus her eyes on her sister. “...I want to see the sun.

The blinds had been closed, mainly so the light wouldn’t bother her pounding head, but Eve nodded and stood from the chair next to the bed that she’d occupied ever since Naomi had been admitted. She guided the blinds open, slowly, light pouring into the room and turning its dreariness into a softer, easing comfort.

Dani’s hand tightened around her own and when Naomi tore her eyes away from the window and looked at her girlfriend, she realized she was crying.

It’s beautiful,” she whispered, never taking her half-closed eyes off Dani.

It is.

There was a brief silence, and Naomi closed her eyes as the light of the sun warmed up her cheeks.

Eve pressed a kiss to her forehead, and Naomi’s hand reached up, trembling, to hold her sister close.

I love you, Nomes.

I love you, too.

prompt #: iii
prompt title: please
ocs: naomi (mine), eve (witness')
word count: 842
rated: t
music: n/a
other: anniversary present for
the gf

Five little fingers curled around Eve’s much larger hand, occasionally pulling slightly on her hand as the little girl struggled to keep up with the much taller woman’s pace. They’d just come back from a visit at the park, at the playset that Naomi always wanted to go to, and while it was slowly getting dark out, both their spirits were still lifted. “Ebie,” the three-year-old stopped, digging her heels into the ground to not be dragged along when the woman took another step before stopping next to her, “up, up!” Her hands came up, making the grabby motion, and Evangeline sighed, smiling, before tucking her hands under Naomi’s arms and lifting her onto her hip.

Do you want to go to the park again tomorrow?” The little girl nodded, clutching tightly onto her sister, her little hands digging into Eve’s shirt. “Want Fe too.” “Hmm, really?” Eve hiked her bag a little higher onto her other shoulder, holding onto her baby sister tightly. “Maybe we can bring Fe to the park with us? Would you like that?” Naomi didn’t seem to hear her, her attention pulled away to something else, and Eve’s gaze followed, over her shoulder, to a figure that was following them. Naomi waved, but the person didn’t respond. “Hello,” Naomi waved again, trying to attract his attention, and an unsettling feeling moved down into Eve’s gut as she kept on walking, still eliciting no response from the man behind them.

Until a second man stepped out in front of them, onto the sidewalk. “Eve,” his voice was filled with expectation, with a twinge of something darker, and the brunette stopped in her pace, subconsciously clutching tighter onto the toddler still on her hip. “So we meet again.” Eve took a step back, only to bump straight into someone behind her, and a frightened expression took place on her face. “You shouldn’t have left like that. It wasn’t- it wasn’t the right way.

You were scaring me, Isaac. I didn’t feel safe,” her voice trembled, and Naomi, silent for once, only looked on, not understanding why Eve’s mood switched so quickly. “You shouldn’t have left.

Before either of the girls knew what was happening, one of them grabbed Eve by the arm while another lifted the toddler off her hip, gentle enough to not cause Naomi to cry. She looked at the man who was holding her, eyes large and naïve, before settling down when she decided he didn’t seem like a threat – not that she, at her age, would’ve known what a threat looked like. “’S very soft,” she petted the fabric of his shirt, unaware of the way Eve was struggling against the man holding her in place. “Don’t hurt her, please! Don’t hurt her!

They put the toddler on the ground, and Isaac kneeled near her, beckoning her closer. She waddled up to him, loosely grabbing onto his hand and inspecting the ring he was wearing. “What’s your name?” His voice made her look up, and despite how she was still unsure of the situation, she seemed to relax a little bit. “Nobi.” “Hmm, Naomi, isn’t it? You’ve grown a lot since the last time I saw you.

His eyes flicked to meet Eve’s panicked gaze, and he grinned momentarily, before turning back to the three-year-old. “Look at this,” his hand moved behind his back, pulling a gun from the rim of his pants, and he held it out in front of her. The sight of the weapon eliciting an even more panicked reaction out of Eve, who was sobbing at that point. “Please, no! I’ll do anything, just don’t hurt her!” Isaac disregarded her pleading, holding out the weapon to the little girl. “Do you know what this is?” Naomi shook her head, and he leaned closer, as if he was telling her a secret. “It’s a gun. You pull this, and… poof.” He made a small gesture of a bullet blowing out of the barrel, poking his fingers into her stomach, making her laugh.

Only when the little brunette had stopped laughing, looking up at him with large, interested eyes, did he turn back to the taller woman. “You shouldn’t have left it the way you did, Eve. Consider this payback.” Two steps back, and the gun fired; then another step, and it fired again, interrupted briefly by a wail. And then there was silence.


Eve struggled to stand, barely feeling the pain caused by the bullet that had embedded itself in her shoulder, and half-crawled half-walked to where her little sister was lying, face down on the asphalt. Her chest was still falling and rising, irregularly, and with tears in her eyes, she picked up the small form, cradling Naomi in her arms. A large dark red spot had started to spread over her chest, and Eve barely managed anything but a few choked back pleads, shakily dialing emergency services.

The ambulance drove up two minutes later.

She’s not breathing… please, she’s not breathing!

Naomi, please open your eyes, baby.

Oh, God…

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