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I don't know if it's the editor or it's the coding itself but it's keeps breaking up the coding i do.
Like this:
When I want it to be like this
help please
Like this:

[centerblock=80][border=5px darkgreen solid][bg=black][border=3px darkgreen solid]
Vance Talia Martinez
V, Van, and Tali
(would have graduated already but was held back last year)
Puerto Rican American
Vance is 5 feet and 8 inches, and 185 lbs. She has dark brown hair with light brown highlights. She has dark brown eyes normally, they lighten when she's happy and they go black when angry. They turn into a gray when sad. They are sometimes gray all day at school. Van has four tattoos. One on her left wrist, right wrist, back and right shoulder
Her left wrist tattoo has a princess crown instead of a king's crown. The words are Ana Martinez, 1-19-1981 to 5-23-1989.
Clothing Style:
1, 2, 3
Distinguishing Marks:
She has scars on her stomach, back, and wrists (self-inflicted). Her most noticeable one is the one that is one her face. It goes from her right eye to her right cheek. It's thin and you have to be close to her to see it.
The first thing is you notice about Vance is that she doesn't talk. She does know how to talk but just doesn't want to. Vance hasn't talked since she was 13 after a traumatic accident happened to here. She isn't afraid to tell you the truth even if she has to write it down. She is blunt and clueless about certain things like people liking her or being too harsh or mean to others. She hates being weak and doesn't like being opened or talking about her feelings. Vance is difficult to understand and she does this on purpose because only the people who care to figure her out, will stay with her afterward. She has a serious anger problem that is only awakened when someone she cares about is getting hurt. Otherwise, all she will do is think in her head of angry Spanish words and probably write those same words down. Vance is overprotective of people she cares about and even about people she doesn't know but she does know that needs someone to protect them.
To find her sister killers, and end their lives.
To survive home.
Reading, Listening to Music, Being Alone / Her family, Gangs, Being at home
To die at home.
To always be in the dark and silence
Tucking her hair behind her ear
Biting her lip
Looking away when she is hiding something.
Vance Talia Martinez was born on July 3rd, 1976 to two Puerto Rican Parents named Jasper and Carlia Martinez. She had two older brothers and one older sister. Kai who was 10, Luis who was 6, and Layla who was also 6. They loved her and cared for her as she grew up into a trouble maker and fighter. She noticed it even at 5 years old, how people treated the kids and adults from the projects. She hated it, her parents made barely enough to stay in their 3 bedroom apartment and sometimes don't even have enough for dinner on the table with bills to pay. They had a new baby coming too, it was a girl named Ana. That's when Kai, her older brother decided to go off to the army without warning to his parents or his siblings. When his parents found, they got angry and started to yell at him to change his mind but they couldn't. He promised to come back and that he was doing this for them. He went off and didn't come back until the accident. 6 years had passed, Luis and Layla had joined a gang, and Vance the little 11-year-old who helping them by carrying drugs in her backpack and dropping it off.
She knew what she was doing was wrong but she couldn't have another day go by and see her parents struggling and her little sister dressing in hand me down clothes. Her older siblings except for Kai agreed. So they worked for the gang becoming higher and higher on the gang ranks. By the time 2 years had passed, Luis and Layla were top ranked members and Vance was going up there as well. Her parents didn't have to worry about money or clothes anymore and her baby sister was dressed in first rate clothes and everything was going fine until one day, she was going out doing a job for the gang. Ana wanted to come but Vance refused but the 8-year-old didn't listen and followed the girl as she left. Now Vance didn't notice the black car riding on them nor did she notice the gun coming out. She noticed the gunshots and then quiet as the car speeds off and she noticed the little girl on the ground blood coming out of her and never stopping. A scene she will never forget. She was shot in the arm and stomach but her sister was shot in the heart and they couldn't save her. Ever since that day, she has never trusted another gang again but also her family had never forgiven her for letting their sweet princess die. First, it was pushing her aside in the house and ugly words throw at her.
Then it was beatings, and her siblings making her do the cooking and the cleaning. Her parents ignored everything they do to her because they believed she deserved it. Her brother, Kai only came back for the funeral and left. Promising again to come back but he never did. She went through 6 years of torture with last year being the worst. They put her in the hospital in a coma. It lasted for 3 months and she woke up with a badly injured liver and healing bruises. She wanted to die in that time, they came back for her only because child services was threating to take her away. They didn't stop either after the coma. They kept beating her and still beating her till this day.
Theme Song:
When I want it to be like this

help please