Bayview High School Role Play!


One Thousand Club
Bayview High School is your average high school near the Sanfransisco Bay. They have open campus lunch meaning they can leave the school at lunch time. The first all school formal dance of the year is coming up next Friday.

Students of all grades and gender need, and teachers are welcome as well.

Pleae list the following about your character:







Relationship status (single/or not, enemies, crushes, etc.):

I will post my character in the next post, and will begin the roleplay once we get a few people.
Name: Bryce Henderson

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Personality: tough, not romantic, protective.

Bio: Bryce is a linebacker on the football team. He is tall and muscular. He is not the most romantic guy, and is sometimes a bit of a jerk. But if someone hurts his girlfriend or crush, he will destroy that person. Bryce likes smart, pretty girls, who love music. Cheerleaders bore him.


Relationship status (single/or not, enemies, crushes, etc.): single, no crush yet.
Name: Kai Aamna

Age: 16

Grade: Junior

Personality: Quiet, shy, clumsy

Bio: Kai is quiet & mostly keeps to herself but if she does make a friend she is a sweet person & has a wide range of humour. She enjoys reading in her free time as well as studying but shows no interest in class, only in her own time. Kai will do anything to avoid social situations, freezing up when she has to talk to people & tripping over her feet because of it. She is also small & skinny.


Relationship status (single/or not, enemies, crushes, etc.): N/A
Name: Riley Carlson

Age: 16

Grade: Junior

Personality: quiet, sincere, polite

Bio: Riley is a runner. She is on the track and cross country teams. She is 5' 6". Riley is one of the sweetest girls you know. She will try and befriend anyone. She is very forgiving, so even if you have hurt her in the past she will usually give you a second chance. She is very smart. She gets good grades, but is just natural at it. She doesn't have to work hard for them. Riley is friends with people from all different "groups". She is not judgemental against people appearances.



Relationship Status: Single. Anyone want to be her friend, crush, etc.?

Riley sat on a bench out front of the school. The breeze blew through her wavy hair which she had a pink flower clipped in today. She arrived at school a little early today, so she waited to find any of her friends.
Kai was sitting under a tree, in a park close to the school. She would come here before school everyday no matter what the weather to read in peace. No one came to the park as early as she did so she could feel relaxed only the noise of the wind & wild life entering her ears. After a while the red head stood, walking towards the school gates, not wanting to put her book away but had no choice, she had to keep her grades up after all. Kai walked into the school campus, barely noticing the girl with wavy hair & flower clips sitting on the bench, but even as Kai noticed her she stayed quiet, she didn't like starting conversations or being apart of them after all.
Name:Aria Cyri



Personality:gentle, shy with new people, energetic with friends

Bio:she lives alone because she doesnt want to burden her aunt and uncle. her parents were killed when she was ten

Appearance:redish brown hair, unusual amythest eyes, average height, average weight.(not fat but not too skinny)

Relationship status (single/or not, enemies, crushes, etc.): single no crush
Bryce was on the football field, as usual. He was training hard so he could possibly get a football scholarship. He knew there was no way he'd get into college otherwise. As he did his usual four laps around the field, 50 push ups and sit ups (50 each), and tackling the practice dummies, he saw cheerleaders walking around towards the bleachers. There was Julianne, his latest ex. Sure enough, her eyes were red and she was trying her hardest not to look at him. They had broken up yesterday morning. Well, technically they didn't 'break up', Bryce dumped her because she was clingy and had the brains of a squirrel.

He sighed and got on with his workout, aware of half the cheerleaders glaring at him and the other half staring in admiration. When he was done, he grinned and half-waved towards the clump of girls and hit the showers.
Aria wandered the halls looking for her class. she had found her locker easy enough, why couldnt she find the class? i know i have no sense of direction but i cant even find my class? jeez.
Riley got up and walked inside. She noticed the football team out on the field practicing. Riley loved going to the football games with her friends. She couldn''t wait for the next one. Walking down the hall she spotted a red headed girl looking a little lost. "Are you looking for something?" Riley asked Aria. "I can help you. I'm Riley by the way." she said with a smile.
Kai, once inside the school building walked to her locket, putting in the combination before unlocking it & placing her book carefully inside she then locked it again since she already had everything she needed for today in her bag. Kai let out a yawn, she had hardly got any sleep last night & it was effecting her, she could barely concentrate on her book which was a rare thing. The red head sat on a bench, just a bit away from her first class, she wished she had kept her book with her, she would've been absorbed in the ink writing by now if she had.
Bryce went inside the school, thinking about tomorrow's game. He brushed past a pretty brunette that he recognized from the track team. Her name was Riley, he thought. "Hey, sorry," he said over his shoulder. She was guiding a girl he'd never seen before. He shrugged and continued on to his history class.
((I am going to double up, and use my guy character too. His name is Logan.)

Name: Logan Howell

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Personality: Outgoing, Sarcastic, Friendly

Bio: Logan is a member of the football team. He has been on varsity since his freshmen year. He is a pretty popular guy. He tries not to let the popularity get to his head, but he can be a bit cocky and stuck up at times. He loves hanging out and having a good time.



Relationship status (single/or not, enemies, crushes, etc.): single, but always crushing on girls (with his looks and personality he can get pretty much any girl he wants)

((Bryce and Logan best friends?))

"It's ok." Riley said to Bryce with a shy like smile.
((Sure that works.))

Logan, just finishing up with morning practice walked out of the locker room, and into the school hall way. He walked up to his best friend Bryce. "Hey man. How's it going? That was a pretty tough practice don't you think?" he asked

"And hey, did you see all those hot cheerleaders out there?" he asked all enthusiastically.
Kai stood from her seat, hearing a boy talking about cheerleaders & how they were hot. Kai just thought they were a bunch of uneducated idiots but it wasn't her place to say that, the red head headed off in the direction of her first class which was History, one of her least favourite lessons. Kai didn't want to stay in the past when she could make the present & future so exciting since she had so many things she wanted to do, like be an author or an English teacher. Some one could probably tell from her large collection of books English was her favourite lesson, people like Shakespeare live on in other people, people remastering his plays & such was so interesting. Kai couldn't wait until that lesson came along so she hurried to her History lesson.
Bryce elbowed his best friend Logan.

"I saw them all there..for me."

Though he would never admit this, the only time Bryce got self conscious was around Logan.
Riley walked into class right behind Kai and took a seat toward the middle of the class room.

"Haha right! Think what you want, you know they were all digging me." he laughed. "So why did you break up with your girl anyways, she was cute... Just sayin." Logan said jokingly.
Bryce watched Riley enter the room. Then he registered that Logan was talking to him.

"What? Oh, Julianne? She was clingy. Besides, she has the IQ of a peanut. You know I like em smart. But you can have her. Don't worry about the bro code."
"Thanks, but that's ok. I can find my own girls." he laughed. "Hey I saw that look. You totally like her." He said nudging Bryce with his arm talking about him watching Riley. "Want me to tell her to come sit by us?" he joked.
Bryce rolled his eyes and nudged him back.

"I don't know her. All I know is that her name is Riley and she's on the track team. Yeah, she's hot, but I don't like her. Not yet, anyway."

Bryce sat down in his seat in the classroom.
"Hey I was just trying to help you. Not yet? So you do want to get to know her." He laughed

Riley sat at her desk waiting for the teacher to come in. She didn't really enjoy this class at all because she didn't really know anybody in it, so she had no one to talk to, or do group projects with that she knew.
Kai took a seat at the back of the class, she wouldn't be noticed there so no one could tell that she wasn't actually listening. Kai never listened, she preferred to do work in her own time without the noise of the classroom around she couldn't concentrate otherwise. Kai relaxed into her chair, a yawn escaping her lips maybe she could sleep this lesson or maybe try to talk to someone for once but that wasn't likely, she wanted someone intelligent to talk to but they had to be funny too, Kai had high standards & wouldn't accept anyone if they weren't capable of everything she wanted.
Bryce laughed with Logan.

"I don't know yet. I'll tell you after we win tomorrow."

He snuck a glance at her. Sure, she was pretty. But sometimes a pretty face masked an ugly personality.

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