Battleworn Sapphire Dolphin of the Veiled Seas - Solar


New Member
So, we may eventually get to play Exalted near me. And, like normal, I went a little...overboard, creating a character, possibly months in advance, or even never, if the game never happens :( I want to play though!

Battleworn Sapphire Dolphin of the Veiled Seas

Motivation - Restore Luthe

Strength - 5

Dexterity - 2

Stamina - 4

Charisma - 4

Manipulation - 1

Appearance - 4

Perception - 3

Intelligence - 2

Wits - 2

Abilities - Any ability with zero won't be mentioned.

Melee - 5 - Specialty - Fighting with two swords

Integrity - 3

Presence - 2

Resistance - 3

Survival - 3

Craft (Fire) - 1

Lore - 1

Athletics - 3 - Specialty - Swimming

Awareness - 3

Dodge - 3

Linguistics - 1 Old Realm, Seatongue

Sail - 2

Essence - 3

Compassion - 1

Temperance - 2

Conviction - 3

Valor - 4

Willpower - 8

Virtue Flaw - Heart of Flint

Manse 3

Artifact 2 - Discreet Essence Armour

Influence 1

Cult 1


Second Melee Excellency

One Weapon, Two Blows

Peony Blossom Attack

Call the Blade

Glorious Solar Sabers (2 blades)

Durability of Oak Meditation

Ox-Body Technique

Increasing Strength Exercise

Graceful Crane Stance

Monkey Leap Technique

The characters background is, uhm, four written pages long, and I don't have the notes (the gm has them), so I won't write it all out. Other then, her background is, uhm...epic. I'm just glad I made it epic! My other concepts were not epic. This one is too epic. Better to be over then under, eh? Heh.

Edit - Forgot Motivation. Still figuring out what my one intimacy should be.

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