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Fantasy Battle of the Ages - CS (CLOSED)

Calum Revus

Do I look like a cowboy to you? I do? Is it the hat? I feel like it's the hat.
Calum Revus, Gunslinger Extraordinaire


Species: Human? | Gender: Male | Age: 24

Personality: He's a gentle man, one that likes to crack jokes and make light of any situation. Make no mistake, he's a deadly marksman and a fierce foe. That aside, he cares for his fellow survivors, whether they want him to or not. He always keeps his word and sees everything to the end.

Bio: One of the few survivors of the plague, Calum devoted his life to protecting the remaining ones. Like everyone else that survived, they fled to Majabong.

(More TBR in RP)

Weapon(s): Magic Repeater - A magic pistol which uses mana as ammo to fire different projectiles.

  • Flame Shot - Fires a fireball from his pistol.
  • Thunder Shot - Fires a small lightning projectile from his pistol.
  • Tri Shot - Fires three projectiles in rapid succession of each main element (Fire, Ice and Storm). Can spread them out.
  • Icy Shot - Fires an icy projectile from his gun.
  • Shotgun Shot - Enhances a Flame, Icy or Thunder shot with the ability to spread upon being fired. Reduces overall damage and range but is able to hit more.
  • Sniper Shot - A shot which increases in damage the longer it travels. Increased range.
  • Execution Shot - A magical shot which does devastating damage when an enemy is affilicted by a curse, poison or disease.
  • No spells - Despite having use of mana, Calum knows no spells other then the ones that use his gun. In a way his gun is his weakness and his strength.
  • Close quarters combat - Calum is a ranged fighter, he has little close combat experience. The best he can do is be agile and hope he doesn't hit until he gets to range.
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Name: Grov
age: 400
Race: Iron ore Golem
Race info: Golems are a strange crystalin creature that builds a psudo-body around there true one which is usually a sphere of crystallixed mana. They can repair there body's by eating there base material or a more refined version, Example: Stone eats ore, ore eats metal, ect. The older a golem is the more refined it's body gets and the stronger it gets. Golems can speed up the process by eating more refined materials. If there core is damaged they suffer immense pain and if it is destroyed they die. The core is always exposed because if closed over the golem will suficate.
Gender: None but sees himself as a male
Appearance: My profile pic but with a redish hue and 8 ft tall.
Personality: Fearless except for towards pigeons, protective, kind hearted, loves to garden, usually very calm until his friends are hurt.
Bio: A mysterious golem who protects the remaining survivors. No one knows where he came from or why he protects the survivors.
weapons: His fists.
Magic: earth magic: Control and shape earth.
Overload: Uses up a huge amount of mana to boost his physical stats beyond there limit. This damages his body in the process. The higher the increase the more damage.
His core is kinda like his heart.
Swimming....he sinks.
Slow, the fastest he can move is a slow jog.
So what if I'm small?! I don't care if I don't look the part to you, I'm the vanguard and I won't let you get to them!


Tomomi | 17 years old | Female | Halfling
Species Info: Halflings, commonly referred to (often as a derogatory term) as "Beast People", are the results of mixing two or more races through various means. While the derogatory term might insinuate so, not all Halflings actually have bestial traits as it encompasses all people who do not claim heritage to only one race.

Personality: Tomomi is childish, stubborn, and takes on too much. She refuses to acknowledge her limits, especially when that would be good for her. Her childish insistence on doing everything she can and more has a tendency to inspire and warm the hearts of those around her, even when she fails. She's no stranger to failure either, and quickly recovers when encountering it.

Keen senses - Mostly owing to her heritage as being part cat, Tomomi can hear things others can't hear, smell things others can't smell, and see as long as there is light. She sees color the same way as humans, and has 20/10 vision.
Abnormal Strength - Tomomi has tremendous strength for her small size, and can even be considered two times as strong as the typical adult man when considering the fact that her punches and kicks affect a much smaller surface area.
Acrobatic - Tomomi is a natural at getting to areas she shouldn't be able to, as well as maneuvering around people.

Size - Tomomi is small, and uses it to her advantage.
Retractable claws - Should weapons fail her, Tomomi's fingernails can extend into claws that are normally trimmed, but still adapted for slicing flesh.
Small Swords - Tomomi wields a short sword and a curved sword, both custom made to suit her size and strength even the slightest bit better. She does not normally dual wield them, instead switching them out as needed and occasionally taking both out at the same time to put off enemies.

Smells - One would be amazed by how fast Tomomi would run away from a bad smell, else she loses the contents of her stomach and fine motor functions.
Slow to recover - Tomomi is extremely slow to recover from injury and illness, and often requires the aid of magic to make a timely and full recovery.
Small and light - While she is strong enough to wield larger weapons, the inconsistency in size makes it hard for her to wield them well. She is also very light, and it is almost unavoidable that she be knocked back when receiving an attack without being able to negate any of the impact. Thus, she does not use a shield, and prefers hauberks to plate armor due to her size and the cost of custom plate armor.
Can't use magic or magic tools due to lack of mana


I'm sorry for not listening to what surely would have been a wonderful speech on your part, but I unfortunately have matters to attend to and find myself in the foulest of moods. Please do something about the dismembered corpse I am about to leave you as on your own time, since I am afraid I have none to spare.


Connor Knightwalker
Age: 26
Male, Human

Appearance: Connor tends to be heavily clothed in black and gray regardless of weather, and is very tall measuring in at 6'4. Despite his heavy clothing and the surprisingly well-built body underneath, Connor looks thin and sickly to many people.

Personality: Connor is calm, reserved, and calculating. He likes to speak eloquently and politely, overdoing it especially when he's pissed. He is heavily self-reliant and doesn't function well in a team, rarely thinking of how others could work well with him during times he feels pressed. He doesn't expect much other than manipulation from interpersonal connections, and as such has few real friends to speak of. Some people who know him well call him a siscon as a half-joke.

Connor is good at one thing and one thing only: connecting two spaces magically through a portal. He has expanded this single spell of his to cover every application possible, and is only limited by the facts that he can't maintain more than one portal at a time as well as the massive mana consumption of the spell. He simply has to say "connect", and a portal of his imagining will open. The spell can fail occasionally, but it's a rare occurrence.

Weapon(s), if any
Occasionally a small blade or a bow

Loner - Connor really and truly cannot come to depend on or expect anything from anyone that isn't himself or his sister.
Over reliant - Connor is proud of the spell he has developed, and during the process of finding applications of it became too familiar with using it for every task possible. He will always first think of how "Connect" can get him out of a situation without thinking much on the consequences, and only after exhausting every thought in that vein will he think of the logical answers he is known for.
Loose canon - Due to his past, certain phrases, words, and events can set Connor off like a bomb, leaving interpersonal relations irreparable in a split second or cause him to lose confidence in himself and his ability.
Easy to hate
Saintess or Demoness... Would you people make up your mind already?
Eris Knightwalker | Age 27 | Human Female
Nicknamed "Battle Saint"


Personality: Eris is a quiet, respectful woman that seems solemn and tame when looking skin-deep. Dig further, though, and all you find is a child that has no idea what to do with the situations developed by those manipulating her and her constantly fraying relationship with her brother. She gets by, feigning competence and awareness of her surroundings, but the reality is she's only made it this far in life by brute force and luck. There's also a bit of a battle junkie there, but please ignore that.

Backstory: When Eris was born she was blessed by many things; it was thought she was destined to be a great hero and with all her family's focus on her she was trained with such expectations. At fifteen, she was supposedly capable of wiping out five hundred soldiers alone, if she felt like it. She was taken on multiple monster hunts, often set up to show her off as the pride of the Knightwalker family and her generation of nobles. To stay true to her newly acquired nickname as a saint of battle, she was forced to learn holy magic.
When the scourge first started, Eris was contacted by the spirit of the world directly, told to get stronger and wait on standby for further orders. Three years before the group started the trials, the spirit of the world contacted her again and asked her to take the trials of the titans. Pressured by the nobles around her that didn't take kindly to her general existence that interfered with and overshadowed their aspirations, Eris was forced to take the trials without preparation. She challenged the trial of spirit for most of the past three years, only recently moving on to and easily completing the trial of strength.

{Born Blessing} Weapon Insight - Eris can pick up any weapon, even improvised or unique weapons, and use them as if she had practiced with that weapon from the moment she was born. Additionally, she can learn most techniques that are purely physical simply by seeing them once.
{Born Blessing} Auto Heal - As long as she hasn't sustained a serious or potentially lethal wound, Eris will automatically heal a small bit every twenty seconds. This even recovers stamina and blood, and it is a well known fact that fighting a battle of attrition with her is suicide.
{Born Blessing} Damage Multiplier - Reality itself seems to rewrite when Eris attacks, giving her blows several times the force they should normally have. This consumes mana, but since the Kightwalkers are a line of Chevaliers known for producing powerful mages and magic knights she is in no short supply of the resource.
{Titanic Blessing} Spirit
{Titanic Blessing} Strength
{Acquired Ability} Super speed - Eris ranks only below Tomomi in terms of speed in the group, and that loss is a very narrow margin.
{Acquired Ability} Holy Magic - Eris can bless weapons to repel and poison undead foes, sanctify areas, and produce miracles such as instantaneous healing or fabricating food and water out of nothing. Since she wasn't born with the ability, using this magic is actually super draining on her and she avoids it.
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Name: Grov
age: 400
Race: Iron ore Golem
Race info: Golems are a strange crystalin creature that builds a psudo-body around there true one which is usually a sphere of crystallixed mana. They can repair there body's by eating there base material or a more refined version, Example: Stone eats ore, ore eats metal, ect. The older a golem is the more refined it's body gets and the stronger it gets. Golems can speed up the process by eating more refined materials. If there core is damaged they suffer immense pain and if it is destroyed they die. The core is always exposed because if closed over the golem will suficate.
Gender: None but sees himself as a male
Appearance: My profile pic but with a redish hue and 8 ft tall.
Personality: Fearless except for towards pigeons, protective, kind hearted, loves to garden, usually very calm until his friends are hurt.
Bio: A mysterious golem who protects the remaining survivors. No one knows where he came from or why he protects the survivors.
weapons: His fists.
Magic: earth magic: Control and shape earth.
Overload: Uses up a huge amount of mana to boost his physical stats beyond there limit. This damages his body in the process. The higher the increase the more damage.
His core is kinda like his heart.
Swimming....he sinks.
Slow, the fastest he can move is a slow jog.
Golems. Unique. Fun. Accepted.

So what if I'm small?! I don't care if I don't look the part to you, I'm the vanguard and I won't let you get to them!


Tomomi | 17 years old | Female | Halfling
Species Info: Halflings, commonly referred to (often as a derogatory term) as "Beast People", are the results of mixing two or more races through various means. While the derogatory term might insinuate so, not all Halflings actually have bestial traits as it encompasses all people who do not claim heritage to only one race.

Personality: Tomomi is childish, stubborn, and takes on too much. She refuses to acknowledge her limits, especially when that would be good for her. Her childish insistence on doing everything she can and more has a tendency to inspire and warm the hearts of those around her, even when she fails. She's no stranger to failure either, and quickly recovers when encountering it.

Keen senses - Mostly owing to her heritage as being part cat, Tomomi can hear things others can't hear, smell things others can't smell, and see as long as there is light. She sees color the same way as humans, and has 20/10 vision.
Abnormal Strength - Tomomi has tremendous strength for her small size, and can even be considered two times as strong as the typical adult man when considering the fact that her punches and kicks affect a much smaller surface area.
Acrobatic - Tomomi is a natural at getting to areas she shouldn't be able to, as well as maneuvering around people.

Size - Tomomi is small, and uses it to her advantage.
Retractable claws - Should weapons fail her, Tomomi's fingernails can extend into claws that are normally trimmed, but still adapted for slicing flesh.
Small Swords - Tomomi wields a short sword and a curved sword, both custom made to suit her size and strength even the slightest bit better. She does not normally dual wield them, instead switching them out as needed and occasionally taking both out at the same time to put off enemies.

Smells - One would be amazed by how fast Tomomi would run away from a bad smell, else she loses the contents of her stomach and fine motor functions.
Slow to recover - Tomomi is extremely slow to recover from injury and illness, and often requires the aid of magic to make a timely and full recovery.
Small and light - While she is strong enough to wield larger weapons, the inconsistency in size makes it hard for her to wield them well. She is also very light, and it is almost unavoidable that she be knocked back when receiving an attack without being able to negate any of the impact. Thus, she does not use a shield, and prefers hauberks to plate armor due to her size and the cost of custom plate armor.
Can't use magic or magic tools due to lack of mana


I'm sorry for not listening to what surely would have been a wonderful speech on your part, but I unfortunately have matters to attend to and find myself in the foulest of moods. Please do something about the dismembered corpse I am about to leave you as on your own time, since I am afraid I have none to spare.


Connor Knightwalker
Age: 26
Male, Human

Appearance: Connor tends to be heavily clothed in black and gray regardless of weather, and is very tall measuring in at 6'4. Despite his heavy clothing and the surprisingly well-built body underneath, Connor looks thin and sickly to many people.

Personality: Connor is calm, reserved, and calculating. He likes to speak eloquently and politely, overdoing it especially when he's pissed. He is heavily self-reliant and doesn't function well in a team, rarely thinking of how others could work well with him during times he feels pressed. He doesn't expect much other than manipulation from interpersonal connections, and as such has few real friends to speak of. Some people who know him well call him a siscon as a half-joke.

Connor is good at one thing and one thing only: connecting two spaces magically through a portal. He has expanded this single spell of his to cover every application possible, and is only limited by the facts that he can't maintain more than one portal at a time as well as the massive mana consumption of the spell. He simply has to say "connect", and a portal of his imagining will open. The spell can fail occasionally, but it's a rare occurrence.

Weapon(s), if any
Occasionally a small blade or a bow

Loner - Connor really and truly cannot come to depend on or expect anything from anyone that isn't himself or his sister.
Over reliant - Connor is proud of the spell he has developed, and during the process of finding applications of it became too familiar with using it for every task possible. He will always first think of how "Connect" can get him out of a situation without thinking much on the consequences, and only after exhausting every thought in that vein will he think of the logical answers he is known for.
Loose canon - Due to his past, certain phrases, words, and events can set Connor off like a bomb, leaving interpersonal relations irreparable in a split second or cause him to lose confidence in himself and his ability.
Easy to hate
Go crazy. I like it. Accepted.

  • Please, relax, let me work my mana... Do not concern yourself with the changes you see.
    Sana Guineth

    Name: Sana Guineth


    Gender: Female

    Species: Human (Rhylonian)

    Species Info: The humans of Rhylon are friendly people of high spirit, yet possess little physical strength. They age slower, living longer than most other humans, and have a great interest in magic. Many Rhylonians attempted to find a solution to the scourge as it overcame the land, yet almost all of them succamb to it in the process.

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  • b7df4250f8ad4b99100ad8fedbd42a32.png

    Name: Sana Guineth


    Gender: Female

    Species: Human (Rhylonian)

    Species Info: The humans of Rhylon are friendly people of high spirit, yet possess little physical strength. They age slower, living longer than most other humans, and have a great interest in magic. Many Rhylonians attempted to find a solution to the scourge as it overcame the land, yet almost all of them succamb to it in the process.

Looks good.
Name: Jin Suthix
Age: 16
Species: Human

Personality: Jin is a very fidgety and nervous boy. This was the result of the deaths of his entire family during the initial advent of the scourge and during the chaotic flight to Majabong at a young age. He is very suspicious of everyone, and deep down, he blames himself for the deaths of his family. Jin is very prone to mood swings, and is very easy to anger. Given the relationship his emotions have with his abilities, Jin has made an effort to reduce his reactions with other people. Jin can be heard talking to two entities. One, which he refers to as, one of which he refers to as "Aria", and the other he refers to as "Ajax". "Aria" seems to be a more stoic, advising Jin to be cautious and to make smart choices, while "Ajax" tends to be a more chaotic presence, and often pressures Jin to give into his impulses and to make rash decisions. Many would consider these to be his imaginary companions, manifesting to alleviate the loneliness that Jin is afflicted with, but to him, they seem as real as anyone else he has known.

Biography: Jin was only young when the first member of his family fell victim to the scourge. As it spread, Jin's family decided to flee to Majabong, one of the last havens from the scourge. This forced Jin to leave many of his own relatives behind, including his mother and older brother. The road was harsh, with Jin and his fleeing family quickly running out of supplies and barely scraping by with what they could forage from the land. However, they all had hope that they would make it to Majabong and start a new life. However, one day, Jin woke up and found that he was completely surrounded by smoldering ash and burning wreckage. The rest of his family was nowhere to be found. That night, Jin looked everywhere he could for them, believing they had fled to somewhere else and left him behind, and refusing to believe that anything else had happened. He couldn't find him, and eventually his own hunger forced him to move on. He travelled the rest of the way to Majabong alone. It was during this period that he discovered his own abilities, and began to experiment with them out of curiosity, despite his initial fear of them.

However, when he finally made it, Jin did not establish a new prosperous life as he had once wanted to. Instead, his simultaneous fear and curiosity of his abilities drove him to hide out alone in the subterranean levels of Majabong, subsisting on what he scavenges and the handouts he receives from the fortunately generous citizens of the city. He continues to experiment, gradually expanding his own abilities. Jin both finds comfort in this lifestyle, and abhors it, wishing that he could do something more with his life, but not knowing how.

Magic/Abilities: Jin has the ability to store massive amounts of energy, which he expends from his body in the form of heat (fire, superheated plasma, etc.). Jin's methods of releasing this energy are numerous, including gradually warming the air around him, breathing fire, setting his own body on fire, emitting rays of superheated plasma from his eyes, unleashing bursts of extreme heat from around him, etc. However, the strength and variety of his abilities is dependent on both how much energy he intakes (through heat, food, etc.) and on his own knowledge.

Weapon(s): None

Physically weak
Introverted (maybe not necessarily a weakness)
Prone to outbursts of anger
Very fearful and doubtful
Is able to release energy, but cannot otherwise control said energy
Name: Jin Suthix
Age: 16
Species: Human

Personality: Jin is a very fidgety and nervous boy. This was the result of the deaths of his entire family during the initial advent of the scourge and during the chaotic flight to Majabong at a young age. He is very suspicious of everyone, and deep down, he blames himself for the deaths of his family. Jin is very prone to mood swings, and is very easy to anger. Given the relationship his emotions have with his abilities, Jin has made an effort to reduce his reactions with other people. Jin can be heard talking to two entities. One, which he refers to as, one of which he refers to as "Aria", and the other he refers to as "Ajax". "Aria" seems to be a more stoic, advising Jin to be cautious and to make smart choices, while "Ajax" tends to be a more chaotic presence, and often pressures Jin to give into his impulses and to make rash decisions. Many would consider these to be his imaginary companions, manifesting to alleviate the loneliness that Jin is afflicted with, but to him, they seem as real as anyone else he has known.

Biography: Jin was only young when the first member of his family fell victim to the scourge. As it spread, Jin's family decided to flee to Majabong, one of the last havens from the scourge. This forced Jin to leave many of his own relatives behind, including his mother and older brother. The road was harsh, with Jin and his fleeing family quickly running out of supplies and barely scraping by with what they could forage from the land. However, they all had hope that they would make it to Majabong and start a new life. However, one day, Jin woke up and found that he was completely surrounded by smoldering ash and burning wreckage. The rest of his family was nowhere to be found. That night, Jin looked everywhere he could for them, believing they had fled to somewhere else and left him behind, and refusing to believe that anything else had happened. He couldn't find him, and eventually his own hunger forced him to move on. He travelled the rest of the way to Majabong alone. It was during this period that he discovered his own abilities, and began to experiment with them out of curiosity, despite his initial fear of them.

However, when he finally made it, Jin did not establish a new prosperous life as he had once wanted to. Instead, his simultaneous fear and curiosity of his abilities drove him to hide out alone in the subterranean levels of Majabong, subsisting on what he scavenges and the handouts he receives from the fortunately generous citizens of the city. He continues to experiment, gradually expanding his own abilities. Jin both finds comfort in this lifestyle, and abhors it, wishing that he could do something more with his life, but not knowing how.

Magic/Abilities: Jin has the ability to store massive amounts of energy, which he expends from his body in the form of heat (fire, superheated plasma, etc.). Jin's methods of releasing this energy are numerous, including gradually warming the air around him, breathing fire, setting his own body on fire, emitting rays of superheated plasma from his eyes, unleashing bursts of extreme heat from around him, etc. However, the strength and variety of his abilities is dependent on both how much energy he intakes (through heat, food, etc.) and on his own knowledge.

Weapon(s): None

Physically weak
Introverted (maybe not necessarily a weakness)
Prone to outbursts of anger
Very fearful and doubtful
Is able to release energy, but cannot otherwise control said energy
Looks good!
Name- Kaiser August
Age- 28

Species- Human
Magic/Abilities Charms/Curses- Kaiser has the ability to imbue items with various magical properties positively or negatively affecting them.
Magical Shield- A magical shield that can block or slow incoming attacks most effective against magical attacks.
Astral Projection- Entering a trance like state Kaiser spirit can leave his body and slightly interact with physical objects.
Second Sight- When activated Kaiser can see the spiritual currents around him.
Magical lighting- An agressive magical style that mimics lighting, white-green in color.
Weapon- Longsword w/rope darts
Weaknesses/Banes- While talented at several forms of magic Kaiser is a master of none at this time, to reach their full potential Kaiser needs time to prepare or his risks exhaustion and self injury.
Other Info (Optional)
Name- Kaiser August
Age- 28

Species- Human
Magic/Abilities Charms/Curses- Kaiser has the ability to imbue items with various magical properties positively or negatively affecting them.
Magical Shield- A magical shield that can block or slow incoming attacks most effective against magical attacks.
Astral Projection- Entering a trance like state Kaiser spirit can leave his body and slightly interact with physical objects.
Second Sight- When activated Kaiser can see the spiritual currents around him.
Magical lighting- An agressive magical style that mimics lighting, white-green in color.
Weapon- Longsword w/rope darts
Weaknesses/Banes- While talented at several forms of magic Kaiser is a master of none at this time, to reach their full potential Kaiser needs time to prepare or his risks exhaustion and self injury.
Other Info (Optional)
Accepted. ANd with this final character, the application are now closed!

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