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Fandom Batman?


New Member
Hello! Thanking for taking the time to look at my Roleplay request! You can call me star, I'm female and above 18. Recently, I've been really craving a batman roleplay! I'm specifically looking for something from the Nolan movies, but I'm flexible! I'd love it if you could play Bruce Wayne or the Joker against an OC of mine, and I can gladly play anyone for you! Doesn't even have to be from the Nolan movies, if you'd like. I don't really have a solid plot, but I'm willing to figure out one with my partner. Like everyone else, I do have a few rules but I'll try and keep them short and to the point.

- I roleplay 3rd person, past tense mostly. No script, no one liners. I’m not asking for a novel, but 1-2 paragraphs will do the trick, but usually I try and match my partners. I don’t mind mistakes, just as long as I know what you're saying. I’m super relaxed right now, but don’t fret, I know how to write properly
- When it comes to fandom, canon x oc. you know how it is, I play your love interest and my character and vice versa. I don’t really do canon x canon or oc x oc, unless I specifically say so.
- I'm female, 18+.
- I get bored easily. I like people who can respond multiple times a week, otherwise I lose interest. I know everyone has lives outside the internet, including me, so i’m not asking for 500 replies a day, but more than one-two a week.
- I’m an open person. Throw ideas at me, chances are I'll be down for them. Talk to me occ, I like to get to know my partners.
- I’m looking for a long-term roleplayer. Don’t contact me if you're just gonna leave without a word. However, I won’t get hurt you if you don’t want to continue a roleplay with me. Just tell me.
- I prefer email or skype, but PM works just as well!
- When you contact me, tell me a little about you. what do you wanna roleplay? age? limits? Etc. Don’t just say ‘want to rp?’ because I won’t respond.
- Read all this? put the phrase ‘trust no one’ somewhere in your message.
- Split roleplays are an option.

If you're interested, please don't hesitate to contact me!
"I'll trust no one, after the things I've seen. Alfred, the viciousness of man has struck my life ten-fold. And for what? Trying to be a light in this damn city."

"I understand your pain sir,but philanthropy won't help fill the hole in your heart"

"Then what will Alfred? What will? They've murdered and maimed the few people close to me."

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