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Fantasy Bastion: The Bulwark City

St. Clover

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello there! I'm looking for someone to help me explore this setting I've been poking at for close to three years now. Only so much one can do from a top-down perspective, and a trial run from a roleplay perspective would be fun, I think. The setting itself has been driven by a range of influences, but I can best sum it up as a semi-lighthearted cross between Dune and Eberron, where magic blends with an early 20th-century styled backdrop of magical neon signs and cantrip wielding mall ninjas. The Yakuza games have likewise played a big role in influencing the tone, as well.

Currently unsure where the rp would guide it's focus unfortunately, and I'd rather not do an xboxhueg lore dump here. But if in some chance the prospect of exploring a city of trolleys, insane pancake cults and a flock of enormous bully birds interests you, hit me up!

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