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Baseball and Ballerina Idea

war ink girl

One Time Luck
Character A is a baseball player, and the baseball field the team plays on off season is behind a ballerina studio. A is a home run hitter, and one day during a scrimmage, A hits a home run. When A steps on home, they're surprised to see all of their friends sprinting off the diamond like bats out of hell and A turns around to see the studio's instructor, Mrs. Night, stomping angrily on to the baseball field. Apparently A's home run ball broke one of the windows and A quickly runs away because Mrs. Night is notorious for being absolutely terrifying. However, A does not get away with it, because the next day A gets called to the baseball coach's office and sees Mrs. Night there. A deal was worked between them and in payment for the broken window, A is going to be in the studio's next show because Mrs. Night needs another dancer . Character A has no choice in matter because if they don't do it, they won't be allowed to play in the next baseball season.

Character B is the studio's top dancer and gets startled when a baseball comes flying in. In two days, disgruntled Character A comes in and B's world gets turned upside down. Character A curses, constantly makes fun of the studio, loudly sighs when looking out of the window at the baseball field, and is very loud and brash compared to the other poised, respectful dancers. What makes it even worse, is that this rude baseball player is a natural, having the flexibility and coordination of a great dancer. So, Mrs. Night pairs them together, hoping B's years of practice and great respect for ballet will refine A's coarse talent. Through hours of practice, meeting each other at school, the clashing of two cliques, and the show, B and A will learn that perhaps their passions aren't that different after all.

...I know, I know, it sounds like a cheesy romantic comedy. But it's something I want to try out and this is the rough outline of it. I made the characters gender neutral because they can be MxM, FxM, and FxF. Any of these pairings would be fine and fit with the story. However if A is female, it would be changed to softball but it isn't a big change because softball and baseball have minor differences. I would be fine with playing A or B but I would prefer character A ( :) )
This sounds so amazing! I would love to play character B i've danced in real life so this would be so awesome to do!

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