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Fandom BakuDeku roleplay idea [16+ only please, I don't feel comfortable talking to someone younger then that]


New Member
~Fading Soulmarks~
In this world soulmates exist but are very rare, Izuku and Katsuki are and they’ve known this since they were young. Of course this doesn't change the fact that Izuku didn’t develop a quirk, or the fact that Katsuki wanted nothing to do with the green haired boy.

Flash forward to the boy’s third year at UA, they are at the top of their class and at the biggest odds with each other they’ve ever been when suddenly the two of them start losing energy and stamina at an alarming rate. The two visit Recovery Girl and find out that their soulmark is fading and the only way to save their lives is to mend their relationship.

~And here is my starter~

[CI] 🍃Izuku Midoriya 🍃

Izuku woke up feeling extremely groggy, although that was nothing new, he had been waking up feeling a similar way for at least four month now. He didn’t tell anyone just yet, it was probably just a side effect of growing and he’d feel better eventually, and he might even be a few inches taller by the end of it. Plus if it was nothing he would be worrying people for no reason, he already made people worry enough as is.

The green haired boy groaned as he dragged himself out of bed. After standing he quickly grabbed his school uniform and started to get ready for the day. One quick shower later and Izuku wasn’t feeling any better, but at least now he was dressed and looked presentable. He grabs an apple out of the kitchen before putting on his backpack and rushing towards class. Taking his seat just as the bell rings.

The rest of the day wasn’t much better, he tried his hardest to pay attention and stay awake during all of his academic classes, but it was hard once his grogginess was accompanied by a rather distracting headache. At least he wasn’t muttering as much as he usually did. He was sure Kacchan would of had his head if he did.

Izuku was thankful once hero classes started, he was sure the adrenaline would wake him up and the activity would surely lift his spirits. He would soon be proven wrong as he was put in a partnered with Kacchan, his soulmate. Usually Izuku could find it in him to be excited to have a chance to work oh his relationship with Katsuki, but the two had been fighting a lot more lately. It had gotten to the point where they wouldn't be able to go one conversation without having a screaming match so this was going to be...interesting to say at the very least.

"Alright Kacchan, we’re the villains for this exercise are you ready?” he asked, his usually upbeat tone dulled slighly, hinting at his exhaustion, he just hoped they could manage to end this practice with a passing grade.

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