"Backing" questions


Ten Thousand Club
As an ST, I've always assumed that this background provides only one's rank in an organization, not necessarily the other benefits of that rank. A character with Backing 5 in the Guild would not have the fabulous wealth that position would entail, unless he separately purchased Resources to match.

If Backing does provide the benefits of high status at no additional cost, it seems wildly overpowered. On the other hand, if not, what does it really provide?

If a character wants to play, say, a commander of a Lookshy legion, he'd need a fair amount of Backing to represent that. Moreso, though, he'd need points in Resources to represent his salary, points in Henchmen or Command or whatever, Allies and Contacts for the many powerful people he must surely rub shoulders with, etc.

At that point, what is his Backing rating really buying for him? A justification to the ST that he should have all that other stuff?

I've been idly thinking of changing the way Backing works- having it provide a discount to other Backgrounds, as long as they are within the organization. Perhaps each point of Backing providing X number of points that could be divided up into other Backgrounds, dependent on how extensive the reach of the organization is. S

o, the character who had Backing in an isolated city-state would get a lot of Background points per level, but they wouldn't be available to him outside a limited region.

Meanwhile, the character who is a member of the Guild (ie, bigger pond) is going to be buying other Backgrounds at only a slight discount, but that he can avail himself of anywhere the Guild has power.

I dunno, what y'all think?
[Modified because the other guy modified the previous post, making this post appear to be little more than the mumblings of a shizophrenic sitting on a toy drum eating saran wrap. There, it's much better now.]
We just go with the option of the players having access to the organization in question for purposes of using it's contacts and resources, as well as borrowing the arsenal and other things.  But don't forget the tithes to the Guild, etc.

You need to loot the Guild's treasury?  Roll your Backing and see how much you can get.

You want to check out the Thief's Guild's arsenal to see if there's anything you can 'borrow'?  Sorry, you've been galavanting across Creation for the past year and haven't paid your Guild dues.  Give up a tenth of your cash and newly aquired items and then you can go look at their stuff.
The problem you have identified is the result of WW tacking on more and more backgrounds over the years without clear explanations of how they relate to each other. There have been some good exceptions to that though, e.g. Building a Legion, p.106 Dragon Blooded.

I play that you need the full monty for it to work. So let’s say I have Backing - Guild at rank 3. I would need to pick Resources, Contacts, Allies, Followers etc separately.  Just because I have Guild 3 does not mean I need Resources or any other background to be at level 3. Maybe I have not built up my fortune that well, or had a run of bad luck. Indeed I could come from a wealthy family and have Resources 4.

But for your example, Command is a special form of Backing, you don’t need both.

So what does Backing give you? Occasional use of a number of Backgrounds like those above. You can get a one of acquisition at a Resource level one above yours, use it to get some temporary Followers etc. Unlike other Backgrounds which you can use again and again, Backing is easily “spentâ€
I generally take Backing to indicate a combination of Rank and 'official' authority within that organization.  Depending on the organization it can provide  benefits similar to other backgrounds, but they are not yours and thus may come with significant strings attached.  The type of organization would have a big impact on what exactly would be available.  Plus, having a high backing in an organization often comes with responsibilities and duties that can potentially offset the benefit of occasionally using the backing background to 'simulate' other backgrounds.  

A character may also need to have additional backgrounds to help justify/support their high Backing score.  For example, a high ranking Guildsman is likely to be quite well off in their own right.  A character that is a high ranking Lookshy officer that doesn't take Command (or an equivalent package of backgrounds) is likely to be a staff officer or not in a 'permanent' unit command billet.  In the case of a military officer or noble, they might also be expected to have and contribute their own resources to their job in the form of money or personal troops (represented by additional backgrounds).
Backing gives you access to resources you might not otherwise have available to you. Intelligence, access to high-profile places or events, money, people, items, and financial/physical/spiritual/political aid in case you get into a spot of trouble should be available to you at appropriate levels of the background.
The interpretation I tend to use is that backing gives you access to the resources and authority of the organisation /at those times when it is in the organisations interest/

You have backing 4, the 7th legion, you want a unit of ashegaro to take out a force from the mask of winters encroaching on lookshys ally, its yours (and you get to keep control of the situation). You want that same unit to defend a 2 bit city state in the hundred kingdoms from its 3 bit nabor, you wont get it. You want to defend a 2 bit nation from an ally of looksy, just asking will loos you a dot of backing and may get the troupes assigned to your opponent.

You can also make threats/deals on behalf of your organisation just be careful not to over step your authority.

That all makes sense.

Where I'm still confused is, in the example of our Lookshy commander, he presumably has a salary. Is this covered by his Backing, or should it be bought separately with Resources?
I would have him by the resources background for his salary, he can use that money for anything he wants without worrying about justifying the expense to anybody.

That said he may be on extended (unpayed) leave while he goes out adventuring, he still has authority but as he isn’t on a mission for Lookshy and isn’t waiting around for orders so there not paying him. That is just one reason he may not have resources if he doesn’t want to by them.

Of cause wether you want to be that strict is up to you. When running solars I found that resources where a non issue, if your running the type of game where low end artefacts are flowing threw the party’s hands (taking out the odd wild hunt for example) r where the party includes significant skills at making money (threw trade, making high value materials using wild or alchemy, or even an exalted level forger) you may as well just give him resources for free.


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