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Fandom Back to the Future 1x1


New Member
Roleplay Availability
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Hi, I'm Jay, and I'm looking for a Back to the Future 1x1.
About me: I'm a 20ish year old (sorry, not giving away my actual age) female. I use she/her usually, but any pronouns are fine. My timezone is CST.
As far as the roleplay, I tend to main as Marty McFly. Most of my plots feature Doc and Marty, so I'm particularly looking for a Doc roleplayer, however we can try to come up with some other plot if you'd like to play someone else!
I usually am a semi-literate roleplayer, but I'm okay with whatever style you do! The only stipulations I have are that your replies are mostly grammatically correct and they advance the plot, so things don't get stuck.
I will NOT do any NSFW content, nor will I do inappropriate ships, which includes things like p*dophilia and inc*st (examples include DocXMarty, LorraineXMarty, you get the idea). It makes me uncomfortable, don't even ask. I am okay with darker topics and themes though, including gore, mental health topics, main character death, etc. Just let me know if anything triggers you so I know to avoid it. I want to keep this fun for us both!
I'll list my plots below. There's a lot, so feel free to scroll past them and pick a favorite (or we can come up with something else, too!). I apologize already for the length, I wanted to include them, however, just in case one stands out to you! Before I copy and paste them, feel free to comment or PM me if interested. I'd love to roleplay with you!
Movie Canon Divergent Plots
  • Instead of Doc and Clara getting together in part III, there's a roleswap with Doc and Marty's characters for this. Marty returns to pick up Doc from 1885, but ends up running into Jennifer Parker, who lives in 1885, not 1985. Marty falls in love with her, much to Doc's dismay and disapproval. Though, eventually Doc warms up to the idea, and helps Marty out with her.
  • Another roleswap idea for part III. Doc, believing retrieving the almanac would be too dangerous for Marty, has him drive the Delorean to avoid the risk. Yet, without Doc realizing it, the Delorean gets struck by lightning, sending Marty back to 1885. Doc eventually figures out where Marty got trapped by finding a gravestone, but, when he returns to that time, realizes that a decade had already passed.
  • Instead of listening to Doc in part II and staying by the Delorean, Marty wanders towards his future home out of curiosity. While doing so, he ends up running into his future son, Marty Jr., who recognizes him as the guy who told him to stay down behind the counter.
  • An AU inspired by Frankenstein. Instead of managing to successfully get back with the train in part III, Doc's calculations are slightly off. Before the Delorean can time travel, it goes over the edge, crashing right into the ravine. Unable to live with himself in the aftermath, and unsure whether he could recreate his time machine with 1880s, he decides to instead try something based on his favorite movie - Frankenstein. Doc reconstructs Marty, then attempts to bring him back. After many tries, and may long years, he is finally successful - yet, upon his friend being brought back, he realizes that he didn't think everything through.
  • Instead of Doc being successful in convincing Marty to not race Needles in part III, Doc ends up failing. He returns to 1985 in the time train, and realizes that the accident happened anyways. He meets Marty at the hospital, attempting to cheer up his spirits despite his mistake.
  • The plan to return to 1985 is unsuccessful. The breakdown of the Delorean, and its failure to start up until it was seconds too late, causes Marty to miss the lightning. Marty is now stuck in 1955, and Doc is now suddenly in charge of a depressed, homesick teenager.
  • Likely a short plot based on part III. Marty does not find the supplies for a "bulletproof vest" in time, and desperate to save Doc, decides to confront Mad Dog without the security. He ends up shot, but also lands a bullet on Mad Dog. Doc now has to figure out how to save him - if he can save him at all.
  • In part II, when Marty is climbing across the ladder to prevent his past self from being jumped, ends up falling. This accidentally reveals that there are two of him there - and the only thing he can think of to do at this point is to run. Though, he doesn't get far. He manages to get out of the gym, but George and/or Lorraine (depending on who you want to play) manages to catch up to him.
Comic Canon Divergent Plots
  • Based on volume 4-5 of the comics, Biff ends up cracking the mystery of Marty's identity. He steals Marty's wallet, finding out that he's, in reality, a time traveler. Joey, who is also there, figures out that the man blending in there is secretly his future nephew.
  • Another one based on volume 4-5 of the comics, but it's instead Doc finding out. He catches Marty when he steals from his house, and realizes that Marty is the same time traveler from 1955. Now, Marty has to explain why he's there after being sent home.
Video Game Canon Divergent Plots
  • Marty is off in his timing in attempting to correct the past and prevent his erasure in 1931. Emmett ends up catching the 'other' Marty, and now the other Marty has to explain himself.
Future Plots/Plots Unexplored by the Franchise
  • A short plot where Doc helps prepare Marty for his wedding.
  • Believing Marty's future is brighter after correcting the timeline leading up to the car accident, Doc leaves with Clara and his children. However, after returning years later to meet up with Marty in the future, Doc realizes that Marty's future is not what he thought it would be. In fact, his future is practically just as bad as it had been after the car accident, and after speaking with his friend, Doc realizes that Marty had gone into a deep depression after the trauma of time travel, and struggled to overcome it without the support of Doc.
  • Similar AU as the one above, however, instead, Marty goes a different route. Doc leaves with his wife and children in the time train, believing Marty's future to be secured, yet upon returning years later and seeing Marty then, he realizes that his friend had sunk into a depression after the events of time travel. With Doc's return, Marty gets an idea. After knocking Doc out (likely with sleeping pills, but this component can vary depending on how the roleplay goes), Marty steals the time train to fix his future. Accidentally, he manages to both erase Doc's family and himself, and upon returning to his present time, he requires Doc's help to fix matters.
  • Marty is born in 1868 instead of living in the mid to late 1900s. Doc still exists in the time he does in the movies, except it is without Marty. He builds the time machine and goes back to 1885, since that was his favorite time period, and ends up meeting Marty, an orphan teenager who, although misguided, seems to be good natured. At first, Doc doesn't recognize the teen, but after a confrontation between Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen and the teenager, Doc realizes that Marty is set to die in a gunfight with the outlaw. Doc is now challenged in whether to leave the timeline unaltered, or protect his newly found friend.
  • Zombie apocalypse/zombie Marty AU. An outbreak of a zombie virus breaks out in Hill Valley, and Marty, unaware of what is happening, ends up getting bit. Doc, now desperate to save his friend, attempts to create a cure. After many months, he is successful - at least, he thinks he is, but much to his horror, the cure is only partially successful. It restores Marty's higher functioning, but considering he is already one of the undead, he stays stuck in that state.
  • Vampire AU. This is based on a novel I read, although there is quite a bit I excluded for the sake of fitting with this franchise. Marty is a teen vampire who, desperate to prove himself, agrees to go to Hill Valley to search for a murderer. While there, he requires a job to maintain a source of money for shelter to hide during the daytime. He ends up finding Doc's flyer looking for an assistant, and takes him up on the offer. This coincidental meet-up causes the two to become closer, and Marty finally feeling more at home than he did among the vampires.
  • Ghost Marty AU. Marty, living in the 1800s, ends up getting shot dead shortly after moving to Hill Valley. Decades in the future, Doc ends up moving into a new house after the mansion burns down, but finds out a ghost, lacking any sort of memory, exists there, too.
Plots Inspired by Fanfictions
  • This plot is inspired by the AO3 fanfiction "Chameleon Boy" by Jedflah. The synopsis of this fanfiction was that Marty got stuck in the alternative 1986 from the game for a month, resulting in him struggling with what is real, and what isn't. This plot does require reading the fanfiction beforehand, since I'd like to explore the aftermath of the events in the fic. After returning to 1931 and fixing the timeline, Marty meets up again with his Doc, and Doc quickly realizes his friend didn't come out of the altered timeline unscathed.

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