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Multiple Settings Baby's First Thread Post


garbage eater <3
Hi! This is my first thread post and I am kind of nervous lol. But since I've seen a lot of other threads do this I thought should start off this way too!
My name is Knife (Rat if we are close) and I go by she/they! : ) Nice to meet you. I role played for about 10 years before taking a break and am ready to get back on the metaphorical horse.

I'm looking for a semi serious rp partner, meaning --
1. responses don't have to be super longer (I'm fine with just one paragraph! Nothing shorter though)
2. time between responses doesn't have to be immediate (I honestly will only be able to respond about once a day if I am lucky and probably late at night too)
3. am okay if you ghost. life gets crazy sometimes or even if responding is taking too much out of you, I understand!

Other expectations --
1. please help with plotting! I love collaborations! mixing two ideas together often makes a tastey meal : )
2. is okay with multiple ocs within a story preferably (I'm used to playing two or three characters at once and would like to keep that going if feasible. also means I am up for doubling if need be!)
3. 18+ (as an adult I would feel a bit weird role playing with a teenager, sorry)
4. role playing as original characters only (I cannot for the life of me write as a cannon character in anything other than fan fiction, so please only ocs)
5. respond/interact on this site only. I'm not a fan of moving offsite quite yet

On to the more exciting stuff lol .
I have a few plots in mind that could strike someone's fancy (at least I hope).

Plot #1 - Small Town Mystery (Supernatural, horror, mystery, thriller, slow burn)
Character A goes into a small desert town for some reason or another and finds weird things are happening. Character A teams up with Character B to get to the bottom of it. --> Wishing for many characters on this one (towns people and such) and help plotting! Am ok with eventual romance but needs to be slow burn here, any kind of relationship is okay with me! m/m, f/f, m/f, m/nb, f/nb, nb/nb, etc. : )

Plot #2 - Robot Sentient/AI (Sci fi, thriller, robots, romance)
Character A helps reprogram some faulty military experiments and discovers their robots are quickly becoming more and more human like. Character A starts to fall for one to the Robots and vows to teach them about humanity. (Think Detroit Become Human) --> again wishing for many characters on this one! lots of robots and scientists alike to make the story more interesting, but am okay with just a main pairing. Definite romance with this plot.

Plot #3 - Heaven vs Hell (Supernatural, possible romance, monsters)
Angels and Demons have been on the verge of war for years. One human has the fate of the cosmos resting on their shoulders. The bad news? They have no clue, but Heaven and Hell do! They send a guardian angel and a observing demon to try and lean the human to their own side. --> hoping for many characters in this too, though just the angel and demon would be fine plot wise. eventual romance okay. help plotting would be lovely

And I am always open to hear plots if you have any in mind! : )

Here's some of my genre interests:
- supernatural / horror
- slice of life / romance
- sci fi / fantasy
- space / wild west
- robots / aliens / monsters
- superheroes / superpowers

If interested in any of these or just want to chat PLEASE COMMENT !

Jeez I feel like this post is really long, my apologizes for that. If you've read this far comment your favorite animal : )
My favorite animal is the sun bear. I’m interested in your small town plot. I’m not super experienced with mystery, and I’m eager to get out of my comfort zone a bit there.
My favorite animal is the sun bear. I’m interested in your small town plot. I’m not super experienced with mystery, and I’m eager to get out of my comfort zone a bit there.

Sunbears are cool! Their really long tongues kind of freak me out lol. And that's okay! It'll be fun to find it out together! : ) I'll pm you

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