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Futuristic Babies first interest check, let’s make some friends on here :3c


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Hello hello person who comes across this very lazy looking post. I’m not much about the aesthetics of this, mostly because I am on my IPad right now and I haven’t used Forums in… a very long time.
I am, like many people here, looking for people to roleplay with! I know a lot of people here like pitching their ideas etc, but I’ll only give a rough outline because I am currently less looking for a specific setting(though I am going to name a few I find fitting) rather than me wanting to Roleplay a certain character of mine to build on him and develop him a little more.
But before that, a bit about myself and what kind of people I’m looking for I suppose??(I swear to god, this makes me feel like some piece of meat trying to sell itself)

I am, as of a few days, a 30 year old lass from good ol’ Germany, and have been writing on and off for 2 decades. Used to write more, nowadays i do more art. lately the craving to do more text based roleplay has come back to me and voila, here we are.
in recent years I’ve been mostly writing rp with my closer friends, and usually i hit the discord limit, so take that as my normal length of post? It might be more or less depending on what is going on in the rp at that time.
Personally I don’t really have any triggers, but if you do, please let me know, i will always respect your boundaries. Oh and also it goes without saying, be respectful, don’t be racist/homophobic and any such kind of person, that just grosses me the hell out. I’m very chill otherwise!
as for post frequency, I will do my best to do a few replies per week, sometimes if im in the mood a few per day even, it depends on how much work i have. Starving artist syndrome and whatnot :’) we all have our lives going on etc.

Soooo what kinda person am I looking for?
first of all, someone who doesnt just reply with one line. At least a paragraph would be neat, I like reading and I like when I have something i can properly respond to!
Secondly I am looking for someone I can babble on about our characters and world we’re making together with! That means I will go by the vibe I get from you. If we mesh well that is way more important to me than other things, I am looking to connect with you after all. So pleaseplease don’t be upset if I end up telling you it won’t work out if it just doesn’t feel right. Mind you I am not too picky however!! (I feel like I am rambling again, it’s me being nervous af in trying to be as clear as I can, apologies <\3)
Also be over 20 or at least over 18 if we mesh well, I just really don’t want to become friends with minors, it makes me feel weird, I am sorry!
it looks much but thats about it!

Lastly I gotta give you at least something to work off of so here goes!
I am looking to RP something with the likeliness of becoming very dark at times in either a modern fantasy, cyberpunk, sci fi or dystopian setting, since it fits with the main character I want to develop. Idm and even encourage involving npcs, coming up with a world and plot together to plan out some things.
The character I want to play is a serial killer(usually lives in Seoul, but i am very flexible to adjust to the setting we choose!), who in his daytime works as a plastic surgeon. He has ties to the underground selling parts of his victims.
He is very flawed and depending on the situation very violent, but i would never ever, without anyone elses consent just kill off their character. Just to get that out of the way. Whether your character is a cop trying to stop him, a victim, someone who stumbles across him, a coworker from his dayjob, someone who knows him from the underground or an old acquaintance, I am open for any and all ideas as to who to mesh him with. We just gotta find a baseline and work our way up from there! :3

If any of my ramblings did pique your interest, feel free to DM me here or on Discord, either or is perfectly fine to me uvu
Either way, thank you for reading and I’ll be going to bed now as it is 3am <\3

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