Story B: The Werewolf Chronicles


One Thousand Club


Day 1 Of Mayor Kaze's Journal

Weather Outside: Sunny, clear skies, 75 degrees, 0% chance of rain


The Mayor walked up to the podium and looked out amongst the crowd. Some of course already knew the news and were silently crying while others looked at him wondering what happened, so he told them. "Citizens of Alvere, last night one of our council members known as 'Black Wind' was found dead at the edge of the village. Our local doctor has looked at the body and it looks as if he was ripped apart by some huge wild animal. His vest some how managed to survive, and inside one of his pockets was a note, I shall attempt to read it to you now." The Mayor also known as Kaze moved the note around a little at a time as he tried reading the somewhat blood stained and partly faded writing. "In... The darkness... Sorry, blood. In the darkness, only lie...~"

One of the citizens quickly chimed in at the last part, "only lie, what does lying have to do with darkness?" however Kaze shook his head no as if to say the citizen was wrong.

"The note states," Kaze said, "In the darkness, only lig~ L, I, G. I believe that it was suppose to say the word light, however, unfortunately that means all I can read from the note says 'In the darkness, only light.' I'm sure there is more to this whether it has anything to do with his death or not."

A citizen known as Zipper looked around the room while Kaze spoke and even dozed off here and there but heard enough that when Kaze was done Zipper yelled out "Oh my god! Somebody killed our council!"

(to be continued... If People want me to...)
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