• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy π”Ή 𝕖 π•ͺ 𝕠 π•Ÿ 𝕕 𝕋 𝕙 𝕖 π•Ž 𝕒 𝕝 𝕝 𝕀 ✧ π˜–π˜§π˜§π˜ͺ𝘀π˜ͺ𝘒𝘭 𝘊𝘩𝘒𝘳𝘒𝘀𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘡𝘴

faeryn barlowe
the medic
  • i
    full name
    faeryn alessia barlowe
    ryn, fae
    twenty five
    cisgender female
    the medic
coded by natasha.

    • 04
      full name
      Darius Ironwood
      place of birth
      Scroll Below
      He stands at a respectable 5’11 (180 cm) with an athletic build and tries to keep a warm smile on his face. He tries his best to keep his appearance clean and presentable, finding himself drawn to fine clothes of vibrant colors that have become a luxury now. In order to keep from drawing too much attention he has kept to wearing a well worn brown cloak over padded leather armor.

      Face Claim
      RegΓ©-Jean Page

      Known Languages.
      Common, Some Elvish


Last edited:

The Ex-Guard

FC: Orlando Bloom

  • Introduction

    Full Name: Garth Pendrell
    Nickname(s): The Sewer Knight, 'Garf'
    Age: 25
    Gender: Cisgender male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Species: Human
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Role: The Ex-Guard


    Picture a grizzled alleycat, grimy in body and soul, shoulders heavy with the scars of an unsavory life. The former guardsman Garth is an alleycat in human form, a limber and world-weary figure that aged too harshly too soon. In every sense, he is the antithesis of the typical guardsman. He stands at a meager 5'9" (175 cm), his presence in a room a subtle fly on the wall compared to the boisterous command of his meatier comrades. His facial features have been chiseled through years of hard labor and frowning, and a five-week shadow of a beard lines his jaw. Garth's eyes are of a deep blue and his brown hair loose up to his neck. A grievous scar adorns his chest, a a diagonal sword slash.

    For a guard, their armor is their wardrobe. Garth is no exception to this rule, but he does seem to prefer armor of lighter makes than the typical militia plates. Leather and hide offer adequate protection while not hindering his mobility in the slightest. Aside from his armor, his fashion consists of pragmatic earthy tones, clothes of simple weave much like a farmer or laborer would wear. Garth also packs a brown cotton cloak to ward against the elements and detection.


filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

β™‘design by latte, coded by uxieβ™‘

  • k.s.

    amber midthunder

    • requisite.

      full name

      Kiona Silverfang.


      Ki, Huntress.


      twenty-two years old.


      cisgender female.




      the hunter.






      five feet, nine inches.

      hair colour


      eye colour

      dark brown.

      body modifications

      indigenous face tattoos, as seen on Quannah Chasinghorse.


      She is covered in them, but has a particularly nasty on from her left shoulder all the way down to her inner elbow.

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Last edited:
Riordan Warwick

Face Claim: Freddy Carter​
Full Name: Riordan Warwick
Nickname(s) β€œThe War Merchant”
Age: 30
Gender: Male (cisgender)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Human
Role: The Thief

At 5’10”, with a lean build, and slightly gaunt in the face, Riordan is not a physically imposing man. He has dark brown hair kept mostly short on the sides, scrutinizing blue eyes, and light skin occasionally marked by superficial scars - especially along his arms and back. He has no tattoos (such things would only make him easier to identify by the guards) and no piercings.

Despite having a significant amount of money, Riordan’s clothes are not particularly fancy. He prefers dark colors, simple fabrics, and utilitarian designs - including leather for simple protection.



Riordan has his public-facing mannerisms since he has a reputation to uphold - sly, observant, tactical, intelligent, driven, talented, and with a quick smile on the best days - but on bad days this makes him a cold, greedy, dangerous snake. At his worst, he’ll simply drink in silence.

Alone or in an intimate setting, he is not an open book by any means. The fake smile fades, replaced by a resting frown, and he will seem lost in deep thought. Direct eye contact is not easy, but even harder is opening up to anyone about anything. He does not know how to talk about emotions, or feelings - only tangible things, like money and magic. To him, magic is more real and β€œsolid” than his feelings ever could be.

Riordan prefers not to be the leader of anything, but someone who works from the shadows in the background - being the one in control, but not the one that everybody looks at first. He does not particularly enjoy having too much focus on him, for too long, but will absolutely step up to intimidate or persuade someone into compliance if need be. If pushed too much, his temper will flare - and that is not a pleasant thing to be on the receiving end.

  1. Money. Riordan is obsessed with wealth - gaining it, spending it, and using it to his advantage. He doesn’t seem to have an end goal as to how to use all this money, has no family to support, and often spends it as fast as he earns it. The only thing that could explain his desire for money at this point is that it is a compulsion.
  2. Magic. Despite his deep displeasure for the Isle of Magi’s school and their β€œboring and inefficient” way of teaching students, Riordan has a sincere love of magic - particularly the performance of it. No matter how common magic is in general, he still gets a thrill out of using it - especially in impressive or shocking ways in front of others. Jinx magic may not be flashy by itself, but he always finds a way to make such with the items he sells.
  3. Drinking & Gambling. One of his favorite past-times and ways to spend his excess money, Riordan is no stranger to taverns and back-room gambling games. The less legal, the better. He prefers back-alley bars, hole-in-the-wall establishments, and other dark spots around Camsir where he won’t be accosted by anyone too nosy for their own good. If the establishment is a brothel, then it's even better. His favorite drink is dark ale.
  1. Reading. He’s never enjoyed reading for pleasure - it's too much sitting around and staring, and not enough doing. It also reminds him of his unhappy childhood and his bullies, a time he prefers to bury in the past.
  2. Rich, Spoiled, & Powerful People. Having grown up poor and subject to the brunt of teasing from classmates who came from money, he has a deep bitterness towards those who flaunt their wealth and power, including the royal family. Both of them. Despite being money-hungry himself, he somehow manages to do some mental gymnastics and convince himself that he is not as bad as those wealthy people he hates - even if it is an unfair assessment.
  3. The Wilderness. Riordan is a city man, through and through. While no stranger to getting his hands dirty (figuratively or literally), sleeping in uncomfortable beds, or enduring poor weather, he still prefers doing all this while within city limits, where the comforts of city living are at least possibly accessible if you have the coin. He much prefers a roof over his head and seasoned food on his plate, rather than stars and plain meat on a stick over a fire pit. A refugee camp is not his ideal place to be.
  1. Deep Water. Riordan has been on a ship twice in his life: Once on the way to the Isle of Magi, and once on the way back. That is twice too many times for one life, for him. If not fighting off nausea, he’ll be hiding somewhere below deck so he doesn’t have to see the water. Being forced into any body of water deeper than what is strictly necessary to wash in will make him panic, and he absolutely hates having his head or face underwater. He’s a poor swimmer on top of this fear, so he absolutely avoids deep water at all costs.

Main Skills
  1. Jinx Magic (Specialization: Inventor)
  2. Tempest Magic (Specialization: Metaphysical)

Secondary Skills
  1. Negotiation. He’s navigated the complex world of taxes and import/export laws for enough years that he has a solid handle on how contracts work, and all the ways to get into - or out of - one. King Seadane may turn the whole legal system upside down, but hopefully that experience taught him something.
  2. Stealth. Years of obtaining goods illegally have taught him a few tricks when it comes to moving silently through various environments. Those ill-gotten goods didn’t just fall into his lap (not all of them, anyway). He can silently approach almost anyone without the use of magic - adding it only makes him more slippery. You can’t see him coming if your senses are dulled, after all.
  3. Physical Combat. Selling stolen goods of any kind is dangerous work, but even more so when those are magical goods worth more than some people’s yearly income. Whether it be hand-to-hand combat or with a weapon, he has at least a decent working knowledge of how to defend himself and hopefully not immediately lose an altercation.

Other Skills
  1. Excellent Memory. Names, faces, dates, random tidbits of information - his mind is a steel trap for anything he deems interesting or useful.
  2. Reading Maps. He’s seen numerous maps of many kinds of places - cities and wildlands alike - while planning how to have one of his β€œintermediaries” physically obtain goods for him. He’s adept at interpreting the various symbols and styles used in maps, both common and rare.
  3. Poison - Creation & Administration. Many think poison is a β€œwoman’s weapon”. Those people are idiots. Those people are also more often than not killed by poison.
  4. Card Games. Specifically, how to always win, when he wants to. Whether it is cheating, magic, or just skill, he seems to have the upper hand in most card games.

Weapons Used
  1. Cane-Sword. Hidden inside what looks merely like an ornate walking stick is a razor-sharp rapier. The handle of the stick is carved in the shape of a raven’s head and is made of silver. This is a subtly-enchanted magical item, enchanted to return to Riordan’s hand should he ever lose it.
  2. Steel Dagger. Strapped to his lower back, out of sight, is a steel dagger. This is a subtly-enchanted magical item, enchanted to be hidden from plain sight so that he looks unarmed. If physically searched with a pat-down, the dagger would still be felt, and then revealed.
  3. Tempest Magic. If the physical fails, there is always the magical - particularly fire and earth elements (especially a manipulation of metals via earth magicks). Not water, though.

Born in Camsir, Riordan remembers more about the city’s streets than about his family or his home from when he was little. His father drank himself into an early grave, and his mother always seemed to be working outside of the house somewhere. At age twelve, he was tested for magical aptitude - and mercifully, was accepted to attend schooling on the Isle of Magi. Unable to deal with raising a child she was never interested in having to begin with, she sent him off to the Isle - alone.

Riordan excelled in the practical application of his studies, but not in β€œextraneous nonsense” that the school required him to do - such as write essays, read books, or do anything that did not directly and immediately related to the practice of magic. Unlike most of his peers, Riordan struggled with reading and writing, having not previously been provided the kind of education or support he needed to learn such adequately. He eventually caught up in such skills, but not without developing a deep distaste for doing too much of it - and picking up a bully along the way.

Riordan was always experimenting with magic, consequences be damned. He wasn’t learning by reading about magic in a book, he was learning by doing it. Even if that meant starting a few accidental fires, creating a crater in someone’s garden, fusing metal doors together, and creating some dangerous devices that no child under the age of eighteen should have access to.

This earned Riordan a bit of a reputation at the school when he was older. While some teachers applauded his ability to catch on quickly, most were concerned he was too much of a liability. A dangerous hazard, even. It did not help that Riordan and a few other misfits in the school, including Roarke who would quickly become his best friend, had somehow figured out a system of infiltration and distractions that allowed them to steal supplies from various locked rooms and cabinets around the school for their own β€œstudy” (and entertainment) purposes.

An eventual investigation into Riordan’s antics at the school uncovered his thievery ring included no less than half a dozen other student culprits. On top of that, they weren’t just using the stolen goods for themselves, but were selling them under the table to fellow students at a severe markup. At the age of sixteen, he was already the ringleader of his own gang within the college’s halls.

The next year, Riordan was expelled from the school - he was too much of a danger and was a poor example to the other students. His best friend, Roarke, was also expelled for the same reason. Instructors breathed a sigh of relief when both were shipped back home.

By this point, he hadn’t received a letter from his mother in two years. He wasn’t interested in trying to find her again, so he returned to Camsir and struck out on his own (with Roarke at his side), intent on using his newfound skills to make his own way in life. You didn’t need to be a graduate to make your own fortune, he figured. Riordan soon disappeared back into the criminal world of the city - back home, where he belonged.

Since then, Riordan had been building his empire of stolen magical goods - some smuggled from the Isle of Magi, others simply stolen from one owner and sold to another. This has made him very familiar with the bureaucracy of the Kingdom with regards to import-export laws, taxation, and a myriad of other legal nonsense the average person doesn’t care much about. All of this is in pursuit of obtaining magical items at the lowest cost and a risk he can handle, so that he can sell them to the highest bidder. Discretion is everything, and he doesn’t ask for more information from his potential buyers than he actually needs. The more dangerous or rare an item is, the better - and more thrilling to Riordan. Roarke was at his side every step of the way.

Life was good, until King Seadane ruined everything. Uncertainty surrounding the beginning of the war caused a brief uptick in sales of magic items, especially those for protection or self-defense, but once the violence was in full swing, the market for magic items was all but destroyed. It became impossible to smuggle new items into the city, and potential buyers were scared off - or killed off - left and right. The crackdown made even legal commerce happening in broad daylight difficult, so illegal trades done under the table were twice as risky. Buyers dried up, goods disappeared, and soon Riordan had no business.

Riordan could have handled laying low for a few years until things settled down, or until he had a plan to start over in another city - Ravensbourne, maybe, with how hungry the citizens there were for outside trade, if one could manage it. It almost did work, too, until one night when King Seadane’s enforcers raided a hole-in-the-wall tavern looking for dissidents. The official story was that guards searched a tavern looking for someone accused of treason. The reality, however, was that drunk enforcers busted into the tavern looking for a fight, and started dragging people out into the street for random executions.

Roarke was one of the unlucky few to be executed in the street that night.

Riordan hastily buried Roarke’s body in a secret location, grabbed a few belongings, and fled the city. He needed his revenge, but he needed time and opportunity to come up with a plan first.

Riordan’s name is not exactly a household name, not among the typical upstanding citizen living on the right side of the law, but those with connections to the criminal underbelly, and those with enough money, likely know him by his trade name - The War Merchant. The man that can get any kind of magical item you might need, no matter how deadly or dangerous.

Depending on your morality, that name is either said with the disgust or fear reserved for bloodthirsty, unscrupulous dealers of death, or his name is said with respect for someone who ought not be crossed. While never considered to be the person directly responsible for some of the more notable assassinations in the last ten years or so, it is presumed he probably had a hand in those deaths, one way or another - especially of those who died were wealthy and powerful. There is no proof, however, and the wanted posters that occasionally go up tend to come down just as quickly.

Few people can connect a face to this name, and where he lives or operates is hard to pin down. Some people think he might even be a myth - long dead, never existed, or one of many people operating under the same name. Working so closely with Roarke only helped feed this myth.

When given the chance to meet the man behind the name, some people may not believe him, others may be intrigued, while others would be fearful or distrusting of his motives.

Why Join the Party?
Riordan has a bone to pick with King Seadane’s men, and is focused on getting revenge for Roarke’s death. Although he was forced to flee the city to the refugee camp like many others, he doesn’t plan on sitting idly by or running away forever. He needs money, supplies, a place to lay low, and most importantly, a plan. Maybe this group is a means to an end, an opportunity to make money, or at least a way to keep occupied until he can put his head on straight again and come up with a plan. Even if it takes him years of slowly enacting his revenge, one strike at a time, he’ll get it. One way or another.


Biggest Secrets
  1. Roarke’s Death.
    The true nature of the relationship itself was a secret to begin with, for their mutual safety, but now that he’s dead it is the last thing Riordan wants to talk about. It is no comfort to him that many other people around him have lost loved ones in the war. He just doesn’t know how to open up at all, let alone about something he’s never talked about before.

  1. Where Did His Fortune Go?
    Riordan made a significant amount of money with each item he sold. So where did all that money go? There was never any obvious sign around the city of someone with money moving in - no new fancy estates being built, no major renovations, nothing. Guards who tried to locate him checked all the usual places a criminal might blow a large amount of money - taverns, gambling halls, and the like - and still couldn’t track him down. One thing that never caught the attention of guards, however, were modest-sized anonymous donations made at random times throughout the year to the city’s orphanages and hospitals. This is not something he’ll admit for a number of reasons - including the fact he has an image to maintain.

  1. Slow Reader.
    One would think with all the time Riordan has spent dealing with laws and contracts, he could speed-read his way through even the most complicated documents. This isn’t the case. He’s much better at orally weaseling his way out of a situation, rather than relying on the might of his pen. He is by no means illiterate, but even as an adult, he struggles. It embarrasses and angers him, so he does anything he can to try and avoid situations where he needs to read in front of others.

  1. Guilty, Sometimes.
    Many rumors swirl around whether The War Merchant was responsible for one assassination or another. Truth be told, he has killed people before - but most of those deaths people talk about were done by professional assassins hired by rivals. All he did was supply the necessary poison or magical item needed for the job. This might make him guilty by association, but he is by no means innocent.

  1. Not Just a Merchant.
    Skilled with Jinx magic, not every item he sells has been created by someone else and stolen - several have been his own creations. He claims they’re stolen anyways; it helps markup the price. Consider it a β€œdanger fee”.

  1. Why Does He Hate Water?
    He refuses to talk about it in any depth, saying it dates back to something his mother did when he was younger. In truth, she tried to drown him in a bathtub as a child. He tries to repress this memory as much as he can.

  • Ambidextrous
  • Travels on foot, and has never owned a horse. He's never had time to care for an animal, but liked to feed stray cats back in Camsir.






  • nevada jentia gautier

    criminal pirate.







    real name.

    aylen akiyama.



    face claim.

    ruby cruz

    hair color.

    light brown with light highlights.

    eye color.

    light greyish blue


    five feet and six inches


    one hundred and twenty-eight pounds


    distinguishing features.

    she has a lot of scars throughout her body but the most noticeable one is the one on her face, a necklace that has an A on it that she never takes off, and her body of tattoos


β™‘design by triples, coded by uxieβ™‘


β‹„ name β‹„
Malachi Adalrich

β‹„ nickname β‹„

β‹„ age β‹„
25 y/o

β‹„ gender β‹„

β‹„ sexuality β‹„

β‹„ species β‹„

β‹„ role β‹„
the fighter


At a very young age, Mal was taught how to be responsible for all his actions and their consequences. It was tough but it was ingrained in him that it is never an excuse to fail if you do not know something. With that in mind, he grew up a curious lad.

He is also a resourceful and competent young man. He's quick on his feet and is not afraid to make certain adjustments as he goes along. He is well traveled and meeting random people along the way has helped him develop a good sense of intuition about others. He knows how to acclimate and position himself around people. He's also quite handy with fixing things and is a quick learner when it comes to his trade.

He can be sarcastic and might say something stupid whenever things are getting serious. It got him into trouble more times than he can count but he has a certain charm to get him out of one. He is innately curious and would ask nonstop about things and how they work. Although he is well read and has a good relationship with books, he prefers visual or practical approach rather than theoretical.

He may act like an insensitive buffoon at times, but he is observant and knows when to act seriously - although there are times that he will deflect and act indifferently. He knows how to care for someone deeply and can see the world in another one's point of view. Most of the time he'll put the needs of others above his own. Even if it meant to sacrifice his life, so be it. He's loyal to a fault and would help a friend in need.

Mal tends to enjoy the simplest things and being on the road taught him how not to be picky with his situation. He just got to face the cards that were dealt to him. He is laid back, cheerful, and enthusiastic about life.

He can be obstinate at times. He doesn't know when to give up. It can be a good thing, but it can also be his undoing, for it can easily turn into an obsession. The pull of completing the task is too compelling that withdrawing, even if it is a must, is somehow hard for him. Once he sets his mind on things, he will not stop until he gets the result he wants or the feeling of satisfaction that he needs.

Mal can be quite direct, if someone asks for honesty, he does not believe that sugarcoating them would lessen the blow. Even if it means getting punched in the face.

He has this notion that he can listen to other people's problems but when it comes to his issue, it's his and his alone to carry. He's the type of guy who can advise someone but when it comes to his problem, he's the only one who can deal with it no matter how overwhelming it is. He has a hard time opening up to someone. If repressing emotion and faking everything is a talent, then he's good at it. He'll never admit or he's still in denial, but he thinks that showing emotions or revealing oneself is a weakness as what his father taught him.

⇝ virtues: adaptable ; witty ; empathetic ; daring
⇝ vices: wayward ; impulsive ; secretive ; blunt

⇝ likes β‹„ tea, sweets, swimming, rain
⇝ dislikes β‹„ bats, caves or any enclosed spaces, snow

⇝ fears β‹„ bats and enclosed spaces, when he was just 8 years old, Mal got trapped into a cave while looking for a dog. He was rescued after a day. Apart from the emotional trauma it caused and series of small scratches from bats, he was okay.


β‹„ appearance and clothingβ‹„
Sporting a perpetually messy blond hair and a shrewd look on his piercing blue eyes, some might deem Mal as a troublemaker. The hair and eyes came from his mother but without her usual calmness and softness. He has an athletic figure. His body, muscular but not too bulky, hardened through years of weapons, combat training, and travelling. Mal has a slightly crooked nose but deeply compliments his angular face and sharp jawline. He stands in 6 feet and weighs proportionately with his height.

Armor, proper garments based on weather, and hard leather boots. Those are Mal's prerequisite when it comes to his clothing. Some might find them a little too constricting (and heavy) but when it comes to safety and able to protect oneself, it gets the job done.

β‹„ scars and marks β‹„
small scars on his hands from his weapons training.

β‹„ face claim β‹„ bradley james


β‹„ Main Skills
⇝ close range weapons - Dagger, swords, tridents, and net, pebble, or a piece of branch. Mal has an affinity for learning and wielding weapons easily. He was trained how to use, disarm and incapacitate anyone in an efficient manner at an early age. He was taught that weapons are everywhere, one must just learn how to utilize them effectively.

⇝ hand to hand combat - with a great eye that can see the moves of his opponent combined with a mind that can anticipate and think a few steps ahead, Mal is also adept in fighting without weapons. he is quick on his feet and good at predicting the moves of his enemy.

β‹„ Secondary Skills
⇝ tactician and strategist
⇝tracking - he has keen eyes and a great sense of direction.
⇝ long range - an expert marksman, he seldom misses his intended target and can efficiently put down anything.

β‹„Other Skills
⇝ herbal medicine - his guardian taught him the basic plants that can help him out whenever he is in need.
⇝ weapon forging - weapons maker and still has a lot to learn but he can already make usable weapon. It's a trade he wants to pursue as soon as everything settles out.

β‹„ Weaponry
⇝ dagger
⇝ sword - gifted to him by lachlan right before he passed away. It was imbued with a protection rune that allows the sword to be safeguarded from deterioration. It also casts a thin shield between the wielder and its opponent, the shield lessens the feeling of impact coming from the opponent's blow.
⇝ bow and arrow


Mal was born in Fort Powell to a high-ranking military official of the King's army and his mistress. His birth caused such a scandal that his birth mother was banished from Fort Powell to who knows where. His father acknowledged him to his now stepmother's dismay. He sees him as a blessing for in 30 years of his marriage, all his children were girls. It’s about time for him to have someone carry out the family name. Even if it’s a bastard.

Influential and came from a wealthy family of merchants, his stepmother paid and threatened everyone who knew about Mal and his real mother to lessen the embarrassment.
It was a trying relationship between his stepmother and Mal, but they have no choice.

It was because of his stature that Mal had to push himself and work hard. He had to show his parents that he's worthy of the family name. Or whatever it represents.

Despite being cold and someone who can really show favoritism, she still raised Mal and taught him how to be proper. They provided him with teachers and anything he needs but at any given opportunity, she makes him feel unwanted.

That's why when her blacksmith uncle came to town, she sent Mal who just turned 10 years old for an apprenticeship. It was against his father’s wishes, but the woman was adamant. Her Uncle Lachlan was a little quirky but harmless, extremely talented man, and apparently in need of a new apprentice. Lachlan is picky with the material he uses. He handpicks everything he needs to use in making a weapon or armor even if that means travelling to different towns just to get his desired material. The stepmother took advantage of this and started with her plan. Mal left Fort Powell without saying goodbye to his father and sisters.

He accompanied the blacksmith from town after town with no complaint. From Ravensborne to Cal'kura then Oldgrove to Isle of Mage, then back to Camsir where Lachlan’s shop is. The blacksmith towed little Mal with him wherever he went. He even grew fond of the boy and in return for his obedience, he taught him things. Such as what plants are good for a headache, how to hunt and skin a deer, how to fight using nothing with his fist and at last, how to wield the weapons they're making. He taught him things that are vital to their survival. He even taught him how to mine the metal they need in Dimdenn when they visited the town. The blacksmith told Mal that mining the metal with his own hands is much more fulfilling once he turned it into a weapon, but he knew the old man was just too stingy to hire someone else for labor. Either way, he may not be that skilled, but he learned some things from it. When he was old enough to attend the College of Camsir, Lachlan wrote to his niece and informed her that the young man will be going to school. It was then approved by his father. His travelling became less but he still work his bones in Lachlan's shop. Practicing and taking care of the business.

In the end, Lachlan was more of a parent to him than his actual birth father. He may be a little bit crazy, but Mal loved the old man and his peculiar way.

Lachlan was one of the casualties when the great cleanse of Camsir happened. He died protecting people who were targeted by the army. He may be a great swordsman, but he is now old. He managed to kill some soldiers, but he got overwhelmed. Mal was fighting his own battles when he saw his guardian murdered. With Lachlan’s dying breath he handed him the sword he forged for Mal and made him promise that he will be a good man. The old man died way before he could answer but as he closes Lachlan’s eye, he promises he will avenge his death and make all the people responsible pay for what they did.


β‹„ reputation β‹„
Their customers in Camsir knew Mal as a very responsible and hardworking individual. He's courteous and a cheerful lad. They knew who to ask just incase if Old Lachlan is not around to fix something. He's very reliable and quick to do his task. A great kid some might say but if the local girls were asked, he's got quite a reputation of flirting with one girl from another week after week.

β‹„ why will they join the party?
- simply to avenge his guardian.
- to search for his birth mother

β‹„ biggest secrets:
- his real mother. a whore As far as everyone knows, his birth parents are Malachi and Amaryllis. His stepmother forbade him to disclose anything about his real mother.
- tbd

β‹„ extra:
- he is a terrible gambler. has a worst of luck when it comes to game of chance.
- not only do they make armors and weapons, with the help of a certain mage, they can also imbued them with magical rune stone for extra skill.
- he still don't know where his real mom is. wip.
- has a horse named Ryn - he stole the horse upon escaping the capital. Upon naming the horse, Mal just jokingly called it Ryn to tease the healer but the horse responded to it. The horse also answers to Your Highness and Overlord.


β‹„ relationships β‹„

β‹„ faeryn
something something something
something something something
something something something
something something something

β‹„ everleigh
something something something
something something something
something something something
something something something

β‹„ kiona
something something something
something something something
something something something
something something something

β‹„ riordan
something something something
something something something
something something something
something something something

β‹„ sarita
something something something
something something something
something something something
something something something

β‹„ garth
something something something
something something something
something something something
something something something

β‹„ darius
something something something
something something something
something something something
something something something

tbd tbd
papa: everette
step mom: amaryllis
sis 1 bridgette
sis 2 bordelia
sis 3 delilah
birthmother: madelyn
guardian, teacher: blacksmith Lachlan


life may not be fair but that doesn't mean i can't be

Full Name: Beezillium Maximer VIII
Nickname(s): Beezil
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Sexuality: N/A
Species: Goblin
Role: The Companion/ The Beezil

General Overview: Standing at only 3'2" Beezil is small compared to the rest of the party but is average for a goblin. His skin is green and he harbors beady blood red eyes. His ears stand a good two or three inches above his head and his mouth is full of razor sharp teeth.

Body modifications: None

Clothing: Beezil wears handmade raggedy clothing, typically made from burlap sacks. He has a deep hood that he wears to hide his face and disguise himself as a child when needed. He refuses to wear shoes and instead opts to wear footwraps made from old rags. In short he dresses like a typically ragamuffin.

Face Claim: You try finding a fc for a goblin

Overview: Beezil, like most goblins, is incredibly confident in his own abilities and skills, even if he's lacking in them. He believes that he can do anything he sets his mind to. He unfortunately isn't as bright as he makes himself out to be, again like most goblins. He is not at all a thinker or planner type of individual. More of a do first ask questions later. This often gets him into trouble that someone else has to bail him out of. His first reaction to most situations is his mouth. Biting is his go to method of attacking and self defense.

Beezil is also highly motivated by his all consuming need to be the greatest goblin chief of all time. He wants to make Maglubiyet, an ancient goblin overlord that lead them to greatness as the story goes, proud. Despite his stupidity, he is among the more clever of goblins. He has figured out that money means power to the non-gob races. So he figures that if he amasses enough money, he'll be powerful. Thus he comes off as a greedy individual. Claiming any shiny thing as his own, whether it actually belongs to him or not.

Likes: Causing mischief, being a leader, shiny objects, eating meat

Dislikes: fruits, loud noises, being ignored, metal armor

Fears: Magic, not being good enough

Main Skills:

- Nimbleness: Beezil is a quick lil bugger and is hard to pin down. He'll scrabble all over you biting and stabbing before you have the chance to realize he's not standing in front of you anymore. He's a fast runner for his size and can out pace many non-gobs

- Size: Beezil's size makes him surprisingly inconspicuous. People just don't tend to pay attention to what they assume is a ragamuffin. That's what he wants you to think though. Being so small allows him to be stealthy, and underestimated.

Secondary Skills:
- Beezil is weirdly lucky. He doesn't ever notice it himself, that or he chalks it up to his own competence, but if you spend enough time around him you'll notice that things always just tend to work out for the little menace.

Other Skills (3-5) (i.e. cooking, navigating, reading weather, learning languages, etc.) Weapon(s) Used (Maximum of 3)

- Goblin Knowledge: Beezil knows everything a goblin needs to know about the world, including quite a bit of information about creatures bigger than goblins that pose a threat to them. Which is most of them.

- Sharp biting teeth

-Skilled Worg rider

- Decent climbing abilities

- Skilled thief

Not much is known about Beezil's past other than the basics of every goblin. He was spawned and raised to a typical goblin clan and rose through the ranks as he was more clever than the others. When he was about six, a teenager in goblin years, he left his home to make a name for himself and bring glory to Maglubiyet. He found himself in Camsir and has lived there ever since. Originally he was stealing to survive and build up his wealth but eventually he stole from one Riordan Warwick. Rather than punish him, the man offered Beezil a job as a budding thief. For the past few months he has been living in the hayloft of Ryn's stables and being unknowingly fed by her.

Reputation: People don't tend to bother remembering the specifics about a goblin so he has no specific reputation. Goblins as a whole have a reputation of being mischievous pests and thus so does Beezil.


Biggest Secrets (2-3)
- Was kicked out of his clan for fear of overtaking the chief.

- Not even Beezil knows that he's been touched by magic. He has extraordinary luck. Things just always seem to turn out well for him.

-His clan's spawning pool is drying up

- Is a goblin



β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘



The Mage.

I am quite capable with a sword, if you would provide one.

  • basics.

    full name

    Moss Jaxenrow














    The Mage



    General Overview

    Moss is easy to pick out. This could be because his tall and lanky frame can be seen over the heads of those around him, or because he holds himself with a aura of that makes anyone notice him, if only slightly. He tries to blend in through his use of long coats and cloaks with hoods, but the flashy accessories and expensive style garnered from working at court tend to cancel out any stealth he may try to embody. While they're style is expensive, it is not restrictive - Moss is athletic enough to run and fight when needed, and he ensures his outfits allow him to do so. Their hairstyle changes depending on their mood, and is currently styled in longer braids which he either pulls back off his face or arranges into intricate designs.

    Body Modifications

    From the elbow onwards, their right forearm is gone. What remains of his arm is wrapped in bandages which have only recently stopped bleeding - while it may not be clear how it happened, it's easy to figure out when it happened.


    Wilson Mbomio


    sword, not that he has one on hand at the moment

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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