Story B: Battery Life.

Battery Life.

By: Isabel Bushman


Year 2908

Life has changed since 2013. Humans live differently than we used to. We're more cautious, bit I guess we sort of have to be. Our lives are now depending on on object to keep up alive. This object is a battery.

But this battery isn't normal.

It holds our life energy, your memories, your emotions, your thoughts, talents, strengths and weaknesses, and secrets. Basically this battery holds everything about you. An if you break or crack it, you loose these things, and slowly die, depending how bad the crack or break is.

And another way you can die other from destroying your battery, is by not charging it. And the way you charge your battery, is but having a little thrill every once and a while. And by thrill, I mean having excitement. As the day goes on, your filling your battery with memories and such, but your battery can only hold so much, so you make a little more room in your battery. You charge it. And by charging it, you need to get your pulse moving, your adrenaline high, and get your heat beating faster. So to do this, you can be thrilled, or get excited.

You need to do this at least once a week. If you want you can do it once a day. And this makes your battery bigger. The older you are, the bigger the battery. And if you don't 'charge' your battery, you run out of room and your battery explodes, leaving you dead on the floor.

But the rules to having a battery is simple: Don't break it, crack it, or not charge your battery. And if you don't follow these rules, you die. Simple.

Now I'm guessing you're wondering what your battery looks like:

Although the battery doesn't have a cord to plug into the wall, and the color isn't always red. You see, the color changes to your mood, sort of like a mood ring, except this actually works. The more full your battery is, the more badly you need to charge it. Once your battery is completely full, it is time to charge it.

Now, what about all your other organs in your body that are suppose to keep you alive? Well, all those body parts are still there, except they don't keep you from dying. Your battery does. But your organs still help you to be a human. Your brain still helps you to think, your heart to pass blood, your guts to make poop. But if you lost those organs, you would just loose what that body part did. I mean, if you lost your lungs, you wouldn't be able to breathe, talk, blow bubbles, and other things that required air. You'd still be living, but you'd be living a very hard life.

Life's hard now, and a lot more cautious then normal. But humans have still found a way to survive. But we still have a huge mystery always in the back of our minds. And that mystery is how all this battery crap happened. No one knows really. Our ancestors who were in the incident of the battery making either never told, forgot because of age, or never lives to tell the tell. Humans do have theories. Some think it was aliens, others robots. But no one knows for sure. And one day, I'd like to be the one who fin out.

Oh and by the way, my name's Chase. But most people call me Cash. Reason why is because Chase is such an old fashioned name. I'm fourteen, and I seem to be the only person who cares about the mystery of the batteries. I live in Oomphton, a place that used to be called Philadelphia. Welcome to my battery life.
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