

It’s turning fall, the smell of wood burning in the air, the orange leaves, it’s just the perfect time to write. UH can you think of a better aesthetic? Maybe it’s just me I don’t know. Anywho, as a roleplayer of many years I guess my cravings change all the time. One second I want some action packed thrill, then the next a normal slice of life. And I KNOW this is every person saying this, but I can roleplay about anything. So I guess I’m not that interesting, but hey at least I got this introduction over with. (;・∀・)
Welcome to the site! I actually agree, I get most of my writing done in fall and winter, to be honest. It's just too darn cold to go outside, so it's not hard to find the creativity to write just purely out of boredom. Something else about fall is the crisp air and I swear, it has a smell! Not like a flower does, but it's just so cold that you can practically smell it. Anyway, I hope you've had a good time so far! It's nice to meet you, you can call me Misty :)

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