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Multiple Settings ♡ Aya's Roleplay Search ♡

Burned Out

Magic Eight Ball
Hello there! My name is Burned Out, but you can just call me Aya. I go by she/they pronouns. I've been roleplaying for at least 7+ years, and have quite a bit of experience. I range anywhere from literate to advanced literate! I can roleplay on here, or on Discord.

I'm open to doing any gender pairing as well as playing any gender. (I am also doubling friendly) This post is going to be LONG, so I'll have what you're looking for in bold! All of my plots will be listed down below, as well as all of my fandoms. If you're interested in roleplaying with me, just comment down below or send me a PM! I don't bite!

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩☆♬○♩●♪✧♩☆♬○♩●♪✧♩ ☆♬○♩●♪✧♩☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  

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*** :Means that I am very interested in this currently

** :Means I like it, but I'm only a little interested in this right now

* :Means I'm not really looking for this right now, but I'll try it if you're sure we can get a good story from it

Plot 1**

(Will play A or B)

Muse A is a well known police officer in [insert] city. They're the best police detective that's the city has known in years, but there's one criminal they've never been able to catch. Muse B is a well known mob boss, passed down from generation to generation. Nobody knows what their real identity is, and they seem to like to torment law enforcement. Muse A and Muse B have been at each other's throats since they first met. Always running into each other, having shootouts and it always ends in Muse B running away or escaping custody. Although Muse A and Muse B have a terrible secret. Muse A and Muse B have been married for years, and no one has any idea

Plot 2 **

(Will play A or B)

Muse A is the next in line for the throne. Although they have absolutely no interest in this title. Being raised from a royal family, you get pressure put on you constantly. Without fail. In an attempt to escape royal life, they make their way through the woods into the neighboring kingdom. They meet someone there who claims to be a peasant from the neighboring kingdom. Muse B and Muse A continue these secret meetups, Muse B being entirely unaware of Muse A's title. They soon fall in love, but there's a problem. Their kingdoms are on the verge of war, and in an attempt to bring their kingdoms together, Muse A is trapped in an arranged marriage. Although, once Muse A travels to the nextdoor kingdom to meet their betrothed, they discover that they're getting married to Muse B. The next in line to their kingdom.

Plot 3 ***

(Will play A or B)

Muse A is a well known doctor for [insert] hospital. They had been working there for years, and had quite the record. They were well liked by everyone, and like most people. All except, for Muse B. Muse B was a recently hired resident for the hospital, who immediately got settled in. It seemed like everyone liked Muse B, except for Muse A. Muse B, is unfortunately a massive people pleaser. They, for some reason, cannot take the fact that Muse A doesn't like them. So they try and try to get Muse A to like them, although it takes awhile for Muse A to finally warm up.

Plot 4 **

(Will play A or B)

Muse A was a superhero. They'd been born with their powers, and they would most likely die because of them. The position of superhero was thrust upon them, but they took it with pride. They enjoyed being the protector of the city. Muse B is their arch nemesis, also born with powers. After being cast aside for their entire life, they made it a point to inflict pain on the people who had wronged them. Everyday it was the same fight, until something goes wrong. In a collapsing building, Muse B becomes unconscious and trapped. Muse A saves them, and takes them home. Although Muse B seems to have lost their memory when they wake up.

Plot 5 **

(Will play B, might play A)

Muse A had an imaginary friend when they were a kid. It wasn't just any imaginary friend, though. It was the kind of imaginary friend that doesn't go away with age, causing your parents to think you're crazy and putting you in therapy for years. Eventually, with so many people telling you over and over again, you convince yourself that it was just an imaginary friend. But what if it wasn't? Muse A buys their childhood home from their parents to help them with retirement. The moment they step in the house, a wave of nostalgia passes over them. Not just nostalgia. They begin to smell vanilla, when a figure appears right in front of them. Muse B, the ghost of a person who had died a couple of years before Muse A's parent's bought the house, isn't happy with Muse A for abandoning them. Their "imaginary" Friend.

Plot 6 ***

(Will play B, might play A)

Muse A is a notorious troublemaker. Their face is on every wanted poster in the city. Although, they're never seen without their darling partner. Muse B. It's a whole Joker and Harley situation, but y'know. Healthy. Muse B wasn't always into the whole criminal thing, but how can you say no to someone like Muse A? Now everyone knows that they're a packaged deal. However, during a robbery gone wrong, Muse B gets caught. After spending months in prison, Muse A comes to rescue them. Muse B isn't all that happy to see them anymore.

Plot 7 *

(Will play B, might play A)

Muse A is your not so average assassin. Quickly after being sworn in to their organization, they scaled to the top. They get their kill, 100% of the time. The best way to do it, is to just ask no questions and go in. Muse B, is Muse A's newest target. Just a measly local artist. What's so hard about that? What Muse A doesn't know yet, is that Muse B is immortal. And they've certainly met before.

Plot 8 *

(Will play B, might play A)

Muse A was not what you would call...relationship material. They had gained a bit of a reputation around their town. Many had ignored their warnings in hopes of "fixing" Muse A. The arrogant, cocky player. They would often date someone, break their heart, and move onto the next. That was until the met Muse B. Muse B had moved to Muse A's town for college. Not knowing any better, Muse B is charmed by Muse A. But before Muse A can back out without hurting Muse B, they realize that they've already gone in too far.

Plot 9 ***

(Will play A or B)

Throughout their childhood, Muse A and Muse B were best friends. They were inseparable. Attached at the hip, as most would say. Through their middle school and teen years, they managed to stay just as close. Closer, in fact, when Muse A asked Muse B out at the beginning of Freshman year. For a good 5 years, Muse A and Muse B were happily together. Even having their own apartment. But Muse A wanted to move. They wanted to start their own business with their friends. To become some big shot. Muse B wanted to stay, they wanted to settle down someday with Muse A. That year, they broke up. They hadn't spoken to each other since. Until, a decade later, Muse A's company opens a branch in their home town. And they bump into Muse B.

Plot 10 *

(Will play A or B)

Muse A was just about sick of all of this soulmate talk. This didn't have anything to do with the fact that they didn't have one. That red string on every person's finger except for theirs. One day, Muse B comes to the city. They talk about strange ideas like choosing your own soulmate. Everyone thinks that Muse B is crazy, except for Muse A. Muse A and Muse B enter a relationship. Only then, does Muse A finally see their string. It doesn't connect to Muse B, but neither of them care. Not even when Muse A meets their "true" soulmate. They'll fight against destiny and the universe together.

Plot 11 **

(Will play B, might play A)

"I'll always be by your side." Was the last thing that Muse A said to Muse B before Muse A died in a sudden car accident. It left Muse B absolutely heartbroken, sulking around their shared home for weeks. What Muse B didn't know, is that Muse A meant it. Exactly 6 weeks after Muse A's death, Muse B woke to a startling rumble. The floor of their home was opening. Unable to escape, Muse B falls into the void, where they land in the middle of a line of people. Looking around, they see two things. Muse A waving at them from some sort of entrance, and a sign that reads "Welcome to Hell"

Plot 12 ***

(Will play A or B)

Muse A wasn't interested in a relationship. Well, they were. But they also weren't. They just had so much going on in their life. They didn't have time for things like love. Even if they wish they did. Muse B, however, could always make time for love. Especially since they'd been hopelessly in love with Muse A for as long as they've known them. Muse A, loved Muse B back. They were constantly flirting with them just to get a reaction. Again, they didn't have time for love. One day, at a party that Muse B drags Muse A to, Muse A sees Muse B dancing and flirting with someone else. Their blood boils, and the tables turn. Suddenly, nothing else matters anymore.

Plot 13 **

(Will play B, might play A)

Muse A was a loving and devoted partner. They'd only had eyes for Muse B since the moment that they met each other all that time ago. Muse A wasn't usually the fondest of other people. They had dry and sarcastic humor which often times came off as rude. Muse B understood Muse A, and loved them for who they were. Muse A seemed normal, for the most part. They lived in a big city. People died everyday. Muse B just couldn't figure out why all of the people dying lately were people that had wronged Muse B somehow. That was until they'd caught Muse A in the act. Muse A was terrified that Muse B would leave them, but to their surprise, Muse B wanted in.

Plot 14 **

(Will play A or B}

La Diosa was a bit of a haven for criminals in the city. It was populated with a wide range of people. From the most dangerous crime boss, to the petty house thief. It was the perfect place to hide out. There was a bar, a stage, and hotel rooms for whatever business they wanted to get up to. Hotel staff and police alike ignored whatever went on in that place. Muse A was a bartender there, and had been for many years. Muse B was a performer, and was quite the crowd pleaser. Although in reality, Muse A and Muse B are both undercover superheroes looking to gain more information on their targets.

Plot 15 ***

(Will play A or B)

Muse A and Muse B have been destined for each other since they were kids. Just not by their choice. Muse A and Muse B were both the next in line for their kingdoms. And ever since they were 10, they've spent every summer together. And every summer was filled with bickering and childish fighting. When Muse A turned 16, their kingdom went to war. Which meant that their yearly visits to Muse B's kingdom had come to an end. After 3 years of fighting, Muse A's kingdom had won the war. And to celebrate, there was going to be a festival in Muse A's kingdom. Which is where the two ex enemies reunite after years of being apart.

Plot 16 ***

(Will play B, might play A)

Muse A is one of the people at the top of the food chain in a crime mafia. Muse B is the child of the big boss. The thing that they want to be protected most of all. Due to recent threats and deteriorating alliances with local gangs, Muse B's father had assigned Muse A as a bodyguard. They were never to let Muse B out of their sight under any circumstances. But Muse B isn't about to make it easy on them.

Plot 17 ***

(Will play A or B)

(Basically just the plot of MHA, but with OCs instead of cannon characters)

In a world where people are born with powers, youngsters everywhere are made to go to school to learn how to control them. Every year, a select number of students are chosen or nominated to go beyond their basic training to pursue a higher form of power education. These students are often born with strong powers, and have shown exemplary control over said powers. Muse A and Muse B were both at the top of their classes in their old schools. They quickly become friends, but their desire to one up each other can make things a bit heated.

Plot 18 ***

(Will play B, might play A)

Muse A was one of the most notorious villains in history. They'd made quite a big name for themselves, and was planning on going even further. Muse B was the city's beloved sidekick. That's right. Sidekick. Muse B was the sidekick to the most well known superhero of all time. Who happened to be Muse A's arch nemesis. So what was better than kidnapping Muse B? The only issue, is that Muse B and Muse A fall for each other. And they have to keep their relationship secret.

Plot 19 **

(Will play B, might play A)

Muse A was in love with Muse B. Unbelievably, totally in love. They knew everything about Muse B. Their favorite music, color, perfume, where they lived. And they would do anything for them. The only thing Muse B knew about Muse A, was that they were regular at the coffee shop Muse B worked at. Muse A didn't like the word stalker. They preferred "devoted follower". But one day, Muse A finally gets the guts to ask out Muse B. And to their surprise, Muse B agrees.

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The Umbrella Academy ***
Adventure Time ***
Gravity Falls **
Percy Jackson **
My Hero Academia (I'm only on season 2 right now, so you'll need to keep that in mind)**
Harry Potter *
Youtube ***
Be More Chill *
21 Chump Street *
South Park **
UnOrdinary *
Sally Face **
Sanders Sides **
Toradora ***
Camp Camp ***
Lore Olympus ***
Dream Daddy **
Stardew Valley ***
Little Nightmares **
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